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Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind. |
Take UP Your Cross Prompt: Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Do you believe in angels? Have you ever seen one? If you have, write about your experience. What are your thoughts and beliefs about angels? Answer: Yes, I believe in angels. I have seen several over the course of my life. I have been blessed. I have several angel stories. Also it is amazing to see them worship God. It is the purest heartfelt praise I have ever seen. I will tell you about the time an angel saved me from an angry ex-boyfriend. It was just me and him alone. I don't even remember what we were arguing about. I think he was mad because he thought I was cheating when I wasn't if I remember right. Anyway, I had never seen him so angry. He was very tall and muscular. He had the kind of build every girl dreams of. He just lacked the personality to go with it. Anyway, he slammed me against the wall by the throat and was holding me there choking me. I tried to fight back, but he was so much stronger than me. I prayed for God to help me. An angel suddenly appeared and told him to let me go. Suddenly the ex didn't look or feel so big anymore. The angel stood taller and broader with a sword drawn. The ex let me go and ran out of the building to not be seen again for a very long time. The angel disappeared. All I could do was sit down and cry and say my thank you to God. Several years later we accidentally ran into one another again, the ex and I. He had since been married and divorced. We chatted and caught up for a few minutes. He told me he was sorry for what had happened years ago. I told him that I forgave him, and I haven't seen him since. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Current study: "Armor of God- Conclusion, We win!" ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Are you in the need for prayer? Let us know here and we will pray for you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is the link to the group I do these Scripture writings with on Facebook if anyone else is interested in doing so also. https://www.facebook.com/groups/dailyscripturewritingplan/?ref=share Scripture writing - John 15:12-15 Scripture: 12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Observations: Verse 12- Love others as Christ loves you. Verse 13- The ultimate sacrifice of love is that a man will lay down his life for others. Verse 14- We are the friends of Jesus if we do what he tells us to do. Verse 15- Jesus calls us his friends because he reveals to us what he is doing and how he is working. Application: We are friends of Jesus. Prayer: Dear God, Thanks for giving us Jesus. Help us to always show his last be to others. In Jesus ‘s name, Amen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gratitude List 1. Did I mention coffee? Lol 2. Comfortable bed 3. Air conditioning 4. Water 5. Exercise 6. My fan 7. Cool clothing 8. Headache medicine 9. Wash cloths 10. Dairy products ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Your pen just came to life.... the first thing it says is... I am seriously going to need a rest! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cruising across the plane at the galactic rim today we found a star your captain hasn't saw before. poetchris5 (82) writes
about depression. How do you deal with depression? One day at a time. I try to stay in the moment. I will ask myself questions? Am I feeling this emotion right now reasonably? Was it triggered by something that happened recently or in the past? How can I process this emotion quickly and effectively? Is there a lagitament reason I am feeling this way? I usually end up withdrawing away from others because I don't want to take these negative emotions out on them. I pray a lot. I ask God to show me the root cause of it so that I can deal with it appropriately. I ask for his help in general. I am starting to try putting on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. I have not been at this long. I will have to give an update on how it goes. I will say this however, it changes my focus from the situation to who God is. In order to praise him, that is what I have to think about. Then I can also consider how the facts of who he is apply to my situation. It certainly does not hurt to praise God. So why not? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ![]() ![]() Tell the story of one of your scars. Hello, I am Scar here. I live on Marvilla’s shoulder. I have been there since the day she was born. She was born by emergency C-section, and the Dr accidentally cut her while trying to get her out of her mothers womb. She had the umbilical cord wrapped around her throat too tight. She was suffocating. She was kicking and fighting so hard for her life, it had made her mother bleed. When they checked for the heartbeat, they discovered that it was weak and the number of beets was low. So they had to get her out and unwrap that cord in order to save her life. Once out, her condition was critical. She was struggling for every breath. Apparently, at some point, she had also gotten some of the fluid in the umbilical sack into her lungs. She ended up being placed on oxygen and had a blood transfusion. About a week later, she was finally breathing on her own and was able to go home with her parents. She will always have me on her shoulder to remind her that life is a gift not to be taken for granted.