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Are temperament and Mental Health at all related? A positive, spiritual view of self. |
Longsuffering is a combination of patience and endurance, and, like the other fruits, some temperaments have a natural tendency to display it, although not perfectly, and others must strive in prayer daily to grasp this fruit. Longsuffering and peace go hand in hand. Actually all of these fruits go hand in hand to produce a peaceful life that can only be characteristic of a Spirit-filled person. People of Sanguine temperament have a hard time with this fruit because of their emotional deep convictions and their tendency to believe that everyone loves them. When things don't go their way, their happy, go lucky nature may turn on a dime into rage. They don't typically get impatient with specific people, but with situations that compromise their deeply held convictions. They do have a tendency to be weak-willed, so they will try to make amends later, if they remember to do so, but certain situations are too compromising to their values, so they'll just avoid the pain of going back into them at all. Things are fast and furious in their minds, and people of other temperaments who don't move as fast as they do may also bring on in them angry impatience. The endurance part of the equation is not a natural strength of this temperament either. Sanguines will often start projects with a passionate fervor, but once the momentum dies down, they will not be emotionally convicted to finish them, leaving others to deal with the small details of accomplishing the tasks. They will move on to the next project that drives their passion. They do not like to do the behind-the-scenes work, so that is often left to others. In school, however, many homework and projects will not drive their passions and others are not involved in their individual assignments, so they must learn to push themselves through this weakness by incorporating this fruit into their lives. This fruit is a must for the Sanguine to strive for. It will help them find peace with other people, who might avoid them to not encite their rage. Cholerics are not usually patient with people of other temperaments who can't see the big picture as they do. They are self-sufficient and often do not appreciate the input of others whom they feel will not further their accomplishment of their goals. They are often not willing sacrifice their own pride to help another person succeed above them. Now, with this fruit incorporated into their lives, this changes, and they become the best motivators anyone could come across. Their persistence toward their goals can be turned to persistence in helping others with goals as well as seeking to accomplish their own. Cholerics have a postive perspective on their lives and they know where they are going in life. They have the endurance part of the equation of longsuffering, but lack the patience. When that element is added, Cholerics are the best leaders, in business or otherwise. I do know some Spirit-filled Cholerics, and their generosity is overwhelming. Cholerics believe in other people who don't see potential in themselves, and help them discover it. Melancholies usually work behind the scenes, and do not take on leadership roles. They are self-sacrificing and go the distance in anything they do. They are patient with people who are distressed, for they are emotionally drawn to help them, no matter how much it interferes with their own lives. They can be critical of others, so they are not perfect in this, but, then again, without the Holy Spirit, none of us can even come close to perfection. When filled with the Holy Spirit, they put others above themselves always, some times to the point of denying themselves of their own needs. Melancholies have this fruit at varying degrees, and should seek the full dose of it. ![]() I can illustrate this fruit in the Phlegmatic with words I've heard many times about my mother. "She's the kindest, gentlest, most patient person I know." I get the temperament honest from my mother, although her secondary temperament is different than mine. I will discuss that in a later entry. Because Phlegmatics usually roll with the punches and do not get overexcited about anything, they have a very long fuse which is often lengthened through sarcasm and hilarious one-liners. It helps to look at situations with a sense of humor, and I do see irony in many things that happen in my life, whether good or bad. Now, this sarcasm can turn cynical and be directed toward other people, so Phlegmatics are not completely off the hook in praying for this fruit of the Spirit. ![]() Anything you want to add about longsuffering? |