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by Shadow
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #995461
What happens when Arath finds out about the bad news, new characters introduced!
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#362421 added July 28, 2005 at 12:14pm
Restrictions: None
chapter 2

The men in the camp started, and the man at Arath’s side almost fainted. When Thunderhoof looked at him, he did. Galden ran up to Arath and Thunderhoof see what was wrong.

Yes Arath, only just two hours ago. I couldn’t get to her in time, but she wanted me to get you. That was the last thing she told me before her voice faded. A red light glinted in Thunderhoofs eyes, and everyone who saw it was glad that he was not one of Lamaths creatures. When he had composed himself, Thunderhoof looked directly at Galden.

Brenia was also severely injured, but I stopped the bleeding and my cousin Sweetberry is looking after her.
The look on Galdens face showed that he had heard that as well, and he wasn’t taking it very well, which was understandable because he had only lost his mother ten years ago. Arath had always thought that hearing from a unicorn was a great honor and he would enjoy it, but he found that he would gladly give up the honor if only it meant Kalira and Brenia had made it safely to their destination.

“Tomorrow. We need to inform the king and then I’m going to get her back. Lamath will pay for this…” Arath started to walk off, Galden and Thunderhoof following close behind.

Arath, do not regret your decision to leave her behind, you did not know this would happen. She would have been in more danger here, and you might have been dead there. As it is, you have the chance to bring her back.

Arath looked at Thunderhoof, and nodded, but didn’t feel any less guilty. They stopped in front of his tent and sat down. Arath started making plans, but then stopped, looking at Thunderhoof.

Would you be willing to take me as your rider Thunder? I mean, Ryder’s fast, but the speed we need only unicorns have. And could you get a willing unicorn for Galden?

Yes, I will take you, but we had better have someone take Ryder to the castle, if he does not want to come. I might have someone willing to bear Galden; I’ll have him here in the morning.

Arath smiled and looked at Galden.

“I’m with you my friend. I have a thing or two to payback Lamaths men.”

As Arath looked at his friend, he saw the assassin that Galden was trained to be surface, and tried to repress a shudder. He wanted blood as much as a friend, if not more so. Because of Lamath, he had watched his family tortured to death, before he escaped and joined the refugees. He had sworn the day he saw his father die that he would make Lamath pay, and now he had taken Kalira. His Kalira. He never knew he could feel so alone, and he would make Lamath pay for that feeling.

I agree with you Arath, and will follow you all the way. I must go find a ride for Galden now, but I will be back in the morning. Now try to get some sleep. With that, Thunderhoof walked off, remembering how he did the same thing to Kalira only a few hours ago.


Arath and Galden both went to their separate tents but before Arath went in his, he found one of his generals.

“You are in charge while I’m gone. Defend these borders well and for as long as you can. You have my permission to retreat if it’s the only option to save the army.”

“Yes my lord, but may I ask where you’re going in such a hurry?”

“Kalira was captured, and I must inform her father before I look for her. I think that is why the enemy attacked so suddenly, and pulled back just as suddenly. That unicorn was her mount, Thunderhoof. Any questions?”

“No my lord.”

The general turned to leave, but looked back at Arath.
“Good luck my lord. Give “em hell.”

Arath smiled, and then went in his tent. He lay down to try to get some sleep, but could only stare at the roof and worry about Kalira and why the enemy would go through all this trouble to get her.


Kalira woke up with pain coursing through every inch of her body. She was being carried on the rump of a Hell Steed, a demon in the shape of a horse. When she groaned, the Hell Steed came to a halt, and a Ghol, pale as a vampire with glowing red socket like eyes, pulled her off.

“Awake now are we?”

Kalira could only stare, pain coursing in her anew with every breath. She didn’t think she could bare the pain of talking. She could also see that the Ghol was growing impatient.

“Gabbet got your tongue girl?” The Ghol shook her slightly, letting her know that it wanted her to talk.

“Wha…what do you want with me?” she said in a shaky voice. The Ghol laughed, an evil sound that seemed to freeze her blood. She shivered, which seemed to please the Ghol immensely.

“So she can speak, good. Well, you have been chosen by Lord Lamath to be his bride. We are taking you to him now, lucky you.”

Kalira groaned. She had pictured being at Araths side many times since she had first met him, but never at the side of a man who was nicknamed the Horned King, a creature that called himself a man once, but was now more dead than alive. Just the thought of it made her skin crawl.

“What if I am already…taken?” she said slowly, trying to hide how much it hurt to talk. She also felt that she needed to stall them for as long as she could, knowing it would allow Thunderhoof and Arath more time to catch up.

“Then Lamath will gladly kill him, can’t go marrying another mans wife, can he? You have nothing to worry about. Gataak, come over here!”

Kalira started at the shout, and saw a goblin bent with age approach slowly.

“Yesss massster?”

“Cut off her hair to the neck, then take a Steed and ride to Wistero and show Lord Lamath that we have his prize.”

“Asss you wissh”

Taking a nasty looking blade out of its sheath, Gataak proceeded to cut. Wincing with pain, Kalira watched as her hair fell to the ground. She watched as Gataak picked up the hair and stuffed it in a pouch, then got on a Steed and proceeded to ride away. Kalira could only think about how furious Brenia would be when they saw each other again, for the elf had loved to put her hair up in all the Elfish fashions. Now it would take forever for her to grow that long again. Then she realized that she didn’t even know if her friend was still alive. Kalira had seen Brenia cut down right before she had been captured. She could only hope that Thunderhoof had found her and been able to save her.
Kaliras thoughts were interrupted by the Ghol lifting her roughly back on the Hell Steed.

“Since you’re awake, you can ride in the saddle. I hope you enjoy your ride, my lady.”

Snickering, the Ghol tied her hands with a rope, and then tied the end of the rope securely to the pommel of the saddle. After he was satisfied that she was not going anywhere, the party set out again. The company took few breaks. For which Kalira was glad, since those were the times when the Orcs, Ghols, and Goblins in the party argued over why she got to ride while they had to run, and tried to get close enough to her to pull her down. Her Ghol protector had to slay a few of them before they would leave her alone, only to have it happen all over again when they next rested.

“This thing isn’t nearly as comfortable as a real horse,” she thought. “Why does evil always have to be so uncomfortable?”

She kept thinking things like that to try and keep her spirits up, and was surprised to find that it worked. It worked even better when she thought of all the good times she’d had over the years with her friends and family. Soon, she fell into a semblance of sleep, her mind on Thunderhoof, Brenia, and Arath.


Brenia woke to find a horse’s face close to hers, but it looked wrong somehow.

~That is because I am not a horse Brenia. My name is Sweetberry, and I am a unicorn. I am a cousin to Thunderhoof

Brenia could only stare as the purple unicorn bowed her head. Finally she shook her head and sat up.

“Where is Kalira? And Thunderhoof?”

~Kalira was captured by those scum that attacked your camp last night, curse them all. Thunderhoof, got here to late to save her, but he healed your injuries and called for help. I came as fast as I could, and he then left to get Arath, as Kalira had requested before fading. I am to take you to your home, there is trouble afoot there and we need your help. We can be there in two days time when you are fit to travel.

"Where is Alderoth? I can’t feel him anymore."

~He…he is dead. An arrow to the chest. Both Thunderhoof and I think that when that happened, you were vulnerable and that is when the enemy cut you down. We are surprised you lived.

"I want to see him."

~I am sorry; I had some of my kin carry him to a burial place. I was told not to allow you to see him, it could kill you. I offer to bare you for as long as you’ll have me.

"Thank you, I think I understand. I’ll never be the same, will I?"

~I’m afraid not.

Brenia felt tears running down her face, and wiped them away. She sighed and lay back down, exhausted. She tried to make herself comfortable, then went to sleep, Sweetberry standing guard.


“My Lord Arath, it is time to get up.”

Arath groaned, and slowly sat up. He shook his head to clear it, and immediately remembered the reason for his waking so early.

“Thank you Simeon, is Galden up?”

“He never went to sleep, my lord. He said to pack what you need and then you can leave.” Simeon leaned closer. “There is another unicorn out there, a dark blue one with a moonlight mane and tail. He looks like moonlight falling over a dark pool of water. You know, I never thought to see a unicorn in my life, and now I’ve seen two in two days.” Simeon smiled and left, probably to go back to bed.

Arath stood, and saw that he was still wearing his clothes from the night before. He strapped his sword and dagger on, and then held the dragon in his hand.

“I’m coming Kali, and I promise to make them pay.” He walked out, only to be met by Galden, Thunderhoof, and the unknown unicorn. Before going to them, he went to were Ryder was being stabled.

“Will you come Ryder?”

The horse tossed his head, so Arath untied the rope on his bridle and led him out.

“Go on Ryder, I’ll meet you there.” Ryder trotted off, and Arath went up to the three who were waiting for him.

“Ready?” asked Galden.

“Of course. Come on, let’s go.” Arath smiled grimly as they mounted the two unicorns.

When they were ready, the two unicorns set out at a trot, loosening up their muscles.

~Thunderhoof, who is the unicorn that Galden rides?

~He is my brother, Shadowstar. He is one of the loner unicorns.

~What are they?

~Unicorns that shun the company of others of our kind, unless it’s really necessary. I don’t really know why he agreed to come, but I’m glad he did. I have not seen him in a very long time.

Arath looked at Shadowstar, and saw that the unicorn was looking at him, a gleam in his eye. Arath shook his head in astonishment, and looked ahead. Even at a trot, the land seemed to fly by. Soon the two unicorns began to pick up speed, galloping across the plain. When Arath looked back, he saw that Galden was in deep conversation with Shadowstar, so Arath thought about how he was going to tell Gildor what had happened.

~He’s already lost his two sons, one dead the other most likely dead as well. He isn’t going to take this well.

~Well, I can’t really help you. But you have less than a candle mark to think of what to say.

~Really? We’re moving that fast?

~Yes. Shadowstar says that you should just tell the king what happened and what you plan to do about it. It isn’t your fault, it’s mine.

Arath was about to say something, but he went quiet when he saw the castle looming over the horizon, and steadily growing bigger.

Out of nowhere, Galden pointed to the sky and shouted to his friend on the other unicorn. “Arath, there is a dragon and a gryphon approaching the castle. It looks as if today is going to turn out to be very interesting.”

Galden had no idea how right he was.


Fyrelath, the dragon Galden had spotted, and his gryphon friend Lyra, looked at the human castle still some miles off.

“Do you think we’ll be able to fit Fyre? It seems rather small.”

“It will get bigger as we get closer. Maybe we should land soon and walk the rest of the way. Maybe it would help to get a little smaller as well; we don’t want to scare the humans any more than we have to.”

“Do you think they’ll realize we’re on their side before they kill us?”

“Lyra, all free and non-free humans know gryphons are good, and the only bad dragon is a black or dark red one. I am a dark blue dragon with green stripes in the company of a gryphon. Why do you think Aelo wanted you to come with me?”

The two started to descend, and soon landed. Then they started to walk towards the castle, their huge steps eating away at the miles between them and the castle. Soon, they were at the gate, which was only slightly bigger than them. Still young, the two friends were only the size of a two story house at full size. One day the dragon would would loom over nine stories, while the gryphon would only be about four stories. The best thing that came with age wouyld be the ability to grow either larger or smaller, or even transform into another species altogether, although it would severely drain them. That was why Aelo, the lord of the dragons of Airsul, had chosen to send the two warriors in training. They forced themselves to shrink to abut the size of a one story house, before Fyrelath knocked on the gate. Soon, a guard opened the gate, and stared at the two visitors.

“We come from Airsul, sent from Aelo the wise, to offer our services to King Gildor.”

The guard carefully drew back, amazement plain on his face, as he allowed the dragon and gryphon to enter. Before the guard shut it again, he noticed something in the distance; two dark horses with riders coming fast. Fyrelath and Lyra lingered, curious to see who was coming.

“They ride unicorns Fyre. Can we trust people who ride our fellow magical creatures?”

“Shh, let’s see the reason for their speed.”

The two riders drew closer. Soon, the guard identified them, shouting “Lord Arath and Elf Lord Galden of Wesdel, born upon Thunderhoof of Lorewood Forest and an unknown unicorn!”

Soon, four guards came to the gate, ignoring, for now, the dragon and gryphon. They were getting ready for the two riders, who were quickly approaching.


Thunderhoof and Shadowstar picked up speed, willing themselves to virtually fly through the gates, which they did. They flew up the path, guards and guests following as fast as they could. The two unicorns didn’t stop until they reached the castle door.
Arath and Galden jumped off and literally ran to the Great Hall, leaving all who saw them to wonder what news brought them here and why Arath was riding Kalira's unicorn.

“Gildor!” Arath forgot all formality, telling the king without words of the urgency of the situation.

“Arath? What…”

“Kalira, they have her. Lamaths forces ambushed her and the others.”

“How do you know this?” Gildor asked, shock consuming him.

“Thunderhoof. He found me last night, near the border.”
“The border? But…”

Gildor seemed to fade. His oldest son Sean had been captured two years before, and was counted as dead. Now his daughter seemed share the same fate.

“I am going after her.” Arath said.

“So am I.” Galden added.

“I believe that I will come as well.” All three started at the deep bass voice. They looked to see who had spoken, and saw that it was the dragon, barely able to fit in the room, even at his shrunken size. The gryphon stood behind him.

“My name is Fyrelath, and this is my friend Lyra. We come to offer our services, as well as the services of all our kind. I think that I could be of more help to you two.”

Suddenly Fyrelath shrunk a little more, until he was only slightly taller than Galden, who was the tallest of the three present. Lyra didn’t change.

“Do you accept?”

“Yes, we do. I am Arath, this is Galden, and that over there is King Gildor, Kaliras father. But what of your friend Lyra?”

“She has agreed to stay here and help the king.”

“Arath, be sure to bring her back home. Please.”

“Yes my lord. We will gather supplies and then leave. It should only take a candle mark.” The king nodded and the three travelers left to get ready for the journey ahead.
© Copyright 2005 Shadow (UN: shadowflame at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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