The Mushroom ▼ I grasp the mushroom with both hands spread as far apart as they can be. It looks like I have a piece from opposite sides. I pick the right hand out of familiarity and nibble at that piece. I shoot up straight and thin like some kind of anorexic supermodel. The impulse to vomit that bite right back up hits and instead I shove the whole chunk from my left hand in my mouth. I shrink down to the height I was but my waist increases more than my height had from the first bite. I wobble back up to the mushroom and reach my now chubby arms around it and pick off pieces from two new sides. I pop the right-hand chunk and suddenly I am bright green all over, but I have returned to my normal shape. I bite the other chunk and my hue shifts to red. Again I pick from two new "sides." This time I try the left first. I start growing hair all over my body. The right-hand bite has me molting all my recent fur. Bald as a newborn turtle I reach for a bite of mushroom beneath the caterpillar's butt. I eat that and return to my normal self. "Hey caterpillar, why didn't you tell me to try there first?" "Now that wouldn't have been near as much fun," He laughed and drew another puff from his hooka. 237 words Pigeon and Serpent ▼ Snakes! I hate them. I do not like that they were ever invented. An invention that I love is the moat of flaming water. They can not sneak into my home from below as it is watertight and surrounded by water. They cannot swim over because of the flames on the surface of the water. My drawbridge is the only way across and it is narrow enough that I can keep watch against the snakes' attempts to sneak on over. 80 words |