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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/748186
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#748186 added March 2, 2012 at 11:19pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about March 2nd.

That's a fine "how do you do?" folks! What's good, people? Same old same old here. I'm liking the way this "new structure" for the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is set up. Fridays are basically open prompts about your day. I can dig it...as long as I have fantastical Fridays, or at least better ones than today. Not to say today was bad, but it was pretty uneventful.

Allow me a moment to rewind the day on the security tapes in my head...hold steady, because the footage is a little blurry. Maybe I can find a story somewhere that doesn't include the typical genital jokes, old person jokes, and stupid people jokes. Wow, this is harder than I thought. I don't even have a hockey game on that I'd want to watch tonight that I could talk about. Well, technically, the Sabres game ended after midnight last night, so that counts, right? Ehhhh. Ryan Miller has the boys on a tear with two straight shutouts, so hopes for making the playoffs are looking up.

I guess at work the gist of today was more focused on tomorrow. Usually I work 8am-4pm on Saturdays. I promise you I won't be winning any "time and attendance" awards anytime soon, that's for sure. Lately I've been slipping in that department, for various factors (some of which I could not control). My fiasco a few weeks ago about calling five minutes after my shift started to see if everything was working or I'm not coming in, coupled with the power I vested in myself to switch my schedule on Saturdays from 8am-4pm to 10am-6pm at the last minute, really tweaked my boss' last nerve. Add that on top of her feeling like I'm not very productive at times, and that led to a nice little sit-down verbal ass-whoopin' a few days ago.

So your boy, Mr. Time and Attendance over here, managed to get his ass to work twenty minutes early today. And he still found himself punching the timeclock at 8:01. Go friggin' figure.

Bosslady left for a meeting or whatever and came back in quite a mood. She was stressed, and she wanted to go home, but given the nature of my position, my blessings aren't quite good enough. I came into the office at one point and she said, "You do realize you're here by yourself at 7:30am tomorrow, right?" I looked right at her and said, "I know. It's cool." End of story, right? *Laugh* Why would it be if I was telling you all about it?

So she's like, 1/2 kidding and 1/2 serious when she retorted, "So you know you can't just call someone five minutes after the store opens to say you're not gonna be here, right?" I almost reached for the paper towels to clean up her dripping sarcasm. I just kinda looked down, shuffled my feet, shook my head and said, "So can I just text myself at 7:35 to say I'll be late?"

That actually made her laugh.


The best part of the day actually came on the ride home given to me courtesy of Jessica's son, and is sponsored by http://www.edge.ca/. The beauty of living in Buffalo is that we're in such close proximity to Toronto that we can pick up their alternative rock station, which plays much better music than Buffalo's leading alternative rock station. Part of the reason (from what I've heard) is that the on playlists of Canadian music stations, via some sort of law, 60% of the artists or bands played must be Canadian. And that's really cool and interesting, because there are a lot of great Canadian bands out there that are wildly popular in border cities like Buffalo and Detroit, but noplace else in the states. A band like The Tragically Hip can sell out First Niagara Center (where the Sabres play...say it with me..."The F'N Center" *Laugh* or sell out a 4-show run of dates at the famed Artpart Ampitheater in Lewiston, but when they tour down south, they might play a bar that has five people there, including the bartender. I know people who have moved to places like the Carolinas and Florida who can attest to this. It's amazing.

Anyway, the drive home is about three songs long, and it's been a long time since I last was able to say this: Three kick-ass songs on the radio, in a row! And yes, two of the bands are Canadian, and the other singer is a legend and it features a pretty prominent performer in his own right. So this, friends, was the soundtrack for my voyage from work to home:




Best. Ride. Home. In a long time.


*Bullet**Check* I can tell you what I don't have to bitch about...a hockey emoticon. (With all apologies to Brother Nature , who's attempted to craft a few of his own that I've stolen.)

*Partyhaty* So, what else about today? Don't judge me for using the "party hat" emoticon this way, but it does look like a slice of pizza. Tops Markets has their own private label pizzas, and that's dinner. Bacon Cheeseburger pizza. I also picked up a Barbecue Chicken pizza, similar to the one we sell at work. They even have a Bacon Chicken Ranch pizza...don't know how I feel about that. Still, nothing comes close to my own Texas Red Hot pizza. What is it? It's a Buffalo thing, so you wouldn't understand. *Smirk*

Well, that about ends it. Another typical day around here. Boring, but that's how it's gotta be sometimes. Hope yours was better. Peace, love, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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