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Rated: E · Book · Personal · #937454
Thinking is open to anybody, rich or poor. I do hope that my thinking makes you think.
#486900 added February 9, 2007 at 8:35pm
Restrictions: None
11,602 Reviews
I am often asked why I put so many of my poems and other pieces of writing on the auto-award list.

Is it because I am egotistical, mad or very rich and buy millions of GPs.

It is none of those, at least not any one single reason. I love receiving reviews (don't we all?) for several reasons. The most important one for me is that I learn what other writers and readers think of my works. I also find that I am learning and developing all the time, as a direct result of the many, very helpful constructive criticisms. The more reviews I can get, the more I will learn.

It stands to reason that if an item has a good auto-reward, I will get a few reviews. This brings me to the second, well probably equal first, reason that I list so many: I hope that my GPs will help each reader in some way to progress in their writing journey within writing.com. This way I can give something back to a community that has done so much for boosting my confidence and belief in myself and my ability as a writer.

I find that when I am struggling with something in my life, which seems to be pretty constantly over the last six months, but thats another blog....
Sorry as I was saying, when I feel down, I am really heartened and feel encouraged and supported by so many readers. You make a big difference to my day and my life. I can honestly state that I have never logged onto W.D.C. and not been helped in some way.

I have one concern though, I always feel guilty when I am unable to respond to every review due to time or health constraints. I appreciate every review all 11,602 of them, every e-mail and every comment. I find it hard to believe that so many of you honour me by taking the time and trouble to send me a review. Yes, I know the GPs help!

Getting back to the reasons others think might be why I set so many items for auto-rewards. Am I mad? Well I asked my husband and he says definitely. I was mad when I met him in 1962 aged 17 and with the passing of the years he says I have gradually become more so.
Ah well, at least I'm not dull.

I'm not rich, but I buy GPs when I can and will continue to do so for as long as I can. I am probably/possibly about to become unemployed (again another blog). If I owe you an answer to a review, I apologise. I try to answer as many as I can.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the time and thought you have taken to critique my work and to send messages of sympathy, support and encouragement as the need dictates.

In the time I have been a member of this W.D.C. family, I joined in September 2004, I have lost 2 sisters and several friends, who have died. I have had ups and downs with health and issues at work. I've been sick with depresion, caused by the stress and bullying at work, since 16th December last year. I have probably fought my last battle with the National Health Service. I have not lost, but perhaps they have lost me.

Lastly to stop my rambling and get back to the original subject of GPs and auto rewards. Am I egotistical? I hope not although we all like to have a pride in what we do and a belief that we make a small difference to someone else's day, don't we?
When I read all the reviews I usually feel very humble and honestly can't believe that so many talented writers enjoy my poems as much as you appear to.

Thank you so much for all the reviews all 11,602 of them, and while I can do it, I will continue to list auto-rewards. You deserve them.

One small problem how can I store all the messages? I dont want to delete them but there are 117 pages of them.

Until the next time I remember my blog page. Adieu and thank you for reading.

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