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Printer Friendly Page Tell A Friend
by Amanda
Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #988755
2 teens have known and hated each other their whole lives...or so they thought.
#358619 added September 23, 2007 at 3:27am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 8
I woke up Saturday morning to the sound of a honking vehicle outside. It was two weeks after Trent and I’s detention.

I groaned and shoved my head under my pillow. Why did people insist on making so much noise in the morning? Unfortunately, the honking persisted.

Exasperated, I rolled out of bed and trudged over to my window to see who it was. A beat up red jeep pulled into the driveway. Will!

I ran downstairs where my parents were already up and yelled as I passed, “Will’s home!”

Before he could even ring the doorbell, I flung open the door and hugged my smiling brother.

Next to Hilary, Will was my best friend. Being only two years apart, we’d grown up together and become great friends. We were totally opposite in every way. He was wild, crazy, spontaneous, while I was the more reserved and quiet one. That was part of the reason we got along so well.

“Hey, Fifi,” He said, calling me my childhood nickname.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him when he finally stepped inside.

“Well, I didn’t have any plans this weekend so I thought I’d come home and surprise you!” He said, his blue eyes twinkling mischievously.

Will looked a lot like me, physically. Most people thought we were twins. He had blonde wavy hair like mine, but kept it shorter so it had much more curl to it. He was about four inches taller than me at 6 foot, but other than that we were almost identical.

Mom and Dad came in then and gave him fair share of hugs as well. After that, we all sat down at the breakfast table and Will told us all about school. It was good having him home.

After a while, Mom and Dad suggested we meet to Bennets for lunch, since they hadn’t seen Will since last summer. And while, a few weeks ago, I would have detested the idea, now I couldn’t wait to see Trent.

While they went upstairs to get ready and call the Bennets, Will and I sat down in the living room to talk some more.

“So what’s it like seeing the Bennets practically every day?” he asked me.

I thought about how freaked I was when I found out they were staying. Then, I smiled and said, “It’s great,”

Will had a double take at my response. “Are you kidding me? I thought you loathed them!”

I sighed and thought about Trent. He really was the perfect guy, Different from any other boy I’d known. Whenever we’d talk, we would talk for hours at a time! And, I found myself telling him things I’d never told anyone. He was a great listener. It seemed like whenever I told him something, he listened and genuinely cared about what I had to say. And I trusted him. I knew he’d never tell anyone what I’d confided in him.

Will coughed an ‘ahem’ that brought me back from my thoughts.

“No, Trent’s a wonderful guy,” I told him finally.

Then Will got a strange look on his face and said “I was talking about Abby, but...Trent?” Then he gave a snicker, “What’s going on with you two anyway?”
Dang it! I hadn’t meant to say that.

“Nothing! We’re just friends. That all.” I said, desperately trying to redeem myself, but it was too late.

“That goofy grin you had on when you were talking about him, didn’t look like ‘nothing’ to me,” he said with a grin, poking me in the ribs.

“Fine!” I admitted, “Something ‘might’ be going on. But, please, don’t mention anything at lunch!” I begged.

He gave me that mischievous grin right before bounding up the stairs.

“WILL! Come back here and promise me!” I yelled after him.

He made me crazy, but it was good having him home.


The ringing phone yanked me from unconsciousness Saturday morning. I glanced at my digital clock through my droopy eyes and saw that it was 12:02. To early for me. I rolled on my belly and closed my eyes.

Just as sleep was about to claim me, I was cruelly shoved back to consciousness, when my mom opened the door and yelled “Trent! Get up! Will is in town, so were having lunch with the Jamesons at 1:00.

I was wide awake when I heard her say the Jamesons’. Sophie would be there. That thought thrilled me more than it should. I enjoyed talking to Sophie. She always seemed to know just what to say to make me feel better about anything I was facing. We had a lot of common interests too. Like classic rock music, poetry (she made me a fan), and guitar (I made her a fan).

Every time we talked, I couldn’t help but what to know more and more about her. I felt like I knew her well already, but something about her always surprised me and left me wanting more.

Thinking about that, I got up and got dressed. As soon as all of us were ready, we drove to a little diner where we were meeting the Jamesons. When we walked in, the whole clan waved from the tables that they saved for us.

Will immediately hopped up and greeted my parents. He looked about the same.

“Hey man, how’s it goin?” He asked me after he was done with my parents.

“Good, you?”

“Hanging in there,”

We had a good friendship; it just consisted of few words.

On seeing Abby, he gave her a hug, and told her she’d grown. She blushed. Abby always had a thing for Will.

After all greetings were over, we finally sat down to eat. Like always, adults at one table, kids at the other. Even though Will was technically an adult, he chose to sit at the kid table anyway.

Conversation was somewhat strained. Sophie barely said a word the whole time. Will talked about college life mostly, but continuously asked about Sophie and mine’s friendship. Every time he asked me another question though, Sophie buried her head in her hands and groaned slightly. And of coarse, smitten Abby was hanging on to Will’s every word, and managed to slip in, quite frequently, that she was single.

When conversation died completely we all just took to listen to our parents’ conversation instead. Elaine Jameson was speaking.

“Now, do you remember when Trent and Sophie were 5 years old?”

They all nodded and chuckled knowingly. Mrs. J continued, “Well, after y’all left from one of your visits, Sophie came up to me and told me that she loved Trent and was going to marry him!”

The parents burst out laughing and Sophie turned beet red and stared intently at her remaining French fries.

Unfortunately, my mother continued. “Oh, you should’ve heard Trent! He told me that Sophie was the prettiest girl in the world, and that he hoped he could give her her first kiss!”

Instead of laughter ensuing though, choruses of ‘aww’s did instead, which might have been worse.

Sophie looked up in surprise at me for a moment. I mouthed an “I’m sorry”, and she returned with a “Me too”.
Finally, after ten more minutes of agonizingly embarrassing stories, the parents suggested we leave. The kids, wholeheartedly, agreed.


super_chic_chick: well, that ranks as one of the most embarrassing situations of my life

I complained online to Hilary that night.

drama_queen: does that include the time you forgot your ONE LINE in our 3rd grade play about produce?

super_chic_chick: yes, and thank you so much for bringing up that painful memory.


super_chic_chick: it was hard!!!

drama_queen: it rhymed!

super_chic_chick: well I’m sorry if I wasn’t quite as good as your portrayal of the CARROT but i-

What was I doing! I had more important matters.

super_chic_chick: ugh!!! never mind about that! what should I do?

drama_queen: did he seem upset?

super_chic_chick: well, no, actually he apologized for his mom.

drama_queen: than what’s the problem?

super_chic_chick: well, I guess there isn’t one...

drama_queen: thank u. I AM a genius!

super_chic_chick: and so humble

drama_queen: aww admit it

super_chic_chick: I g2g

drama_queen: u’ll admit it eventually!

super_chic_chick: BYE!

drama_queen: I am an onion, so white and round....

super_chic_chick has logged off at 11:09pm.

drama_queen: HEY!

© Copyright 2007 Amanda (UN: frenchgirl98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Amanda has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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