The Perfect Princess So, I am tasked with electing, ( is royalty pseudo or otherwise elected?), make that selecting appointing anointing, crowning a GoT princess. This is not arbitrary at all. Should I employ the standard eeney-meeny-miney-mo method? Perhaps there is a princess protocol. Is there a committee ? Is there an imbedded sword in a stone that requires pulling? Does the worthy candidate need to pucker up with a frog? Hmmm, I believe I should consider an ally, supported causes, good cheer, commonality and all that. In other words good ol' quid pro quo, tit for tat ulterior motives play a deciding role. Drum roll inserted here and a bugle fanfare...I choose 🐕GeminiGem🎁 to ascend the GoT throne and [x}graciously, begrudgingly, resignedly accept this illustrious bogus, genuine opportunity. All hail Princess Geminigem!! Genuflect. Cheer. Visit her in court, although when it will be in session is, of course, up to her eminence. Geminis, and I have personal verification, are known to be intelligent, chatty ( not catty ), vivacious, creative, all round wonderful persons. Perfect princess material, n'est-ce-pas? We fools writer-warriors may expect both encouragement and royal protection. She will no doubtedly rock the position with her wise and insightful judgements, bequests. Heads should not roll. I for one anticipate drooling savouring the cake she will order suggest we all eat.(217 words) 🐕GeminiGem🎁 ye of wisdom boundless, mighty Fleet of witty word repartee not deemed flighty. Counsel us your tongue-tied , addled minions humble. Lead us quicksilver word craft folk, grumble, mumble Into the new dawn of epic wordplay battle. Quell our frets/doubts, incite, promote the curious. We in turn will oust, joust and scorn the spurious. ( 7 lines, 56 words ) |