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#504178 added April 25, 2007 at 8:04pm
Restrictions: None
Ilegal Immigration
As a gringo construction worker, in the Chicago area I find myself in charge of crews of Hispanic skilled laborers. In fact the company I work for has a disproportionately larger Hispanic workforce, 6:1. Of this ratio I am confident of the legal status of about 1/8th of them. The rest , although I can not prove it, I am reasonably sure are working, and living here, on forged documentation.

Now, before I go off on my rant, let me first state that I harbor no ill feelings toward anyone who wants to better their personal situation. I would begrudge no one the opportunity to experience the American dream. After all at one time or another most of us who are legal here now, were at one time, or have ancestry which were Immigrants. If you have read my earlier entries you will note that I am very aware of my own ancestry.

The issues I have, are with legal status. I pay taxes just like everyone else. I have a social security number. When they were first issued SS#’s were your private property. Your Secret identification code that only you, your boss, and the Social Security Department of the US government had access to. But since it has been used as an acceptable form of identification, those numbers have been made easier for criminals to get control of.

The amount of identity theft going on in this country can attest to this. With these numbers imprinted on fake documentation, an identity thief can jack you up for drivers licenses, jobs, credit cards, mortgages, and taxes. There is an Hispanic woman and her child held up in a church in Chicago for almost a year. She is seeking asylum there, and can not leave for fear of capture, imprisonment, and deportation., for this very crime. Although she has lived in this country through two amnesty programs she never registered for, she continued to live here on stolen/faked I.D., and now that it’s time to pay the piper for her illegal activities, she runs to this church and demands asylum from prosecution and deportation. The INS has stated that they will raid and remove her at a time they determine, but still her child goes to school, and gets healthcare on the taxpayers buck.

The illegal aliens and their hired council, claim that they are only taking jobs no one else wants …This is a load of horse dung! More and more have become confident enough in their forged credentials, to compete for skilled labor jobs. These jobs are paying anything form $12 to 31$ per hour, depending on whether they can read and write English well enough to fill out the proper paperwork needed to enter a union.

Not only aren’t they declaring and paying their taxes, but the unclaimed tax money sits unused and undistributed back into our economy. We’re talking about billions of dollars a year.

Not far from where I bought my house is an apartment complex where I used to live. In one 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment lived at least eight couples, and their children. The 16 cars with the same address on their parking permit were only the first clue on the substandard living conditions they are willing to put up with. The landlords love them, because they charge $800.00 per month to the first couple then an additional $100.00 for each roommate. The illegal tenant loves this because it allows them to split the rent, in the case of the above example 16 times. The money that is saved is sent back to their country where it benefits their families, but does the U.S. economy damage by not being re-circulated here.

This blog has been, so far, very Hispanic oriented . This is because the Hispanics are the greater number of illegal immigrants in this country. Not because I dislike them any more, or less, then those from old communist block countries, Arab or Indian, who are here illegally.

Here is another little tid-bit for you to chew on. Take any Muslim extremist, cut his hair and beard off, dress him in poor western style clothing, and he could easily pass for a Hispanic. With the rate that illegal aliens from south of the border are entering this country, it’s easy to see how thousands of terrorists could enter without anyone being the wiser.

In closing I would like to state that I feel for the plight of the illegal aliens. I hope that one day we can find a simpler system to screen, and allow persons to enter this country legally, under work permit programs, with tax numbers, and benefits which are amicable to all parties involved.

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