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Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #982524
Online journal capturing the moment and the memory of moments. A meadow meditation.
#500432 added April 8, 2007 at 5:07pm
Restrictions: None
Flight of the unwanted son. Swandri, jandals, judder bars.
Flight of the unwanted son
Having risen above the life-long muck,
he soared beyond the roof-lines of constraint
and veered towards mountains' aspiration
feeling the updraft lift him to the night.
His smile was the moon's rim;
his talons gleamed with the touch of dawn.
He left behind the shackles of terrestrial time
and let the universe enfold his thoughts,
his heart beat slowing to the pulse of emptiness,
all burdens left behind
with what was gone, was lost.
The phoenix took one last look back
at the ashes of his life,
embers reigniting along his crimson feathers,
setting the nest of wounded memories
ablaze once more.

© Kåre Enga



L'aura del campo

Spring: 19 Bahá 164 (8 April) 45º, sunny crisp cold.

'é a lua, é a lua, na quintana dos mortos'
♣ Federico García Lorca ♣

In his jandals he crosses the judder bars on his way to the wop wops

I commented to 'Ropa Author Icon;

This was a wonderful read and I can only hope that you expand on it. Great links.

I believe I have a yellow and black swandri. You'll never find me wearing stubbies.

You could always send me some Whittaker's with a case of L&P, but the marmite might take some getting use to. Then again, so does bleu cheese. *Laugh*

Most of western Kansas is out in the wop-wops, complete with cattle stops.

I don't wear jandals and haven't had to worry about judder bars since my car has been off the road. Get it fixed and legal and I'm headed to the wop wops.

The Beehive needs an A&P show in front of it to make it picture perfect.

They made cheerios in the city I grew up in. Sickening sweet smell probably as bad as a marmite factory.

Great entry, worth reading by everyone who loves a kiwi or would like to hold one in their hand.

One final word: Choice!


PS to readers of my blog: I won't translate *Smirk*. You'll have to go to "Invalid ItemOpen in new Window.. Leave a review if you so choose.


Two based on prompts: [28] above and [29] which starts out "going to visit the L.A. L.A. nation". It can be found in "Plum petals, Roseberry thornsOpen in new Window..

My plugging is working! From last entry: "Wheat pennyOpen in new Window. (edited) and debating when "AlpsOpen in new Window. will be ready. Still needing reviews:

"VioletsOpen in new Window., "Song of an AgeOpen in new Window., "Crow feathersOpen in new Window., "Love-lies-bleedingOpen in new Window., and "SpearOpen in new Window..

These are in the folder "Room 222 - New PoemsOpen in new Window.; they pay 222 gps per review.

Me, my friends and my family

So I didn't go out alot in the cold; so sue me. We got spoiled by the warm weather.

I spent extra time blogging and on the internet. Went to Youtube (a dangerous way to spend time) Friday night and got sucked into watching a Japanese movie (in Japanese, not dubbed) ... twice. Hmmmm. Maybe I should get a tv? Or learn Japanese. *Laugh*

Did see some friends at the coffeehouse and traded a dollar bill for a new G. W. dollar coin. Washington looks like he's angry; his eyes are blank. So did poor George get some bad crack or what? I figured out one reason why the date, mint (D, P or S), "In God We trust" and "E Pluribus Unum" are engraved in the edge like the British pound (not as deep) ... nowhere else to put them! The Liberty Gal on the flip side ain't exactly winning beauty contests either.


At least the Montana quarter ain't butt ugly. Some of the quarters are though. I hope Oklahoma chooses the one with the flycatcher ... it's actually pretty. My favorite is still Mississippi. I should do a survey here on the 2007 coins.

Daily Scripture

O MY SERVANTS! Ye are the trees of My garden; ye must give forth goodly and wondrous fruits, that ye yourselves and others may profit therefrom.

— Bahá’u’lláh

excerpt from Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh, Persian #80, link: http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/b/HW/


*Pthb* Well, one can't have sex or talk about it in the Okeechobee, Florida high school, but at least the GLA can meet ... The official school policy is abstinence. Which means that when the pregnant high school girls manage somehow; can they talk about it? *Rolleyes*. I believe the Judge was right. Young folk have a right to meet even if the school has a gag policy on sex.


*Cry* In the aftermath of the Solomon Islands earthquake it was noticed that an island was lifted out of the sea. Mourn the reefs for they are a-dying:


*Angry* We have a Department of War. Why not a Department of Peace?


*Shock* Conceptually, it is an old idea. For instance, the Cherokee villages were divided into red (war) and white (peace) villages. They had separate chiefs for war and peace.

From Wikipedia:


Each village of the Cherokees had two governmental units comprised of a white and red government. During times of peace the white government had complete control of all affairs dealing with the village. This government consisted of older and wiser men who would not make foolish decisions. In times of war all duties fell on the red government which consisted of younger men who would do well in battle. There was also a Medicine Chief who would break the tie during voting when the Red Chief and White Chief could not agree on an issue.

White government

The white government consisted of the Chief of the tribe, the chief's right-hand man, prime counselors (one from each clan unit), a council of elders, a chief speaker, and a Council of Grandmothers. This is the organization that made the decisions which affected the tribe during their times of peace.

Red government

The red government consisted of a Great Red War Chief, The Great War Chief's Second, seven War Counselors, the Chief War Speaker, Messengers, Ceremonial Officers and War Scouts. The seven war counselors were in charge of declaring war when they felt the circumstances made it necessary. The Council of Grandmothers would declare the fate of captives and prisoners that were taken in times of war.

from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherokee_society

*Smile* I know Jon Dennis. He was arrested recently in Washington when he protested the war:


*Bigsmile* Ever wonder whether someone famous is still alive? Lady Bird Johnson probably deserves an entire article/blog entry devoted to her. She's 94, bless her. Not in the best of health, but still getting around. This is what Wikipedia has to say:


She really believed in beautification. Did wonders for wildflowers and making people realize that driving as fast as you can on concrete wasn't the be-all and end-all of getting from point A to point B. The Lady Bird wildflower organization:


*Laugh* And for fun ... crayons! You too can learn your colors and draw:



The sad weep of ginkgo leaves nipped by the frost; brown lilacs; wet-noodle sedum; nodding tulips. Spring screams to a halt ... then the hush.

The weather has been KOLD. Snow at my mom's.

A good weather link: http://www.wunderground.com

*Reading* READING *Reading*



Asked Sherri Gibson to review a couple of my new poems in my folder if she had time. Bless her, I think she reviewed each and every one. Have asked others as well. The list of top reviewers has folks that like to read and review.

One of the advantages of having someone who has reviewed over a thousand poems here is that they have an internal idea what a 3, a 4, a 5 feels like. It is harder for newbies to sort out. Either they give everything they like 5s and don't like/understand a 2. Or ... they dispense 3s like stale fortune cookies with dumb remarks like 'great job' because a 3 is 'average' *Rolleyes*.

I must remind myself ... we were all newbies once. However, many of the writers are very young, not very experienced with life nor writing, think 'roses are red' is a good poetic line ... argh. Some of my topics aren't 18+ nor GC, but it takes some maturity to understand adult themes. If you have never seen someone die it's hard to critique someone who has.


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 Kåre *Note6* Enga

~ until everything was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow! And I let the fish go.
~ Elizabeth Bishop,
The Fish

© Copyright 2007 Kåre เลียม Enga (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre เลียม Enga has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/500432