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A third attempt at this blogging business. |
30DBC PROMPT: "If you could travel either 113 years into the past OR into the future, which would you choose? (You are ONLY an observer, and cannot influence anything.)" What's up folks? What to do here...what to do? I love that for any other intents or purposes, 113 would seem like an awfully strange number to go zippin' back or forth in time to, but because 13 isn't enough either way, let's add a hundred to it and because it's WDC's 13th birthday week, but 113 is more outrageous. Truthfully, I'd just as soon jettison this prompt into either one just to say I've got this entry in the bag during the year of 2013. But I'll do the right thing and play along. Either way, you're gonna be screwed. If you go back in time, you're not gonna have all of the technology and other creature comforts we've grown accustomed to. If you go forward into history, you're not gonna know what all these newfangled inventions do. Personally, I'd rather see you dropping off my old self from 1900, along with my 2116 version, just to see how we'd all get along (assuming, of course, there's still a world left in 2116 that hasn't been laid to waste by pollution and/or politicians). Would we duke it out battle-royal style? Would we double-cross each other until we all stopped talking to one another? Or would a pretty girl catch our eye, forcing us to try and one-up ourselves for her attention? Here's how it'd really do down (my story, so my rules)...these fools are guests in my life and times. They're the ones out of place, not me, so I/them/we better learn to put up and shut up if they're gonna get anywhere with any kind of help from me. But I/them/we already knew that. Probably 'cuz we're kinda smart like that. So after 2013 me lays down the ground rules, we'd probably all get along just well enough to not wanna kill each other, but we won't be attending the others' weddings anytime soon. No matter what century I'm in, apparently none of us is the marryin' type. ![]() BCF PROMPT: "Describe a favorite photograph you've taken or one some else has taken that you really enjoy. Please, share with us so we can enjoy it with you!" Ironically, the day after I went on the record (again) as stating that WDC should change their photo uploading limits to allow for higher-resolution images to be shared (which would make the process for including pictures much easier if we don't have to edit them first to have them fall under WDC's strict 400x400, 100kb max guidelines), we're asked to describe and a picture we enjoy. I'll let the emoticons do the talking for me: ![]() The problem is that I don't own a copy of the picture I most enjoy of myself. The beautiful thing is that it was actually taken around thirteen years ago...but it was taken on a 35mm disposable camera. If you're all like, "Wow, people still used film in the year 2000?", now might be a good time to remind you that I was the lab manager in a drug store's photo department as recently as 2011...and we were still processing anywhere from 15-30 rolls of 35mm film on a given day. I wasn't even part of the intended picture. I believe it was a coworker's high school graduation party, and she was hugging another coworker that I was pretty good friends with. They were standing in their embrace a good few feet in front of me as I was talking to other people. I must've heard the person taking the picture saying that word...the word you say when you want people to smile but then they're disappointed immediately after because, unbelievable, there is usually no cheese to be had. A scam if I ever heard one. ![]() It was around sunset, which was not only captured beautifully in the sunset but also on my face, as I still had my prescription sunglasses on. And for some reason I'm sort of crouched down, doing the traditional Rock N' Roll devil horns (emoticon that, please?) with my hand and my tongue is sticking out about as far as it could go. And because of the flash and my prescription lenses being dark but not that dark, I've got the eeriest red-eye going on in the picture. I looked like some sort of cross between a midget ninja and a garden gnome. At least that's what the girl hosting the party said later. Somehow I never got a copy of that picture, although I did ask for one. And I would totally share it right now if I did own one, but the original is probably tucked away in an album or shoebox or whatever people with pictures that were actually printed out did with them back in the day. Mine just stayed in the envelope for the most part. Now if need to use film, I just have 'em burned onto a cd (usually, now it's just burning whatever's on a memory card to cd instead, so I can clear it off buying a brand new memorty card because the rest got full and I was lazy). And all that really means is the envelopes are a little lighter, because the cd's are still in the envelopes they were ordered in. Haven't looked at the images on the discs in years. And if I haven't now, chances are slim that I probably ever will. MUSICAL BREAK!! ![]() ![]() Fun Fact! The producer of the album this song is on was allegedly so ugly he was nicknamed Mutt, eventually married and divorced Shania Twain. THE DAILY BOX SCORE: ![]() ![]() ![]() You'd think it'd just be obvious that people on Twitter would be following Twitter, but I suppose it's nice to know that Twitter doesn't just force out Tweets about themselves unsolicited (unless, of course, you're already following them, like 36 of the people, bands and places I follow are). And if you're wondering, ShareThis is the company that actually tweets out your WDC blog entry when you want to share it. If you're already using Twitter, try it...a new tab opens, and with your entry's title, mini-URL and "Writing.com via Share This" are in the entry field (all of which are editable as well). And that's one to grow on... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9J0PYZcWsU. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And all of the sudden I've managed to go from "keepin' this one short" to "dammit, I can't believe it's this long again"...which is probably my cue to wrap this thing up for tonight (and stop that damn Facebook notification chime from going off again). Peace, I wanna touch you, and GOODNIGHT NOW!! |