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Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #2313422
My book for Alice In Wonderland Going Down The Rabbit Hole Again.
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#1065891 added March 26, 2024 at 5:40am
Restrictions: None
I. Queen Alice Final Chapter
I. Queen Alice
1. White pawn to 8th row/rank
You have officially completed all the challenges and tasks and can now wear your crown proudly.

2. Write a final Blog entry {or static item} to commemorate this event including all you've learned {or not} with this process. {if it's your second -or more time entering this, what was the difference between this round and the last?

I did this Alice Challenge a second time. I wrote a better song this time then last time. It was a country song. I am not ready to submit it to Nashville but I did well with that. I had to write about a key that would unlock anything and I thought about my father as I wrote that item. It was a way to think about my father and remember him. I wrote about bad memories about work. I wrote about my illness and surgery I had ten years ago. I was able to get these feelings out. Medical issues are so scary. I think it would have been more fun to be in Wonderland then going through my awful bowel obstruction surgery. I got in touch with past memories that I had thought I had forgotten. I loved writing about funny things and making up stories. I made myself laugh and I hope others who read my entries will smile and laugh, too. I can be like Barbara Streisand in Funny Girl.

The last Alice In Wonderland Challenge. Last time, I got to make up cocktail drinks. I got to be a dress designer and give Alice a wardrobe, that was fun dressing her. My cat was in charge in a story last time and talked and bossed me around. I got to write about people who wore Cheshire Cat grins and were bad. I wrote about the Mad Hatter being stuck in time and The White Rabbit was stuck in a time warp this time. I got to write about conversations between two unlikely enemies but I gave them a good ending and made them friends.

I learned that I can write funny things and be serious and I think back on my life years ago, I had Alice In Wonderland moments. What do I do now in situations when life is unkind. Bad boyfriends, getting lost in situations and getting lost driving places. I learned I can express myself and not be afraid of who will judge me. I had a life that was wild at one time. Now, I am serious and boring but I am a better person. I learned to be a better writer, laugh at myself, my stories and this challenge makes you think and use your imagination. I can believe in myself. This Wonderland Challenge help me see that. My mistakes, experiences and I learn to rise about them and this challenge makes you express your inner feelings and improves your imagination. Writing for this challenge. You know, I feel I can write almost anything. I struggle with things in my life and when I worked in mental health, we told our patients to keep a journal and write about their feelings. With this Wonderland Challenge, I did just that. I shared my feelings. I will get by. I thank the Challenge for this. I think I can overcome any challenge.

I have enjoyed writing for this challenge. It made me laugh, think and have fun. I want to thank iKïyå§ama Author IconMail Icon Tiggy Author IconMail Icon and Mona. eyestar~* Author IconMail Icon I miss Mona. I felt like she was reading this and cheering me on. The prompts were hard at times but fun. I thought I got this. I can do this. I am glad I did. This is the best Challenge and if I see a white rabbit, I won't be afraid to go down the rabbit hole. I look forward to it.
641 Words
Alice in Wonderland and friends Poser by best friend Angel.
Merit Badge in Mona's Wonderland
[Click For More Info]

   CONGRATULATIONS    on completing the journey through Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass!
That crown might be a wee bit heavy, but it fits that head of yours oh-so-well. 
*^*Rabbit*^* *^*Cheshire*^* *^*Rabbit*^*

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