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My Aventures in Wonderland |
"Portmanteau" 1. "Portmanteau" – our dear Humpty Dumpty seems to be a connoisseur of this, so research it here - Portmanteau - and then come up with at least ten words of your design. Wow us! 1. Humog - Human + dog I have three of these. They talk, mess up my bed to their liking, and refuse to eat unless they can hear it scraped off a plate. 2 Humat Human + cat. They fit into the same category. My Jinx tried to steal my ice cream if I am not fast enough. 3. Specmohub Mother Hubbard Special - Definition: What comes together from the cupboards bouncing on a prayer. 4. Elehicle Electric Vehicle - Definition: What we will all be driving when petrol becomes obsolete, and the government can't figure anything better to gouge the Joe citizen with. 5. Neek - Nerd + Geek - Definition: What you become when you have hit rock bottom in the social sector. 6. Grumolen Grumpy Old Men - Definition - The second stage of Shadow Shifting. What people past 50 transform into. (automatically) 7. Moad Mom + Dad - Definition: The first stage of Shadow Shifting when you have evolved into both Mom and Dad to a bunch of wormettes. Before the age of 50. 8. Goractive Gorgeous + Attractive 9. Arrheamo Diarrhea + Mouth - Definition: Actually this is medical term. It is given to people who cannot shut up long enough to take a deep breath. Their technical diagnosis is Diarrhea of the Mouth or arrheamo for short. 10. Umumgo Yum...yum...good - I use this with the thought of hamburgers. |