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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fantasy · #1458889
It's a vampire romance that I'm still in the process of writing...
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#600719 added September 1, 2008 at 2:51pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter one - Calla
            She lifted her nose, scenting the air once more. Two humans sat on a bench not to far away. She sighed and leaned back against the trunk of the ancient elm, hidden deep within its high branches. She watched the sky above her carefully. Any news on Titan's whereabouts yet? The strange mental link between her and her brother was incredibly useful, especially when they were on the hunt for a rogue vampire.
            Nope, not so much as a whisper, but I'm still canvasing the city, you're at the park, right?
            Yeah, that's where he was spotted the past few nights, so I figured he'll make another apperance...
            Good thinking, if you need my help, you know how to reach me, after all you're my responsibility, little sister...
            Right, because you have to save me SO often... She rolled her eyes as his mental laughter echoed in her mind. Tonight had been rather calm, just a few humans, some fighting, others courting...
            The wind changed and a fresh scent caught Cal's attention. She tensed, knowing there would soon be a fight. A stream of curses left her lips as she jumped from the tree, landing softly on the ground below it. The direction of the scent changed, he was headed straight for her. Ciran! I got him! She barely had time to get her brother's attention before Titan's laugh echoed around her.
            "So, they've sent the twins to capture me..." He strode towards her, all power and muscle. "but little Calla is all alone..." an evil sneer twisted his face.
            "I'm not so little anymore Titan... turn yourself over to my custody and things will be a lot easier on you, we have permission to kill you if we need to..." She shifted her weight, ready for him to pounce.
            He laughed "Turn myself over to you? Now, Calla, why would I do that when I can over-power you and do what I want?"
            "Damnit Titan! Why did they have to send me after you..." She hated the look in his eyes as they roamed her body. "You wern't suppose to turn! I counted on you, Titan... You were suppose to be the strongest of us, able to resist the temptations above everyone else... What happened to you?"
            "I waited for over two thousand years, struggling against my dark nature... I kept telling myself that it would be worth it to find HER, to find my other half and be with her forever, but it is a lie... there is no other half, just our darkness... our needs..." again his eyes washed over her.
            She shivered visibly. "I looked up to you..."
            He smiled "I look forward to looking down at you while I take what I want from you..."
            He launched himself at her, all power and destructive intent. She managed to dodge him, jumping aside just in time. Ciran, it's true... he's turned completely, there's no hope of getting him back... She flashed her fangs at her opponent, a deep snarl ripping from her throat.
            Then kill him... her brother's words were final.

            Calla sighed as the ashes of her defeated foe scattered in the wind. She ran her fingers through her short black hair that had been ruffeled from the long fight. A few streaks of her own blood ran down the fine, procilin skin of her face and legs while her greeen eyes assessed her suroundings. Her fangs receded back into her mouth, now barley visable where they had once been almost ten inches long moments before. She looked down, assessing her battle worn clothing. Her black tee was ripped in a few places, as were her jeans, but nothing too bad. Her jacket was in ruins on the sidewalk, and her heels had broken. She sighed yet again and turned, facing her brother as he approched. At 5'9'' they were exactly the same height, they were even built the same, thin yet athletic. She smiled "You missed all the fun." Her voice, normally smooth and cool, was breathless.
            "Are you ok?" Ciran's own green eyes seemed to glow with concern. "I would have been here sooner but I got a call from HQ... we've got a pre-trans to find..."
            "Yeah, I'm fine..." she cracked her neck. "What's with the pre-trans? usually they live with their parents until the transition hits, espically if they're close..."
            "Yeah, well, this one dosn't know what he is... His parents were killed by a Slayer right after he was born. The slayer thought he was a human baby and took it to an adoption agency... The kid's been shuffeled around ever since. He turned eight-teen about three days ago, so he could hit transition at any time... His parents were Maskist and Harmony..."
            Calla nodded, recognising the names of her once best friend and her husband. "I understand..." she held her head up "Do we have a basic idea of where he is?"
            "That's what I love about you sis, always looking on the bright side!"
            She punched his arm "Cut the crap and let's start looking. I'd assume he looks a bit like Maskist and Harmony at least... maybe he smells like them..."
            "Yeah, maybe..." Ciran shrugged. "BUT... we'll never find out if we don't start looking. Do you want to split up to cover more area, or stay tougther to look less conspicious?"
            Calla locked eyes with her brother, raising her brow "What do you think?"
            "Right, split up it shall be..." He sighed, shaking his head. "I'll go north in a clockwise spiral, you go south, counter-clockwise..."
            She nodded, allowed her legs to tense, then took off running, nose to the wind.

          I can't beleive this is taking so long... Ciran's voice was full of boredom as he ran through some of the slums of the city.
          Well, it's not like we have a sent to track really... we're going off of assumptions, and you know what assuming dose...
            It makes an ASS out of U and ME.... he laughed coursley.
            Exactly! Her nose twitched. I smell blood, I'm gonna go check it out...
            Be careful...
            Aren't I always?
© Copyright 2008 Nila - Out of town (UN: nila_wolf at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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