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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #940540
Walk through his own boulevard... Welcome to Matt's Blog
#537861 added September 26, 2007 at 2:15pm
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Vintage Characters
Name: Syke
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Laralakiran(Wanderers) An uncommon race as they like their name never stay in one place. All never feel at home, if they stay in a place to long they begin to feel encased and bonded. As an ally they are good, loyal friends but as enermy and you will not be around for long.
Attitude: Syke is not one to be pushed around and he prefers his own company. He is normally a calm person even in his anger he is calm but if he truelly hates someone then nothing will stop him. He is a shadow in the corner of the alley or the ghost amongst the trees. But he is blind and he resents that. Yet sometimes he knows he can see farther then anyone else.
Looks: He has faintly tanned skin and black hair. His grey/blue eyes, unseeing but deep, hold an intense knowing in them and constantly change to suit his mood. In the Town of Ciairlion where he was brought up with the elfes he is considered uncommonly handsome but with an edge. On his back is a thin scar and there is another similar down his neck, this is from a fight with a Switcher.
Clothing: He where's black naturally. His cape is that of black elvish thread and it covers his black trousers and black shirt. These are flowing and long. He wheres a heavy chain around his neck that was given to him at birth and around his left wrist is a manacle that he supposedly was cut from when he was little and no elf could remove it.
Strengths: He is a strong fighter and can go for seven days without sleep. If he likes he can walk over the mountains in a day and back. his intuition hardly ever fails him. He can see in many ways than others.
Weaknesses: His blindness slows him down. He finds it hard to talk to others without scaring them or sounding condesending.
Power/gift: He is a phycic (eg. telekinetic, can control others, predict things). He can become a shadow (except he doesn't know that). Also he can talk to animals. in a way they are his eyes.
Weapon: An ancient sword that contains a sacred spirit and a staff which he uses much more and is also used to guide him with his steps.

Name: Kami (Kah-Mee)
Age: unknown
Gender: Female
Race: Shape shifter
Mannerisms: She's very paranoid when she first meets someone, always cautious until she's absolutly certain she can trust someone. She's been severly betrayed before, and her amnesia only increases her suspicions of other people. But after one gains her trust, she becomes a loyal companion and will stand by that persons side, even to the death.
Kami is very attuned to nature, being a shapeshifter, especially towards other creatures.
Looks: In her human form she has the body of a young teen. Green eyes, black hair, about five feet tall. Her body is very flexible.
Clothing: As a shapeshifter she doesn't wear any. But when she's human, she'll wear whatever she has available.
Strengths: Kami is especially attuned to nature and the spiritual aspects of nature. Physically her body is very flexible, making her fighting skills as a human very efficiant.
Weaknesses: Kami's heart is sometimes to soft, and her sympathy sometimes leads her into trouble. As a human because she appears as an adolescent, she is not physically strong when comparing muscle strength. Her suspicion of others is also a weakness that causes her to wander alone.
Power/gift: Shape shifting. She can turn into any creature.
Weapon: None. As a shape shifter she cannot carry other items and preferes to travel lightly. For Kami claws and fangs of the beasts she turns into are her weapons.

Name: Zalabaster
Age: 2798
Gender: Male
Race: Genie (not wishes)
Mannerisms: Zalabaster is very intellegent and wise, even for one of his age. While young compared to genie standards, he has some of the greatest wisdom of any genie. While clumsy, he is always willing to do the right thing, even if his master is evil, like his current master, The Grand Vizini.
Looks: Zalabaster has blue skin, pointy ears, no hair and flies on his tornado spinning tail. He possesses many scars on his back from the whip lashes from his current master, Vizini. He has no pupils in his eyes.
Clothing: He only wears a silk crimson vest and a large gold earing on his eye brow.
Strengths: Zalabaster isstrong in the ways of illusion and lightning magic. his high intelligence and wisdom can get him out of many situations.
Weaknesses: Due to a disease from a young age he is very weak compared to most genies. He is very unhealthy.
Powers/Gifts: Zalabaster actually has a efreeta (red genie) bonded with him. Efreeta's are natual enermies of genies. Using the power of the efreeta inside of him he can invoke the power of fire apon them.
Weapons: Zalabaster is only armed with an Order Blade. A scimitar, that can sometimes put the enermy to sleep when struck.

Name: Eliana Romingdale
Age: The human equivilent is about 19 or 20 but really she's in the hundreds.
Gender: FemALE
Mannerisms: Quiet, peaceful, helpful. Protects people whenever she can. She dislikes fighting but will if she must.
Looks: Long blond hair, slightly wavy. Light blue eyes most of the time but the change with her mood with long lashes. She's about 5'6 with a slim build but not stick thin. Well enough endowed. Has a pair of white wings in her angel form but most of the time she goes around in human form as not to atract attention.
Clothing: Wears white all the time and favours a long white cloak worn by her great grandmother. Her hair is usaully tied back in a white ribbon. Also a moonstone never leaves her neck .
Powers/Gifts: Flight and white magic are her gifts. White magic includes anything that purifies, protects or heals. For instance, if something evil is attaking, with her power she can conjure a sheild to protect herself and others if nessessary. Say the sheild fails and all seems lost, she can transport herself and others a short ditance (as in eyesight range) away from the danger point. Quite simple really.
Weapon: She does not really need one. Her powers protect her. If some mugger or other criminal or evil being attemps to knife her, his knife would disintergrate any way.

Name: Finwe
Age:24 (in human years)
Race: Numenorean
Mannerisms: Finwe is bouncy and imaginative but can be serious if need be. He takes destiny and dreams very seriously. Although he enjoys fighting he will not slay just for fun. In his eyes there has to be a reason to kill.
Looks: Brown hair and brown eyes, except at night when they glow and eery green. They also go this colour when he is angry or fighting. He has slightly tanned skin. His cloths are typically of the Numenorean Elves. (if you do not know what that is. think Legolas.)
Strengths: He is stealthy from sneaking around his village at night and natural elvish trait. his grandfather forged the tribal sword 13,675 years ago (elves live forever unless they are slain). He has a sharp mind which can get him out of tight spots and even when his plans do not work they can buy minutes.
Weaknesses: His imagination sometimes gets carried away and is occasionally not serious enough in bad situations. When he fights, battle rage sometimes takes over. Reallys alot on destiny.
Powers/gifts: When he was born he was picked out as the bearer of the tribal sword (magically possessed sword). He can see in the dark and always lands on his feet when he falls as is. He is also able enough to wield the powers of the ancient Numenoreans.
Weapon: The Clan Sword, and he finds the Shield of Tears. The Sword can sense demons and the dead.
(This is added)Destiny: He believes it is his destiny to protect the Seer. As he thinks that if he does not the future of Pheado is hopeless.
This bio will be continued at a later date.

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© Copyright 2007 Dr Matticakes Myra (UN: dragoon362 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Dr Matticakes Myra has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/537861