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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1724159
Arranged Love is based during the Civil War in Georgia.
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#711224 added November 16, 2010 at 5:30am
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Arranged Love Chapter 1-8

Abraham Lincoln was elected as President and South Carolina used his victory as a signal for them to secede from the Union They were followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Georgia. Georgia seceded from the Union on January 19, 1861 and joined the Confederacy in February. Hundreds of thousands of young men from ‘The State of Georgia’ were sent to fight in armies in Virginia          

The Confederate President Davis thought Georgia was safe from invasion so he had munitions factories set up throughout the state. Kirk Ashland had volunteered his shipping company for their use, hoping it was not destroyed afterward. He pushed his reading glasses further up on his nose as he looked through some of the papers he had laying on his desk.          

He got up and looked out of the window of his study. He could not help but smile as he watched his daughter riding over the field. He couldn’t help but to be glad that everybody thought that if a war were to come this it would not come this far down. He didn’t want Brittney to be affected by war. A war that would bring devastation and destruction to friends and loved ones. Kirk had been hiding the newspapers so she would not read them.

He watched as his daughter reigned in her horse and stopped. He saw her turn in her saddle and that was when he saw another horse approaching her.


Brittney waited patiently on her horse as she heard shouts coming from behind her. She pulled the bonnet back onto her head, to shade her face from the sun. She leaned down and stroked her horse to let the mare know everything was alright. “Whoa, be good Goldy.” She often talked the horse.          

The horse and rider came up beside her. She gave him a hard look as she looked him over. As they came eye to eye, Brittney could not help but to notice that his eyes were as blue as the clear sky. His face was tanned from being in the sun and he had the body of hard working farmer.          

A smile slowly crept onto his face. “Good day, mam,” he said as reigned in his own horse. “Pretty horse you have there.” He tipped his hat to her, showing his blondish brown hair. “I am Sylvester Rushmore, but you can call me Sly."          

“Mr. Rushmore.” Brittney let him take her hand and then quickly withdrew it. She had felt a small charge run through her as he touched her. “What can I do for you?”          

“Miss . . . Uh, I am sorry I didn’t catch your name.” He had felt a pleasant tinge as he touched her.          

“I did not throw it, sir.” Brittney bit her lip. “You have business here?” She was starting to get a little nervous, but was trying to pull herself together. She usually rode with her governess, but had snuck out today. Papa was strict about riding by herself.          

“I do, as a matter of fact.” Sly admitted to her. “I saw you riding and thought you could use some company.” He smirked, “and if that did not work, I have an appointment with Mr. Ashland.”          

“Oh,” Brittney was looking towards the house. “I am sure he is waiting for you.” She took her reigns in hand and was about to leave as he stopped her.          

“Do you know him, then?” Sly looked over at her holding his hat down as a gust of wind swooped over him.          

“I love him, sir.” With that she took off and she heard him right behind her.          

“So you are his wife, then?” He wanted to know more about her; she looked too young to be Kirk’s wife. He watched as her face lit into a smile and she started to laugh.          

“I am his daughter, sir.” She stopped Goldy at the fence and got off the horse, calmly talking to her. “If you have business with him, you should probably go in.” She smoothed out her long skirt while she was talking to him.          

He slipped off his horse, “I should probably take care of Thunder first, Miss Ashland. I assume you are not married.” He could not take his eyes away from the blue-green depths of her own.          

“I will let you assume anything you like, Mr. Rushmore.” She put her horse inside the fence. “Good day, sir.”          

He watched as she left to go into the house. Sly smiled to himself as he remembered the jolt he had felt just touching her hand. He made up his mind to ride this way more often. One day he might even learn her name. He chuckled to himself as he tied up his horse and went into the house to see Kirk.

Chapter 1

The sun was shining brilliantly promising the perfect day. The rain shower from the previous day gave a new luster to the trees and flowers as the fragrances of spring invaded the inside of the house; making Brittney feel like she was wasting her day as she sat helping her father. That was when her day started to turn into the wrong direction.

Jenkins, the butler, announced him as she was taking notes for her father. “Mr. Sylvester Rushmore, sir.”

“Please show him in, Jenkins.” Kirk Ashland looked over at his daughter, pushing his reading glasses nervously up to his eyes. “Please leave us to attend to business for now. We will continue with the letters later.”

“Yes, Papa,” Brittney answered as she put away her notepad and pen. She was very proud of her father. Even though he had inherited his business from her dear grandfather, he had managed to keep the business going even through the rough times. She noticed suddenly how tired he seemed as he ran his fingers through his hair now tinged with some distinguished gray at the temples.

Brittney heard soft footsteps at the study door as she stood up to leave. Suddenly Mr. Rushmore was there. As he stood tall and arrogant, he allowed his eyes to roam around the room; taking in every detail. His eyes finally rested on her. Her father noticed this and was pleased, yet anxious. He knew Brittany, the light of his life, had absolutely no idea of how strikingly beautiful she was. Brittany looked a lot like her mother did at her age. She had her mother’s blue green eyes along with the small tilted nose with tender lips. The wavy jet black hair was the only feature she got from her father. The beautifully tailored emerald green dress she was wearing, not only set off her eyes, but showed every curve of her lithe figure. Inside Kirk was angry because of what he was going to ask her do to secure her future. It was unfair, but as Sly had asked for her hand in marriage two weeks ago, it was time to give him an answer. Kirk wanted to make sure that Mr. Rushmore was the right man for him to choose for her. He wanted to know that she was taken care of if anything should happen to him. He sighed, tiredly, as he asked Sly to take a seat.

“I am sorry, Brit. Please leave us; I will call for you when we are done.”

Brittney went over to her father and kissed his cheek, laughing to herself as she watched Mr. Rushmore’s expression. Straightening her dress, she tenderly stepped around him as he watched her.

At the age of nineteen, Brittany had the grace and maturity of someone much older. Her father felt that having to grow up without a mother had caused her to grow up too fast. Her mother died in childbirth and it had been very difficult for him to care for the little pink bundle named Brittany. Brittany had become Kirk’s life and he did the best he could, though goodness knows he made a lot of mistakes here and there along the way. She was very independent, headstrong, and was apt to do things her own way. Her way was always not a fitting way for a young lady to behave.

Brittany was thinking of the gentleman that was fixing to sit down with her father. The seemingly young Mr. Rushmore was tall, standing a foot taller than her as she guessed his age to be around twenty-four years of age and you could tell that he thought a lot about himself. Mr. Rushmore had come around a lot in the last couple of months and Brittney thought it was because he had business dealings with her father. He had the reputation of being a ladies’ man. Little did she know that she was to soon find out a lot more about him than she would dream possible.

Kirk watched as Brittney left the room. He was determined not to bring up the marriage until after other business was taken care of. “Sly, how has it been going?” He asked while pouring a glass of whiskey for his company. Kirk was a tall, imposingly handsome man, but he was not young. He was forty years of age when he had married Brittney’s mother and a couple years older than that when he had Brittney. His black hair had been blessed with gray streaks and he his face was weathered to the point of almost looking like leather.

“It has been good, sir.” Sly answered him with respect. He was having trouble getting the image of Brittney out of his head; Sly wished that it had been his cheek that she kissed. “They are adding security to your shipping company; the Confederacy has a good location there.”

Kirk nodded his head in agreement sitting down at his desk, while handing his company a glass. “That sounds well, then. President Davis has started to put prisoner camps in Andersonville. I hope we have no trouble out of that.” Shuffling his papers around on his desk, pretending that he was looking for a particular one, he asked Sly a question. “How do I know that you are the right choice for my daughter to marry?” Kirk looked him straight the eyes.

“Why do you ask that, sir?” Sly glanced over at Kirk. Sly was a handsome man by any woman’s standard.

Kirk stood up. “You, sir, have a reputation.” His face showed that he was very serious.

“I have a reputation?” Sly was amused. “As what . . . may I ask?” There was laughter in his blue eyes.

“A ladies’ man,” Kirk answered him straight.

Sly chuckled. “Wow . . . that is new to me.” Picking up his glass for the first time, he started to laugh. “That, Kirk, was probably a rumor started from one of the ‘ladies’ that chased after me,” He put the glass down. “She was a little too aggressive for my liking. I wouldn’t give her the time of day and she said that I would regret that.”

“Just a rumor?” Kirk stood and walked over to the window. It was a beautiful day outside. The sun was shining brilliantly over the acres of grain. He turned and walked back over to the desk.

“I walked away from her at somebody’s coming out party.” Sly was thinking how Brittney had looked at that party. “That was the first time I saw your daughter. What makes you think that I am not the right choice for your daughter, sir?”

“There have been plenty of men looking to court Brittney, but she has her own ideas.” Kirk told him. “She won’t make a choice, so I shall have to choose for her.”

“Sir, I want to marry your daughter!” Sly got up and headed for the door. “Do I have an answer?”

“One month from today, Sly.” Kirk sat down tiredly at his desk as he watched Sly walk out the door with a smile on his face.

Kirk Ashland paced the floor anxiously after his talk with Sylvester. He was dreading how Brit would react to the arrangement he just made to secure her future. He knew exactly what his only child thought of arranged marriages. He went and poured himself some more whiskey and looked at the painting over the fireplace mantle. The painting was done twenty years ago as an anniversary present for his wife. They were expecting their first child and they were a very happy couple. That was two months before Brittney was born. It had been a difficult birth. Elaine passed away soon after holding the baby girl. Kirk put the glass down hard on the table.

He was not looking forward to the confrontation with Brit, but he had no other choice in the matter. Kirk knew that she was a reasonable girl with a good deal of common sense. This gave him hope. This arranged marriage might actually work and things might not be as bad as he thought. Kirk knew his daughter would not get married while she thought he needed her. She wasn’t even making an effort. He turned towards the door as it opened and his daughter peeked around the corner.

“You sent for me, Papa?” Britney asked as she came in.

“Yes, my dear. Please, come in.” He kissed her lightly on the cheek as she passed by, leaving a scent of violets in her wake. “There is a very urgent matter that we need to discuss.” He looked over at the painting of Elaine again as if it would give him the strength to tell his daughter what was arranged for her. “I have something to tell you and I need you to listen very carefully because it is you future that I am thinking about.” He turned his attention back to where she was. “Brittney, please, sit down.”

“Yes, Papa,” She looked over at him worriedly. It was hard to imagine what he was so worried about but in the last couple of weeks she noticed how her father had aged. There was more gray is his hair and he looked a little beaten. She thought the business was doing well, she had heard no complaints. Kirk always discussed the business with Brittney.

“What do you think of Mr. Rushmore, Brit?”

“I do not know him, Papa.” Brittney was a little puzzled at the question. “I have gotten the impression that he is a bit of a ladies’ man. Why is it important for you to know what I think of Mr. Rushmore?”

She listened as Kirk explained to her why Sly had visited him so much lately. “He has only asked that you marry him.” He stood back to watch the expression on her face. “You have not expressed any interest in any of the gentlemen that have come calling on you, so he is my choice for you.”

What did her father just say? This was a lot to absorb. Rushmore wanted to do what? “I’m sorry, Papa. I didn’t hear you right.” Her blue green eyes were flaming with anger. “An arranged marriage, Papa, really? This not the age of the dinosaur! Why should I marry him?”

Kirk looked at his daughter sadly. “The marriage will be in name only if that is what you want. You don’t have to do anything with him that you don’t want to, but you are getting married.” He put his hands on the desk. “I need to know that you are being taken care of if anything ever happens to me.”

Brittney was frozen to the spot where she sat with a look of amazement on her face. Her first reaction was of bitterness and anger. How could he really expect her to marry someone just because they asked her father? How could he really ask her to do this? Marriages weren’t arranged anymore. What kind of sick joke were her father and Mr. Rushmore up to? “I will not do this for you or for him!” She got out of the chair and looked out of the window. “I cannot marry some stranger you pick out for me. This is the nineteenth century.” Brittney walked over angrily towards her father and then stopped. “I simply cannot and will not do it.”

“Think, Brit, please. I implore you! I don’t like this either, but I will not be here forever and you are making no efforts with the men that come here to court you. So you made me choose for you, maybe one day you will come to love him or at lease respect him. I hope to God this will come to be. But whether it will or will not, the marriage will take place in one month. One month from today.” Kirk was visibly shaking as he walked heavily to his desk. “It will be much easier if you just resign yourself into this marriage. For better or worse...” His heart was breaking as he watched her. Kirk knew that Brittney would do the right thing. She just had to think about it. Society would demand it of her.

Brittney stood up, excused herself and turned angrily on her heel. “Excuse me, Papa.” She made her exit fleeing the study and her father, tears stinging her eyes she ran up the winding staircase to her bedroom. “Arranged marriages didn’t exist. Why should I marry Mr. Rushmore? My father will not run my life! I will not marry ‘Mr. Rushmore’ ever!” She slung herself onto her bed and sobbed uncontrollably into her pillow as these thoughts went rushing through her head.

Her anger finally spent, Brit arose from the canopied bed and walked over to look out the window. She saw several carriages come up the cobblestone driveway as she was looking over the garden. She turned away from the window and walked over to the wash basin on her dresser. She splashed some cool water over her swollen eyes and then pinched her cheeks to put a little color in them. She went back to window studying the insignias on the side of the carriages. Not recognizing any of them, she walked back over to her desk as there was a faint knock on her door. The knock belonged to her governess, Elizabeth.

Brittney got up and walked slowly to the door. She wasn’t exactly up to company at the moment. Elizabeth looked at her sadly and gave her a hug. “You have seen the carriages arriving?”

“Yes, but I do not recognize them. Liz, what is going on with Papa?” Brittney was still dealing with being upset with Kirk about the Sly Rushmore business.

“Whatever, do you mean, child?” Elizabeth had been with Brittney since day one of her life. She had helped bring her up to be the woman she was today.

Brittney looked angrily at Elizabeth. “Do you mean to tell me that you had no idea he was arranging for me to marry someone to ‘secure my future’? Somehow, I have a hard time swallowing that. He tells you everything before he hits me with his ideas. “

Elizabeth was shocked. She looked at Brittney like she was a little girl. “He did what?!” She walked over to Brittney and looked straight into her eyes. “He wants you to marry that womanizing, self-absorbed, greedy Rushmore character? The one called ‘Sly’? I should probably have a talk with him.” She paused before she walked back to the door. “There is a little trouble brewing, though. That is why we have company.”

“What is happening, Liz? Why are so many carriages here? “Brittney studied Elizabeth, sadly.

“Your father did not explain any details to me, but I am to assume that it has something to do with the secession from the union. South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, and Alabama have already seceded.” Liz stopped talking when she heard Brittney gasp. She walked away from the door.

“The business!” Brittney sat down hard on her bed, folding and unfolding her hands. “My God! Did you know that Savannah Shipping is now a Confederate Munitions Factory?”

Elizabeth sat down next to the girl that she had loved and nurtured since the day she was born and her mother had died. Brittney was like her own daughter. “Brit,” She hesitated, wondering whether she should add more bad news. She sighed and decided it best to go ahead and tell her. “President Davis is hoping it won’t come to it… but there is talk that a war could come from all of this.”

Brittney got up, shaking. “Papa has been hiding the newspapers. Guess I know why now.” She walked over to the door of bedroom.

“Where are you going?” Elizabeth asked as she also arose from the bed.

Brittney looked over at her calmly. Elizabeth was the closest thing to a mother she could ever remember and she was suddenly struck with how pretty she was. “I must go and see Papa.” She answered Liz.

Elizabeth went over and stood in front of the door. She pointed to Brittney’s bed. As Brittney went to sit back down, she glanced as Elizabeth paced back and forth.

“Your must never let your dad know what I told you. He has been trying to shield you from anything and everything. Ladies in this time do not read the papers nor do they talk politics. It just isn’t done”. Elizabeth looked down at her. “Do you understand me, Brit? He would be very angry if he knew that we knew about this or even discussed it. “

“Lizzy, how come you never married?” Brittney was quick to change the subject. She regretted the question when she saw the stricken expression on Elizabeth’s face and the deep pain in her hazel eyes.

Elizabeth stopped pacing long enough to look over at Brittney. “I just never have . . . and that is all you need to know.” The room was deathly quiet as Elizabeth remembered the disgrace she caused her family when her fiancé had vanished. It was long ago in the past, but the pain was still fresh. Three weeks before the wedding her groom had run away. She had managed to forget and it was best left alone. She was never able to be so trusting again. “I was engaged once, to a man named Robert Harrison.”

“I’m sorry, Lizzy.” Brittany knew Elizabeth’s expressions very well. The expression was one filled with pain and regret. “Papa wants me to marry Sly Rushmore. I guess it is making sense now. Maybe he thinks the Yankees won’t hurt Savannah Shipping if there is a yank controlling the company already.”

“I hear a bitterness in your voice, child.” She was shocked by the suddenness of it. “By the way, Mr. Rushmore, I do know, is not a Yankee.”

Brittney had a look of defeat. “I told Papa I could not marry someone I did not love even if it was for him and even if it was name only.” She walked over the window and looked down at the carriages again. “Who is downstairs?”

“They are Representatives of President Davis. Your father is a very influential man in this state.” Elizabeth explained, her hazel eyes resting solemnly on Brittany. “Maybe you should reconsider marrying Mr. Rushmore. It would ensure your safety and your future. Even if it is without the love; maybe that could come later. Think of your father. He is so worried about you and it means so much to him to know that you will be safe.”

‘I am shocked’ Brittney thought to herself. She looked back at Elizabeth angrily. “Would it really mean that much to him, Lizzy?”

Elizabeth stood up, walked to the door and opened it. “All I am saying is that maybe you should consider it.” She looked at Brittney, searching her face for any expressions, before shutting the door behind her.

Brittney had not told Elizabeth that it had been more of an order than anything else. Brittney walked over to her desk. Thinking to herself, she felt she had no choice but to accept what her father expected of her.

Chapter 2

When Brittney laid the paper down, her hands were shaking. She had confronted her dad after all the carriages had left and he let her have the last newspaper he had received. In February Texas seceded from the Union and Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as the Confederacy’s President; while Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the United States President in March. Virginia was the eighth state to secede in April after the Confederacy bombarded Fort Sumter and took it from the Union. The states had divided and the dreaded war was here!!! It seemed like only yesterday that they were going to gala parties and enjoying the carefree dances. She looked around her sitting room anxiously. Where was Papa? She heard voices carrying through the hallway, as there was a soft knock on her door. Liz peeked into the room. “Miss Brittney, your Papa is asking for you downstairs in the study.”

Brittney heard a carriage pulling away as she walked down the last of the stairs. “How did he sound, Elizabeth?”

“He sounds tired, Brittney.” Elizabeth opened the study doors for her and then took her leave.

Her father looked over at her. “I am assuming that you read the Georgia Gazette.”

“Yes, Papa, I have.” She did not look properly ashamed even though she knew her father did not approve of ladies reading the newspapers. He had always maintained that gentlemen read the paper, discussed it among themselves and then protected the ladies from the sinful happenings of the world.

Mr. Rushmore’s voice startled her. “Hello, Brittney.” Had he come back after the carriages left or had she only assumed that he had left?

“Good Afternoon, Mr. Rushmore.” Brittany turned towards him coldly. “I am sorry; I thought that you had left a long time ago.” She turned her attention back towards her father. “I think that I shall go riding, if I may take my leave.”

“Yes, my dear, but do be careful.” Kirk went to sit back behind his desk.

Sly intercepted her on the way from the study. “Brittney,” He let her name roll off his tongue. “I hope you will become accustomed to using my first name. It would be strange for my wife to call me Mr. Rushmore.” He chuckled as he went back to sit with her father in the study.

Brittney frowned as she watched him sitting down. ‘Of all the gall’ she muttered to herself. ‘Yes Mr. Rushmore, Anything you say, Mr. Rushmore.’ Brittney thought he had some nerve about himself. ‘I really need to get outside for a few minutes.’ She thought to herself.

Brittney walked as fast as she could to the stables where Goldy was housed. “Could this day bring any more bad news?” She grabbed a handful of oats and fed them to her horse before she grabbed a blanket and the little side saddle. Thinking of everything her father had told her gave her a headache. “It’s just too much, girl.” She told Goldy while putting the bit in her mouth. Leading her out of the stables, she noticed that Sly’s horse was in the fence and she smirked at him. “And you, Thunder . . . don’t get any ideas about Goldy.”

She mounted her horse and started out in a nice leisurely walk and then she let the horse go faster as she felt the wind blowing around her. Brittney knew that she was angry, but from her point of view she had every reason to be. She pulled in the reigns to slow down as she noticed the beauty that surrounded her. The wild violets were everywhere and they colored the ground purple. She stopped and slid off her horse, enjoying the peace that was everywhere around her. Tying Goldy up to a tree, she took that blanket and spread it down on the ground. She laid down, studying the clouds making out imaginary shapes to relax herself. Brittney was almost asleep when she heard or felt the hooves coming her way. She sat up sharply as she spotted Sly riding Thunder. “You have got to be kidding me!” Standing up she grabbed her blanket and tossed it back on Goldy. She was almost in her saddle, when he reached her.

“Whoa, Thunder,” Sly came to a stop right beside her. “Would you care to go for a ride?”

“I already have.” Brittney held her hands over her eyes to shield them from the sun, because she had forgotten to bring her bonnet. “I think I shall go home now. Good Day, Sir.”

Sly laughed to himself as he watched her go. “Ouch.”

The four weeks until the wedding went surprisingly fast and Brit was apprehensive about it with each passing day. Suddenly, the dreadful day was here.

“He is so arrogant and full of himself, Lizzy.” Brittney looked up at her as she was putting the final touches on her hair. “I really think I hate him!”

“’Hate’ is a mighty strong word, child” Elizabeth had Brittney stand up so she could tighten the corset that all the ladies were required to wear. “Thinking that way is one thing, Kitten, but it is very unladylike to say such things aloud. I can just hear what your father would say to ya if he heard you.” Elizabeth finished with the corset and turned Brittney around to look at her. “Honestly, Brit, please try and make the best of this for all our sakes. . . “She paused as she tucked a black curl behind one of Britney’s ears. “Especially for your sake,” Elizabeth helped her slide the hoop skirt on over the corset.

Brittney grabbed her wedding dress and starting pulling it on. “What happened to romance and courtship? What happened to picking your beau and your beau picking you?” She was messing with the gown as she turned to Elizabeth for help. “Does true love not exist?”

“You’re getting worked now, Miss Brittney.” Elizabeth started fastening the many buttons on the beautiful white gown, “And yes, true love does exist. Please stand still.” Elizabeth turned Brittney around in circles as she looked her over. Tears moistened her eyes as Brittney came to a standstill. “You are so beautiful, Kitten!”

Brittney hugged her. “Please come with me, Lizzy.”

“Child you do not need me anymore. You are a grown woman and you do not need a governess anymore. The part I play in your life is over.” Elizabeth smiled sadly at her.

Brittney looked at her carefully. “I might not need a governess, but I will need a companion. Besides it wouldn’t be proper for you to stay here when there is no one but my father.” Brittney hugged her. “I shall talk to Papa about it and that will be that.

“Yes, dear,” Elizabeth watched her dearly as she heard the start of the Wedding March being played by the pipe organ downstairs. “I think that it is time to go.”

Sly Rushmore was in deep thought as he waited for his beautiful but unwilling bride. He was very handsome and considered a great catch by any woman; any woman that is except for Brittney. It was rumored that he had a reputation with the ladies and doubted very seriously if Brittney had an inkling of an idea how his unrequited love for her had upset his very being. From the first time he laid eyes on her, he had loved her. He would not let her know that because it might just scare her away. He had loved her more every time he saw her. He would just have to be content to just be with her even if it tortured every cell in his being. Maybe someday he could make her fall in love with him. Maybe. . . . .

He was startled from his thoughts as Brittney came marching down the aisle on her father’s arm. ‘Oh, God, she is so beautiful!” He thought. She looked like an angel floating to him on fluffy white cloud.

“I know pronounce you husband and wife.” The ceremony was over. The deed was done. Sly lifted her veil from her face and kissed her lightly on the lips. The sheer taste of her lips sent a knot to his stomach. He watched the shock of it on Brittney’s face. The blue-green eyes showed any if not all emotions. If it had not been for the slight pressure of Sly’s hand on the small of her back, she would have thought she was dreaming.

Her father caught up with them at the doors of the chapel. “Well, my little kitten, I shall miss you.”

Brittney just stared at him as she thought to herself. “If this is so, why did you make me marry him?” But she answered. “I shall miss you, too, Papa.”

Thunder and Goldy were both hitched to a two seat sleek black Concord Buggy as the newly married couple exited the Church’s Chapel. Brittney was on her way to a new life and a new home, not overjoyed at either prospect. Sly helped her into the buggy as she lifted her wedding gown.

If it had not been for her mood, Brittney would have seen that it was an absolutely beautiful day. The sun was brilliant and spring was in full bloom. The birds were singing, the crickets were chirping, and you could hear the frogs in the marshes.

Sly shook hands with Kirk and then easily slid into the other side of the buggy. Grabbing the reigns, he smiled as called “Giddy-up” to the newly teamed pair of horses.

Brittney was silent as they started off but she was curious. Sly never talked about where he lived, all she knew was that it was between Ashland House and Savannah. She could only assume that it was close by because of how often Sly had come to visit Kirk.

“Well . . .” Sly angled himself towards her so he could talk. “Are you going to say anything?”

Brittney glared back at him. “I think I have said enough for today, sir.” She pretended to smooth out her gown as they continued their ride.

“Alright, then,” Sly whipped the reigns so the horses would go faster.

Brittney turned her sight to the horses and thought how funny they looked paired together up in front of the buggy. Thunder was a shiny black; a majestic looking quarter horse of roughly fifteen hands tall, while Goldy was a mere fourteen hands tall. Goldy was a Palomino with the color of her coat being the reason for her name. Both of their manes had been braided with white ribbon for the wedding. Brittney knew that the ribbons were Elizabeth’s idea. She came out of her thoughts as she felt the buggy slowing down.

The house was not big compared to the Ashland House. It was a white washed two story house with a small front porch. Columns stood up holding a deck from the second story. The windows were glassed in with black shutters. Brittney was almost impressed, but it was the flower garden that caught her utmost attention. She caught herself smiling as she saw the azalea bushes and the multitude of tulips in various colors.

Sly glanced over at Brittney at about the same time she had smiled. “Well, we are home. What do you think?”

“I like your flowers, sir.” Brittney answered him crisply. Oh, how she wished she was home with Papa.

After halting the horses, Sly shifted out of the buggy and onto the ground. He walked over to Brittney and held out a hand for her to take. Brittney took it only because she had to hold her gown to get of the buggy.

They both walked up to the front door, Brittney a little slower than Sly. Sly opened the door and walked back towards her; acting like he was going to pick up to carry her over the threshold.

Brittney saw this and backed away from him. “If you do not mind, Mr. Rushmore, I will walk through your front door.”

Sly stood back and laughed at her. “Whatever you say . . .” He paused. “Mrs. Rushmore.” Sly watched the now familiar daggers in her eyes.

Brittney walked into the house before he did, taking in details as she did. “Where is my trousseau?”

“In our bedroom,” Sly answered roguishly. He started up the stairs as Brittney stood frigidly to where she had stopped.

She glared up at him. “You do not assume that I am going to sleep in your bed, do you?” Brittney wanted to change out of gown but she also wanted to set that straight with him.

Sly looked back down at her with humor in his eyes. “I, Brittney, actually do assume a lot of things.” He started back up the stairs, “But I will not push you . . . yet. I will move your chest into another bedroom.”

Brittney started towards the staircase. “Thank you, sir.” What exactly had her father gotten her into? Maybe she should have disappeared before the wedding like Elizabeth’s groom. She followed her husband up the stairs as these thoughts raced through her head.

Brittney walked around her new home the next morning after tossing and turning in the unfamiliar bed. She toured the upstairs looking into the bedrooms. There were four altogether and they most definitely did not have a ladies touch to them. No frilly curtains or colorful bedspreads in any of them; the fourth looked like it was a storage room. If she was going to live here, that was going to have to change. After exploring what she would describe as a dreary upstairs, she walked down the staircase ending up in what was the foyer.

“Coffee,” Brittney thought to herself. “I smell coffee.” She followed the scent until she found herself at what she assumed was the kitchen. Opening the door, she saw Sly reading the paper. She almost walked back out the door.

“Stop,” Sly put the paper down and looked up at her. He pointed to an empty cup on the table. “I know you like your coffee.”

“Thanks.” Brittney took the coffee urn off the stove and poured herself a cup. She sat down trying not the read the paper he had just laid down.

“You do not want to be married, Brittney, that much you have made very clear to me” Sly started as he took his cup back up and took a sip. “But how about we at least try to be friends?”

“Friends?” Brittney looked over at Sly with an amused expression. “Is that what you want?”

“Not really.” Sly got up and pumped water into his cup, rinsing it out before putting it in the sink. “But since we are to live in the same house, then we need to at least get along.”

“Or,” Brittney was still staring at him, wondering if he would let her read the paper. “I could move back to Ashland House with Papa.”

Sly threw his head back as he laughed. “Not going to happen. Kirk is bringing your Elizabeth over today so she can be your companion. We don’t want you getting homesick or lonely.” He went over to get the paper. “I have to go check on your father’s company and no,” Sly paused as he laid the paper down in front of her. “I don’t mind if you read the paper.”

Brittney watched as he left the room, taking a sip of her own coffee as she did. “Maybe Elizabeth can make me decent coffee.” She made a face as she took up the paper. “Friends,” she murmured to herself. “I could use one of those right now.” Brittney put the paper back down after reading the headlines. Arkansas and North Carolina seceded and joined the Confederacy She got up to take her cup over to the sink, glancing out the window as she did so. The stable doors were open and Sly was walking Thunder out into the field. Brittney was staring as he threw himself onto the saddle and to her chagrin; he waved at her as he rode off.

Chapter 3

Brittney was growing accustomed to her new life, although it was hard when Sly was around. Elizabeth helped her brighten the dark rooms as much as she could.

News of the summer heated up with news about the Battle of Bull Run in all the papers. The Confederates held their ground under the leadership of Beauregard and Johnston. Brittney just wished that the states would mature and try to settle their controversies by other means. The ‘Crittenden Compromise’ had never really come into its’ own, but it had been an effort to reunite the states.

Brittney stepped out of the house with Elizabeth; it was the end of July and the weather very hot and humid, but it was a glorious day. You could smell the wheat and the fragrance of many wildflowers. They had managed to plant a small vegetable garden at the side of the house and it was always best to pull the weeds before the day heated up to its full potential. She was so involved with the weeds that she had not heard the horse coming up to the house. Wiping a dirty hand across her face, she was startled out of her thoughts as a shadow passed over her. Glancing up she saw Sly smirking down at her.

“You missed one.”

“Just one, sir?” Brittney glared as she looked back down “I have just started” She did not look back up at him.

“That is too bad. I thought that I might be able to talk you and Elizabeth into going for a ride with me.” Sly dismounted Thunder, tying him to a post in front of the house.

“Where?” Brittney was yanking the weeds out if the ground.

“I thought we could ride to the Canoochee River.” He walked over towards her. “Wading in the river might cool us off some. Then I thought you might want to have dinner at Ashland House.” Sly watched as excitement filled Brittney’s face.

She stood up, straightening the skirt that she used to work in. “You had me at the river, but I would love to see Papa.”

“I think you might want to clean up a bit first.” Sly smiled as he looked her over. She had dirt all over her face and you could not see a trace of the white that was on her shirt. “What do you say, Elizabeth?” He turned his attention towards Brittney’s companion.

“About which part, sir?” Elizabeth stood with a hoe in her hands.

“Both” Sly was walking towards the door as he answered her loud enough for her to hear.

Elizabeth turned towards Brittney and started laughing at her. “I don’t know where the most dirt is, right now. Is it on you or in the garden?” She propped the hoe up against the house. “The river sounds good to me; I will fix us a picnic while you go get cleaned up.”

Over the last couple of months since she married Sly, they had almost become friends. Her husband was very considerate and true to his word. He had not pushed her into anything.

Sly had the horses saddled and ready to go as the ladies came out of the house. Brittney had on a blue summer dress with short puffy sleeves. He could not help but to admire her as he helped her mount Goldy. Of course, he also noticed that she had forgotten to bring out a bonnet or a hat. He shook his head and went over to a carriage; taking a box out when he did.

Brittney was eyeing him as he took out a bonnet the same color as her dress. He handed it up to her. “I had Elizabeth bring some of your bonnets out here.”

“You have my bonnets in your barn?!” Brittney glared as she took it from him and then apologized, “I guess I should be grateful. I am always forgetting the small things.”

Sly did not tell her that he had talked to Elizabeth about this day trip the night before. He had Elizabeth also bring out an old dress for her to change into at the river.

Brittney and Elizabeth rode behind Sly all the way to the river.

“You know, Lizzy . . .” Brittney spoke to her as she watched Sly. “He would have made someone else a good husband.”

Elizabeth just looked back over at her and smiled. It was obvious to her that Sly was very much in love with the woman he married. She also knew that when Brittney finally realized that she would return all of that love fully. Of course, Elizabeth was not going to say this aloud. She would feel the brunt from the anger that Brittney still carried about being forced into the marriage. She still wondered how long Brittney would carry around that bitterness.

They rode for awhile before that they finally reached the Canoochee. Sly was the first to come off his horse, landing sure footed on the ground. He grabbed two blankets off of Thunder, making a little room tied to the trees. Brittney looked over at Elizabeth as they rode to where Thunder stood with a question in her eyes.

“It is a place for you to change.” Sly answered her unspoken question

“Change?” Brittney quizzed him

“Yes, Brit, now go and change your clothes.” Sly took out the old dress from his saddlebag that he had Elizabeth get for him. “Unless you want me to throw you into the river with your good dress on,” He handed her the dress.

Shooting daggers at him with her eyes, she grabbed the dress. “You, sir, will not throw me in the river!” She marched away angrily.

Sly was already waist deep in the water when Brittney came out of the make shift room. “Come on, Brittney, the water is just right.” He invited her in as he glanced over at Elizabeth. “Didn’t you bring a change of clothes?”

“No, sir,” Elizabeth answered him as she took her shoes off. “I thought I would just stick my feet in while I watch you and Brit.”

Brittney looked over at her as she tested the water with her own foot. “Traitor,” she laughed as she went further into the water. She had not been to the river since she was a child and found it to be very relaxing. Sly dove under the water and came up beside her after she had been floating for a while.

“Well, are you having fun?” Sly looked at her tenderly.

“Yes, I think I am.” She smiled at him and it took his breath away. “Thank you, Sly.”

Sly lit up; his face was radiant. To his way of thinking, they had just had a breakthrough. He laughed and Brittney looked at him like he had lost his mind.

“What?” Brittney started walking up to the bank and Sly put a hand on her to make her stop.

“Brittney, you just called me Sly.” He paused, “for the very first time.”

She looked back towards him. “That is your name, isn’t it?” Brittney left him and stood on the bank next to Elizabeth who handed her a blanket.

“Yes, it is my name but it sounded sweet coming from your mouth finally.” Sly was still smiling as he stepped out of the water.

Brittney blushed as she watched him and then she turned around. He was really stunning standing there topless with a pair of old trousers cut to his knees; his sandy blond hair was molded to his face showing his defined face. “I think that I shall go change and then we should have lunch.” She walked over to the little make shift room, “What just happened to me?” She thought to herself.

Elizabeth had seen the conflicts on Brittney’s face and knew that Sly was slowly chipping away at the grudge that Brittney held towards him. She put her shoes back on, sighing as she went to get the picnic lunch.

Brittney came back out in her blue dress; looking very refreshed and feeling a little different. She noticed that Elizabeth already had the picnic sat up and Sly had moved the horses over to the river so that they could drink. She laid her old dress over a rock so it could dry and then walked over to Elizabeth.

“I am famished.” Brittney sat down on the blanket trying very hard not to look in Sly’s direction.

Sly turned around as he heard her and walked over to the blanket. As he sat down Elizabeth poured some lemonade and handed them both a cup. They blessed their food and then ate everything that Elizabeth had packed. Elizabeth noticed that Brittney never looked at Sly once while they ate; while Sly studied her as thoughts about joining the Confederacy went through his head. That was reason why they were going to Ashland House; he needed to talk to Kirk.

Brittney knew she was not easy to get along with Sly, but she was making an effort. She was not trying to be wife to Sly or even trying to consummate the marriage. It was getting tougher because Sly was really trying and making every gesture he could. He was always being considerate of her feelings. Brittney had always thought he was a handsome man. At times, he was so handsome, it gave her a headache. The way he looked coming out of the river embarrassed her. “What in the sweet world am I thinking of.” She wondered. “In spite of the way I was forced into this I am really starting to like him.” She knew the rumor of him being a ladies’ man and she found herself wandering if he was loyal to the marriage, even though it was just in name only. She felt a tinge of remorse or was it jealously? ‘It’s too late now.’ She was thinking. ‘I have been so cold and so mean to him, that he could probably never really love me.’

Brittany did not know how much more war talk she could handle. It was on everybody’s lips and she was just so tired of hearing it. Would it never end? It sure didn’t look good for the south. The North was in control of Northwestern Virginia because of a big defeat at Richmount and Carrick’s Ford.

She heard voices in the library with the voices of Sly and her father getting louder. She strained her ears to hear what was being said.

Sly paced the floor restlessly, looking at Kirk with an angry glint in his eyes. His eyes turned bluer than ever with all the emotion that was brewing in them. “Why in this great world would I not want to join my countrymen in their fight?!?” He was shouting the question at Kirk.

“My, boy, you cannot leave Brittney and Elizabeth by themselves,” Kirk tried to reason with him.

“I have thought about that. Brit and Liz can move back here with you. You have plenty of help and besides,” Sly laughed bitterly. “Brittany wouldn’t let anybody touch her with a ten foot pole!”

Kirk glared back at him. “You are talking about willingly letting a man touch her. The men we are talking about haven’t seen a woman in ages and they have a habit of taking what they want!”

“Look, Kirk. No matter how bad things are between Brit and me, I still love her. I would not be having this conversation if I did not.” He took a deep breath. “It has been very hard, loving her as I do and never getting to tell her. But this is what I asked for, isn’t it? We are friends now and I do not want to lose that; but I am accomplishing nothing here.” Rising from his chair, he added, “Let Brit and Liz stay here until I get back. Please understand.... I need to do this. The Confederacy needs me. Your daughter needs you.”Sly looked at his wedding band sadly. “I wish you would keep an eye on our home, too.” He turned and walked out of the room, leaving a heavy silence behind him.

Brittany looked up with big eyes as her husband walked past the door. He smiled at her shyly. “Oh . . . hello, Brittney. How long have you been standing there?” He studied her and thought he saw something different in her expression. “What did you hear?”

Brittney looked at him with wonderment. “Enough. No one has ever argued with my father like that. I heard you after you both raised your voices. You need to help your countrymen and now you are giving me back to my father.” Brittney almost frowned at him, “That is really nice of you.”

“He is a very stubborn man and I have figured out that he has you beat. I’ll leave for Fort Pulaski in September.” He looked at Brittany while he sat down.

Looking suddenly scared, Brittney looked over at him. “Sly . . . Will you be alright?” She knew know that she did not want him to leave and was discovering that she had feelings for him. It hit her so hard that it knocked the breath out of her. She could not let him know what was in her heart because she thought her love would not be returned. That part of the conversation she missed.

“Madam, you are talking to a Rushmore! We are too mean to die.” He arose from his chair and started from the room. “But, it is real nice of you to worry about me.” There was sarcasm in his voice.

Brittney was smiling after him. Absently looking at the door she became aware that Lizzy was talking to her.

“Hello, Lizzy!” Brittany picked up her embroidery.

“Everyone is talking about death and war. War and death.” Elizabeth was ill and very snappish.

Brittney realized Liz had been looking tired of late and she was concerned for her health.

“I am sorry,” Liz said. “The war is getting on my nerves and at the moment it is not even near us.”

“Me, too,” Brittney said sadly. “Sly is leaving us in a month. I find myself worrying because he has come to mean a great deal to me and I have just realized how much. Oh, Liz, I think that I have fallen in love with him and it is too little too late.”

Elizabeth’s face turned ashen white. “Where is he going?” She asked. Deep down inside she thought she knew the answer. Virginia seemed to be to the place for fighting right now.

“He will go to Fort Pulaski.” Brittney put down her embroidery, not being able to concentrate on it with her full attention. “He seems to think it is time for him to help the confederacy. We will not be alone, Lizzy. We will live with Papa and the help will be there.” Brittney looked upset as she added, “He is giving us back.”

“The servants will turn on us, or have you not been made aware of the awful reason for this war?”

“Yes, Liz, but I will ask you to watch how you talk to my wife and your tone of voice.” Sly had re-entered the room without either of ladies knowing. “The ‘servants’ you refer to were giving their freedom by Kirk after he inherited them. They are paid and have been giving homes for their families. They were not bought or traded; at least by him. Even though, I fight for the South, I do not believe in Slavery. I believe that no matter what the nationality or the color of your skin you should be able to live your life as you see fit. I do, however, think that every state should have the right to decide these issues for themselves without any interference from federal government. That is why I must go help my statesmen. The South is my home, too.” Sly looked over at Elizabeth. “I guess these are silly reasons, but for some reason this couldn’t be solved peacefully so now we have to fight for we what believe in. We can’t change it; we can only hope to improve it.” Sly turned his attention to Brittany. “Your father wishes to see you.”

Brittney followed her husband from the room, giving Elizabeth a reassuring smile.

Sly stayed busy the month before he was to leave and the friendship between him and Brittney still had its’ ups and down. He only wished that he could figure her out.

He watched as she worked hard around their home and was amazed at how more friendly and open it looked. He had come to like having fresh cut flowers in the rooms that he entered and her vegetable garden had put plenty of food on their plates. Now Brittney and Elizabeth were getting ready to close the house for an indefinite amount of time. He wanted everything completed a week before he was to leave.

Brittney was sitting at the kitchen table just staring at the vase of flowers sitting in front of her when Sly walked into the room. He had just come in from feeding the horses and was sweating from the heat.

He glanced at her as he walked over to the sink to pump some water onto a cloth. “Why so sullen?” He asked as he put the cool cloth to his face. That was when he noticed the paper laying in front of her. The Union had captured Fort Clark and Fort Hatteras in North Carolina. He took some tea out of the ice box and poured them both a glass.

“Do you really have to go?” Brittney watched as he sat down at the table; handing her a glass of tea.

“I have no choice, Brittney.” Sly took a long swallow of his tea and then put his glass down. “They have called for all men between the ages of sixteen and thirty-five to volunteer. Why?”

“So many men are dying, Sly, and I don’t you to be one that I read about.” Brittney had actually started to enjoy his company. “I know,” she paused, “that I have not been a wife to you. . .” Brittney saw the look of amusement spread over his face. “But I take your friendship to heart.”

“I am touched,” Sly was affected by what she said as he answered her smugly. “I am a patient man, Brit, and I enjoy our friendship also.” He stood up and took his glass to the sink; rinsing it out. “I think that it is time to take a break,” Sly turned back towards her. “Go get Elizabeth and we will go for a ride.” He frowned as he watched her stand up and exit the room. He wanted her to love him but he was determined that he would wait for her to open that door and take their relationship to the next level.

For the next three days Sly spent as much time as he could with Brittney and their friendship grew stronger. The day before he was to leave they loaded the wagon with Brittney’s and Elizabeth’s clothes and were ready to head down to her father’s house. Brittney paused as Sly closed the door, remembering how she acted on their wedding day.

Sly took her hand as they walked to the wagon and Elizabeth. He helped her up and then assisted Elizabeth. After making sure that his work horse and Elizabeth’s horse were secured tightly to the back of the wagon, he got on the seat and took the reins. Looking at their house one more time, he started Thunder and Goldy on their trek back to Ashland House. They were all silent, each thinking about the months behind them and the months ahead.

In her old room, Sly looked down into the blue green pools of wife’s eyes. He didn’t want to look too long. He wanted to kiss her, but he was always afraid too. He would always think to himself, he would kiss her soon. “Brittney, promise me one thing.” He studied her to make sure she was listening.” If you hear of the Yankees coming this way, you will get your dad, Elizabeth, and yourself out of here. Flea as far as you can.” Sly took her hands and looked into the blue green depths of her eyes. “Leave everything and get as far away as possible.”

“I’m sorry, Sly. I cannot promise you that. Like you said the South is my home.” She couldn’t imagine war tearing her city apart. It was always so peaceful here.

“You are stubborn.” Sly looked at her with a new respect, “By George!” He pulled her forcefully to him. “Why are you so pigheaded?” She smelled so sweet and looked at him with such innocence and trust that he found himself crushing her lips with his own.

“No!” Brittney pulled back only now aware of the electricity surging through her body from his kiss. “What do you think you are doing?!” She was crying and she was confused.

Sly dropped his arms helplessly to his sides. “I am sorry, Kitten.” Sly looked back at her thinking, ‘did he not just hear her tell Elizabeth that she was falling in love with him a month before?’ He walked over to the adjourning room, “Good night, then.”

He went to the adjoining room where he tossed and turned restlessly while he thought of the woman he loved sleeping in the other room just steps from him. He had never known that love could hurt so badly and he knew that Brittney felt the same emotions he did. How could he make her stop fighting her own emotions? She was so innocent, not seeing what their turmoil was doing to the both of them, but he did tell her that he wanted to ‘friends’.

He dreaded the thought of tomorrow and knowing it could be the last time he saw her. His heart ached. He left his bed and lit a candle. Sly had written a note to lie down on her dresser and then walked into Brittney’s bedroom where she had finally fallen to sleep after crying her frustration into her pillow. She loved Sly, but she did not know how to let him know how she felt. He watched her sleep a little while as he sat lightly down on the edge of her bed. This awoke her, seeing as how she was not sleeping fit.

“Hi,” she blinked in the light. “Is something wrong? What time is it?”

“About midnight, I guess.” He replied. “I couldn’t sleep. Can I hold you, just this once, Brit?”

Brittney held her arms open to him as she arose from her pillows. Sly took her in his arms and held her tightly. He leaned his head over and kissed her lightly on the lips and then more firmly. At first she fought him but then started kissing him back, letting the raw emotions take hold of her. The kisses deepened until he felt as if he were drowning. He explored every inch of her sweet tasting mouth with his tongue as his hands was gently massaging her back. He moved them around to the front of her and slipped them delicately into her gown, exploring and teasing her until he found the nipples of her breast. Brittney gasped as he fumbled with the buttons on her gown. Her whole body felt like it was on fire. She waited anxiously for his touch as she writhed and moaned with every little pleasure he brought to her. She never knew it be could be like this. Sly moaned as his hand closed over her round firm breast and he felt a throbbing deep in his being that ached with wanting her. His lips left her mouth and traveled slowly down her body until it came to rest on an aroused nipple. He pulled the gown away from her and hurriedly undressed himself. They were in heaven as their bare bodies touched and they discovered all the secret places of each other’s bodies that turned the flame to rapture. The need to love her enveloped him and when he could not control his desire to make her his no longer, he slowly entered her body pausing as he heard her gasped as she felt the burning pain first and then delighted in every movement that made them soar together to greater heights. All she could see was Sly’s Face and all Sly could see was the love that was Brittney’s eyes.

After their love was spent, she fell asleep on his shoulder, forgetting that he was leaving in the morning. Sly woke up around four in the morning and pulled his trousers on as he looked at Brittney sleeping peacefully. He kissed her lightly on the forehead as he whispered. “Good morning, Mrs. Rushmore” He then walked quietly to his room, but not before he heard Brittney say that she loved him. He walked back with his candle lit. He looked down at her face and saw that she was crying.

“Please, don’t cry, Brittney. I will be home again.” He kissed her in the lips this time and they both felt the charge it sent through their bodies. “I love you, too. I always have.” He got up and left; but now even he wished he didn’t have to go.

Chapter 4

Brittney paced the boundaries of the bedroom nervously after she had read the note that Sly had left for her. She would have been lying if she said she was not totally confused. She had felt his physical need for her, but what did he actually feel? She thought that Sly had told her that he loved her and she told him that she loved him. Was it a dream? His note said nothing about love and he still left anyway. Off to fight by the side of his neighbors. So did this make her one of his conquests? Was last night a dream or was it real? As sore as she was, it had to have been real. The tears fell as she thought of what kind of fool she had been to let this happen when she was sure he didn’t love her. Her heart was heavy and she knew the pain of loving someone who she swore did not love her back. She wished she could remember if talking to him this morning was a dream or it was for real.

She recognized Elizabeth’s knock instantly and opened the door, not bothering to hide her eyes. She had no secrets from her companion. She knew she could talk to Elizabeth about anything.

Liz saw the tears, walked over, and simply took Brittney in her arms. Brit sobbed pitifully on Liz’s shoulder. She was the mother that Brittney never knew. “There, there, Kitten; why all the tears?”

“I am scared, Liz . . . for him.” Brittney wiped the tears from her eyes.

“For some reason, little one, I doubt that there is a reason for tears, but I will not question you further about it.” She noticed the crumpled note held limply in Brit’s hands. “Your father is asking for you now, so put on a happy face. He is already worried sick about you.”

“What in the world is he worried about? I’m a big girl and am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Brittney half smiled. This was the first time in a while that she had seen her father by himself. He was always busy trying to save that company or with Sly. She realized how much she missed him. “I feel like a school girl anticipating her father’s weekly visit.”

Elizabeth knew exactly how she felt and smiled. “Well, you will be with him for quite a while and surely the feeling will go away.” As she turned to leave she remarked, knowingly. “He feels the same way about you.”

The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months since Sly had left for the war effort. He had joined up with Colonel Charles Olmstead in Fort Pulaski. Sly wrote to Brittney every chance he could and she held onto his letters to give her hope and strength.

Money was tight because as feared, the war had a bad effect on business, so every penny counted and had to be watched. Instead of buying new clothes the old ones were we repaired. Brittney made a mental note to let the waist out of her dresses. She didn’t understand how they could be getting snug when she was gaining no weight. ‘Oh, well’

She had paid no attention to her body going through changes. The pain in her breasts, the bloating in her stomach. She noticed them in passing but was not going to worry over the small pains. Elizabeth had already noticed some things, especially when she walked into Brit’s room and found her curled up in a ball and her face so pale it was scary.

“Brittney, my child, whatever is wrong with you? You look terrible.” Elizabeth went right to her.

“It’s nothing. It has happened before.” Brittney tried to sit up. “It’ll go away. I felt a little sick on my stomach and then I felt a little dizzy.”

“Kitten, I have to ask this. Did you and Sly... umm, sleep together?”

“Yes, and I do not know what I was thinking. But the night before he left I let my love for him cloud my judgment and I slept with him. I thought it was all a dream, but I guess dreams don’t make you sick.” Suddenly Brittney looked stunned. “Elizabeth, do you think that I could be with a ba. . .”

“Do I think that you could be a child? You certainly have all the symptoms. We should really get you a doctor so we can make sure.”

“Oh, Lizzy. I can’t have a child now. What if he does not come back? What if I just dreamed that he said he loved me?” Brittney was starting to think the worse. “I cannot have a child by myself.” Brittney started crying.

“There go the emotions. I have seen it with your mother, too.” Elizabeth chuckled as she held Brittney. “I am betting that if you didn’t dream that this happened, than you did not dream that he said he loved you.” She paused as she looked over at her charge. “You have to believe in Sly, in yourself, and in that baby you carrying.” She put her charge back to bed and sent one of the maids for the doctor. “Brittney, do you remember when we went to the Canoochee River?

“Yes, it was fun.” Brittney was puzzled at why Elizabeth brought that up. “Sly was happy that I had called him by his first name, finally.” She smiled as she remembered how his face had lit up.

“Sly talked to me the night before. . . That’s how he got the old dress.” Elizabeth paused as she sat down on the bed beside her. “He told me then that he had always loved you ever since he saw you one of the Debutants’ Balls.”

“Why haven’t you told me this before?” She asked her.

Elizabeth brushed a loose hair off her forehead. “Your husband swore me to secrecy. He wanted you to come around on your own.” She stood up and walked to the door. “I watched him slowly tear down that wall you had built up around yourself.” Elizabeth looked down at her as she remembered how entertaining it had been.

Brittney slept after the doctor left, but now she had a smile on her face. He confirmed Elizabeth’s suspicion of motherhood. Brittney was indeed with child, she was going to have Sly’s baby.

Sly had reached Fort Pulaski in three days reporting to Colonel Charles Olmstead. He was one of three hundred and eighty five men. He counted himself lucky; the Confederates had run telegraph wire from the Fort to Savannah. Sly had a communication link to keep in contact with Kirk and Brittney.

They busied themselves bringing all the weapons over to the fort from Tybee Island and placing mines in the river channels to protect themselves from Union gun boats. General Lee and Colonel Olmstead thought the fort was safe.

Sly often sent telegrams to Kirk and he always responded back. Everything was fine at Ashland House. The telegrams that Sly received from him made him feel that Kirk was not telling him everything.

He had been there a month and the weather was starting to cool down. Sly felt that he could easily go stir crazy behind the walls of the fort. Brittney’s birthday was coming up and he found that he was thinking about her a lot. He wondered if they would let him take a short leave to visit her. He would ask Colonel Olmstead.

Kirk kept all of Sly’s telegrams in his desk after he showed them to Brittney and at her request did not tell Sly of the expected baby. Brittney thought that news would be too much of a distraction. Kirk read the latest telegram and hid it in the desk drawer as he heard the doors to the study open. He pretended to read the latest newspaper that was lying on his desk. He looked up as Brittney entered.

She bent over to kiss his cheek, glancing at the paper. “Good morning, Papa.”

“Morning, Kitten. How are feeling today?” Kirk glanced at her noticing the glow that was on her face. Folding the newspaper and handing it to her, he asked. “What would you like to do for your birthday?”

“My birthday?” Brittney sat down as she looked at the paper.

“Today, Brit.” Kirk smiled at her, “The same day as it had been for the last twenty years.”

She had been reading the newspapers headlines as he was talking. Jefferson Davis was elected as the regular Confederate President and Port Royal had fallen to the Union Army. “I really don’t feel like doing anything.”

“That is too bad.” Brittney jumped as she heard her husband’s voice. “I guess I will just have to go back to Fort Pulaski.”

“Sly!” She threw the paper back on the desk as she got up. “Did they throw you out of the army?”

“No,” he hugged her tightly. “I have to head back tomorrow. I asked for a few days off so I can spend today with you.”

Kirk folded the newspaper, laying it on his desk as he left the room. He watched the couple for a minute before shutting the doors on the way out.

Kirk was smiling absently looking out of the window as Elizabeth came in walking towards the kitchen.

“Miss Elizabeth.” Kirk addressed her as he kept smiling. “If you are going into the kitchen could have the cook set an extra place at the table until breakfast tomorrow. Mr. Sly is here for Brittney’s birthday.”

“Yes, sir,” Elizabeth took the news happily to the kitchen.

After Kirk had shut the door, Sly looked down at Brittney. “So, what do you want to do today?”

“I would like to spend it with you, Sly.” Brittney looked up at him smiling. “I missed you.”

“And I missed you, too,” Sly studied her. “You look different, Brittney.”

“Maybe I am.” Brittney was laughing at him. “You see I grew another set of eyes. . .”

“I knew there was something missing from the telegrams your father sent me. Where are you hiding them?” Sly watched as Brittney’s hand went instinctively to her stomach. “Are we . . ?” Sly didn’t finish the question. He swooped her up and swung her around.

“Sly, I am going to get sick. Put me down!” Brittney had turned pale. “And, yes, we are.”

“How come you did not let me know before?” Sly asked as he sat her down.

“I did not want it to interfere with what you were doing.” Brittney smiled as she looked up at him. “I don’t want you to worry about me.”

He bent down and kissed her. “That is almost as good as you finally telling me that you loved me.” He let her go and walked over to look at the window. “How about we hitch up Thunder and Goldy and go for a ride?”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Brittney walked to the doors and opened them. “Do you want lunch first?”

“After I talk to Kirk,” Sly glanced over at her.

Brittney told her father that Sly would like to see him on her way to the dining room.

Sly was still standing at the window when Kirk entered back into his study. “It seems that I am to be a father.”

“I am glad she has told you.” Kirk sat down in the chair behind his desk. “I am also glad that your marriage has worked out for the better.”

“You and me both, Kirk,” Sly turned from the window, looking towards his father-in-law. “I want to make sure that she is taking care of because there is a big chance that I will not be here when the time comes. How far away is this Dr. Epps?”

“About an hour’s ride. Elizabeth is trained as a midwife also.” Kirk was impressed with the way that Sly was thinking about the future. “Sly . . .” He thought about voicing his worries about Brittney having a baby but thought better of it. “Congratulations’.” He said instead as he stood up. They both left the study and headed towards the dining room where Brittney and Elizabeth were waiting.

Soon after lunch was finished, Sly hitched up the horses to the buggy. He stood talking to the pair as Brittney stepped out the house. “Bonnet?”

“They are still in your wagon, Sly.” She laughed remembering how upset she had been when he had handed her one of her bonnets out the wagon the first time they had ridden together.

“You left the box in there? I would have thought that you took them the house.” He went into the stables and came back out with a bonnet in his hand. “Shall we go, Mrs. Rushmore?” He held out his hand to help into the buggy.

“Let’s, Mr. Rushmore,” Brittney situated her dress as she sat down and tied her bonnet into place.

They spent most of the afternoon riding to their home to make sure everything was alright there and then just relaxing. Sly turned to look at her on their way back to Ashland House. “What would name it, if it is a boy?”

“After you, Sly,” Brittney answered him. She was starting to feel a little tired; she had not had her nap today. “What about a girl?”

“We would name her after our mothers.” Sly smiled, “It’s going to be a boy though.”

“How do you know that?” Brittney was amused by his answer.

“I just do.” Sly had the horses go faster as he saw some clouds starting to form. “Are you warm enough?”

“I’m fine.” She was fighting sleep and the horses were going fast to make her feel a little queasy. She was glad that they were not far from Ashland House.

Brittney had just gotten in the house as it started raining and she watched as Sly started running for the house.

“That’s a cold rain.” He went over to the fireplace to warm up. “Are you sure that you are alright?”

“I’ll be fine, Sly.” Brittney sat tiredly by fire on the sofa. “I am just going to rest for a bit.”

Elizabeth came in the room and looked directly at Brittney. Her face looked a little green to her so she went in the kitchen and got some salty flat bread and a glass of water. She walked back into the family room and handed this to Brittney.

“Thank you, Lizzy.” Brittney took it thankfully and started nibbling.

Elizabeth saw Sly watching her. “It calms her stomach down. I am betting she didn’t ask you to slow the horses down.”

“No, she didn’t.” Sly was watching the color return to Brittney’s face. “We wanted to beat the rain.”

Brittney was amused by them talking over her like she was not even there. “I am almost always sick on my stomach, Sly. It is really no big deal.”

They were called into dinner then. Brittney did not eat a lot, but she barely did anymore. She could control her morning sickness better that way. After eating, they all retired to the family room in front of the fire telling stories and laughing. Nobody realized that Brittney had actually fallen asleep. After telling everybody good night, Sly carried her up the bedroom to put her to bed. He lay down beside her, thinking about tomorrow when he would have to leave her again.

Chapter Five

Sly looked over at Brittney still sleeping and slipped out of the bed. She had been exhausted and barely stirred during the night. Sly washed up and went downstairs. He met Elizabeth coming up the stairs with some cloths and an empty wash basin.

“Is she still asleep, Mr. Rushmore?” Elizabeth asked him.

“Yes, she is.” Sly answered her as she stepped around him. “I did not know one person could sleep that much.”

“It is healthy for her.” Elizabeth finally answered his unspoken question about the cloths and wash basin. “It is for her sickness.”

Sly nodded and started back downstairs. “I need to leave in an hour. Will she be down by then?”

“Of course, she will.” Elizabeth continued to Brittney’s room so she could wake her.

Brittney was waking up as Elizabeth opened the door and for once she did not feel sick. That surprised her. “Good morning, Liz.” She sat up in the bed as she greeted her. “Where is Sly?”

“He is already downstairs.” Elizabeth laid down the cloths and wash basin, happy for once not to use them. “He has to leave within the hour. So if you can forego getting sick, we should have no problem.” Elizabeth laid her some clothes out as she left the room.

Brittney joined them in the dining room fifteen minutes after Elizabeth left her. Sly stood up; walking towards her as he saw her. “Good morning, sleepy head.” He kissed her as he pulled out her chair.

“Thank you, Sly.” She had noticed that Sly and her father had stopped talking as she entered the room. “What were we talking about?”

“We were talking about how safe Fort Pulaski is.” Sly told her as he offered her some coffee.

“No, thank you, anyway.” She nibbled her toast as she turned down the coffee. “Is anything really safe?”

“I am sure it is safe enough.” Sly reassured her. “I am going to go and saddle Thunder and then I will come and get you.” He excused himself from the table as he saw a lone tear come down Brittney’s cheek.

Brittney did not wait for him to come back and get her; she put on her cape and walked out to the stables. The doors creaked as she opened them but Sly had not had time to dry his face off.

“Were you crying, Sly?” Brittney asked as she walked towards him.

“I guess I was.” Sly answered her. “I thought I said I would come for you.”

“You did,” Brittney told him. “But I am not one for following instructions.”

Sly put his arms around her and smiled. “I am well aware of that,” he paused. “I do not want to leave, Brittney. I didn’t want to leave the first time, either.”

“You have to.” Brittney looked up into his eyes. “You can’t be a deserter, Sly. It is not an option.”

“Why not?” Sly asked her.

“I do read the paper, sir; desertion is punishable if they catch you” Brittney just stared at him. “Now kiss me good-bye so you can leave and then you can thank your Colonel for me. I loved my birthday present.”

After he kissed her good bye, he mounted Thunder and looked down at her. “I love you, Brittney.”

“And I love you, Sly.” Brittney said as she watched Sly take off on Thunder. The tears started sliding down her cheeks in a steady stream. Elizabeth had been watching from the door as Sly left and she went to Brittney; offering her a shoulder to cry on. Brittney gave Elizabeth a half hearted smile and they walked side by side back to the house.

Brittney’s birthday was in the middle of November and now it was time to be thinking about Thanksgiving. Kirk had been raising a turkey just for the holiday as he did every year.

Brittney usually loved the Thanksgiving Holiday but her heart just was not into this year. Her thoughts kept going back to her birthday when Sly had surprised her. It had been the best; yet the saddest gift she had ever received. The vision of her husband with tears sliding down his face haunted her.

Elizabeth tried her best to distract Brittney from her thoughts; seldom achieving her goal. “Brittney, please, I wish you would try to attempt to enjoy the holiday a little for your father’s sake.”

“I am trying, Lizzy.” She sat down at her desk. “I just cannot shake the way Sly looked the last time I saw him. Did I do the right thing by telling him about the baby?”

Elizabeth turned away from folding some clothes to look at her. “Yes, Brit, I think you did. Now he has two reasons to stay safe.” She picked some clothes up from the bed. “You made him very happy, child.”

Brittney stood up; belittling herself. “I made it difficult for him to want to return to the Fort.” She watched Elizabeth. “I will try to focus on the holiday and Papa.”

They always set a big table and invited all of their help to eat with them; it was a tradition that Kirk started after he inherited Ashland House. It had actually been her mother’s idea and Kirk kept it going in her memory.

Brittney would ride out on Goldy today and extend the invitations. As long as she rode slowly she felt that she would be alright. She grabbed a cape and bonnet and headed downstairs where she saw her father in a coat and hat also.

“Morning, Papa.” Brittney greeted him. “Where are you going this morning?”

“I have the buggy hitched up and waiting.” Kirk kissed her on the cheek. “I figure you could use the company this morning when you hand out the invitations.”

Brittney was curious at the change of plan but also grateful. “Thank you, Papa.”

He grabbed a blanket to keep them warm on their ride as they headed out to the buggy. After all the invitations were giving and accepted, they headed home; watching snowflakes falling as they rode. It was cold and winter was yet to come. Rarely did they receive snow; it was a delightful surprise and Brittney smiled as she watched it.

There were actually two turkeys that year plus a couple of hams from hogs that had been butchered. Sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and corn made it into a feast that would not be forgotten. The only thing that could have made it better was if Sly had been sitting at the table with them. After Grace was said, Brittney said a silent, well meant prayer for her husband. ********************************************************************

Sly was thinking of Brittney and the upcoming baby when he realized what day it was. He had a lot to be thankful for this year. He had just received Brittney’s latest letter and was reading it when Richard came up to him.

“Hello, there.” Richard was about the same size as Sly with a very friendly attitude. His family lived just outside of Savannah. He had befriended Sly almost immediately; making him feel welcomed. “Do you know what today is?”

Sly put the letter down after it folding it up. “Thanksgiving. How are you doing, Richie?”

“Doing fine,” he smiled showing that he was missing a tooth. “It is also my birthday.”

“Happy Birthday, then.” Sly looked over at him. “Now you are an old man.”

Richard laughed. “One more year and I will be free man. Go home to the wife and kids.”

Sly looked a little sad. “I wish I could be there when Brittney has our baby.”

“Maybe you will, Rushmore.” Richard glanced at the front of the tent when he heard voices from the other soldiers. “Maybe this bloody war will be over by then, but in the mean time the cooks are fixing us an official Thanksgiving feast.”

Sly got up off his cot and they both headed out of the tent. “This will be a treat.” Sly thought to himself.

Thanksgiving came and went; the weather turned frigidly cold as Kirk and Jenkins went in search for the perfect Christmas tree. Kirk was trying very hard to keep his daughter’s spirits high. He knew that she was thinking a lot about Sly; his letters stayed open on her desk for whenever she missed him. She read them over and over again; sometimes staining one with tears. Maybe decorating for Christmas would cheer her up.

Brittney was in the parlor trying very hard to concentrate on the embroidery in her hands when they came home with the tree. She had already glanced over the paper; the main headline was about Missouri. Even though Missouri had not seceded from the Union, they were admitted into the Confederacy.

She listened as Jenkins called on a couple of others for some help and they brought the tree into the parlor as Brittney looked up. Noticing how big the tree was, she smiled. “You out did yourself this year, Papa.”

“That I did, Kitten.” Kirk smiled at her. “The question is; are we going to have enough ornaments to decorate it?”

“I’m sure we will make do.” She watched as the men stood the tree up in amazement.

After the tree was stood up and put in place, Kirk took a letter out of his pocket. It was a letter from Sly and he watched as Brittney smiled as she recognized the writing. She put the letter in her apron pocket as she stood up, walking over to the tree to admire her father’s treasure. The parlor smelt like fresh cut pine and was very calming.

Brittney walked over to a crate of glass blown ornaments that Elizabeth had already brought down; opening it up to study the collection that her mother had brought with her to Ashland House as a bride. The ornaments were Brittney’s favorite part of the tree.

Elizabeth came down the staircase holding another crate of ornaments as she heard Brittney and Kirk talking. She went into the parlor, smelling the pine and looking at the biggest tree she had ever seen standing in the house.

Brittney looked over at Elizabeth and started singing Jingle Bells as she was putting ornaments on the tree.

They were all exhausted as they admired their handiwork. Brittney put her hand in the apron pocket feeling Sly’s letter. Taking it out, she sat on the couch in front of the fireplace and read it.

Sly wished he had brought warmer some warmer clothing. Winter had come and not only were they dealing with cold temperatures, they were dealing with the moisture that came from the Atlantic Ocean. His boots were wearing out and his socks had holes in the toes and heels. His shirts all sported patches at the elbows and his trousers were not in any better shape.

Christmas was just four days away and the garrison had actually managed to secure a small tree and decorated it with anything they could spare. Sly was amused by this and put every detail in a letter that he wrote to Brittney. He left out how his clothes and boots were torn up. They heard of two battles that were fought; one in Virginia and the other in West Virginia. So far, he felt, Georgia was safe.

Brittney woke up on Christmas morning and prayed for God to protect all the soldiers on this special day. Maybe there would be no bloodshed, but that was doubtful. She got up and dressed as she stared out the window as the snow falling once more. She smiled as she opened the bedroom door and walked down the staircase.

Elizabeth was right behind her as she entered into the parlor. “Merry Christmas, Brittney.”

Brittney turned around and hugged Elizabeth as she wished her a Merry Christmas also. They waited for Kirk to join them and then they opened the gifts that they had made for each other.

Brittney thought of the gift that would be waiting for Sly when he came home when she a felt a flutter from the baby. She put a hand where she had felt the movement and silently said “Merry Christmas and May God bless us all.” She smiled throughout the rest of the day.

Chapter 6

It was the beginning of a new year and the war between the states was still going strong. The men stationed at Fort Pulaski were busy replacing the Veranda with a covered passage to add extra protection to the Fort.

Sly had developed a good friendship with Richard during the months as they worked together. Richard was a humorous guy and had the men laughing when their minds were elsewhere. He would tell the stories about the mischief he would get into while he was a young boy on his family farm in Montgomery. The stories did a lot for the moral of the men.

They would work from the sound of revelry to the time they ate supper; each trying to stay busy. Sly lived for the delivery of the mail. One letter could brighten his day and make being away from home tolerable if not bearable. He wanted so much for the war end so he could return to his family; as he was sure the rest of garrison felt the same way. He laid down on his cot in his tent remembering how Brittney had fought off his advancements almost a year ago. He smiled as he went to sleep waiting for another day to come.

Elizabeth and Brittney were stooped over making shirts and skirts that she would be able to wear after she could no longer fit into what she had as Kirk came into the parlor. It was well into the afternoon and was quit chilly as he put another log on the fire.

The doctor had been in earlier to check up on Brittney and Kirk had asked him to stay so he could discuss some chest pains that he had experienced.

Kirk had discussed the pains with the doctor that he had felt a couple of times in the past two weeks. He had first felt them the week after the New Year came around.

Doctor Epps listened to his chest and heart; not really finding anything wrong and Kirk was relieved. The doctor would keep a vigil on him while he came to give the checkups to Brittney. Kirk decided that slowing down his pace would be a good for now.

Brittney watched her father as he sat down. “What did Doctor Epps say, Papa?”

“He said I am fine, just old age coming around.” He said as he watched the flames in the fireplace. “But,” he paused as looked over at his daughter. “He also said that you are not eating enough.”

Laughter escaped Brittney as she replied to that. “I eat everything in sight, how is that not enough?”

Elizabeth looked up then, “You nibble on everything. There is a difference.”

“Is there another paper, Papa?” She was always quick to change the subject when it did not interest her.

“In my study, dear,” Kirk noticed the quick change. “There was only one battle that was written about and it was in Kentucky.” He got up after making sure they were warm enough. “Dinner will be in an hour, so why don’t you call it a day.”

“Yes, Papa,” Brittney laid down the skirt she was hemming noticing that her back was hurting just a little bit. “This would go a whole lot faster if we had one of those sewing machines.” She complained. She loathed sewing but she was good at it.

Brittney stayed in the bed the next morning feeling chilled and she just could not stop sneezing.

Elizabeth came in to check on her when she did not make it down to breakfast feeling sorry for Brittney when she saw how miserable she looked. “Poor, Kitten,” Elizabeth felt her forehead to make sure she was not running a fever. “Your nose is red.”

“It’s just a cold, Elizabeth.” Brittney glanced at her. “I always get one.”

Elizabeth put a log in the bedroom’s fireplace and stoked the fire. “Yes, you do; but you could have done without it this year. I will go down and get some juice along with a slice of toast.” She walked towards Brittney with an extra blanket and covered her with it. Glancing back as she headed to door, she noticed that Brittney had already dozed back off.

She walked down the stairs and went into study knowing that was where she would find Kirk. Knocking, she entered the room. “Sir?”

“How is she?” Kirk was looking outside but turned as he spoke.

“She had a bad case of the sniffles.” Elizabeth answered

“Of course . . .” Kirk walked towards her. “She has not missed a year yet.” They left the study; Elizabeth heading for the kitchen and Kirk heading off to find Jenkins.

Brittney was just finishing her juice when Dr. Epps walked into her room. Raising her eyebrows, she looked over at Elizabeth. “When did we start calling the doctor in for a case of the sniffles?” She was not amused.

“I am as shocked as you, Brit.” Elizabeth took the glass when Brittney was through drinking from it. “I think this might be your father’s doing.”

Dr. Epps looked at both of them. “That it was, ladies.” Walking towards Brittney he added. “He is a might concerned about you and I am thinking that most of that concern comes from watching Elaine after you were born.”

Brittney frowned as she heard him say that. “Why would he worry because of that?”

“Your grandmother passed away the same way, Mrs. Rushmore.” The doctor was listening to her chest. “I hear some congestion in your lungs.”

“I always get a cold.” Brittney sounded annoyed wanting to know more. “How come he did not tell me of my grandmother?”

“I don’t have the answer to that. . .” He paused as he took her pulse. “But maybe you should humor him. I will come back tomorrow to check on you.” Dr. Epps put his stethoscope back in his doctor’s back. “Get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluid.”

Brittney and Elizabeth looked at each other after he left the room. “Are they trying to scare me?” Brittney asked as she laid a hand on growing abdomen.

Sly read both of the letters carefully; Kirk’s being different than Brittney’s. Brittney’s letter would have him believing that everything was going well and there was not a worry in the world while Kirk’s told of the doctor’s visit. Sly could only hope that between Elizabeth and Kirk that they could talk Brittney into eating better and she could get rid of the cold. He wished that he was there to knock some since in that pigheaded brain of hers. He could not help but think that again Kirk was hiding something from him as he folded the letters up and put them with the rest of the letters that he had received; he threw not one away. The letters had taking over a week to get there this time and he wished that he knew what was going on now. He stood up as he heard Richard come in and smiled, “What is happening, Richie?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Richard was not his usually peppy self. “I wish I could say that we were all going home, but I do not wish to get your hopes going.” He, himself had just received a letter from home and it was not all good news. His father had passed away two weeks ago and he was just finding out about it. “How is it going with your family?”

“Brittney has the sniffles and she is not eating too well.” Sly answered him. “Let’s go get some chow.”

January turned into February and Brittney was finally able to get out of the bed to go downstairs. She was still a little week, but felt much better. Kirk and Elizabeth were both thrilled to see her up and about.

She was happy being able to finally eat breakfast at the table with her father. “Good morning.” She planted a kiss on his cheek.

“How are you feeling?” Kirk asked watching her while sipping his coffee.

“Great, Papa.” She sat down and served herself some eggs. “Scrutiny does not become you.”

“Don’t blame for me for worrying, that’s what fathers do.” He put the cup down on the table. “I am happy to see you though.”

Brittney glanced at him. “Is there any news from Sly?”

“Not lately, but the mail has been running very slow recently.” Kirk pushed his chair back and stood up. He was feeling tense about her pregnancy, every time he saw her; she was getting a little bigger.

She saw him looking at her and laughed inside but only until she remembered what Dr. Epps had told her. “Papa,” Brittney paused as he turned around to look at her. “Why did you not tell me about grandmother?”

“Who told you?” Kirk asked frowning.

“Dr. Epps.” She answered as she watched him.

“I did not wish to tell you . . .” He walked towards the door, “because I did not want to scare you.”

“You should have told the doctor that.” Brittney pushed her plate away; barely touching anything. She stood up, “Maybe you should tell me now.”

He watched her push her full plate of food from her and was not pleased. “You eat your breakfast and then I will talk to you in the study.” Elizabeth had entered the room as Kirk turned around to leave the dining room. “Elizabeth, she is to eat everything on that plate.” He left them while Elizabeth sat down.

“Talk about being treated like a child.” Brittney pulled the plate back to her and ate the food even though she had no appetite.

She stood in front of the bedroom window, looking out but not seeing anything as she was lost in her thoughts. Family history did not look like it was in her favor; but she felt that she was stronger than her mother and grandmother. Strides in the medical fields have increased her odds and she felt no need to worry. Sitting at her desk, she wrote all of this in her diary as she thought about Sly. They had not heard from him in three weeks and she was starting to worry.

Chapter 7

Sly and Richard were digging ditches or what they called ‘rat holes’ teasing each other as they went along. The ground was half frozen and making the work harder than it needed to be. Sly paused as he took some water that was offered to him. The cold winter did not affect him anymore; he was actually getting used to it. He propped up against his shovel looking up at the sky, “Looks like a storm is coming.”

Richard turned to see what Sly was talking about. “Sure does. That means we will have to work in the rain.” He took his turn at the water. “We don’t need that, maybe it will hold off until supper.”

“Maybe,” Sly looked over at his friend. “Have you received any letters lately?”

“Not one.” Richard answered him. “The mail might come tomorrow.” He took his shovel back and started digging some more.

Sly followed his lead and finished his ditch before supper was served. He felt some rain drops and was very grateful that it held off. “What are we doing tomorrow now that we have all these rat holes dug?”“I heard we are filling sandbags.” He laughed. “Sounds like fun.”

“Yeah,” Sly started running to the mess tent as the rain starting really falling down not feeing overly optimistic.

Kirk put the paper down; two forts had fought battles, one surrendering to the Union along with a battle on Roanoke Island. Some of the battles were starting to get a little too close to home. He would be lying if he said he was not worried; everybody was worried these days. He left his study and went outside to saddle up one of the older horses to ride. Kirk decided this would be a good day to send a telegraph to Sly since they had not heard from him in a while. He was worried about his son-in-law and the stress he was seeing in Brittney’s expressions was not putting him at ease. He rode to the nearest railway station to use their telegraph machine and then decided to wait until he received a reply. There were a few shops in Hinesville so he decided he would do a little shopping while he was in town. He picked up some of the candy he knew Brittney loved as well as a few staples for their pantry. After doing all of this he went back to station to see if they had a reply, he was pleased with the response that he had received. Kirk had told Sly that Brittney had fully recovered and that all was well. Sly sent a reply back stating that he was very relieved that Brittney was better. He had written three or more letters in the past month and had not received anything for the last three weeks. That was what Kirk had feared happened.

He turned to the telegrapher and after thanking him, asked if knew where all the mail had gone.

“I haven’t seen a postal rider in a while, but the train did drop some letters off.” The telegrapher offered. “I can see if there is anyone here that can help you.”

“That would be great. Thank you, sir.” Kirk was pleased but could not understand while Sly was not receiving his letters. “I live just outside of Hinesville and the last names would Ashland and Rushmore.”

“I will give them that information. How long will you be here?” He had written down the information that Kirk had given him.

“As long as you need me to be, sir,” Kirk smiled at him.

“Give me about an hour then.” Kirk watched him as he went inside another set of doors.

An hour later he started off to Ashland House with a buggy full of treats and a stack of letters. He whistled as he rode; knowing that Brittney would be very happy.

Brittney looked up as she heard her father come in the house whistling an upbeat tune. It had been a long time since she heard any whistling and it made her smile. He came in looking for her with a smile on his face, handing her the telegram from Sly.

“Thank you, Papa.” She was smiling as she knew Sly was alright.

“That is not all I got.” Kirk bent down and kissed her cheek as he watched the excitement wash her face. “While I was in Hinesville, I asked the telegrapher if he knew what had happened to the mail.” He pulled a stack of letters out of his coat pocket.

“Oh, Papa,” She could not figure out whether to laugh or to cry as he handed her all the letters her husband had written to her. She stood up and gave him a very tight hug.

Brittney tore the first one open before she sat down on the couch in front of the fireplace and started reading it.

“Where is Jenkins?” Kirk asked while he watched her, happy that he had taken the trip today.

“He is in with Cook.” Brittney answered him as she continued reading. She was engrossed in all the details of the Fort that he written along with the funny story he had put in from his friend Richard. She did not see her father go out of the room, but she still heard him whistling.

While she was reading Kirk had Jenkins help him bring in the provisions that he had stocked up on while he was in town. Cook had everything she could handle with the flour, sugar, and other treats that Kirk had bought. The last thing that Kirk grabbed was the licorice that he had bought for Brittney; he stuck that in his pocket as he headed back to the parlor where he hoped that he would still find his daughter.

As he entered he noticed that Brittney was still smiling as she absently watched the fire.

“Penny for your thoughts, Kitten.” Kirk sat down next to her.

“It was like Christmas all over again, Papa.” She smiled at him. “That meant a lot to me, getting those letters.”

“I might have one more thing.” He admitted to her.

“What?” She thought that getting the letters was enough.

He took out the bag of the licorice candy he had bought for her. “Your favorite, if I am not mistaken.”

“Papa, you are the greatest.” The tears finally came down her face. “Don’t ask, I have no idea why I am crying.”

He brought her closer to him. “It is okay, Brittney.” He handed her a piece of the candy.

They sat there staring into the fireplace; thinking of their individual thoughts when Brittney jumped. She had just felt the baby kick for the first time. Kirk looked down at her as she saw her smiling.

“He kicked.” Was all she said as she looked absently at him.

“He?” Kirk asked her.

Brittney sat up, “Sly says it will be a boy.” She yawned as she stood up. “I believe that it is time for me to retire.”

Sly had been relieved when he received the telegram from Kirk and was in much better spirits as they filled sandbag after sandbag. He believed that he would enjoy digging more of the ditches better. The big news for the ending of February was the inauguration of President Davis in the Confederacy.

The weather was cool one day and balmy the next as they headed into March; spring was just around the corner. They still had a lot to do to the fort under General Lee’s orders. The sandbags they were filling needed to be piled between the guns and the rat holes and the fort’s interior ground needed to be cut into wide traps and trenches to help prevent any cannon balls and shells from rolling into the structure.

Sly looked down at his blistered hands as sand had fallen on them getting some of the grains into the busted ones. He was half listening to tale that Richard was weaving as they worked when a fight had broken out between two of the other men. It was growing tense inside the walls; the men were arguing over irrational actions. He watched as two of the officers separated them as he continued shoveling sand into his bag, shaking his head.

“We won’t have to wait for the Union to try and take the fort.” Richard said as one of the officers got decked. “We are going to kill ourselves.”

Sly grinned at him. “Let them knock themselves out, I am going home.” They both watched as the men were led away to separate tents to cool off. He noticed a horse coming into the fort, “I do believe we actually have mail.”

Richard tied up a sandbag that he had just finished. “I hope so. I am waiting for news that my brother is with my family.” He had been worried about them being alone after his father had passed away. Richard had an older brother whose name was Robert and had written to ask him if he would stay with his wife while he was away.

They both waited patiently for supper to come around because that was when the Colonel allowed his officers to hand out the mail. It would not be long now.

Sly had finally received all the letters that Brittney and Kirk had sent and every man retired to their tents to read the latest news from their families. Richard received the news that he had been waiting for and was immensely relieved.

Sly was smiling to himself as he read Brittney’s letter telling him about receiving the letters after Kirk had went into town to telegraph him and about feeling the baby kick. He made a mental note about the licorice; maybe he could pick some up the next time he went home.

Battles were waging in the western part of the country and Kirk had just made another trip into Hinesville to send a telegram to Sly and pick up a new paper. He had laid the paper down and was pouring himself a glass of whiskey as he looked out the window, the sun was shining brightly and little spreads of the wild violets were starting to poke from the ground. He smiled to himself as he thought about spring being just around the corner.

Jenkins knocked on the door and poked his head in to see if Kirk was there. Kirk turned towards the door as he greeted him, “Yes, Jenkins?”

“Doctor Epps has just ridden up, sir.” Jenkins informed him as he entered into the room. “You said you needed to see him.”

“Thank you, I will see him after he does his check up on Brittney.” He finished his whiskey and put the glass down on his desk.

“Yes, sir.” Jenkins left.

Kirk had been feeling tired lately and had experience some more pains, keeping it to himself so as not to worry Brittney.

Brittney’s checkup had gone well and the doctor did not complain about her eating this time. The pregnancy was progressing well, the doctor told Kirk this as he entered the study.

“How are you doing?” The doctor asked him after he had informed him of Brittney’s progress.

“I have felt that pain again; a couple of times.” Kirk passed on the information that he had kept from everybody else.

Doctor Epps took out his stethoscope to listen his chest; this time he did not like what he was hearing. “How is your energy level?”

“Sometimes I just do not have any energy; and at other times it is just fine.” Kirk got up and walked over to his desk. Sitting down he glanced at the doctor that had been with the family since Brittney was born.

“I want you to slow down a little bit, Kirk.” Doctor Epps looked over at him as he sat in one of the chairs across from him. “Your heart sounds a little weak; it could be that your age is catching up with you.” He stood up. “I will be back in a week to check up with you again.”

Kirk stood up and walked him to doors of the study; shaking his hand. “Thank you, Doctor.”

Chapter 8

Fort Pulaski was sent warning from General Lee about the battles being fought on the Atlantic Ocean. They were not aware that the Union army was had been placing materials, ammunitions, and guns within firing range of the fort. They were working at night while the confederate garrison was asleep in their tents; talking only in whispers as they worked. Their work was well camouflaged by building sand dunes in front of the guns, so the Confederate look outs never saw them.

Lieutenant James Wilson was sent to the Fort in a boat under a flag of truce formally demanding the Fort to surrender to union; of course Colonel Olmstead answered that it was his duty to defend the fort under the Confederate flag. The men were readied to fight with their weapons as they were told what had finally happened. At 8:10 of the morning of April 10, 1862, the Union army started firing their weapons seeking the revenge of Fort Sumter almost a year before.

Sly and Richard looked over at each; each saying a prayer that they would survive this attack, but it was not looking good as they took cannon fire along with guns. They were still fighting as day turned into night and they were all getting tired.

Richard turned as Sly yelled out in pain; blood was coming from his leg. Richard took hold of him and pulled him out of the way. “Hang in there, buddy.” He said as he was putting pressure on him. Richard was looking for a safe place to carry him, as he saw someone else waving at him.

Sly was unconscious as they carried him inside a tent. Richard tore the thread bare trousers away from the leg that had been hit. “That doesn’t look good.” He stood by his friend as the medic started digging the shrapnel out of his leg. “Somehow we have to get him to a hospital; I can only do so much here.”

“Clean it up, doc.” Richard looked at him wondering if the doctor was giving up. “I can get him to a hospital.” He knew that Sly had placed his horse in a Savannah stable as he had himself. “Now that it is dark, it should be fairly easy. Is it okay for me to move him?”

“He should be okay.” He was wrapping cloth around the leg. “Go before anyone sees you.” He handed two discharge papers that he signed after he finished wrapping Sly’s leg. “God speed.”

Richard took and threw Sly over his shoulder and headed for passageway out of the fort. Everybody was busy enough not to see him exit with his injured friend. Richard just prayed that he would have the same luck from the soldiers shooting at them. Staying in the shadows he walked softly; careful not to make any noise. It took him a couple of hours but he managed to reach Savannah and then he sat down to rest outside stables where their horses were being housed. He put some water up to Sly’s mouth as he listened to the sounds of fighting at the fort.

“This is not the way to go home for the birth of your baby.” Richard said softly. “You will go home; you just have to stay with me.” He decided then to skip going to the hospital and to take him to Montgomery. Robert was a doctor and Richard would be able to keep an eye on him there.

Richard woke up as the stable boy was kicking his shoes. “Mister, you okay?” He asked him.

After realizing where he was at he looked at young man that was talking to him. “Yes, thank you.” He checked on his friend and then stood up. “I need get to our horses.”

“Sure.” The man opened the doors of the stables and they went to the horses. “Your friend is hurt, is that from all the fighting at the Fort.”

“Unfortunately, I need to get him to a doctor. Will you help me lift him up onto his horse?”

“No problem.” Sly moaned as he was lifted up, but he was on Thunder. Richard strapped him onto the saddle as the man helping brought Richards horse to him.

After mounting onto his own horse, he shook hands with the young man. “Thank you, sir.” He grabbed Thunders reigns and started off to towards Montgomery.

Robert was outside plowing the ground for the garden that Richard’s wife wanted to plant as he heard the horses. Stopping Richard’s mules, he glanced up; not believing his eyes. “Richard’s home!” He yelled as he passed the opened door of the house.

He ran up to the horses as they got closer to the house. “Hello there, Richie. I see you brought company.”

Richard jumped off his horse and stopped Thunder. “Nice to see you, Robert,” He walked over to Sly who was stirring but in great pain. “Okay, buddy; I have the best doctor around right here.” Richard and Robert both took Sly off the horse as gently as could trying to avoid touching the hurt leg. “Let’s get him inside.”

After laying him on a bed in the house, Robert looked at the leg as Richard greeted his wife and kids.

Kirk felt a jab of pain come into his chest as he read about the attack and surrender of Fort Pulaski. Sitting at his desk with his usual whiskey sitting in front of him he was trying very hard to figure out how he was going to tell Brittney; especially not having any news about Sly. This was not going be easy or pleasant; he was going to have to tell her. He stood up pacing back and forth until he stopped at his window.

Brittney and Elizabeth were walking around outside in the vegetable garden she had talked him into. Brittney was actually waddling now that she was in her eighth month of pregnancy. Kirk had tears in his eyes. If only he had some good news to tell her; hoping that Sly was not killed in action was not knowing it. He turned away from the window, staring at the portrait of Elaine as he always did when he needed strength. He left the study and waited for Brittney in the parlor.

Brittney and Elizabeth came in smiling; spring was always Brittney’s favorite time of the year. Seeing the expression on her father’s face the smile disappeared and she stood frozen where she had stopped, “Papa?”

“Have a seat, Brittney.” He noticed that Elizabeth had started to walk away. “Please, stay Miss Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth looked over at Brittney as they both took a seat waiting for whatever Kirk was about to say. They watched as he walked to the fireplace and back, hating himself for having to even bring the bad news to Brittney. He wiped his hand over his face, trying to hide any evidence that he had cried from his daughter.

“I have some news. . .” He paused at he studied Brittney’s face. “Fort Pulaski was attacked about a week ago. It is now in Union control.”

Brittney was shocked; there was nothing she could say as she thought about Sly.

“There is no news about Sly.” He sat down in chair facing the ladies. “I wish I could tell you that Sly was alive; but I just do not know that.”

Brittney started sobbing as Elizabeth held onto her, silent tears falling down her own cheeks.

Robert took the best care he could of Sly and was seeing little bits of recovery coming over the period of two weeks. As far as he could tell, all of the shrapnel was cleared from his leg and he kept it clean enough for infection not to set it. He kept Richard updated every day and Sly was talking now.

Robert looked at Sly as he talked, while removing the bandages. “It is about time for you to get up and start walking around,” smiling as he saw more improvement in the leg.

“That’s good news.” Sly glanced at him. “You and Richard have saved my life.”

After he put a fresh cloth around Sly’s leg, Robert stood up. “Richard save your life, I just saved your leg. How about we stand up now?”

“Anything you say, Doc.” Sly stood up; not feeling any pain. “So how long before I can go home?” He could not get over how much Robert and Richard looked alike. Richard was a little taller, but they both stood with confidence.

“A couple of days,” Robert told him. “And I will ride with you. For some reason, my brother wants me there for when your wife has the baby.”

“What month is it?” Sly asked as he had lost all track of time.

“It is the middle of May.” Robert informed him as he was leaving the room.

“Talk about cutting it close.” Sly grew restless; the baby was due any time.

Elizabeth watched Brittney as the first weeks of May disappeared and there was still no word of Sly. She refused to get out of bed and was barely eating; Elizabeth begging her to eat for the baby. Brittney needed news about Sly and just thinking that he might have been killed by fighting for this unreasonable war made her angry. Her temper was short and she was having a hard time getting along with herself. Elizabeth did not know what she could do to make her feel any better. Grief was a monster that no one welcomed but it had to be contended with. It was breaking her heart seeing Brittney like that and it would break her heart some more when she would have to tell Kirk that there was no improvement.

Kirk was waiting for her downstairs as he heard her come from Brittney’s room. Elizabeth shook her head as he looked at her with the question in his eyes. He walked back into the study trying to think of something that he could do to get her to snap out of it. Pouring himself a glass of whiskey, he looked out the window. He could see horses coming down from the hill behind the stables. One of the horses looked like Thunder. He put the glass down hard and walked briskly to the front door of the house. As the riders got closer, he saw that one was Sly as he rubbed his eyes hard to make sure he was not imagining him. He smiled as he yelled for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth came running out the front when she heard Kirk yelling and looked at where he was pointing. “Sly?”

“Yes, mam,” Kirk was happy that they would finally have good news to give to Brittney.

Elizabeth walked back inside the house as she was smiling for the good news that would hopefully bring Brittney out of the depression she had sunk into. “Every cloud did have a silver lining,” she thought as she headed up the stairs.

The horses stopped at the fence and Kirk watched as Sly gingerly slid off of Thunder. His clothes were torn, his boots had holes in them, and he had a long cloth wrapped around his leg; but he was alive and he was hobbling towards them. His friend dismounted his horse and took both of the animals into the stables before coming to the house.

Kirk was shaking Sly’s hand by the time he reached the front door. “Kirk, this is Robert. Richard and Robert both saved my life.” Kirk shook Robert’s hand.

“Thank you, sir.” Kirk led the way into the house and spotting Jenkins; sent him to get Sly some fresh clothes.

Sly looked around hoping to spot Brittney and was disappointed. “Where is Brit?”

Elizabeth had come down then. “She is upstairs in bed. She has not been up she was told of the attack on your fort.” Elizabeth was frowning as she looked him straight in eyes. “Maybe seeing you will bring her back to us.”

Sly did not have to be told twice. He took the steps two at a time fearful of what he might see. He opened the door and didn’t say a word; her eyes were closed. Sly down at the bed noticing how big she had gotten while he pushedd a curl of black hair off her forehead. “Hello there.”

She stirred but did not wake completely up. She thought she was dreaming; Sly was talking to her.

“Brittney, I love you; now wake up and let me see your eyes.” Sly was getting worried.

Her eyes popped open after she realized that she was not dreaming. “Sly?” Brittney looked over at him and smiled. “You are not dead.”

“No,” he laughed. “I was wounded but I am not dead. I am sitting on the bed and talking to you.”

She sat up in the bed. “I am starving.”

He smiled as he stood up. “I will have Elizabeth bring you up a tray of food. Then I want another doctor to look at you; the one that saved my leg.” Sly bent down to kiss her before leaving the room.

Robert walked back down the stairs after he examined Brittney; noting the toll that grieving had put on the mother and baby. In his opinion, he had gotten Sly home in just enough time.

Sly was waiting for him at the bottom of the steps; knowing Kirk would want to hear what Robert had to say as he led him into Kirk’s study.

Kirk looked up from the paper he was writing on as the two men entered. “Well?”

Sly pointed to one of the chairs in front of the desk while he sat down in the other one.

Robert looked at the both of them. “I would be lying if I told you that the past couple week did not affect her any. . .” He started. “But I think that there is no real damage done and with some serious nursing we can get her back to full strength before the baby is born. That only gives us a couple of weeks. I would say the end of May.”

Sly looked over at his new friend and spoke for both Kirk and himself. “You tell us what we can do and we’ll do it.”

“We need to get her to eat again,” Robert took a glass that Kirk had just offered him. “And we need to get her on feet and walking. That will make the delivery a little easier for her. The baby feels like it is going to be of good size.”

Kirk looked over at Sly and then back at Robert. “I feel I need to tell you some history about her family.”

Sly looked back over at him puzzled. “What history?”

Kirk glanced over at the portrait of Elaine before spilling his heart out about his worries. “Elaine’s mother passed away after giving birth. . .” He paused before going on; remembering watching Elaine pass away while holding Brittney, “As Elaine passed away giving birth to Brittney.” He watched as Sly stood up.

“Does Brittney know about her grandmother?” Sly turned to face him after slamming his hands in his pockets.

“She made me tell her after she was in bed with that awful cold.” Kirk answered him. “She told me that I was worrying about nothing. She thinks she is stronger than they were and up until a few weeks ago, that might have been true.”

Robert watched as Sly paced the floor and then standing up himself he looked over at Kirk. “We’ll get her through this; alive.” He walked out of the room with Sly behind him.

Elizabeth had just passed the door as it opened, smiling as she carried an empty tray towards the kitchen. She stood still as she saw Robert coming out with Sly. “Robert?”

Robert looked up the voice he had heard so many times in his dreams. “Elizabeth!”

Sly looked from one to another with a very puzzled look on his face. “Seems you two know each other so I will make myself scarce,” He turned towards to staircase to go upstairs to his wife.

Robert did not know what to say to Elizabeth as he watched Sly disappear. All he could was stare at her. “How have you been?”

“What are you doing here?” She asked him at the same time, anger replacing the shock of seeing him in the house.

“I came in with Sly.” He told her. “Is there somewhere we can go and talk?”

“In the parlor,” She pointed to the room next to Kirk’s study. “I need to take this to Cook and then I will join you.”

Elizabeth walked into the kitchen putting the tray down on the table trying to compose herself after seeing Robert after twenty plus years. She sighed heavily as she started to walk back towards the parlor.

Robert was standing there looking at the paintings that decorated the walls as he heard her return. She sat down as he looked over at her. “You haven’t changed, Lizzy.”

“Neither have you.” Elizabeth had a million questions running through her head; not knowing which one to start with. “You really hurt me, Robert.”

“I know and. . .” He sat down next to her. “No matter what I do or say, it won’t change that.” He glanced over at her looking into her eyes. “I can tell you that I have never stopped loving you.”

“Then why did you run away three weeks before the wedding?” Elizabeth had always wanted to ask that question.

“Your father,” He remembered that afternoon as clear as if it had happened yesterday. “He decided that I was not fit to be your husband and threatened me with a shotgun.” He slapped his leg as he remembered it. “He said if I married you, you would be a widow within a day.”

“That explains that.” Elizabeth was not shocked; her father had been a mean man by the devil’s standards.

“I heard that it turned out to be a full blown scandal and all I could do was feel sorry for it. I hated leaving you with him, but I did. Regretting it every day,” He stopped for a moment; looking down at his shoes. “After your folks passed away, I searched for you. I asked every neighbor in and around town if they knew where you had gone. Nobody knew anything.” He looked back at her. “I made myself busy and went to medical school.”

Elizabeth had silently starting crying as he told his story. “You became a Doctor?” Elizabeth asked him.

“It appears I am relatively good at fixing people.” Robert smiled at her. “Were you here the entire time I was looking for you?”

“I brought Brittney up from a newborn; she turned twenty back in November.” Elizabeth answered.

“Do you forgive me?” Robert asked her as he took her hands in his own.

Elizabeth laughed at him. “I’ll think about it.” She smiled as she looked into those brown puppy dog eyes. “I forgive you.”

He smiled as he kissed her on the cheek. “Can we start over then?”

“Are you going to run away again?” Elizabeth asked him point blank.

“Absolutely not,” Robert answered her. “I am here to deliver Brittney’s baby.”

“Really?” This shocked Elizabeth.

“I think that is why Sly kidnapped me; actually it was my brother’s idea for me to come out with Sly for his wife. Sly was impressed with the work that my brother had talked about.” Robert smiled at her.

“That was the Richard that he kept writing about. He never wrote a last name.” Elizabeth got up. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”

“I would love one.” They both walked into the kitchen. “Wait until Richie hears about this.”

Brittney dressed and walked downstairs with Sly the next morning; astonishing every one as she did so. She smiled as she kissed her father good morning before sitting down with the family. She had to admit her curiosity about Elizabeth and Sly’s friend had a little to do with it.

Robert was smiling as he joined them at the table after seeing that Brittney was out of the bed and walking around. He sat down next to Elizabeth as Sly was talking to Kirk.

They were going to ride into town to get the latest news and buy some more provisions. Brittney ate while she studied her companion. She wanted to ask her some questions.

Robert asked Kirk if he could join them on their trip; he had a letter that he wrote to his brother about his arrival at Ashland House that he wanted to send.

“Are feeling alright today, Brittney?” Kirk turned to his daughter before answering Robert about joining them.

“I feel fine, Papa.” Brittney looked up at her father while eating a fork full of eggs.

“Join us then, Robert” Kirk spoke to him. “There’s nothing wrong with having an extra set of hands to load the wagon.”

Brittney smiled because now she could get Elizabeth alone to answer some of the questions she had. After all the men had left and they sat down in the parlor to make the baby some clothes, she turned to her.

“Well?” Brittney asked her.

“Well, what?” Elizabeth answered her knowing what Brittney was asking.

“Sly said you and Dr. Harrison know each other.” Brittney came back at her. “Is he the groom that ran away?”

Elizabeth held up a little gown. “He is the one that ran away.” She turned the gown over looking for any missed seams.

“Will you tell me the story now?” Brittney asked as she watched her.

“I guess it would not hurt anything now.” They sat and sewed as Elizabeth told of her story along with what she had just learned the day before from Robert.

Brittney laughed at some of it and cried at other parts. “Your marriage was stopped by the barrel of a shotgun.” She laughed so hard she cried. “I am sorry, Elizabeth. It is just so funny; you were forced out of a marriage and I was forced into a marriage.”

Elizabeth laughed along with Brittney as she said it that way.

Brittney looked serious again as she added. “I am glad that he finally found you again.”

Elizabeth stood up and hugged her. “I think we have made enough clothes for two babies, let’s call it a day and put them in your room.”

For the next couple of weeks Brittney ate the way they wanted her to and walked as much as possible. Sitting down was becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

Kirk watched her walking through the house and started getting anxious as the time got closer. Sly noticed this as he was walking with her one day and decided that he would need to talk to him about it. He knew that Kirk was nervous, but they did not need to let Brittney see that.

He came out of his thoughts as Brittney spoke to him. “Papa’s scared that I am going to die like Mama did.”

Sly stopped as she admitted this to him; he had been hoping that Brittney would not think of her mother. “I will not let that happen.” He looked down at her noticing there was sadness about them when she spoke of what she knew. “You are a Rushmore now and we are to mean to die. Remember?”

“I am also my mother’s daughter.” Brittney said as she felt a pain making her stand still.

Sly saw the looked that crossed over her face. “What is it, Brittney.”

“I think the baby just kicked a little harder than usual.” Brittney started walking again.

“I do not want you to worry about the other thing, Brit.” Sly watched Kirk go into his study as they started to walk outside. “It is not good for you.”

“Sly. . .” Brittney paused as she looked down at the porch, not knowing what had just happened. There was a puddle of water under her and she bit her lip as a sharp pain ripped through her. “I need to go to bed.”

They walked back inside and Sly helped her walk upstairs. “I think you need to have that baby.” He helped her into her gown and then helped her into the bed. “I am going to get Robert and Elizabeth.”

Brittney watched him leave, feeling very uncomfortable.

Sly ran all through the house looking for Robert and Elizabeth. He finally heard them talking in the kitchen and rushed right through the doors almost knocking Cook down. “Sorry.” He said as he almost tripped over his own feet. He was out of breath as he looked at them.

“Sly?” Robert looked at him.

“It is time.” Sly was trying very hard to calm down.

Robert and Elizabeth both stood up; Robert slapping Sly on the back. “We will go look at her, Sly. You need to calm down.” As Robert saw him start walking with them as he shook his head. “Go and keep company with Kirk; Elizabeth will keep you updated on the progress.”

“Keep company with Kirk,” he mumbled to himself as he watched them walk up the stairs. “Why not,” Sly was muttering to himself as knocked on the study doors. He peered around them searching for his father in law. “Kirk? Why is there no light in here?” He asked after walked in.

Kirk lit the lantern as he heard Sly calling for him. He is drunk, Sly was thinking to himself as he saw his face.

Lifting the bottle up, Kirk smiled sloppily at him. “Just taking the edge off, boy” He put the bottle of whiskey down on his desk almost spilling it in the progress.

“You are drunk, Kirk. How long have you been in here by yourself?” Sly had forgotten about Brittney for a few minutes. “By the way, your daughter is having a baby.”

“I know that, Sly.” Kirk responded to him. “It should be here by the end of the month.”

“No, Kirk, she is having the baby,” Sly studied him making sure he had his attention. “She is going to have it right now in the bedroom with Robert and Elizabeth.”

Kirk turned sober real fast as he took that in. “She cannot have that baby, it will kill her.” Looking up at the painting over the mantel he cried in his stupor, “It will kill her, Sly.”

“Stop talking like that!” Sly was growing agitated. “She is not Elaine and she is not Elaine’s mother. She is Brittney and she will live.” Sly stood up. “You are pathetic when you are drunk. How about we go and have some coffee?” He took him by the elbow, not waiting for him to answer and guided him into the kitchen.

Elizabeth had left some coffee on the wood stove as she and Robert went upstairs and Sly poured him a cup of that. He sat down with Kirk as he drank watching as the agitation in Kirk’s face slowly disappeared.

“How is she?” Kirk asked Sly as he finished his second cup of coffee.

“I haven’t the foggiest, Kirk.” Sly answered honestly. “They won’t let me in the room.”

“Really?” Kirk looked over at Sly. “I was there when Brittney was born.”

They both looked up as Elizabeth walked into the kitchen. She stared at Kirk strangely as she put some glasses of water on a tray to take upstairs. She had never seen him even close to being drunk the whole time she had been there, but he sported the same look as her father did when he enjoyed the whiskey too much. It was not her place to say anything so she glanced over at Sly. “It could be tomorrow, Sly.”

“She has to be like that for another day.” He felt sick on his stomach.

“You don’t know much about childbirth, do you?” Elizabeth was amazed as he looked sick on his stomach.

“I was an only child.” Sly answered.

“Sometimes women can go through labor for three days, more or less.” Elizabeth said as she walked back out the door.

Kirk watched Sly. “Would you like some whiskey now, son?”

Sly just laid his head down on the table.

Brittney had never experienced such pain as she was feeling at the moment. She had been at this for hours. She was tired and her hair was plastered to her forehead. Even the cool cloth Elizabeth was putting on her forehead did not make her feel any better. She was totally exhausted. “How much more, Liz?” She asked as another contraction hit her. “I can’t do this anymore!” She was yelling through the pain. She had been at this since before dinner yesterday and you could see the sun rising in the window. Brittney started to cry. “Why can’t Sly be in here?”

“Hush now, Kitten.” Elizabeth was pampering her. “Husbands just cannot be in the same room, they cannot deal with the pain.”

“He can,” Brittney paused as another pain hit her hard. “Have the pain.”

Robert checked her again when he came back into the room. Smiling he told Brittney that it was time for her to start pushing.

She looked at him like he was crazy. “I’m too tired, you push.”

“You are almost through this, Brittney.” Elizabeth was trying to encourage her. “When the next pain comes, you push that baby out with all your might.” Elizabeth propped her up in the bed to help her. The minute she felt Brittney put pressure on her hand, she told her to push, encouraging her the whole time. She pushed for what seemed like an eternity to her.

After a while Brittney heard the baby crying and felt relief at the same time. Elizabeth smiled at her, “I told you that you could do it.”

The new mother smiled down at the baby boy that was screaming at her, almost forgetting all the pain she had just went through. Elizabeth moved the baby to where he could feed.

Robert smiled as he watched Elizabeth while he cleaned Brittney. Standing up after his job delivering the baby was over, he moved over to Brittney taking her pulse as he congratulated her. “Job well done, Mrs. Rushmore. Do you have a name to put on the certificate?”

“Sylvester Alexander Rushmore, the third.” She told him as Sly came into the bedroom.

He smiled as he saw Brittney with their son in her arms, smiling up at him. He sat down next to them as he looked at the baby’s face. “Happy Birthday, Alex,” he whispered to the as he kissed Brittney.

Elizabeth shut the door on the new family as she and Robert went down the stairs to inform Kirk that he was grandfather. They found him pacing in the parlor and Elizabeth thought he looked a lot better than he did last night. He looked from one to another wanting to know the answer to the question he was afraid to ask.

“You have a beautiful grandson, Kirk.” Elizabeth told him “And a very strong daughter.” She broke into a smile as Kirk came over to hug her and shake hands with Robert.

“Happy Anniversary, Brit.” Sly watched her as she woke up. He had already been down stairs and was holding a tray of food with one of her roses on it.

She smiled up at him, “Has it been a year already?” Brittney sat up still feeling sore from the day before. “It feels like it has just been a few months.”

“I thought so, too.” He answered as he sat down beside of Brittney, placing the tray over her. A lot had happened with him serving in the army and being gone for those months. “I am just happy that I was spared so I can spend my time with you and Alex.” He paused looking towards the cradle. “You should probably eat this before he wakes up again.” Standing up he looked at his son; smiling as left the room remembering how a year ago Brittney had not even wanted to be married to him. He peeked back through the door looking towards his wife as she was watching him. “I love you, Mrs. Rushmore.”

© Copyright 2010 D. A. Price (UN: gbodeb34 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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