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Rated: 18+ · Book · Fanfiction · #2263987
As a new foot slave to Princess Peach, Toadette's life is taken for a hectic, erotic ride.
#1026086 added February 5, 2022 at 11:17am
Restrictions: None
Chapter 5 - Stop Tickling Me!
I sat in my chair as helpless as a Blargg in water. Anticipating the attack about to happen on my poor fit, my eyes shut tight. My hands, painted in sweat, clenched into fists. Finally, I bit my lip.

“Two, one, START!!”

Wacky music commenced, and the chair’s vibration kicked up by a few notches. At first, there was a flinch. Then, a quick shriek escaped my lips. The assault on Toadette’s feet had begun.

On my right foot, Her Highness’s daughter tickled away. Her fingers were like ten different Cape Feathers ganging up on me. And to my left, Minh T. licked the bottom of my foot. Ugh! Her wet tongue left a warm path of saliva on my defenceless foot. My fingers dug into my palms so intensely I swear I drew blood.

Make this torment end!

I took a peek with one eye and witnessed Minh T. using the tip of her tongue to lick. The pointedness of that muscle made this sensation even harder to contain. My grip was slipping! My toes began to wiggle back and forth. I didn’t want to scream. I didn’t want to give in. But my body was on the verge of exploding!

Reaching its limit, I sprung forward as far as I could against these belts, and my laughter flooded the room.

No, I gave up this early!? My toes splayed as the girls bombarded them with endless tickles.

The heat filling up my head let me know just how badly I began to blush. Still laughing like a Boo, I tried to kick Her Highness’s daughter. The brat had my foot surrounded top and bottom. Back to Minh T., the freak somehow fit four of my slimy toes in her mouth. Stop sucking on them, you weirdo! They’re not Lemon Candy!

As if my feet getting weaker was bad enough, my groin was tingling from this onslaught. In fact, from head to toe, I became more sensitive. When was this game gonna end!?

That’s when the Toad in charge yelled, “30 seconds remaining, ladies!”

No. No! I had to last half a minute more!?

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Minh T. yelled, tightening her grip on my foot.

She stroked my toes while pecking my sole with a series of wet kisses. Out the corner of my eye, I caught Her Highness’s kid fall onto the floor. What was that about? I had no time to think as Minh T.’s kisses drove me into a dangerously intense laughing fit.

Tears streamed down my cheeks. Then I felt something colder and rougher rub against my right foot. I opened both eyes best I could, and the laughter obscured my disgust and horror. The kid was scraping her dirty, sandy foot against my sole.

“STOP!” I shouted before collapsing back into giggles.

How long could a girl go laughing before she passed out? Was I even gonna make it out of this alive? This chair’s vibration completely numbed my groin and butt. All in the world was mute aside from the jolting sensation on my feet.

Sniffling, I noticed that the tickling was no more. Yet my toes still scrunched and flexed as if it never ended.

Minh T. was panting for air as if she were the one who just got tickle tortured. But, her Highness’s daughter just clapped as the block holding me down retracted into the ceiling.

Between my sniffles, I kept on laughing. You would’ve thought I’d been gassed at the dentist’s office.

“Stupendous! You guys almost broke the meter! Your reward is 2,000 coins!”

Those words made this nightmarish experience worth it. 25% of 2,000 is… Wait. Half of 2,000 is 1,000. Half of 1,000 is 500.

“Whoo-hoo!” I huffed out, feeling light as the Toad undid my binds. “500 for me!”

Her Highness’s daughter had a grin so wide it took up most her face. “See? Was that so bad, now?”

At last, sweet freedom! That was the longest minute of my entire life. So dizzy was I that I tumbled into Minh T.’s arms.

“You taste amazing,” she said.

“Consider yourself lucky because that’s the only time you’ll ever have ‘em anywhere near your mouth.”

While I was delighted with our reward, the weather had to put a damper on our moods. The rain came down like a series of bullets, and we had no choice but to put up with it. Oh well. Hopefully, the castle has a good laundry service.

The girl, Penelope, led the way back to the castle. But so long as we headed north, we’d be there in under thirty minutes.

Minh T. removed her flip-flops, trekking these streets barefoot. Real smart, since now her feet were getting muddier than before. As if the castle staff needed more of a mess to clean up.

“It’s not even that late, and it’s been a long day,” I sighed, spitting out rainwater.

“I don’t even wanna cook nothin’. I just want someone to make me something quick so I can call it a night. Or evening.”

I smeared my glasses against my coat. “Sucks that Her Highness doesn’t allow guests in the castle. I’d have let you crash there.”

“Yes, she does.”

The girl was now walking backwards like this was normal. “You think we guard that place? I’ve seen Koopa Troopas walk in without questioning. If Mother says something, I’ll tell her you can stay.”

Minh T. squealed, stomping her feet in even more muck. “Excellent! I’ve nunca— never ever been in the castle before!”

Soaked from top to bottom, the three of us shivered as I grasped the front door. Once open, there stood Her Highness, tall and mighty.

No one had to tell me to get on my knees. “Your Highness!”

“Of course, Penelope drags you out the castle when she knew it was going to rain.”

She glared at her daughter before directing her attention to Minh T. The royal poked her nose, rubbing her finger across her face.

“The gardening girl who runs the flower shop, yes?”


Minh T. hit the ground, mumbling, “She touched me…”

“Yes, Your Highness,” I nodded. “We’re… friends.”

“And here I was suspecting you were a loner,” she chuckled, dragging me inside. “Come, we need to discuss something important.”

A few steps in, Her Highness turned back to the kid. “You’d better bathe immediately, Penelope. And make sure you drag the Toad in.”

Massaging Her Highness’s big feet while being drenched wasn’t my idea of fun. She swept through a bunch of papers that were scattered across this large room.

“You know about the robbery in Sarasaland, right?”

“No, I’m not familiar with that place, Your Highness.”

She shoved her foot against my face. “Quick history lesson. Sarasaland is west to the Mushroom Kingdom. It’s a country with four separate kingdoms, but it’s not uncommon for one to call the entire place one kingdom. Some of Princess Daisy’s valuables have been stolen, and get this. Her so-called special units report that the thieves hail from our very own kingdom.”

“What does this have to do with me, Your Highness?”


My cheek stung. How weird is it that the most humiliating thing to happen to me so far was being slapped by some feet?

“The madwoman is coming tomorrow by plane. She’s requested assistance, and I don’t think you’ll disappoint her too much.”


Her Highness gagged me with her toes, stabbing the roof of my mouth with her lengthy toenails. As spit dribbled out my mouth, she played with my tongue. Pinching it, slapping it, violating it, all the works.

“She says she wants to leave as much Sarasaland staff back as possible, so she’ll be coming with no other help. And despite your pathetic self, you’ve still got tougher skin than most Toads I’ve met. Consider it an honour.”

How bizarre. Not only would I be meeting a new princess, but I’d be helping her get some stolen good back. Should I stress how this was not part of the job description?

Smothering me with her foot, Her Highness added, “Besides, once you get a hint of how rancid her feet smell, perhaps you’ll appreciate being at mine way more.”


“Of course. Would you expect any different from a princess who plays football?”

After minutes of serving Her Highness’s feet, I came out the room more worried than when I’d entered it. Of all the stuff I tolerated to this point, I never had to deal with someone else’s stinky feet. What had I gotten myself into?
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