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For entries to the Wonderland Writing Activity 2022. |
Now you may have heard the story of how Brother Rabbit got caught with a tar baby by Brother Fox, and how the clever little fellow then tricked Brother Fox into throwing him into the briar patch where he made his escape. What you probably haven't heard is what Sister Vixen had to say about that when Brother Fox went home empty pawed. What with them having a litter of fine hungry cubs and all, nosireebob, she was not happy one little bit. Listening to Brother Fox's feeble excuses, she plum made up her mind to catch that rascally rabbit herself. The very next day she went into town and bought an old phonograph and some records. These she took down to a small clearing, quite close to the briar patch. Laboriously, she wound the phonograph, and started playing one of the records. It was 'There Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens' by Louis Jordan, in case you're interested. Then Sister Vixen began to dance. She was actually rather a good dancer, light on her feet and clever with her tail. Quite quickly she had gathered a small crowd, watching her dancing. "Good afternoon Sister Vixen." Said Brother Rabbit, who had turned up to watch, but was sitting a safe distance away. "May I ask, why are you dancing?" "Oh! I am practising for the ball. Everyone will be there and I don't want to be embarrassed when the dancing starts." "What ball is this?" Asked the curious rabbit. "Haven't you heard? I thought everyone would have by now. There is to be a ball at the next full moon in honour of the Fairy Queen. There will be feasting, and music, and dancing, and a fine prize for the best dancer." Soon the whole county was a-buzz with chatter about the ball. Rumours spread that there would be dainty cakes and fine wine, and cold beer and pies. There would be a live band, and they'd play all night. Then posters began to appear. The Dance was to be held in Jack Rabbit Slim's Field. Dancing would start at Sundown, and go on all night. There would be a prize for the Best Couple's Dance. Brother Rabbit was very thoughtful the next few days, as the moon swelled larger each night. When he walked along, he might be observed, trying out a few steps. He was troubled, because the prize was for a Couple's Dance, and he had no partner. The best dancer that he knew of was Sister Vixen. He wondered who would be paired up with her. It certainly wouldn't be Brother Fox, for he had two left feet. The Ball took on a life of its own, and come the evening of the full moon, Jack Rabbit Slim's field was packed. Tables groaned under the weight of all the food that folk had brought along, and many a barrel that had been carefully stored for just such a celebration, was brought out and sampled and supped. Animals brought their instruments, and soon a scratch band was playing a lively jig. Brother Owl, Sister Porcupine and Sister Toad were chosen to be judges, as they had a reputation for fairness. Brother Rabbit wandered over to where Sister Vixen was sipping a five dollar shake. "Have you found a dance partner yet Sister Vixen?" He asked, very politely. Just then Brother Owl announced that the Couple's Dance was to start, and asking who was going to be the first contestants. "Right here." Shouted Sister Vixen, grabbing Brother Rabbit by the paw. "Huh?" He said. " I wanna dance, I wanna win, I want that prize. Alright." "Uh! Yeah, sure." Stammered Brother Rabbit, as the music began. It was 'Jungle Rock' by Hank Mizell, in case you're interested. The audience cheered as Brother Rabbit and Sister Vixen shimmied, boogied and at one point even bopped to the music. They cheered even louder at the line, 'Well the fox grabbed the rabbit and they did the bunny hug.' Sister Vixen grabbed Brother Rabbit and squeezed him hard. "Gotcha." She hissed in his ear. "You can't eat me in front of all these people." Yelped Brother Rabbit. "Oh! I'm not going to. You know that briar patch that you like so much?" Brother Rabbit couldn't believe his ears. "Surely you're not going to throw me in there?" He gasped. "I am." Snarled the Vixen, as she spun him around faster and faster, whilst the crowd cheered, believing it to be a part of the dance. At the peak of a swing, Sister Vixen let go, and Brother Rabbit sailed over the band, and into the briar patch. No one heard the dull 'clang', as he landed in a copper cook pot that Sister Vixen had placed there an hour before. Nor did they hear another slight clang, as Brother Fox, who'd been waiting patiently, slammed the lid on the pot. Later that night, Sister Vixen looked across and admired her prize for Best Couples Dance, as she served her cubs a fine rabbit stew, with the grin of a Cheshire Cat. WORD COUNT, PROMPT & MUSIC ▼ |