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#599700 added August 1, 2008 at 10:18am
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More Political Ramblings
I do sincerely appreciate the response to my blog.

Today, here is some more of my "political" thoughts - views on the upcoming election.

Although John McCain is far from a true "conservative", he is without a doubt (in my opinion) the far better candidate.
I believe that the major issues of this election (at this time in history), include:
1. The economy, which includes the high gas prices as well as the "housing'
mess we are in.
2. The War in Iraq (and Afganistan)
3. Enviormental issues (including global warming)
4. The problem of illegal immigration.
5. Taxes
6. Health Care

I'm 53 years old, and I truly believe that this is single most important election of my lifetime!
The impact and ramifications of who is ultimately elected President will have significant and long lasting effects, both for my generation, as well as my children's and grandchildren's future.
In my opinion, we are already paying WAY too much in taxes - The government currently takes more 1/3 of my income - I believe that the answer is not more/higher taxes, but for the government to elimiate waste and effeciently utilize the tax money that they currently take from hard working American taxpayers!

The candidates views on the above issues are as follows:
1. The economy (and I'll include #5 Taxes)
A. Does NOT want to increase Taxes - would leave the "Bush" tax cuts in
1. Is NOT in favor of bringing back "capital gains" taxes in reference to the
sales of individual/primary residences.
2. Is NOT in favor of bringing back "inheritance" taxes under certain levels.
B. Would concentrate ecconomic "stimulus" efforts toward "small
bussinesses" and industry to help create jobs and "grow" the ecomony.
(a huge number of Americans derive their sole income from running small
businesses - they are the "backbone" of America).
C. Is in favor of more drilling/oil exploration at "off shore" sites and other sites.

2. The War in Iraq
A. Wants to "finish" the job we are doing there, to stabilize the region - Win
the war.
B. To assure a stable enviorment in Iraq - not allow it to become a haven for

3. Enviormental Issues
A. Work to improve, and address enviormental issues, including global

4. Illegal immigration
A. Although he states he wants to "stop illegal immigration" - is weak on this
point and does not go nearly far enough.

5. Taxes
A. Overall, reduce the tax burden on the American people.

6. Health Care
A. In favor of allowing "capitalism" and a "free marketplace" regulate and
reduce the cost of health care.
B. Continue to have the quality health care available in the U.S.
C. Work to assure low cost health care available to all Americans

1. The ecconomy (and I'll include #5 taxes)
A. Wants to eliminate the "Bush" tax cuts and INCREASE taxes across the
1. Wants to bring back "capital gains" taxes on the sale of private homes
a. Government will take a minimum of 30% taxes on the potential sale
of private homes - retirees planning on utilizing the "equity" in their
homes for a percentage to live on in retirement will be severely hurt by
this tax.
2. Wants to bring back "inheritance tax' for all Americans.
a. Will again cause Americans to have to pay huge taxes on all
inheritance - Often people losing "family' homes/farms because
they can't afford to pay the government taxes.
B. Would severely INCREASE the taxes on all small and large businesses.
1. Making it more difficult for businesses to expand and create jobs.
2. Decrease income potential for huge numbers of "average" Americans
who are already struggling with the effect of a poor ecconomy.
C. Is NOT in favor of new/additional exploration for oil in U.S. - additional

2. The Iraq War
A. Wants to pull out all American troops without regard for the
consequences for the region/Middle East - as well as the long term
consequences for American safety and security.
B. Lose the war and allow terrorist to take over region.

3. Enviornmental issues
A. Work to improve, and address enviornment issues, including global
1. Probably stronger and more effeciently than the Republicans

4. Illegal Immigration
A. Extremely weak on Illegal immigration - in in favor of "open borders"
1. Increased cost to Americans in government programs for illegal aliens
2. Severely reduce American safety and security - potential terrorism
3. Not address issue to foreign criminals entering the U.S.
5. Taxes
A. In favor of increased taxes across the board for ALL Americans
1. Take even more money away from already struggling American
families trying to make ends meet.
2. Create "new" government programs to significants "grow" the size of
the Federal Government - significantly increase costs to every
B. Wants to give a percentage of the taxpayer's money to foreign "third
world" countries (a budget line item). More tax increases for the
average "working class" American!

6. Health Care
A. Introduce "Socialized" medicine to the United States.
B. Universal Health Care would be astronomically expensive - the cost
picked up by working class Americans.
C. Reduce the availability and quality of health care (in general)
1. Create significantly longer wait for all medical needs with poorer
quality (just look to the north in Canada to see how it will be!)
2. Working class Americans will no longer be able to get quality health
care - will truly only be the "rich" who can afford "private" care.

To be completely honest, I am making my decision (and casting my vote) based on how I perceive the individual candidates will effect my life and my family's future. My "bottom line" is my WALLET. The plain fact is that under an Obama Presidency, I will have significantly less of my own money to make ends meet. With the terrible ecconomy, I (as all other Americans) have seen an incredible increase in the basic cost of living (gasoline...home heating oil leading the way - more than doubled from last year) - how is taking more of my money to "feed" ineffective and corupt government programs going to help me or other working class Americans?
I do not need or want to the government to "take care" of me! I, like most other "working class" Americans have worked hard all my life and taken responsibility for my life and my family's needs and future. I have done what I had to do to provide my family with health care - I haven't looked (with my hand out) to the government to provide it to me for free! I've worked hard to provide food, clothing, and necessities of life for my family, myself - NOT looking to the government with my hand out to get it all for free! I've worked to purchase a home and pay my bills, and have not/ am not looking to the government to "bail me out" for getting a loan that I had no chance of being able to pay off (living WAY beyond my means). I never felt "entitled" to have the government "support" me - I have taken the RESPONSIBILITY myself by working hard.

It's time that a large majority of the members of the Democratic party (liberals) start taking "responsibility" for themselves not expect the government to take care of them from the "cradle to the grave" - we are all "responsible" for ourselves and not "entitled to other people's money. Living in America means having "opportunity", NOT a "Free Ride"! This is the greatest country on the face of the earth! We have a better standard of living than any other country! We have significantly more opportunity for success that other other country! Let's all stop whining and take responsibility for ourselves!

I'm a U.S. Navy Veteran and I'm absolutely proud to be an American!


Barak Obama (and his wife Michelle) are "ashamed" of this country! They believe that we need to do whatever it takes to "please" and "kiss the butts" of Europeans and the rest of the world.
The fact is, Obams is a "Socialist" and clearly believes in the concept of "Maxism" and "Communism" - Certainly NOT "Capitalism", Free choice, responsibility for one's own actions, nor the "American dream". If elected President, he will damage (very possibly fatally) our America for generations to come!

I support John McCain for President!


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/599700