The Jury ▼ Juror #1-the rastifarian rabbit, laid back and easygoing. Juror #2-the lopsided turtle, resentful of symmetrical people like the queen. Juror #3-the tortise that can't swim, timid, like a fish out of water in formal settings. Juror #4-the ace of spades, resentful that the queen demoted him to pruning shrubbery. Juror #5-the hooka smoking catapillar's cousin Fred, no nonsense type. Been on the bad side of the queen once or twice. Juror #6-the barkless dog, the queen literally scared the bark right out of him. Juror #7-the blind eagle, very pro justice. Juror #8-a blackbird, it escaped a pie and has been anti establishment ever since. Juror #9-the mummy of a grateful dead fan, impatient to get back into the grave to hang with Jerry Garcia. Juror #10-the walking question mark, can never give a straight answer. Juror #11-the executioner, extremely overworked and will do anything for a day off. Juror #12-the jack of diamonds, extremely jealous of all the attention the queen gets. 163 words UNimportant Things ▼ I used to think walking around with a jacket in winter was very important, but these days i would rather have a mask and hand sanitizer. 26 words All a Dream ▼