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A place to keep my writings |
3. Set your story in a magical bookshop. Wanda and Pixie fluttered around the sofas in the lounging area of the vast bookshop when Jinx dashed up to them giggling. "Hey guys, two adolescents are at the information counter. Watch how I mess with them!" Wanda rolled her eyes. "Really, Jinx, you shouldn't speed around that fast. Even for a fairy, that speed is dangerous. You could smash into a wall! Look at how nice Pixie and I flutter around." Wanda made a big show of fluttering up and down, then side to side. "Okay, okay! Come on, they were almost done getting information." Jinx dashed off again with the other fairies trailing behind. Wanda and Pixie watched as Jinx danced around the heads of the two pre-teens who had been walking down the main aisle. "Jinx," Wanda rolled her eyes again. "What did you do to them?" "Hee,hee,hee, shhhh, just watch." They all observed as the children suddenly stopped, seeming very confused. "Ken, I can't remember which area we were going to. Do you remember the row number that the lady told us?" "Sophie, I don't even remember what we came into this bookstore for. Maybe we should go back to the information counter." Did you see how confused I made them? Jinx zipped this way and that, clapping fiercely. "Amateurish." Pixie smirked. "Watch a pro in action." Pixie's eyes searched around to find the next victim to prank. She saw a young man carrying eight large textbooks. He approached a table, smiling at the lovely lady sitting there, unaware that a tiny magical creature was buzzing all around him. The smitten teen clumsily tripped on an open shoelace, sending his books flying on and under the table at the gal's feet. He nearly fell himself, but he caught his balance by grabbing onto the edge of the table. The young lady's coffee tipped over, spilling all over her notebook and pretty sundress. That romance was over before it ever started. Before the three fairies could marvel at their latest prank, the witch who worked there got their attention. "Haven't I told you three to cut it out! One more incident and you will be out of this shop for good!" "Yes, Greta." "Let's go look at the butterfly books." Wanda said loudly and then whispered, "Give her a day to forget again." The three fairies flew off to plot their next mischief. Word Count: 404 |