Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/689357
by Minuit
Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1646081
When Robin encounters danger, will she save herself or her family?
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#689357 added March 4, 2010 at 4:49pm
Restrictions: None
In the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
                                                                    ~Sora’s view~
        How long had he been stuck in that classroom? Sora wondered this as he walked out into the already blackened sky.  Gazing at the glowing full moon above him, he then realized when he had first entered the school, the sun had been glowing brightly.
  It had felt like ages had passed by, but he had assumed it was all in his mind. The teacher had sat at her desk the entire time, pretending to be oblivious to his presence until she had looked up and finally asked him why he was still sitting there. Smirking slightly at the annoyance obviously plastered over his normally carefully composed face, she had gone back to reading her paper, and left him to show himself out of the room.
  Walking out of school grounds, he commented spitefully, “Man, that teacher has NO life at all. What does she do, sleep there, too?”
Well, he was at least thankful to get rest for the classes he _wouldn’t_ be attending tomorrow when he heard a scream.

  “What the…?!” Sora started, turning around on the spot where he had heard the scream emanate from. He realized then, looking wildly around, that it had come from the school grounds.

  “What could’ve happened in the 5 seconds I wasn’t there?” he asked himself quietly, finding himself walking hastily toward the source of the noise, but added brightly, “Ooh, maybe the school caught on fire and I won’t have to ditch school tomorrow! Or maybe “Professor” fell down a flight of stairs and died…Tch, but I mustn’t get my hopes up…”

  But as Sora turned the corner, he saw no one else but the same mysterious girl he had seen earlier that day. Only now she was cowering with fear.

  “What happened?” he yelled out to her, breaking into a run.

  Yet when she met his eyes, her eyes widened and she mouthed, “Run!” He had just about reached her, completely puzzled by her strange behavior, when a tall man stepped out of the darkness. Next to where the crestfallen girl sat, he grinned and announced, “Oh, no you don’t, kid.”
    Sorry about the wait....I ignored a major science project until the last 2 days...(Oops :P)  Well, that's what I got for procrastination...I had to work from the time I got home from school until midnight for those 2 days (Ahh, it was horrible!!!) and I've decided to never do that again (*2 months later* Ahh! I forgot to do my essay for Social Studies!!!) ha ha jk :D)
    Well, please review! I worked for a while on this, and I'll need your help to continue!    -Minuit :D
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