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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #1188034
Blog on writing; Poetry and short stories - comments, critiques et al.
#486366 added February 7, 2007 at 1:54pm
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Hello from New England - Cold - superbowl, etc...
Gonna try to keep up better with this blog.
Weather is a bit better up here in New England (Yeah, right...it you're a Polar Bear...LOL) I think the temps might have actually reached the mid-20's today...whoopeee a heat wave....lol.

Been way way way too cold lately....besides the fact that I don't ski...snowmobile...or "enjoy"any other winter sport (give me golf and palm trees any day...LOL) I think a person has to be a bit of a masochist to like this part of the country...it's good thing though, I'm retiring in three years and I don't need any more people down in Florida, where I want to be.....my beaches and golf courses are alreay too crowded!!!

All these Yankees can have the "Oh, isn't the snow pretty" or "Arn't those fall leaves "so pretty"....you can have all that SH**T as far as I'm concerned...gimme white sandy beaches, palm trees, and golf courses any day!!!!

I'm retiring in three years, and after than, I never want to see another snowflake for the rest of my life (ok...maybe in a post card or email...lol).
The plan is to sell our house (here at the North Pole) and buy and RV....and just travel for at least a few years...when the temps get below 75 degrees.....time to move father south.....we'll be learning to say "hope Ya allll (or however you spell it) are enjoying the below zero weahter...not to mention the $400.00 every two weeks I've been paying for heating oil...(the oil companies are bandits...preying on people who need to heat their homes for the winter...luckily, I can afford it, but I know elderly people who have to chose between eating and keeping warm...)

Sure don't have to worry about that in the south...(can buy a lot of AC for $800.00 a month...and that's keeping the house at 68 degrees...sheeeeech)

I am going to try and figure out this site and then try and spice up my blog by insereting some pictures amongst the test...Is there anyone out there who can tell me how to insert pics between text here in this blog (if it can be done here at all?) Show You all some pics of the frozen tundra up here......lol.

I thought the superbowl sucked...really didn't care one way or another who won, (although I would have like to see Manning get his ass handed to him for beating the Pats...however, I degress...lol) I thought both teams played terrible...probably one of the worst superbowls I've ever seen (next of course, to the 1985 Patriots vs. Bears where the Bears absolutely destroyed the Pats....thought I'd just bring that up myself, before some other wiseguy did...LOL)

Also, I don't know about anyone else, but that halftime show was absolutely terrrible...Prince absolutely sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Even Billy Joel was lousy singing the National Anthem..)
the whole night was a disappointment......what a waste of a night....

Sent in my entry this week to the Poetry League "Battles"...(you can find it here at WDC by typing in "poetry league" into search and then clicking on "poetry league battles"....my random topic to write on this week was "Flashes of a Whirlwind" whatever the hell that's supposed to mean...lol. I gave it a shot by writing about/trying to describe a "tornado"...if you get a chance, check it out and let me know what ya think (anyone here can cast a vote for the poem they feel is the best...with an explanation of why, for the vote to count)...
I started this poem on Saturday, and finished it up after the "craperbowl" on Sunday night......don't think it's one of my best, but have had a few nice comments on it (from those friends of mine here at WDC, but hey, they like me and often times "stroke" my ego just a bit...lol) Take a look and zip me a critique if you get a chance...I'd really appreciate it...

will be heading off to my "bowling night" tonight...bowl in a league on Wednesday nights...we bowl ten pin (which is pretty rare here in New England...most bowling here in New England is "candlepin" which I've discovered, most of the rest of the country has never heard of....candlepin uses small balls about the size of grapefruits...and tall skinny bowling pins...Yikeeees leave it to New Englanders to even "F" up Bowling....LOL.
My team is doing pretty well (at real bowling...lol) and, I think, we are currently in 2nd place...whopeeeeee.

Sure hope that damn groundhog is right, and it's an early spring..(sorry back to complaining about the New England winters...LOL)

Looking forward to the debates coming up when the 2008 presidential elections get into full swing....Hillary..holy sh*t...we can only pray to God that she doesn't get in...I honestly believe she could actually ruin this country permanently in a short 4 years...make the "Fall of Rome" look like a kid's birthday party....Hopefully, I can get an honesgt liberal (if one actually exists....lol)
to have some intelligent debates over this in the coming months....

All I can see with liberals is that they want to increase my taxes 3-4 times what they are now, so they can make sure all the people on welfare, and of course all those illegal aliens, don't have to work and can make sure they can buy their booze and cigarettes each week (but enought of this......save this debate for another time...LOL)

Well, gotta run for now.......I will try to keep my blog up to date...it was suggested that the blog would be more interesting if I made it more personal...so here it is...raw, and right off the presses......let me know what ya'llll think...(whoops, spelled it different...well, you know what I mean)

Feedback welcome..........


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