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This is the book version of my Army of Humans and Monsters |
But then, she smelled something familiar, a scent similar to both Jenkins and Jensen, coming from him. “What the hell?” she wondered. She then walked up to him, and started to smell the kitsune. The scent was definitely coming from him. “Well, this is a surprise,” she said with a strange smile. “What?” Orangetail asked, nervous about what she had found out about him. “Let’s just say that you are of the same line as the woman that you tried to eat last night, the same grandfather, and great-grandfather as well,” Bloodtooth said, as she looked out the window at the statue, to compare the two. “Ah, there it is,” she said, with a chuckle. “You have the same eyes as him, the eyes of a human.” “No, I’m not human,” Orangetail said, shaking his head. “I never said that you were,” Bloodtooth said, as she went back to her desk, to continue writing her report, and chuckled at her discovery. “This will be an interesting reunion,” she thought, as she heard the door knock. “Come in, Uniter,” she said. As the door opened, Jenkins came in, causing the kitsune to gasp, and he did a double take, as the human looked like the statue come to life. Jenkins looked at him, his eyes filled with anger. “You bastard,” he said, walking up to him, his hands clenched, and punched him in the stomach. “I spent five years looking for any surviving members of my family. To hear that someone like you tried to eat one makes me want to tear you to pieces.” With that, he punched him in the nose, breaking it. “I wouldn’t damage him too much,” Bloodtooth said, as she looked up from her report. “Why?” Jenkins asked, getting ready to punch the man again. “One, the bastard signed up,” she said, holding up a finger. “And two, I have a feeling that your grandfather had a fling with his grandmother, and got her pregnant with either his mother or father. Of course, we’ll have to have Doc do a DNA test, and compare his DNA with that of you and Tabitha.” With that, she held up a second finger. “How would you know if he and I could even possibly be related?” Jenkins asked. Bloodtooth just tapped her nose and said, with a smile, “This nose knows. After all, I use it to smell for dangerous chemicals and explosives. Using it to hunt down someone, or their family, comes natural to me. Seeing as to how you and I have spent plenty of time with each other, I know your scent, and one’s relations can give off a common scent, especially when they are related through blood. Of course, I know of an even faster way to find out if you two share the same blood.” “How would one do that?” Jenkins asked. “Blood taste,” Bloodtooth said. “A vampire drinks some of the two peoples’ blood and compares them to each other through how they taste. Also, Wolfblood can identify the common ancestry of two people up to seven generations back. However, while he knows Orangetail’s blood’s taste, he doesn’t know yours.” “So get a needle and a syringe from Doc and-” (Jenkins) “It doesn’t work like that kid,” Bloodtooth said, as she stood up. “He has to taste it while it is warm, and flowing from the person’s veins and you can not be given any injections either while he does it. In fact, He will have to drink some more of this scum’s blood.” “What do you mean by more?” Orangetail asked, nervously, as Bloodtooth walked up to him. “Very easy,” she said, as she took out an electric razor, and started to shave a part of his neck, and expose the skin underneath, exposing two recently scabbed over small puncture marks. “You caused him to miss his supper last night, and since I told him that Tabitha was off-limits, that left him with either me or you, and he has had enough of my blood to last him, as I made him drain me dry once. However, something like the tranquilizer dart that I shot you with, can alter the taste to a degree, and make it hard for him to determine ones relationship to another, or even if the blood came from the same person. So, I guess that he will have another taste of your blood, to see if you are indeed Jenkins’s cousin, just as I know that that human that you tried to eat last night is. Of course, the problem will be trying to explain to your great-grandfather why you tried to eat your own flesh and blood.” “What do you mean?” the kitsune asked. “Didn’t you just say that he is dead?” “Yes, the man is dead,” Bloodtooth said, as she walked back to her desk to continue writing her report. “However, until his mission is complete, his spirit will not pass over. Also, every demon in the military is under explicit orders to not exorcise the spirits of those who still serve in the military after their actual deaths, unless they break the Code that we swear to uphold, with our lives. So, until then, his spirit will remain in this world.” “What was it that he did?” Orangetail asked, as he started to wonder about his alleged, and human, great-grandfather. “Not much really,” Bloodtooth said. “Only broke a guy’s nose, had the man chase him, and sacrificed his life when the other man stepped on a landmine. However, that was how he died. His dream though, that will never die.” “And what was his dream?” (Orangetail) “For there to be a world where everyone walking down the street will not have to worry that someone will eat them, or their children, at the very least,” Bloodtooth said, as she looked at the kitsune. “And that is a dream that we all hope to see come true.” Then, she picked up the phone and said, “Sergeant Wolfblood, Please report to Lieutenant Bloodtooth’s quarters. Oh, and Doctor Charles, It would be appreciated if you could show up as well.” As she hung up, she said, “Useful speaker system the base has. After all, it goes everywhere.” Suddenly, a voice is heard from a speaker in the corner. “Hey fur ball! I was asleep! Goddamn it! I am almost seventy two years old! You don’t need me to help you with your hairballs!” “Don’t ask,” Bloodtooth said, as Jenkins started to look over at her. “Though you cousin there might know a thing or two about them.” Then she spoke up and said, “I need you here to document, and cross-check, a blood taste test. The kitsune that I brought in might be related to another recruit on the base.” “Which one is the suspected relative?” (Doc's voice) “Now that would surprise you sir, but, if I know Jennifer, and your son, they might be in the same room as you, and, unless the two of them are also doctors, there is that Doctor-Patient Confidentiality thing that you doctors seem to care about.” (Bloodtooth) “On my way, but don’t wake me up this early again!” (Doc) With that, there is a click. “Medics,” Bloodtooth said, shaking her head. “I wouldn’t be too surprised if he ends up using me as a test subject for a new healing spell someday. As it is, he likes healing women when they are naked. But, then again, I’m not going to argue with him. After all, mess with a medic, and you could wake up with your head on backwards.” A few minutes later, two people enter the room, Wolfblood and Doc, who looked at Bloodtooth, with a look that said, “I’ll get you for waking me up fur ball.” “Morning sirs,” Bloodtooth said, as she waited for them to sit down, with Wolfblood offering the better seat to the medic. “I have need of your services gentlemen. Wolfblood, it seems that you and I found a third relation to him.” At this, Wolfblood and Doc took a look at Jenkins, who just had something of an angry look, and Orangetail, who was scared beyond belief. “Are you sure?” Wolfblood asked, as he stood up, and compared the two. “Yes,” Bloodtooth said. “They have a slightly similar scent. Now, admittedly, it could be because Orangetail was close to Jensen at one point, and her scent may have transferred somewhat, but, I have the feeling that Doc washed him before he put him in one of his clean rooms.” “That is correct, it is standard procedure,” Doc said. “So, you want me to do a blood taste test, right?” Wolfblood asked. “That is correct,” Bloodtooth said, as she sat down. “After all, if someone is related to a soldier, they have to be considered military property; otherwise a soldier might not perform as well as they should. Besides, the man did decide to join up anyways, which means that, as the doctor, you could order him to take it anyways.” “Well, technically, that is true. Then again, I do need to collect a sample of blood from each recruit, just incase we need a blood transfusion, and knowing ones blood makes healing them easier, in case something happens,” Doc said, as he looked at both Jenkins and Orangetail. When Jenkins heard Doc’s words, he did some quick thinking. While he didn’t want to know if he was related to the bastard that tried to eat his last known cousin, but, if something happened to him, having the doc know the sort of blood that he would need would be useful. “Alright,” he said, as he sat in a chair. “I’ll do it.” “You don’t need to worry too much Uniter,” Wolfblood said. “My saliva has a natural anesthesia, which makes it useful for vampires to sneak up on an unsuspecting victim, and give them a kiss, as it were, on the neck, and they won’t know what happened, unless they place their hand on the wound and see it covered with blood. However, like I told you the other day, I don’t normally drink from someone’s neck. So, you can hold out your wrist and I’ll get started.” “All right,” Jenkins said, as he held out his wrist. Wolfblood then firmly, but gently, grasped it. “Now, the blood taste test doesn’t require a whole lot of blood,” he said. “In fact, you’d lose more in a nosebleed, which, while annoying for anyone, doesn’t normally cause one to lose more than an eighth of a cup at worst, well, at least in the case of humans.” Then, he bit down, just barely touching the vein and artery in Jenkins’s wrist. After a few seconds, Wolfblood lifted his mouth from Jenkins’s wrist and said, “Well, I’ll say this about your blood Uniter, it’s defiantly unique. In the three years that I’ve been a vampire, I’ve never tasted blood like yours.” He then looked at Doc and said, “Hey, when the blood that you get from him when he donates spoils, I want the first cup. His blood is even better than dragon blood.” “He means that as a compliment,” Bloodtooth whispered, when Jenkins walked over to her, and sat down. “He tends to be somewhat, picky, when it comes to the blood that he drinks, and sometimes prefers the blood from certain individuals.” This caused Jenkins to give a weak nervous laugh. “I’ve never heard a compliment quite like that,” he said. “Yah well, don’t worry,” Bloodtooth said, giving him a friendly pat on the back. “Unless they want to be locked up in the stockades and fed their least favorite type of blood, no vampire will just drink the blood of a fellow soldier. If they ask, that’s one thing, but to just drink your blood, well, that can be considered assaulting a fellow soldier.” “Well, you did say that he does drink the blood of recruits that won’t get up. What’s different about that?” Jenkins asked. “Oh, the difference is because they are not soldiers yet,” Wolfblood said, as he walked over to the kitsune. “In fact, off base, I can drink the blood of several dozen prostitutes, and not worry about a thing. Of course, if I drink a little too much, I can always place a healing barrier on them. Useful little things, as they stabilize an injured person and help them start to heal, and protect them from harm as well.” Then, he bit the kitsune’s neck and started drinking away. At the same time, Jenkins felt a small prick on the arm that Wolfblood hadn’t drank from, and saw a needle in the vein where his upper and lower arms met. “Now hold still,” said the Doc’s voice. “I just need a few units of your blood.” “How much are we talking about?” Jenkins asked, as he looked away, and wondered how much blood that the military needed from him. “Well, the more blood that I can collect from you now, the more you’ll have when you need it,” the doc said. “Yah, but still, how much are we talking about?” (Jenkins) “For someone of your size and weight, three cups for now.” (Doc) “Are you sure?” Jenkins asked nervously. “Yep, however, seeing as to how I have to collect blood from every recruit today at some point anyways, the drills won’t be much more than just running and strength training today. After all, soldiers have to be fit to fight. It would be similar to weight room and track, only without the risk of the gym teacher eating you for not completing a rep, or for being the slowest runner. There, that will do.” (Doc) With that, Jenkins looked back over and saw Doc holding a pouch of blood, his blood. Almost immediately, he felt faint. “Are you alright?” Bloodtooth asked, as she carefully turned his head to face her. “Yah,” he said, nervously. “I’ve just never had that much of my own blood taken out of me.” “It’s alright,” Bloodtooth said. “As the doc said, today is just some basic strength training, and you do it at your own pace. No one will tell you how much weight that you have to lift, or how fast that you are to run.” “Thanks,” Jenkins said, as he watched the doctor get out a large needle and walk towards the kitsune, who already had Wolfblood drinking some of his blood. “Hey Bloody Teeth,” the man said, as he wiped his mouth off, as he walked away from the kitsune. “Do you have a washcloth that I can wipe my tongue with? This guy’s blood tastes worse than cat blood, and I hate cat blood.” “I’ve got one right here,” Bloodtooth said, as she tossed him a reddish washcloth. As the vampire washed his mouth of the awful taste of the kitsune’s blood, Bloodtooth asked, “Are the two of them related?” “I wish that they weren’t” the vampire said, as he put the cloth on the table. “But they are. William Henry Jenkins the Second is their most recent common ancestor. After all, The Uniter only had the one child, although if he did do a kitsune, and if he was of that child, if he were here, he’d posses him and slam his head against the wall half a dozen times, although he may do that anyways.” “I’d have to agree with you,” Doc said, as he stuck the needle into one of Orangetail’s veins. “While I’ve never had the opportunity to see his spirit, my father told me that he’d do anything to make sure that there were no problems between the men in the unit that they served in. After all, he wanted to keep the men safe from each other, which was why, after this one particular ambush, which injured many of the non-human soldiers, and got several of the human soldiers captured, he lead the non-humans, that could still fight, in a charge, and had the human soldiers, who could pull a trigger, give them covering fire. From what my father told me, he singlehandedly rescued the prisoners, and captured several of the enemy officers, and killed twenty of the enemy’s giants that day.” “Well I’m sorry to tell you, but you were misinformed,” said a voice, one that was eerily similar to Jenkins’s own voice. “It was twenty-three, but the other three died of their wounds the next day, so they wouldn’t count them as part of my kills.” The two soldiers and the medic looked at Jenkins, who had a grin on his face, one that it was said that The Uniter used every time someone saw him in person. “Morning Sir,” the three said, saluting him, and backing away from the young man, whose body had just been possessed by his ancestor. “Oh come on,” the possessed man said, as he stood up. “As far as I’m concerned, I’m still Private William Henry Jenkins the first. That whole posthumous promotion thing to General doesn’t mean a thing to me. After all, all I did was save a man’s life, and made him see the truth.” He then looked at Bloodtooth and said, “You’re a lucky person to have my great-grandson as your responsibility. However, just because you think that you owe your life to me, I don’t want you to waste it.” “I know, but you saved my great-grandfather’s life sir, which allowed him to get his wife pregnant with my grandmother,” she said. “Yes, at the cost of my own life, and to never be able to watch my own son grow up and have his children, with his various lovers,” the man said, as he touched the werewolf’s face. “You know, other than the fact that you are a woman, you are just like Colonel Richards Redclaws, in appearance, and the fact that you care for those under you, much like he did, after I made him see the truth.” Then, he kissed the woman on the forehead, and whispered, “I’ll allow the relationship that the two of you have with each other, but should he stay in the military after he passes the training, I want him to be in another unit than yours, so you don’t have to worry about putting him in a situation that could cause you to make the decision that could him to get killed. After all, he is like a family member to you, and potentially more than just someone for you to have, fun, with.” Then he walked over to Wolfblood and said, “Thanks for saving his life the other day. I do not want him to die before he has lived his life to the fullest.” “Why, you’re welcome Sir,” the vampire said, as the man gave him a hug. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t drink his blood too often,” The Uniter whispered. “After all, it is my blood to. Oh, and I know a way that your wife will sleep with you in bed. Just sit in a steam room for a few hours, and it ought to make your body, including a certain part of your anatomy, warm enough that she will sleep with you, as well as have sex with you.” At this, Wolfblood smiled, as the possessed Jenkins let go of him. “Thanks sir,” he said. “And thanks for the advice.” “Hey, just helping out a fellow soldier,” The Uniter said, as he walked towards Doc. “Well Doc,” he said. “I expect you to take good care of this young man. Also, the last time I met the spirit of your father he told me to tell you that he is proud of you, your son, and your granddaughter.” Then he whispered, “He also says that you need to learn how to control your anger towards your fellow magic users. However, if you want them to appreciate their non-magic using relations, there is a spell that you can use to prevent them from using magic, unless you, or another authorized person, say the magic words, as it were, which will let them use it again. It might also be useful to teach to those planning to use combat magic against enemy magic users as well to.” “Thanks sir,” the old man said, with something of a smile. Then, the man walked over to the kitsune, who was scared for his life. However, all the possessed man did was take him off of the hook, that he was on, and drop him to the floor. Then, the man said, “To think that a piece of shit like you is related to me by blood repulses me. It may have been a one night stand that my son had with your grandmother, but your nose should have been sensitive enough to tell you that the human woman that you bought was your cousin. That meant that you were to not even think about eating her for dinner, but to care for her due to the fact that you are blood relatives.” At this, he picked the kitsune up and slammed him against the wall and said, “The next time that you even think about eating a defenseless person, I will posses you, and ask a demon to open a portal to Hell and send you there, and leave you there to burn, get the picture.” At this, the kitsune nodded, quickly and nervously. “Good,” The Uniter said, dropping the kitsune. “I will forgive you for your past transgressions, including eating those that you were supposed to protect. However, make no mistake, if I find out that you break the Code, which I helped create, I will kill you in a manner that makes burning in Hell seem pleasant in comparison. That is because I will posses you, and walk into a minefield, and step on one. After that, I’ll give control back to you, and leave you there, until you decide to end it, whether by moving or pulling out a service pistol and blowing your brains out.” Then, he looked at the other three and said, “Well, I best take my leave. I only stopped by to check up on my great-grandson, when I heard that he had enlisted. Well, at least now I’ll have something to brag about at the next ghost soldiers’ reunion. Oh, and would one of you hold him before I give control back to him. He seems to be a little anemic at the moment.” “Yes sir,” both Wolfblood and Bloodtooth said, as they went to his sides and they each placed an arm under his shoulders, and he placed the kid’s arms over theirs. “Take good care of him,” he said, as he closed the young man’s eyes and the body went limp. When the young man’s eyes opened again, they were clear of being possessed by the spirit of his great-grandfather. “What happened?” he asked. “Why am I over here? Why are you guys holding me, and looking like you’ve seen a ghost, and why do I know a guy by the name Redclaws all of a sudden? I don’t even know anyone with that name, let alone any who are werewolves.” “Well, Uniter,” Wolfblood said. “You were possessed, by The Uniter.” "My great-grandfather possessed me?” Jenkins said, in a questioning manner. “Yes,” Bloodtooth said. “As for the name Redclaws, that was my grandmother’s maiden name, before she married my grandfather, and changed it to Bloodtooth.” “Why do I know about her maiden name then?” Jenkins asked. “That is because when a ghost possesses someone, they sometimes leave behind pieces of their memory when they give control back to the owner of the body,” Doc said, as the two soldiers helped Jenkins get back to the seat that he’d been sitting in before his ancestor had possessed him. “However, they tend to fade into the back of ones memory within a day or so. Of course, if you see someone who is descended of someone from your great-grandfather’s unit, you may feel like you know them somewhat. However, try to keep yourself from calling them brother or sister like your ancestor did. That fell out of fashion a long time ago, and while they might understand why, because if a ghost possesses someone, it must be reported, and which ghost it was, and what the message was, incase they found out something important, they won’t like it if you call them brother or sister.” |