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Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1300042
All that remains: in afterlife as 'mainstream' blogger, with what little I know. 20k views
#1012958 added July 5, 2021 at 12:21am
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Idiomatic Writer: July 3 Prompt
Do you have a list of inspirational quotes that you might refer to for guidance? Share one with us!

I do have inspirational writings that I refer to, but seldom anything that is a 'quote', unless we are to include things that I've written to myself.

Writing notes to myself has been a long standing tradition, not unlike the Writing.Com contest in January called 'Dear Me', which I won, coincidentally in 2014. "Dear Me WINNER: Crossroads Writing notes to myself started long before an old poem I posted here that was scrawled on a piece of paper to be keep in my wallet to pull out from time to time:

The Other Side by Brian K Compton  (E)
How mindless one can seem without true vision.
#1158687 by ~ Brian K Compton ~

I could return to reread that poem or the Dear Me contest entry, but what I find cathartic is posting some inspirational things on Twitter that help remind me, as well as others. (Click To Enlarge Images Below)

"On my equatorial highway to senectitude." The photo might say it all if you consider POV and where the horizon is. I borrowed the word 'senectitude' from a fellow WFOP poet, because it relates to how we feel in our latter years.

Rather be awkward trying, if always discovering
Vulnerability is beauty
Complacency ugly

It's actually an idiomatic poem I wrote about how I feel 'baring my chest', as my high school English teacher would put it. I would rather risk falling on my face than not try. Also, feeling silenced by society rather than speak your mind to have opinion be heard applies. Sometimes, voices are silenced by the machine. Sticking your neck out should make you feel better, having bared one's chest. If no one backs you up, the only bad feeling you might get.

Sometimes, we just have to put the pen aside and be in a moment. My cat knows how to do it. Why can't I?
Thinking of Springsteen lyrics from Jungleland:

Pushing a pile of words from corner to corner, adding more to the mix, for life.

I added #amwriting and then #amIwriting? *Laugh* It's really how I feel about writing poetry, the add in, add out process and moving the structure around until it feels like a worthy poem.

Seriously, not interested in self-promotion. I get it, just don't like it. I think it takes away from creativity. WWEDD? WWSD? (see if you can guess?)

That's my son on the beach in Mexico, the antithesis of 'no ambition'. But seriously, I bite off more than I can chew and feel nothing but regret for all the things I don't finish, especially bigger projects. What am I thinking?

"Perfection is lost once we try to conceive."
When you've got an idea and want to jot it down. Something is brewing and that magic doesn't last, because we have to build a structure, frame those words, put this idea in context. The shine seems to leave that gold. But, I add to 'keep writing'. Words might fail at first, but notice if I keep digging: hidden gems, even if not what was sought...and, maybe better.

Rough hands do not bespeak a gentle mind
It was a rough heart that taught gentle hands
not be weak

Another idiomatic poem that sprung up, reminds of my dad. Some say I'm reminiscent of him, the older I get. What I'm reminded: he was rough and taught my gentle hands to not be weak. His hands were rough from labor. His working man ethos rubbed off. I'm no slacker wherever I labor. Thing is, having a rough exterior doesn't define me. I'm gentle and prefer not be as rough as he. What's unfortunate is I give off a gruff exterior without intending. I can feel villainized or treated a monster. Striking that balance is difficult, makes me feel an awkward social animal. But, the old man also taught me to be a cynic, sometimes confused with a callous heart.

In summation: Hard candy shell, melty chocolate inside! *Bigsmile* But, don't tell anyone I said that. *Laugh*

This kind of summarizes me as a writer in a community like this. Obviously, after I type something, I don't have to hit send. But, then where am I? So, I put myself out there, speak my mind. It can get dicey. Have to accept that. I know what people prod me to do, trying to get me out of my comfort zone. And fear, if I don't acquiesce, lose them. If I do, I lose myself. You say you don't ask for much, get indifferent if I don't play the game. *Think*

Just keeping it real. Just want to be a writer who's judged on the merit of his content. I pay my dues in many ways. It involves a lot of my precious time. Hey! Like this, see?

Happy to share a part of myself with others and long to reciprocate in return. *Smile*



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