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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
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#823765 added July 28, 2014 at 10:46pm
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This one's about kissin', serenity, and a ten spot.
30DBC PROMPT: "Tell and share something about your kiss. What each kiss means.  Open in new Window."

Yes y'all! It's Monday and I managed to catch up finally from under all the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window. prompts I missed over the weekend while I was chillin' in Buffalo...which means I can get back to crankin' out lengthy essays regarding life and shit. Get comfy and dial yourself in, because I have no idea where this ship is going this afternoon/evening.

30DBC Creator/Founder Author IconMail Icon, you cheeky bastard! *Laugh* *Blush* Thanks for gettin' all sorts of forward on us today! Like, I, ummm, don't know how I feel about talking about kissing because maybe that'll send the wrong message to some people out there, ya know? I never thought I'd have to worry about this kind of thing, but there are definitely some rockstar-level fans out there who've made me reconsider just how much and of what I should be sharing, and a prompt like this blows the cover off all that.

A deep, passionate tongue kiss is a whole body thing to me. I feel it everywhere and want to share that. It's almost better than sex in that there's the exploration of feelings involved without the deep pressings of flesh. I'm feeling you enough on a higher level than, say, an acquaintance. There are implied reasons of a relationship..."this could be more" or "you're hotter than my aunt and we're not related, so this is great". Same thing with hugs, but on a lesser level. I hug with my body and my emotions. I get up in close and tight. A hug is the greatest thing ever. I'm smashing my body up against you in non-sexual ways...the closest conveyance of embrace. There's an exchange of mutual admiration and appreciation in one of my tight hugs.

Kissing is a little weirder. I'm part Italian, and I'm liable to kiss you on the cheek (guys or girls) when I see you. Not the Hollywood appreciation obligatorial pseudo-smooch, but a full-on, my lips and your cheek kiss that if it were any harder, it'd leave a mark. I'm expressive that way. It doesn't mean I wanna make out with you...it means I'm glad to see you and you're important to me. I never asked to be significant or worthy of this kind of showing of expressions. I just am.

But being in love with someone and kissing them is great times the world's infinity. To be able to feel that deeply for someone and express it orally through the sensual communication only tongues can do in the heat of the moment is breathtaking and awe-inspiring. I advise you all now, if you haven't lately, to deep-kiss your lover. Forget about everything else and collapse yourselves into the moment. Don't be in love; be love. Do it up right, and don't thank me when you're done...name your next kid after me, and we'll be cool.

BCF PROMPT: "The serene philosophy of the pink rose is steadying. Its fragrant, delicate petals open fully and are ready to fall, without regret or disillusion, after only a day in the sun. It is so every summer. One can almost hear their pink, fragrant murmur as they settle down upon the grass: 'Summer, summer, it will always be summer.' - Rachel Peden What is your serene philosophy? Or what is summer to you? Chose the question you like best or answer both of them, whichever you like."

I don't have a "summer philosophy". As long as I don't have to shovel, I don't care what happens outside. It's been raining all day amidst the backdrop of "summer", and I'm glad now that I at least have an umbrella so I don't have to rely on wide-brimmed hats to shelter me from the bane of summer's existence while I'm walkin' these Cortland streets. But I wonder if I have any philosophy, and I kinda don't, beyond "don't be a dick" and "accept people for who they are" and "hard work only gets you harder work". I guess trying to keep things simple is a philosophy, but you and I both know this world isn't quite built like that. Seems like everything's designed with complications to verify your struggles. If I had the answers for that, we wouldn't have a need for the means of "This one's about my first million, spent.Open in new Window..

Tell you what...stay young, make sure you have all the food you need, don't get stressed, and sleep with your head above your body. Baller philosophy, right there. Be the breaks you can make for yourself. It's not a cure for lacking happiness, but maybe it's a start.


The closest philosophy I've adhered to in all of my life.

"It's my philosophy, on the industry...Don't bother dissing me, or even wishing we'd
soften, dilute, or commercialize all the lyrics, cause it's about time one of y'all hear it."
Lyrics.  Open in new Window.


Blog City image small

*Documentbl* "Ten things that you think make people interesting."

Really? You can't hold me to this, right? *Smirk*

1) A genuine smile. It's telling and it shows, no matter what.

2) Scars. If they wanna talk about it.

3) Their openness to differing opinions.

4) A coincidental taste in music.

5) Other mutual interests, hobbies, etc.

6) All visual...is that person physically appealing?

7) Personality. People tend to gravitate toward the bigger personalities.

8) A pocket full of nothin' disguised as a Fuck You.

9) Their brains, especially after I said "Fuck You!".

10) Ugh...no, all day, ugh.

This isn't a consequential list, nor is it meant to rank traits in any particular order. This would probably change too, depending on the day and my mood.

*Suitcase* So yeah, I'm back from my trip west to Buffalo, and I had a great time. Along with visiting some old neighborhoods, I managed to see some old friends and hit up the Our Lady Of The Blessed Sacrament lawn fete, a WNY tradition. I got me some Mighty Taco  Open in new Window., and also got a chance to go to Scharf's  Open in new Window. at their new location, another Buffalo tradition. I sang some karaoke at Garden Park Cafe  Open in new Window., one of my old hangouts. All in all, a good trip back through the ol' stompin' grounds.

*Sleep* If you're like me and you've got sleep issues, you'll find this link beneficial...College Humor's Guide On Falling Asleep  Open in new Window.. Very much a true account of the best-laid intentions.

*Bookstack3* I don't remember if I mentioned this last week, but I'm officially a college student now!! Registered for classes, awaiting a date with my adviser, and technically I coul graduate a semester early thanks to my failed previous attempt at schoolin' many years ago. Yay me!

Well, cheers to being caught up now in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUSOpen in new Window.. I think it's a good time to step back, maybe read a little, and come tomorrow resume the normal pace of activities when it comes to this blogging thing. Forgive me for seeming a little proud of myself, as this is the first time in all my years of doing the 30DBC that I've been able to catch up after falling behind and not throwing in the towel just 'cuz I missed a day or two. Serial prompts at the end of the month now have nothin' on me! Peace, I think very deeply, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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