Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/432243
by ryc
Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #1028234
Action, adventure, a little romance and a twist. What more could you want? R&R Please!
#432243 added September 24, 2006 at 8:19pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 16 - The Replacement (1st Pass)

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John got back to his room and crashed.

Sleep came to him quickly, but so did the nightmares. He woke up the next morning in a sweat. Images flashed before him of Nina and Cedrick headless, like the boy back in Boria. Blood had been everywhere—like Boria.


He wrote a note out to Celia and instructed Mia to deliver it to her. He would wait.

John reasoned out that he wouldn’t do anything until the Fourth Triangle acted. He knew nothing of their plans, only that Tyrn was involved, and only four names that could very easily be his imagination. No proof.

“I will wait,” he reaffirmed his decision aloud to the empty room. I will.

And waited he did…

Two whole moons went by without the sound of someone following him in the halls, a weird look from any of the Slayers, or an underlying threatening comment. Nothing.

Had I imagined it all? John asked himself the morning before his seventh free day.

“You seem… at odds, Master,” Mia said worriedly as she opened the doors to a wintry landscape. The trees beyond her were topped with snow and a frosty breeze blew down from the mountains, chilling John to the bone.

“Maybe I’m just trying to figure out if you are part bear,” John muttered as his teeth began to chatter.

“I don’t think so, Master. You’ve been acting strange since your first assignment. Is it because you haven’t had one since then?”

He threw off his covers and stalked to the bathroom. Upon sliding back the door, steam blissfully met his face. Mia followed closely behind him. It was funny how their ritual had formed.

He would walk slowly into the pool as Mia searched for the right soap. Then he would let himself go under for thirty blistering seconds before coming to surface--just when Mia had a bar of soap ready for him. Sitting at the edge with her feet in the pool, and her robe hiked up, she would wait for him. It was a small comfort.

“The opposite, really,” John said with half a mind, letting Mia’s hands work their magic on him. Since there wasn’t much for him to do during the day, besides studying on anything he could get his hands on, he had increased his training to a level he hadn’t thought possible. Muscles ached all over him from yesterday’s workout--on top of what Nina had done to him the previous night. If John was to judge, she had advanced in skill to a level that would have surpassed him when he had first come to Tekal. She had been that obsessed with her training.

Thankfully, he had surpassed his own human limits. Now…Now he wasn’t sure what the hell he was. The second week after his first mission, he had felt his body change yet again. Knowing that normal Slayers couldn’t sense how powerful others were, and that most Slayers didn’t undergo three Awakenings, he smartly kept his bloody mouth shut.

And he still couldn’t channel a wisp of energy. Celia had tried everything she could think of and he knew she was on the verge of giving up on him. Accelerating was the biggest puzzle. He could do it when he had to but not when he wanted to. It was as if everything he did with his spirit was a reflex…or maybe a survival instinct.

“What do you mean?” Mia asked curiously.

Blinking, John realized he had said too much. He hadn’t told Mia for the same reasons he hadn’t told Nina, or the others. In some twisted demented way, he liked her--and not in a sisterly way. It had taken him by surprise. John didn’t recognize the feelings at first, feelings he thought had died when he married himself to the Vanguard.

To his annoyance, he knew he shouldn’t act on those feelings. It was wrong. He felt like he would be taking advantage of her. But it didn’t stop the damn devil on his shoulder from talking.

“Nothing. Forget I mentioned it,” John said, trying to sound offhandedly.

The devil in him purred happily as Mia continued her ministrations.

“I can tell you are tense. You can’t hide from me.” There was both a touch of worry and irritation in her voice.

He could have outright ignored her--or lied to her--but she was the last person he would have done that to.

“It is better if you didn’t know, Mia. Please?” When she didn’t press, he sighed in relief.

As Mia continued to bathe him in silence, John’s thoughts turned to how he’d always thought he’d bathe himself no matter what. The reason why he had started letting her was the devil’s fault, or so he told himself. When she finished, she got up and disappeared for a time, only to bring back his razor and mirror.

As usual, John insisted that he’d do it himself, but she won the argument without much of a fight. Arguing with her was as much of a ritual as her shaving him. It had taken him some time to trust her hands to his neck but, like everything else, she won him over.

“Nina told me while you were sleeping that she wanted a light day tonight. She also said that you have been pushing yourself too hard.” The later was said disapprovingly.

“You worry too much. I’m fine.” And he really was. More then fine, actually. He swore some of the beatings he’d taken lately should have been far worse than the minor bruises that dotted his body. Even his hunger had slowly died down the more he healed. It had become harder hiding his third Awakening. He didn’t want to admit it but he was terrified of a fourth Awakening.

Unsatisfied with his answer, Mia frowned at him as she wiped his freshly shaved face away with a damp rag. “If you say so, Master.”

She paused and then said as offhandedly as he had managed, “I have a present for you.”

“A present?”

“Nina told me it was your Name Day.”

“Oh, right.” John hadn’t realized he had told Nina his Name Day, a day he normally hadn’t celebrated. “Well you shouldn’t have done that, your services are more than enough as a gift.”

Mia genuinely looked hurt and John instantly regretted saying so. Right. Great work there, chief.

Gifts were a big deal north of Ce’l. It was like giving someone your favorite horse; it wasn’t done often. When he learned that, he had tried interpreting Mia’s reaction the day he had given her a gift but John came up empty. She wore one of the two necklaces and the bracelet at all times, along with another necklace he had seen only a handful of times.

“Forgive me. I’m ignorant. If it pleases you, I accept.” John thought it was a socially acceptable answer but Mia’s frown only deepened. Shaking her head, she walked back into his bedroom before bringing back a large wrapped object. It was about the size of a small shield.

Smiling now, she handed him the wrapped package with a kind of kid-like anticipation. Grabbing the plainly wrapped gift from her, he made a show of trying to open it. She smacked him on the arm as she had seen Nina do to him countless of times. It was very unlike her and John thought it surprised even her. Grinning, he opened it.

What he found was a black leather long coat, the kind he had seen a few Caprian’s wear around Tekal. They had supplied him with long sleeved uniforms and three overcoats for the winter season but none were as nice as the one that lay in his hands. It was of the finest quality and cut he had ever felt.

“Wow.” It was all he could say.

“You don’t like it, do you?” She actually looked depressed. John noted how she hadn’t said ‘Master’ the past few sentences and he tried to ignore the funny feeling he was getting.

“No, I don’t like it,” he agreed. “I love it. Where did you get the money for this? It must have cost you a fortune.”

Her hand involuntarily went to the hidden pocket where she kept the gold crown he had given her the first day they had met.

“Mistress Nina needed lessons in Caprian politics, something I know a little in. She offered to pay. I hope you aren’t displeased by this.”

John blinked.

Why that sneaky devil of a woman. Nina could lecture one of the Kings of Capri on politics. She set this whole thing up… Why I wouldn’t be surprised if she picked the flaming coat!

Mia nervously looked down at her feet and John held back a sigh. “Of course it doesn’t ‘displease’ me woman. You should know that by now.” And then, under his breath, he said, “I swear, if you don’t grow a backbone one of these days, I’ll put you on my knee and spank one into you.” The devil in him played with the idea and he fought down a flood of heat from reaching his face.

It was Mia’s turn to be taken aback and, if John hadn’t known better, he could have sworn she had heard him.

A soft knock came from his door, saving him. Curiously, he extended out his hearing beyond the door. Mastering his hearing had become a blessing, especially after hearing Cedrick snore… from four rooms over… for a week.

The distinct calm beating of Waylon’s heart came to his ears. Eyeing the clock, John thought Nina and he would still be practicing. Upon hearing that the two love birds practiced at night, John suggested--ever so casually--that they partner up since they were close in skill for the morning workouts. A brilliant plan, he thought. They had both been pleased by the idea and John was able to get out of an early workout. He now practiced with Nina at night, along with a few other people.

“I wonder why he is finished so early. You mind letting Waylon in?”

Mia had gotten use to his supper hearing but occasionally she was shocked at his ability to perceive who was beyond the door.

“Of course, Master.” She turned to leave.

“And Mia? Thank you. It is the first gift anyone has ever given to me on my Name Day.” And that was the truth.

She smiled and curtsied deeply before heading for the door. Toweling himself dry, he quickly got dressed. From outside he heard Waylon and Mia talking.

“Hey Mia! Good morning, is John up? Ah, of course. You early risers. Did you give him the you-know-what yet?”

Did everyone bloody know?

He heard the rustle of Mia’s robes--presumably her nodding.

“I’m guessing he liked it by that grin of yours. Well none of my business. Nina was hoping you’d come visit her today, she had some questions that she said you would know about? Blah, you all speak cryptic.”

“Are you two living together yet?” John asked in way of greeting. His friend grinned and they traded grips.

“I think she doesn’t want to marry a nobleman. Wes probably scarred her for life, but that’s actually part of the reason why I’m over. The King and his Jester are gone for the next moon on some assignment. Lots of hush hush talk but I think you and Cedrick are getting one as well. There seems to be a lot of demonic activity lately.”

That raised multiple flags in John’s head. “I thought Priscilla was out on a level 1 assignment.”

“Aye, and guess who is taking her place.”

“Oh no.”

“Yup, Tallen. Of course, you didn’t hear that from me. I don’t even think Celia knows that yet. Dylon told me when we were doing our warm ups.”

“How’s the little woman?” It was their private nickname for Nina.

“Kicking my ass. You should stop teaching her before she kills me. Oh, and that was the other thing I came here for. She is cleaning up back at her room but she wanted you to stop by before you left.”

“Oh? Do you know what she wants?”

“Heh, you’re funny. Half the time I don’t even think she knows what she wants.”

John gave him a sympathetic smile. Waylon was head over heals over the Ghourdian but Nina continued to play games. It wasn’t his place to say anything but he was getting to that point. Besides, if she thinks she can arrange gifts to land in my lap by the girl I could never see beyond a slave, she can go to hell.

Yeah, he was bitter.

“You okay?” Waylon asked, eyeing Mia behind him as if she had answers.

“Yeah, just thinking. What happened to training? I thought you guys had another hour before Vinna got to her.”

Slayer Vinna had become more of a mentor to Nina the day she passed her Devotee test last week. Passed with flying colors, John thought proudly.

Vinna could teach her more now than he could. He was useless when it came to spirit and it was slowly eating away at him. Celia had been working him hard the past moon but, try as she might, they couldn’t figure it out. Lately he’d started to suspect that she was feeling guilty for ‘failing him as a mentor.’ Aside from that, what worried him the most was the green energy he had seen when he’d fought the Slayers who’d attacked Lady Tyrn. After casually referring about it, he learned it was another thing not possible. Like his third Awakening, he kept that other bit of information to himself.

While it was only Celia, to his disgust, he still couldn’t fully trust her. When he recounted his time during the Rush mission, he got more and more paranoid around Celia.

Sooner or later, you will have to trust somebody, said the small voice.

“When Dylon came by with the news, she ended our session and asked me to run errands. She looked worried, is something up?”

“Probably just her imagination running wild,” John assured him. He, however, wasn’t so sure. “Is Dylon taking the test today?”

“That’s what I heard from Cedrick but he has been closed mouthed lately. Guinavev.”

“Guinavev,” John agreed. The singer had reigned in the mischievous Caprian man. He was domesticated now, it was great. What their future plans were, John didn’t care to think on. Guinavev wasn’t a Slayer like them; she would die well before Dylon would.

It was a morbid thought but, when you suddenly learned you had a long lifespan, it was hard not to think about it. It was the hardest adjustment, Celia had said, and John relized she was right. Most Slayers didn’t take on mortal lovers.

Listen to yourself, you have turned into one of ‘them’. John ignored the feeling of Mia’s eyes from behind him. One of them.

“The test is going to be hard on him,” Waylon said solemnly.

Dylon had improved in the sword like everyone else, but he had been the slowest out of their group. Waylon had taken the test just before Nina, leaving Dylon as the only Novice left. Their group had gained much attention the past moon; everyone was becoming Devotees well before they should have been.

John thought it was because of their late night practices that Nina had insisted on. Everyone had started showing up, even a few Devotees who wanted to learn a few moves. Between Waylon, Cedrick and himself, they were able to help train everyone a little harder than the normal Slayer training.

The biggest surprise out of the three of them had been Cedrick. Almost as if the man had been holding back during Combat class, John found himself in awe of the giant’s skill with the sword. He could probably hold his ground against anyone of the Blood. It was one mystery John wished he knew the answer to.

“If he doesn’t pass, I’ll demand Wes and Baine get retested.”

Waylon smiled and nodded. “Aye, we all will. On a more depressing note, I was talking to General Briar about joining the Vanguard.”

He studied Waylon, trying to decide if the man was joking. He wasn’t. “You are serious?”

Waylon feigned being hurt. “Why? Am I not good enough?”

“I just thought you wanted to be a Slayer, or try your hand in politics.”

“In the Empire? Eh, you must not have gotten the rule book that came with the Club. Unlike the rest of the royalty in the world, Slayers don’t exist in the Empire.”

“So you can’t follow your father’s footsteps?”

“General Briar hinted as much. Having a Lord that outlives everyone he rules is kind of a dead giveaway. As for being a Slayer, Nina doesn’t seem to care too much for it, or so Cedrick says.”

“Aye, she told me that. Well, if you are willing to downgrade your living arrangements, I’m sure her father could hire you on as a working hand or a hired sword.”

“And live like a peon?  I can see it now. Waylon Gre’gar, the minimum wage worker.”

John rolled his eyes. “And you think the Vanguard is any better? Briar can’t promote you too high or, like the Lord thing, you will be noticed. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if he demoted you, just incase your Sergeant kicks it.”

“That’s why I’m going to talk to Lady Tyrn. I’m the only royal in Ce’l history to have become a Slayer. Surely she has some ideas.”

“I’d be careful with that.”

Waylon grunted. “Yeah, she is a manipulative bitch.”

“What?” John hadn’t heard Waylon talk of another woman in such a way before.

“Everyone knows it, or at least suspects it. She is a friend to you in your face and then she stabs you in the back the moment it becomes her advantage--through a proxy, of course. No one can really prove it, but everyone knows it.”

“I never knew that.”


John only shrugged but Waylon pressed. “I know you were buddy buddy with General Briar and then all of a sudden you spaced yourself from him. What happened on that assignment? Everyone is worried.”

And there it was. John knew Waylon would bring it up. Briar had asked him, on a few occasions, to have lunch or tea with him but John always had a convenient excuse. Everyone noticed it, especially when he declined an invitation to see Lady Tyrn.

John had figured the Head Mistress wouldn’t risk another attack on Lady Tyrn, or her party, after one failed attempt. In thinking that, he didn’t believe it was necessary for him to be with her. While her offer was still on the table, he still didn’t know what he was going to do. John had the haunting feeling that once he made his decision, he would be obligated to follow through with it until the end.

Then what is your plan? Oh, that’s right…. You don’t have one, the devil sneered.

Oh Shut up, he thought to himself.

“Nothing to be worried about,” John reassured him again. Turning to Mia he said, “Could you grab my weapons for me?”

More and more John found himself asking Mia for things he normally got for himself.

It’s cause you like watching her.

He didn’t dignify the devil’s comment with a reply. That’s it. I’m going crazy.

“Come on John, Cedrick knows there is something up. Hell, even Dylon knows. Tallen has been acting strangely and you are too calm about this.”

Mia quietly strapped on the daggers to his waist. Eyeing Waylon, he debated on telling him but his decision was made for him. Celia walked in.

“John, could you walk with me?” Celia asked with a false smile. It was good enough to fool Waylon though.

“Morning, Celia. I’m guessing you have heard?”

“Yes. Mia, have John’s bags packed. He shouldn’t be gone longer than three days.”

Mia bowed and went to his dresser. Celia arched an eyebrow at him. “Well?”

“Sorry Waylon. When I get back, we can talk.”

His friend looked sourly at him but nodded. John and Celia walked out and headed for Nina’s room.

“Thanks,” John muttered once the door shut behind them.

“You’re really going to tell him? I thought…”

“Yeah, but it’s eating at me. What the hell is taking them so long?”

His mentor nodded in agreement as they came to Nina’s door.

“This will take just one moment,” he assured her.

Celia turned toward the common room. “We leave in an hour.”

Watching her leave, John took a deep breath before knocking once and walking in. He regretted it instantly.

Nina was faced away from him, her uniform down at her waist and her back bare to him. The first thought wasn’t how sexy she was but how ripped she’d become. Their practices had agreed with her.

“Are you going to just stand there and stare at me?” she teased over her shoulder.

John averted his eyes and coughed uncomfortably. He heard her walk around the room and when John glanced up, he found she still hadn’t dressed herself. Staring at his toes, he wondered why northern women had no decency. Mia was just as bad.

“Waylon said you wanted something? I leave within the hour.”

“I trust Cedrick and his judgment, John. Do you know what he told me?”

She was going right to the point and John knew where the conversation was going. It was the same as Waylon’s.

“When are you going to grow up and tell Waylon you like him?” He tried to get on the offense first. It was a poor attempt at getting her off balance but it worked.

She hesitated in her cleaning. Yuri, her slave, must have been on an errand for her.

“Is it because he is a Lord? Because he is willing to throw away his heritage for you.”

“Throw away? What do you mean?” she asked, confusion written all over her face.

Like a stubborn mule, John raised his head and glared her in the eye. Although he was just trying to get her off the one conversation he didn’t want to talk about, her childish games was on his last nerve. “Didn’t you know? Unlike you northerners, royalty can only marry into royalty. He is willing to give up his title and lands for you.”

Nina blinked. Pulling up her uniform, she slowly buttoned her top up. “Oh.”

And then a slow smile formed on her lips. “That fool. He thinks he can give up his lands for me? Ha!”

It was John’s turn to be confused. When Nina saw his expression, she gave him a haughty smile.

“My father’s name is Vaunder.”


High Lord Vaunder? That bloody… She… You’ve got to be kidding me.

Smiling, she walked to him and patted his cheek.

“So Cedrick is in the Shield?” It made sense now. The Shield was similar to the Blood in Ghourd. Ghourdians didn’t have a King or Kings. Instead, they had Lords--nine of them to be exact. The Nine Lords of Ghourd were the council of rulers for Ghourd.


Hells bells.

“Why? Why the act?”

Nina smile slowly saddened. “I can’t have children, John. My father can’t use my hand in marriage as a bargaining tool. He…He dutifully disowned me publicly.”


“Father is a good man but he is bound by our customs and our House. Barren women aren’t welcomed in any House.”

She didn’t say anything else and John didn’t press. It was obvious that it was a touchy subject. Knowing that the trade embargo was about to be lifted, he wondered just how much of a culture shock it was going to be for everyone.

“Keep this between us?” she asked.

“Of course… but I think you owe Waylon an explanation. He is a good guy.”

Smiling, she hugged him.

“And the next time you try to arrange having a gift land in my lap, I will kick your ass.”

She pushed away from him and playfully hit his arm.

Nina pointed an accusing finger at him. “You like her, why won’t you admit it?”

“And this is where I leave. See you in a day or two. Don’t worry about Cedrick, I’ll take good care of him.”

Rolling her eyes, she hugged him again. “Take care, brother.”

The endearment was new but he welcomed it. “Always.”

Walking out, he found Celia and Cedrick in the common room. His bags were at Celia’s feet.

“Ready?” Celia asked.

“Where is Tallen?” John asked, looking around the common room. He wasn’t particularly found of being with Tallen for a day let alone three.

Celia arched an eyebrow at him. “He will be meeting us at the portal room.”


Cedrick held back a smile as Celia pushed passed John, toward the stables.

“This will be fun,” John muttered. Cedrick grunted.

When they reached the stables, John grabbed an eager Ronin while his companions got their own animals. Thankfully, the demons--yes multiple--were found in a large trading post in Capri and Celia wouldn’t have to walk.

Taking the portal to the portal room, John found Tallen ignoring a displeased George.

“George,” Celia said as she had done before.

“Morning Celia. I see you finally got another one. And John, you are looking well. This is classified as a Level 1 mission so keep a sharp eye out. But then, you guys did well last time. All of your paperwork and things are ready. Oh, your map.”

He dug into a filing cabinet to his right and produced a folded parchment.

“Three demons were spotted in Togasun, I marked their last known location on the map. Incase you find them early, I will have the window open an hour after sunset. Tomorrow at noon and every hour after I’ll make sure it is up. Good hunting.”

Tallen sniffed loudly before walking to the portal, a chestnut stallion following obediently behind him.

Celia eyed the man coolly before picking up their paperwork and a bracelet.

John and Cedrick followed suit and they were soon all standing in a room similar to Boria’s waiting room.

Please, don’t make it another Boria, John prayed.

The look Celia gave him made John think she was praying for the same thing.

"Chapter 17 - Togasun (1st Pass)
© Copyright 2006 ryc (UN: evolvedsaint at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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