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Rated: ASR · Book · Inspirational · #1222347
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#508191 added May 13, 2007 at 11:26pm
Restrictions: None
About Love...
Oh, gosh, Callie, I didn't know you were posting blog entries! I can't know about them, see, because there's no alert when you post one. Well, anyway... I might as well talk about my life now, because that's just what I do in blog entires. Because, see, there's never really anything good happening in my life to talk about. (At least nothing that would interest someone with an attention span.)

Okay, so. that fight about the video game was mostly about me trusting you, friend. Oh god... that seems so distant now! When did you post that... MARCH EIGHTH!? Ohmahgawd. I was still in my old house then! Time sure does fly when you's wasting away!

For those of you who might read this, (very unlikely, but who knows?) I moved sometime after that journal entry my BFF Callie made. My house was repossed, the house my mother had rented out of desperation fueled by living in an apartment for four years. Four years! That means I've been in Texas for five years, since March 16th. Why'd I move here? I don't think I want to get into that now. Heh. Hehehehehe. HEHEHEHEHE.

And about the character thing... I can't quite remember what that was about, but if it was about the item I made for out characters, you can edit it or something. But before you do, just keep in mind that I concider your characters mine, too. (Some are legally 30.3% mine!)

And, about that whole second entry... for the imaginary readers, I have to say that Devin and Callie have been together for some time now, and I think it's going pretty good for them. I've given Devin a hard time, though. It's fun; I say things so out-there and weird that he finally gives up and says, "... what?..."

HAHAHA! Only for you, Callie! You and him make a good pair. He left me a comment on Myspace, a really nice one saying hello and stuff, and I replied very suspiciously. Then he left me another comment, and I've ignored it completely. It's great fun.

Oh, and about me saying I'm waiting for the right guy... it kills me, too. Kills me so much that sometimes I cry a little, when I think about what I'm missing out on. A serious relationship... at the age of thirteen, that's what I want. A guy that's my best friend. That I can just... talk to, ya know? I mean, I don't ask for much. But lately I've been looking at the world around me, and I've been more and more discouraged. My mother's been divorced twice, (the second divorce was abusive, mind you) and most of my friends have suffered the same as me. T.V. reality shows are all about sex and how to get it, as are books, dating sites, porn videos, even clothing people wear... sometimes I find myself wondering, where's the love? Love poems and romance novels are becoming more and more fictional to me by the day. Is there such thing as love?

Than there's the whole phase, 'my body's not hot enough to get boys' I'm going through. Right now I think that's stupid, but when I wake up in the morning, I'll be looking at my butt in the morning, thinking, "you freak! You're so ugly! Look at that gigantic BUTT!" Then, I'll straighten my hair, put on makeup, take ten minutes to pick out an outfit... and for what,  imaginary serious relationships that might pop up during that day? A boy that might glance at me and think, "wow, she's a looker"? The chance that someone might actually notice the effort? Unlikely, unlikely, UNLIKELY! It's pointless. My life is pointless.

But, Callie, your relationship with Devin's a bit comforting. It sort of helps a little. I've never met a hot guy and carried a normal conversation out with him before, so right now, someone like Devin's a little fictional in my head, too; but to think that SOMEWHERE out there SOMEONE'S dating without problems... well, it helps. Just don't tell me if anything worse than little fights happen between you and him, okay? You can go on night and day about how his family doesn't like you, but just don't tell me if it's anything less than perfect. I like that lie. That lie helps me believe in good relationships.

And he likes you because you're so beautiful that it hurts! It makes me mad when you say you're ugly. I mean, look at ME. I'm one step above that one tentacle-y guy in Pirates of the Carrabian that's all... I dunno. You know who I'm talking about.



Thanks for reading, imaginary readers. =D I hope you're entertained by my thirteen-year-old girlish blabber. Oh, and if you're a man/boy, I'd appreciate it if you not comment on the eighth paragraph. Hehe. thxthxthxlololol


~C h e l s e a

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