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Rated: 18+ · Book · Activity · #2314828
Whatever happens, happens
#1065262 added March 15, 2024 at 3:56pm
Restrictions: None
C1- Curious and Curiouser
First President George Washington Joins Eras Tour

“That’s right, folks! You heard it here first. The famous George Washington, himself, first president of the United States, has resurrected, just in time to be a surprise guest at Taylor Swift’s Eras tour in her home state of Pennsylvania last night.” The TV host turns to face a table of male anchors. Next to them is the superstar herself, Taylor Swift.

“Miss Swift-“

“Taylor,” she interrupts. “Miss Swift makes me sound like a spinster or something,” she jokes.

“Taylor,” the anchor tries again. “Welcome back to Pennsylvania, first of all! What made you decide to invite President Washington to your show last night?”

She grins. “I try to surprise my fans every night. I know how hard they worked to get their tickets. I know how hard it was make it to the show. So, I wanted to give them something memorable. And what could be more memorable than seeing the first President of the United States, live, in concert? Especially when- and no offense to him, at all- he died so many years ago.”

The anchors chuckle. “That, he sure did.”

Taylor forces a smile as she waits for the next question, and there’s a brief, awkward silence with a screen full of smiling reporters before the anchor announces, “Thanks for tuning in to Good Morning Pennsylvania, we’ll be right back after the commercial break.”

The director yells “Cut!” and everyone takes off their body microphones.

Taylor frowns. "Is that it?" Nobody replies.

“Hey, Taylor, could I get an autograph for my daughter? She’s at school right now and I know she’d die if she knew you were here today.” The first reporter holds out a pencil and paper over his phone.

“What’s her name?” Taylor asks.

“Jemima,” he replies.

Taylor takes his phone and swipes over to the camera. “I’ll do you one better,” she grins, and begins recording. “Hey Jemima, it’s Taylor here. I have your dad here with me, and he’s at work,” she pans the phone to him. “He wanted me to write you an autograph but I thought this would be nicer. Hope I’ll see you at a show soon!” Taylor waves and ends the recording.

Off to the side, Taylor’s team call out to her, “You’ve gotta go, girl, the crew is all there now and ready for your rehearsal.”

“Alright, gotta scoot, bye!” Taylor waves to the anchors.

“Wait! But we weren’t done yet,” someone calls out.

“Don’t worry, we’ve still got the second guest package to shoot, extend that one and we’ll be solid,” the producer announces.

The crew reset their cameras and positions, and the anchor takes his place in front of the cameras. “That’s right folks. You heard it here first- the recently resurrected first President of the United States, George Washington, himself, joined Miss Americana last night at her first Pennsylvania show.”
Instagram reels begin playing from livestreams of the show.

“Please welcome to the stage, MISTER GEORGE WASHINGTON HIMSELF! FIRST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!” Taylor yells into the microphone as the crowd becomes unhinged.

“And joining us now, Live from Pennsylvania, is Mister George Washington himself,” the anchor announces.

The cameras cut back to the table. “Mr. President, sir, it’s an honor to have you here,” an anchor reads off the teleprompter. “What made you decide to attend the Eras tour, much less be a surprise guest?”

“Oh, well when Taylor so kindly reached out to my publicity team- and by the way, the inventions this world has come up with nowadays are so advanced! Things have changed greatly since 1799,” he exclaims.

The anchors laugh. “They sure have, Mr. President, sir.”

“Oh, just Mr. President is fine. But as I was saying! When Taylor reached out to me, I had never heard of her before. And Taylor, if you’re watching this, I’m so sorry. But my team played a couple of her songs, and they were just so… catchy! So I knew then, that I would have to say yes and Shake it Off with this fine young woman.”

“And a fine young woman she is, indeed, isn’t she, Tom?”

The anchor named Tom nods in agreement. “She sure is, Hank. There you have it folks. Who knew George Washington was a Swiftie?”

Everyone laughs again. “Thanks for joining us this morning on Good Morning Pennsylvania. My name is Rich.”

“I’m Tom.”

“And I’m Hank. We’ll see you tomorrow.” Everyone waves to the camera as they finish the interview.

“Amazing!” The producer calls out. “We’re all set. It’ll go into post-production and air tomorrow. Good job everyone. Mr. President, thank you for your time, we appreciate you stopping by the studio to answer our questions.”

“Well, I’m out. Can’t wait to show Jemima her video from Taylor. She’s gonna love it.” Hank proclaimed.

“Yeah, but Taylor’s not gonna love her package tomorrow…” one of the camera women points out.

“Eh, that’s fine. Another problem, another time,” the producer brushes her off and shuts down the set. “We’ll deal with it tomorrow, if at all.”

WC- 840
Prompt: History can be boring. So, it’s up to you to spice things up for us. Pick any person in history. Write up a short story about this person with titles as ridiculous as “Ghengis Khan Gets a New Haircut”. In other words, make it fun!

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