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Rated: 13+ · Book · Adult · #948720
Whew! Life! It's time to get down and let her rip!
It's time to get SERIOUS. I haven't been writing due to life but I know now if I let life stand in the way of my talent I will loose it. I have to write or read about writing. I have to hand write in journals. I have to be active on this sight. I need to read the literature I want to write! We all have to get with the program or get off the speed boat of life.
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October 23, 2006 at 12:00pm
October 23, 2006 at 12:00pm
After depression and you start feeling those familar feelings again you get motivated by simple stuff even when you know it won't be simple. I have baby clothes from my yard sale. I'm going to try my eaby again. Any sugesstions for rapid results? I'm hear to hear what you have to say.....Love ya'll, Oh, no, I forgot November, we here on writing.com are going to have a challenge, a huge one, we're going all get toether and write something big that will make us famous.
October 12, 2006 at 8:51am
October 12, 2006 at 8:51am
Well, I'm always late for everything. I'm noted for being a tremendous trait that has followed me for 51 years! This time beats it all. I received a letter, two infact, but I lost the other one about being included in the poetry book of congress or something of that sort. This time it is the Cambridge Who's Who for Professional Women in Writing and Publishing. I opened it this morning, in my van, where all my tons of yard sale stuff is, and there it was dated Aug. 4!!!! I was suppost to retun my application form within five business days from the receipt of the letter. No cost. Well, it is two months, some few weeks, a couple of days, and no telling how many hours and minutes! What's a girl to due to change a habit? Tim's family refers to me as her Majesty Lateness!
Oh, me, oh, my! Hey, good news I'm making some coins off of my yard sale. My depression is better. So what if I'm not honored in the Campbridge hall of fame I'm definatly up for the Procrastination Queen of Fame and I'm close to first place!
October 12, 2006 at 8:49am
October 12, 2006 at 8:49am
Well, I'm always late for everything. I'm noted for being a tremendous trait that has followed me for 51 years! This time beats it all. I received a letter, two infact, but I lost the other one about being included in the poetry book of congress or something of that sort. This time it is the Cambridge Who's Who for Professional Women in Writing and Publishing. I opened it this morning, in my van, where all my tons of yard sale stuff is, and there it was dated Aug. 4!!!! I was suppost to retun my application form within five business days from the receipt of the letter. No cost. Well, it is two months, some few weeks, a couple of days, and no telling how many hours and minutes! What's a girl to due to change a habit? Tim's family refers to me as her Majesty Lateness!
Oh, me, oh, my! Hey, good news I'm making some coins off of my yard sale. My depression is better. So what if I'm not honored in the Campbridge hall of fame I'm definatly up for the Procrastination Queen of Fame and I'm close to first place!
September 26, 2006 at 1:20am
September 26, 2006 at 1:20am
You know I've been seeing one for quite a while. I wonder sometimes if the sky is going to be a beautiful blue with clouds and the grass greener but I just don't see it. I go from one medicine to another. Out of about 10 months of going i've had one really good productive month. I try to be happy but it just seems impossible. I'll keep trying though because what choices do I have. The souls I would destoy if I took myself out of this situation then I would certainly be a failure. One thing that needs to be done is the last place I was employed really needs someone to take the priests to the cleaners. If I could get all of the people to get togehter there would be a story of all stories! He needs to be exposed and one day it will happen.
September 10, 2006 at 2:18pm
September 10, 2006 at 2:18pm
I'm letting my days and nights run together with hopes that some how, somewhere, someone would just wisk me away, hold me and tell me things will be okay. Life is so hard but then I look out to the September sun and say, Diane, why don't you go outside and bask in this day that the Lord create for you. Turn off the television that continues to give us depressing pictures of 9/11. Forget what you are married to now, think of what he was before. Once upon a time, I thought, I love my aunt for all she's done for me and my family. Look at all the things she's leaving me, a lovely house, with beautiful pieces. Looks like a child's house with all the porcelain dolls! Angel trinkets that you hear the soft whisper of bells when the wind makes its way to them. I can't be happy for all of this. Since she passed away and left me these things my life has become a living hell. Everyone wants a material piece of her...several indeed. What happened to the compassion people had where they wanted to just be friends not for what they could get out of her or me? I am so glad she's gone and doesn't have to see the greedy demons that have surrounded their home.
Just me again...
August 15, 2006 at 11:21pm
August 15, 2006 at 11:21pm
I should change the name to my BLOG but it would be so long. I want to sleep and forget that I am alive. I am preparing for a yard/estate sale. My house is really a mess. Life is such a drastic thing once you grow up.
August 7, 2006 at 2:23am
August 7, 2006 at 2:23am
I'll be a monkey's uncle if my husband didn't apologize for being a jerk for the length of our marriage-nearing 28 years! He's going to try and do better. Yes, folks, there is a God!
August 7, 2006 at 2:22am
August 7, 2006 at 2:22am
As I go through piles and piles of junk to put in a yard sale Labor Day weekend, I start in my usual philosopher mode of thinking. Why do we gather up so much "stuff" only to leave this world with nothing? It doesn't make any sense. I guess we do have some things around us as muses to make us feel good about life but my goodness sakes this "stuff" I think suffocates the life out of us. I think mine in as I dig a little everyday. If all of you wonder, what in the world has happened to Diane and her world? Is she depressed again? Is her husband driving her into madness? Has the daughter pushed her beyond the brink by moving into Diane's once empty nest? What about her Mom? Is she giving Diane the silent treatment and Diane's over the edge of reason? What about that Menopause? Has she ran out of patches? As you wonder about what's happened to Diane, please just check in on me now and then because you see all the "stuff" may have come to life and stangled me. I can see me now, like the wicked witch on Wizard of Oz, help me, I'm melting! Help! There she goes, that Diane's been ate up by all her stuff! I hope to at least talk to you some and keep you up to date! Bye, ya'll!!!
August 3, 2006 at 7:17pm
August 3, 2006 at 7:17pm
I wonder sometimes why my life turned out this way. Why do I put up with a husband, who, yes is disabled but also has great memory lapses in the times that I've worked to support him while he was going through his ordeal. You know I did most of the paper work because he didn't finish enough of school to be able to fill out forms, talk to people, etc. You see I've had to do all of that. Why didn't I try harder. I mean the first husband is the first person listed under asshole! I think the second name has to be this one. He doesn't care for me and liffle do I care for him. I think it's because of being mentally challegdge to keep the marrired goign. My Mom, she can't tell anymore. She wasn't bless with a man, permantly in her life time. My Mother wouldn't have lasted anyway. She had a hard enough time, still does, with me although she is selffish like he is. Well, I've got a lot to do. Just thought I'd just stop in and tell you what considion my condition was in! How was it?
July 31, 2006 at 12:39am
July 31, 2006 at 12:39am
while I'm doing some of the most useless way of using a mind. Yard sales! Estate sales...whatever you want to call them are just pains in the rear end! I just hate gathering up stuff, pricing it, washing it, cleaning...selling. Thinking of who died and left it to me. You just have your stuff one day and then you are gone and don't get to enjoy it. Why buy!? We shouldn't! We are just leaving our stuff for others to ponder through. Stuff I don't want them to see, I guess! Then again you can't hold it all for them. Oh, just one because my family is so small. I'm the last of the mohigans. Can't spell and don't care! I've got to help her with yardsale goodies!
I've been at my Mom's for two days. I need to sleep and forget.

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