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Rated: E · Book · Contest Entry · #1984765
Entries for the 10 Days of Spring Contest
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#812230 added April 2, 2014 at 2:10pm
Restrictions: None
Visions of Cobalt
The Great Eye, the iris awash with vivid shades of blue gazed at her, white moonflowers and vines covering a face. If indeed, there was one for the flowers to cling to. Motes of cobalt flared amongst the leaves, stained the pearly petals with a faint blush of palest blue.  Voices began to whisper to her, deep within the recesses of her thoughts, growing ever louder.

A brief flash of silver appeared on the edges of her vision accompanied by a metallic chiming-

'By the Elements, not again!'

A young feminine voice, brimming with exasperation interrupted the silence of the darkened chamber. 'I'm awake, might as well get up now.'

The sound of flint striking against flint rang out, followed by a spark of bright yellow. Radiance flared, flame birthed atop a candle fixed to a shallow metal dish. Gradually the gloom lessened, banished by mellow candlelight. Pale hands set the fire starting stones atop a small table, reached for a clay jug, and drinking vessel. A translucent stream of water flowed from the jug, into the mug. The crude cup was lifted, and then stopped moving.

A young woman, garbed in a white sleeping shift sat up, rough woollen blankets drawn near her waist. She stared down at the reflection upon the surface of the water. Her face, deep emerald eyes circled by dark smudges, a sign of interrupted rest, framed by long ebony hair danced upon the surface of the liquid, dispersed as her breath caused the water to ripple.

That same dream, night after night. What can it mean?  That Eye must signify something of import, but I can't fathom the meaning. The cup was then drained of its contents and placed on the bedside table.

The blankets were pushed back.  The sturdy wooden frame creaked loudly as the occupant vacated the bed.  She walked towards a nearby window, the bare soles of her feet slapping against the cool stone slabs of the floor.  As she approached the wooden shutters, fluted birdsong reached her.  She smiled, enjoyed the chattering song.  One of the signs that indicated spring was finally here.  The early mornings no longer carried the brisk snap of cold upon the breeze.  Winter surrendered its implacable grip, gave way to spring.  She flung open the shutters, looked down into the Temple courtyard.

Night relinquished its hold over the skies, the stars faded as the sun touched the distant horizon.  Moonflowers, their blooms slowly opened under the first touch of warm sunlight gleamed.  Their scent reached the young maiden, borne aloft by the early morning wind.  She inhaled deeply, then sighed.  With the arrival of warmer days, change also came with it.

Soon the time of her Ceremony of Pledging would come upon her.  Her service to the Goddess of Wisdom, Alar would commence.  She would set aside the vestments of a Novice and don the garments of a full Priestess.

I should be joyous that my Ceremony will take place, yet I'm troubled.  That Eye, resplendent with blue means something.  The moonflower, the emblem of the Goddess I can understand.  What does the rest signify?  I don't understand.  She listened to burble of the fountain.  Once the Ceremony is over, I'll seek guidance from one of the Anastri residing here.

Spring now held the world within it's gentle grip.  Everything would renew, even her.

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