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Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!! |
Ok, this Meme looks remarkably familiar. Michele (http://writingthecyberhighway.blogspot.com/) tagged me with "8 Things That Make Me, Me" last month so I guess this Meme is doing the rounds. I'll see if I can come up with seven more things you mightn't have known about me. ![]() 1. My bloodgroup is B Positive. This is a medical fact that I've always loved about myself. Even my blood is filled with unshakable optimism. ![]() 2. The first poem I ever wrote is still one of my favorites. I wrote it when I was five and it's four short lines remind me of the shy little girl I used to be and still am today. I should print this poem on pretty paper and hang it near my desk to help counter my fears. Little Whispering Flower, stand tall and raise a shout let everything around you, know that you're about. February 5th, 1988 3. I absolutely LOVE the smell of coffee but can't stand the taste. I could spend all day long in a cafe intoxicated by the aroma of rich blends but I'd stick to drinking black tea (with milk) or hot chocolate. 4. I was a strict vegetarian for about a year when I was a teenager. I stopped being a vegetarian shortly after I started dating my ex-husband. He tempted me away from my horror at animal cruelty with hot chicken rolls from Chicken Treat. (A barbeque chicken take away here in Western Australia). I've been addicted to Chicken Treat chicken since and now eat all kinds of meat with minimal qualms about the condition of these animals lives and they way in which they are killed to feed the masses. 5. To tie into that last fact that year of my life horrified my stepfather who was, at the time, a butcher. He owned his own store and I frequently saw dead carcasses hanging in the fridges of the butcher shop. Meat was practically a staple in our family. 6. I failed ninth grade English. It was my favorite subject and I still wonder if the teacher failed me out of spite rather than based on my actual results in her class. Although, I have to admit, on reflection my grade may have also been based on my minimal classroom participation. In class I resented the other students who were a rabble of barely literate dilinquents. They spent more time making the teacher yell at them than trying to learn anything she might have been able to teach us if she'd spent more than two minutes in a row teaching instead of yelling. 7. I had gave birth to my beautiful daughter when I was seventeen years of age. She was NOT an accident. We planned her. I told my mother I was pregnant by showing her a picture of her first grandchild, it was our eighteen week ultrasound. She was very warm and accepting. I know she must have been concerned because of my age and the dependancy I had on my partner but she never showed any sign that she was not proud of her daughter and her coming grandchild. I treasure and truly thank her for that because I know how shattered I would have been if she'd acted in any other way. Well there you go. Seven completely random but strangely interesting and informative facts about me. Now it's your turn. What are seven random facts about you that you'll share with us so we can get to know you better? [I'm not specifically going to tag anyone. It's a busy world and I don't want anyone to feel obliged to join in but if you DO want to join the fun link to your entry so I can follow along. ![]() |