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I will be adding stories & reflections as time marches on. Take a gander today! |
My number one goal as I enter the next chapter of my life is to regain the intimacy I've lost in my relationship with GOD. I hunger for that sense of intimacy I once had. I want to know God—to know Him as He knows me. Intimacy with God What is intimacy with God? The Bible tells us eternal life is knowing God and His Son Jesus Christ. How can we know Him? The Bible promises that we will find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart. Where do we start? Worship The psalmist said, "I will enter your gates with thanksgiving in my heart and come into your courts with praise." That's where we start. We worship Him by sincerely thanking Him for all He has done and praising Him for all that He is. A thankful heart—a heart filled with awe at the thought of God—is key to experiencing His Presence. Priority Is my relationship with God the most important thing in my life? Yes, it is. Do I always act like it is? No, sadly, other things crowd in. Life is full of distractions and there are times I feel too tired to do anything. If my relationship with God is not given priority, it can get lost in the shuffle we call life. Time Time, that's what life is, isn't it? It ticks by minute by minute, day by day, year by year. Before we know it, it's gone. One of the most important things we can give God is our time. For any relationship to flourish, we must invest our time in it—any relationship—even one with the Most High God. To know God, we must spend time with Him. Ask, Seek, Knock “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Worship, thanksgiving, priority, time, how do we give God what we need to give Him to have that intimacy we desire? We ask Him for it. He is the author and finisher of our faith. We can not do it in our own strength. Only He can do it for us. Our relationship with Him is a gift, a gift we can not earn but a gift we can receive. Ask. ~ ~ ~ JESUS is LORD! ~ ~ ~ |