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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1901263
When you end up loving another person and you are stuck between a rock and hard place.
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#764544 added May 13, 2016 at 9:48pm
Restrictions: None
A perfect day for Autumn
         She was the most amazing woman that had ever walked into his life, and the most amazing to walk out. It started as a simple run in at the park, the leaves where turning over to that wonderful orange and brown color and there was a slight breeze in the air. A gentleman in a gray suit was sitting on a bench overlooking the lake and enjoying the view. He always enjoyed the just relaxing in the park after a long stressful day. It was the only time he was able to fully release the stress from his work life as well as his home life. Looking at his watch he decided it was well past time to start walking home. He hated life in the city, everyone hustling around and pushing and shoving each other to get to where they considered important. The park was the only place where he could get away from all of the commotion.  As he got up to leave a runner came by and ran into him. Recovering instantly he looked over and saw the runner had hit the ground pretty hard. Walking over to the runner he assisted them up. Their hat fell off and that is when he realized the runner was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.
         “I am so sorry miss, I honestly didn’t see you. I hope you are not hurt in any way?” replied the name as looked into her deep green eyes.
         Looking back at him she smiled and looked at her watch and replied, “I am fine physically, but I my pride is a little bruised. I was making good time until I hit you. Besides I should be the one to apologize, I am the one who ran into you. My name is Autumn, Autumn Spires.”
         Looking down the man took her hand and smiled back, “it is very nice to meet you Mrs. Spires, and I am Jonathon Randall.”
         “Well Mr. Randall, I hate to hit and run but I have another four miles to do.”
         “Of course I understand, hopefully we will run into each other again,” replied Jonathon, as he watched her start a slow jog.
         Autumn turned around and yelled back, “maybe not so much the run into but it would be nice to see you again. Take care of yourself, Jonathon!”
         Her paced quicken until her silhouette disappeared in the distance. Jonathon stood there in the middle of the path alone. As the breeze picked up and stirred up the leaves, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wedding band. Looking down at it he sighed and placed it back on his ring finger, picked up his brief case and headed home.
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