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by Amanda
Rated: E · Book · Romance/Love · #988755
2 teens have known and hated each other their whole lives...or so they thought.
#358616 added October 26, 2007 at 12:12am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 6
It was night time. I was at my front door step. I’d just come home from a date with Audrey. I thought about how perfect for me she was. When I leaned over and embraced her I whispered in her ear, “I Love you,”

But instead of her normal response of ‘I know’ she simply said, “I Love you, too”

It made me love her even more. When I pulled back and leaned down to kiss her, I noticed something. It wasn’t Audrey! It was Sophie!

“Trent? Are you ok?” She asked me.
I couldn’t answer.


Suddenly her voice changed into…

My mom’s?

“Trent! Wake up! It’s your first day of school,”

It was all a dream.

Thank God.

“What time is it?” I asked groggily.

“8:45, Dear.”

“Dang! School starts in 15 minutes!”

I quickly threw on a pair of pants and a semi clean shirt. Then, I heard honking from outside. It was probably Sophie and Hilary who’d agreed to give me a ride. I grabbed my backpack, my hat, and a doughnut on my way out.

Once inside the car, Sophie turned to look at me and asked, “How’d you sleep?”

I thought about the dream starring her.

“Oh, fine,” I said “I still was about 5 minutes ago.”
I managed to yawn out.

“Are we not giving Abby a ride?” she asked.

“Naw, my dad gave her a ride earlier on his way to work. She wanted to go early to scope out the territory.

“Oh, yeah. The new building?”

“No, the new boys,”

“That sounds like Abby alright.”

When we got there, Sophie showed me the registration office and they gave me my schedule, locker number, and combination. Sophie even helped me find my locker, and pointed out my first class. Why was she being so nice to me?

“It looks like we have English and Lunch together,” she pointed out while looking at my schedule.

“Oh, ok. See you then,” I said as she turned to leave, “Oh and Sophie?”

She turned, ”Yeah?”

“Thanks for your help,”


It’s not like I wanted to! My mom made me promise to help Trent find his way around on his first day.

By fourth period, news of Trent had spread like wild fire through school. He had become the apple of every girl’s eye, and was fresh competition for the guys.

Abby too, had been getting some attention, especially from the male persuasion. Well, the girl was far from unattractive, and the guys took notice. One in particular though.

I was on my way to my locker, when I saw Jeremy leaning up against some girl’s locker, no doubt his new girl of the week. Then, she turned around and I saw her face. ABBY?

Oh great, he was totally hitting on her! And she believed every word he was saying. That was me once… I was not going see Jeremy break another girl’s heart, even if it was one I hated.

I marched up to them and interrupted their conversation.

“Why, Jeremy! Abby! Fancy meeting you both here!”
Both looked quite surprised.

“You know her?” They both asked each other in unison.

Abby answered first.

“Well, ‘know’ is a strong word-” Abby began, but I finished.

“Why, Abby! We’ve known each other our entire lives!”

I turned to Jeremy now, “You remember Trent Bennet I told you about? This is his little sister!” I explained, emphasizing the word, little.

“Uh, Sophie? Don’t you have someplace to be?” Abby pleaded. I really shouldn’t have enjoyed torturing her this much.

“No! I have an off period. You however, do not! Now go!”

She groaned and walked off in the other direction.

“As for you,” I said to Jeremy, “Stay away from her!
She’s only 14 for crying out loud!”

“What?” he replied, looking quite sheepish. “She told me she was 16!” I gave him a look. “Alright! Point taken! I’ll leave her alone of it helps you sleep at night, Babe”

I felt goose bumps rising on my arms. And not out of love like they used to.

“Don’t call me that,” I said behind gritted teeth.
“You know,” He said, lowering his voice and changing his expression, “You’re kind of hot when you get all demanding,”

How could I have ever found this creep attractive?

“Save it for your cheerleader, dirt bag.”

And with that, I walked away.


Wow. The girl could take care of herself!

I saw that scum Jeremy talking to Abby, and I was about to go over there and knock his head off his shoulders. Then, I saw Sophie. I moved closer to hear what she was saying. She finally got Abby to leave.

After that, she told him to leave Abby alone. Then, I couldn’t believe it, he came on to her! He broke up with her and now he was flirting with her. Just as I was about to interfere, she shut him down with one phrase. She walked away in my direction.

“Do you really have an off period?” I asked her as she walked passed me.

She turned around rather abruptly. When she saw me her peeved face turned into a smile. That made me feel good for some reason.

She laughed and said, “No, I don’t! But it worked didn’t it?”

“So where you headed?” I asked her.

“English! Come on!”

With that, she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the class room.


When we got into English, every female eye in the room was on Trent. Well, actually me. Well, really, me holding Trent. The teacher assigned him a seat, and I took mine.

The girl next to me leaned over and whispered, “Do you know him?”

Hmm. How do I answer that?

“Well, kind of. We’re old family friends.”

Yeah, that pretty much summed up our relationship.

“Oh…So you aren’t together?”

“NO!” I denied almost above a whisper. The teacher game me a glare.


Why was I suddenly mad at this girl? I mean, she had total right to ask about Trent! He certainly didn’t belong to me! Heck, I was trying to ignore him!

In English, we were discussing the use of balconies in famous love scenes in books. We compared Romeo and Juliet to Cerino de Bergerac. In both, the guys were so sweet and overcome with love for these girls! Now, why couldn’t I get a guy like that?

After English we had lunch. Hilary had invited Trent to sit with us, and despite many other offers, he took her up on it.

“So how are you enjoying Lincoln High?” Hilary asked him.

“Are the girls always this…gawking?” He asked glancing uncomfortably at all the girl’s eyes on him.

“Don’t worry, you’re the new guy! For this week you’ll be the most popular guy in school. Next week you’ll just be another face in the crowd” I told him.

He laughed. “Good to know!”
He seemed to be fitting really well. And for once, I didn’t hate having him around.

Maybe this wasn’t going to be so bad after all
© Copyright 2007 Amanda (UN: frenchgirl98 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Amanda has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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