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Announcements pertaining to Writing.Com! |
Greetings! A whole bunch of people have noticed that we added "has tagged You" notifications to your Updates feed. I meant to get this announcement in shortly after we released it, but other birthday stuff got in the way... then we had plans for most of today that kept me from time to post. Tagged notifications in your Updates feed are there to tell you when someone has used a WritingML tag to reference you somewhere in the site. Any of the user tags, including {s-user} and {user} ... For newbies, the WritingML tag for your username looks like this: {user:YOURUSERNAME} and if I substitute user "support" for YOURUSERNAME, it produces this: Writing.Com Support ![]() ![]() The new notification system will only show you a tag one time per entry, post, item body, etc. You will not get a tag notice each time there's an edit. But note that in the initial stages of this, more active members are likely to see more tagged notifications than normal, as with each initial edit of a popular group item or donors list, you'll get a notification. These "extra" notifications should subside pretty quickly and soon enough it will be all "new" tags. We think this is a pretty important thing for the community and had discussed adding it some time ago, but the idea got lost in the shuffle. A few days ago, The StoryMistress ![]() An important note is that you will not get tag notifications for private items, entries, etc. If you get a tag notification, it means you were able to access where ever the tag was left at the time you were tagged. We are missing a few places they should be and we'll add them as we find them... But, of course, there are NO tagging notices for things like email, IM, scrolling messages, etc. I know some of you may be itching to filter these out of your Updates thanks to the initial "edit-woosh" described above, but please hang out on that thought for now and bear with it... In the long run, you don't want to hide these (*waves hand in a Jedi like way*). But in answer to the question: Yes, in the future, we'll be looking at filtering and exclusion options for you to use incase you're getting too much in your Updates. In the near future, we'll be updating the tag notification line to give more information about where you've been tagged; ie: post, item, entry, etc. [[Edited to note that this is now done.]] Updates will also be getting some other notifications and information to the feed as time goes on as that's always been part of the plan; Badge and Awardicon giving/receiving actions will be very soon. Best wishes, ~~SM |