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by Amanda
Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #988755
2 teens have known and hated each other their whole lives...or so they thought.
#433027 added September 24, 2007 at 2:58am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 10
“He did what?” Hilary exclaimed when I told her about what happened at school that day.

“You heard me!” I said looking down at Hilary’s dining room table.

After school, we’d gone to her house to study for the Chemistry test.

“Well, that proves it! He loves you!” Hilary declared, completely ignoring the review that we were supposed to be completing.

I rolled my eyes. As much as I would like to think that Hilary’s embellishments were true, I knew they weren’t. Trent was always the protective type. If it was Hilary getting nearly crushed by Jeremy he probably would have done the same for her! However, since she was enjoying this so much, I didn’t mention this to her.

“Whatever you say, Hil,”

I glanced at the clock, it was nearly eight.

“Hey, I need to be going before it gets dark, can you take me home?”

“Yeah, sure!”

She drove me home which was only about five minutes away. As I got out and walked to the door, she yelled from the car, “He loves you Sophie!

Why did I have to be best friends with a freak?

I opened the door to reveal an empty house. My parents were both working late and I had the house to myself. I relished nights like these. I always cranked up Frank Sinatra, changed into my most comfortable yoga outfit (even though I didn’t do yoga), curled up in a blanket and a comfy chair, and read a classic novel. Tonight, it was Sense and Sensibility. However as I was digging out my Sinatra CD’s, I heard a crack of thunder, and a shower of rain began to fall. No problem, I’d be home all night, a little rain wouldn’t hurt me!

As I settled into my evening alone, I noticed that the soft pounding rain had gained momentum and I began to hear the howl of strong winds outside. Slightly on edge now, I nervously picked up the remote and turned on the Doppler radar. It showed that a huge storm was coming right on top of Bluecreek!

Now, I’d never been one to be afraid of storms...just as long someone was there with me. But, being home alone like this, my imagination began to wander and plan out the worst scenarios. However, practicality took hold slightly and I began to search for some candles and a lighter.

As I sat on the couch, waiting for the storm to come, I turned up my Sinatra; Music was the only thing that calmed my nerves, and began my book. But before I even got to the second word, there was a flash of lightening, a boom of thunder, the sound of the generator shutting down, and I was sitting in the dark.

Swallowing, I tried to remain calm, as my shaking hand tried to light the candles. My breathing increased when I heard the loud banging of obviously large hail against the roof and windows.

“Ok, Sophie, just stay calm…”I told myself audibly, just to make sure my voice still worked, I suppose.

I needed someone there with me! But, who? Hilary couldn’t drive in this weather, and both of my parents offices were too far away! The only person who could get here quickly was…Trent.

But wouldn’t calling a boy a come spend the evening with you, sending the wrong message? I mean, sure we were friends now, but still. At 16, one would think I’d be able to sit through a storm by myself!

Before I could contemplate the thought any longer, I heard several knocks on the door, followed by the trill of consecutive door bell rings. The paranoid part of me thought for moment that I could be a crazed psychotic lunatic ready to hack me into little bits, but on second thought…I was desperate some company! I grabbed a candle and went to open the door.

When I did, I was greeted by a pair of concerned blue eyes.


“Trent! What are you doing here?” She asked me, as I rushed inside from the storm.

I was home alone that night, Abby was sleeping over at a friend’s house, and my parents were out on a date. When the storm started, I remembered that when Sophie was little, she was terrified of storms, and noticing that there were no cars in her driveway, I hurried over. But, her less than thankful greeting made me think twice!

“Well, I came to make sure you were okay…but I can leave…”

No!” She protested loudly, before saying calmly, “Erm..I mean, sure you can stay…if you want that is…”

I grinned. Yep, same old Sophie.
As she invited me in, she began to light several candles, making the living room look more like a séance.

“How’d you know to come?” She asked me.

I noticed her hands were shaking as she tried to light the candles.

“Well, I remembered that you used to be deathly afraid of storms when you were little and I wasn’t sure if you still were,” Then taking the lighter from her shaky hands, and lighting the candle myself, I said, “Apparently you are,”

She gave a small smile, and I noticed her slight blush against the candlelight.

“Well, thanks,” She responded in a slightly higher pitch, before clearing her throat and turning to run off to the kitchen.

“Are you hungry?” She yelled over her shoulder.
My stomach grumbled, I guess I was.

“Yeah, sure!” I yelled back.

I grabbed my guitar case from the entry way, and made myself comfy on the couch, pulling out my guitar and strumming gently. Sophie returned moments later with two apples and two bottles of water.

“Sorry, this was all I could find that didn’t need heating up!”
Then she noticed my guitar and smiled,”Geez! You even remembered that only music can calm me down?”

I shrugged,” Actually, I was planning on practicing tonight anyway. So, you’re doing me a favor,”

She nodded in response as she came over to join me on the the couch with our ‘dinner’. As I continued to strum, Sophie grabbed a nearby blanket and curled up on the end of the couch.

“I must seem like a baby, right?” She asked, leaning her head against the back of the couch.

I chuckled,” We’re all afraid of something,”

“So, what are you afraid of then?” She countered.

Thinking about it, I replied with,”Nothing,”

She laughed, “Fine don’t tell me,”

Truthfully, there was one thing I did fear, but I couldn’t even admit that to myself, let alone Sophie.

I continued playing for at least another 30 minutes, before I looked over and saw that Sophie had fallen asleep. Fearing that I’d wake her, I stopped strumming for a moment and began to put my guitar down.

Sophie stirred slightly and mumbled, “No…don’t stop…” Then proceeded to readjust her self to where her head was resting on my shoulder.

Gulping at her proximity and the candlelight brought out her natural beauty, I began strumming again and a smile spread across the sleeping Sophie’s face.


The sound of the generator restarting woke me up.
Woke me up? How long was I asleep? The last thing I remembered was Trent playing the guitar…Trent!

As I opened my eyes, I was both shocked to find myself lying on Trent’s shoulder, and mortified to see that both Trent and mine’s parents were staring right at us!

Trent, who’d been laying his head on top of mine, was jerked awake as well at my hastily jumping up from the couch.

“What’s going…”he mumbled, then noticing the partially surprised, partially amused faces of out parents, he too jumped off of the couch.

“You see, there was a storm…and Trent came over to keep me company…” I began.

“…and I guess we just fell asleep on the couch…” Trent finished.

However, that didn’t rid the look of amusement from the four adults.

Why did all these compromising situations happen to us? First the detention, and now this!

We’d never hear the end of it.
© Copyright 2007 Amanda (UN: frenchgirl98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Amanda has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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