A Journal to impart knowledge and facts |
For Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar 1/4/2023 Category 3: If you were a monkey would you be offended by being linked with more monkeys and a barrel as always causing chaos. If you lie and say you don't cause it? Prove it? I'm not sure about the monkey part of this. I searched what I really know about monkeys then looked for some facts on the web. Monkeys are known for their chaos forming ways in many cities on the earth. Monkeys who leave their natural habitat to forage for food in human environments are known to develop blood diseases and hypertension. They also attack houses in groups. If people do not remove them from a house they can attack the residents, break furniture and dishes and generally trash the place. There are statistics on the web about how many people are bitten or killed by monkey attacks each year. Surely, monkeys are offended by the fact that humans have taken over the monkey's natural environment. They can no longer stay in the jungle which humans have trashed to build new houses and cleared to grow crops. So, they attack homes and gardens and crops. It's a united effort to express themselves. Monkey rage and creating chaos is their natural way to tell the truth. Have I ever caused chaos? Yes. In the 1980's I spent some time in a library researching truth. I had been reading about truth in the Bible. My family has always been discussed with me for being so blatantly truthful. It is in my nature to tell what I know, when asked. After my research I always decided to tell the truth if I know what it is. So, my nature is still intact. I'm not necessarily popular. It helps to know when and how much truth to let fly. Some people lie to protect themselves; some people lie to hurt other people or cover up other lies. In the New Testament truth is one of the weapons of the spirit. It is often if not always met with anger and resentment. However, it also clears the air in conversation. The after affects are generally the same as slaying a blood enemy. The death caused by telling the truth is the death of a well-established lie. When the lie dies the effect of giving pain to someone also dies. You can breathe easily knowing all the lies cannot hold anyone prisoner anymore. You are breathing clean air. Old lies are hard to pierce even with truth. Sometimes it takes just living to prove the difference between truth and lies. The argument is always should you always tell the truth? Circumstances will have to be the give and take. Real truth will win freedom every time. Real truth never fails to make a change for the better. For a while you can't always see the results. Telling the truth can cause chaos. Does chaos come just before a major change? word count: 495 |