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Poetry Forms Easily Explained - a work of Bianca with additions by kansaspoet
The Paradelle After a search I found on Wikipedia, that this form was invented in the ‘90s of the last century. The inventor of the form, Billy Collins (USA) claimed that the form existed since the early 12th century. In fact he made the form up as a parody of the Villanelle. Ah well… Billy knows I guess. In every way, the Paradelle was made up to ridiculize the repetons in the Villanelle. He succeeded, and people started to write poetry in this form. How do we write a Paradelle… Consistent throughout the poem is the syllable count. Six syllables in every line. The poem contains out of 4 stanzas. Every stanza has 6 lines. The repetitive pattern is fixed: numeric it looks like this: 1a, 1a, 2a, 2a, 3:1;3a, 4:1;3a 1b, 1b, 2b, 2b, 3:1;3b, 4:1;3b 1c, 1c, 2c, 2c, 3:1;3c, 4:1;3c 1a;b;c, 2a;b;c, 3a;b;c, 4a;b;c, 5a;b;c, 6a;b;c An example: As the wind waves the leaves As the wind waves the leaves The bluebird sings her song The bluebird sings her song As the wind sings her song As the wind sings her song Striping patterns appear Striping patterns appear Metal breaks the blue sky Metal breaks the blue sky Blue sky, striping patterns Blue sky, striping patterns I wish I could fly high I wish I could fly high Over the mountain tops Over the mountain tops fly high over mountain fly high over mountain Bluebird sings high metal As the wind breaks the blue Striping over mountain I appear on high waves the leaves…her mountain tops fly patterns, could I wish? Poem © Bianca 2006 Info: http://www.poeticvoices.com/Mechanics/Mech0312.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradelle Download Traditional Dutch Knitting Patterns:http://home.planet.nl/~boons468/Downloads.html My blog: http://lansingerland.blogspot.com ** Image ID #1074835 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #1079831 Unavailable ** |