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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #865259
A sporadic account of my reaction to life.
Over the years I have sporadically attempted to keep a journal. Each attempt has failed miserably. I think they expired because I established rules that were too ridgid for them. So, this attempt will bring with it very few rules.

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There are many incredibly kind and thoughtful people in WDC. One of them is zwisis. Out of the blue she sent me this flower gift. It reminds me of the Bluebonnets of Texas. Thanks, Sarah. And, I must not forget the very talented katherine76 who created the flower...thank you.

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Well, it appears that my blog is going to the dogs. It aslo seems as if folks have gotten me pegged as a dog lover....they're right. Our very own Anyea has gifted me with this Valentine card. Now I ask you, "How sweet is that?" Thanks, Anyea *Heart*

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I have been fortunate to encounter many generous and kind people during my tenure in WDC. Debi Wharton is one of them. She gifted me with the following sig. It shows how sensitive and caring she is. It also shows that she read some my entries. She'll never know how much I appreciate the gift and the attention to my blog.

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January 8, 2006 at 12:04pm
January 8, 2006 at 12:04pm
Title: Spam's Back
Date: January 8, 2006, Sunday
Thought: Many of you know my friend Spam Hummer--Private Eye.

Journal: The stress Linda and I have endured the past few weeks is tremendous. Nothing earth shattering, just the office move, loaded schedules, Christmas, tardy clients, and a host of other stuff. As a result, both of us are sporting terrific colds. You know the drill--congestion, coughing, red noses, achy all over. It's just a cold. We will soon whip it and be back to our old selves again--can't wait.

In any case I took a de-stresser last night. I channeled my brain to my writing. Many of you know my friend Spam Hummer--Private Eye. Well, of course, Spam is totally a figure of my imagination. But I devoted some time to him last night and early this morning I polished off his latest caper. I forget which ones of you have requested for me to let you know when Spam has a new story. I apologize for that. I just simply forget! In any case, Spam's back. Those of you who are interested in visiting him can find him in my port. Here's the link.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1055407 by Not Available.

I enjoyed my little visit with Spam last night and early this morning. This is the ninth Spam Hummer story. They appear to be evolving. I think there is romance in Spam's future. Anyway, enjoy it if you wish. I did.
January 6, 2006 at 4:58pm
January 6, 2006 at 4:58pm
Title: Learning to Adjust
Date: January 6, 2006, Friday
Thought: Life is too short for us to live painful lives.

Journal: Well I have a full week of working out of my home/office behind me. Don't ask me how I like it cause I haven't a clue. Things are really up-side-down now. I don't think this is normal. The stress level is about a 15 on a scale of 10. I have two clients who are UNBELIEVABLY slow in paying. They owe me from October. I was hoping to get payment from them so that we could have a Christmas. But, I keep telling myself that it was the spirit that counts not the gifts. But that $12,000 would have come in handy. I project that it will take three months for us to get the kinks worked out of this system and begin to show economic profits from the move. I should have done this six months ago.

I am trying to establish good home/office work habits. I must admit that I push my schedule around to fit other things. Before, when I had the remote office, I required everyone to account for eight hours of time. At least six of those hours had to be billable time...more if possible. I find now that my eight hours of billable time is scattered all over the clock. But, that's OK as long as I have billable time. In my business, time is money. That is all I have to sell--my time. I'm trying to track my hours religiously. That is one of the good habits I must establish. I am learning to adjust.

Flexibility is an important thing. I believe that we become too rigid in our vocations. That makes our work work and not play. As I have said before, my goal is to make my work play. Play is what a child does. He does it because it is enjoyable. As long as our work is enjoyable it is play. As soon as it becomes painful, it's work. There is no reason why a person can't enjoy their job. If we aren't enjoying it we need to see what it is that makes it painful. Life is too short for us to live painful lives. That is one of the reasons I moved my office to the house. I'm trying to make my work play. This is going to take some getting used to. I have to learn to adjust. I'm excited about the possibilities. All I gotta do is figure out how to pay the bills. Hmmm, sound familiar?

P.S. Check out the Drama Newsletter. Some nice person featured one of my stories. What a pleasant surprise.
January 5, 2006 at 8:46am
January 5, 2006 at 8:46am
Title: OK, I Admit it, I'm Confused
Date: January 5, 2006, Thursday

Journal: Some of you are aware that I am working on a project that records the initial impressions of people when they first heard about the attack on the Twin Towers (by the way, if you haven't filled out the survey then get on over there and do it! ["Invalid Item])

Well, my confusion centers around the country of origin listed by the respondents. When someone lists Greece, I know where that is. When they list Venezuela, I know where that is. I happen to know that USA, US, America, United States is the same county. Now I know this is silly, but I don't know if the U.K. and England are the same thing. Now, stop shaking your head at me in disbelief; I would believe it is. But you see, I don't know the limits of the Kingdom. And what is the official name of the country? I know some of my British friends will rush to my rescue (hmmm, is Britain the same as U.K?)

I hate to waste a perfectly good entry on this, but gosh, you got a redneck, Texan scratchin' his head trying to be politically correct. OK, OK, now what is the proper way to cite a country? Is it USA or United States of America? I know of friends from South America who take issue with the US being referenced as America. They say, after all, they are also Americans. They just happen to be from South America. And as far as that goes, there are lots of countries who have states. I suppose they are united? So does United States refer to them? Geez, I guess the USA will have to change its name. How about changing it to TEXAS? Yeah, that has a nice ring to it!
January 4, 2006 at 6:30pm
January 4, 2006 at 6:30pm
Title: Life Has a Way of Setting Our Priorities
Date: January 4, 2006, Wednesday
Thought: We tool along OK until something comes along and jolts us back to reality.

Journal: We get up and go to work, eat dinner, spend a little time recreating, go to sleep, and then get up and go to work again. That's what most of us do. Ask us what our priorities are in life and somewhere in there we talk about the job and making money. We tool along OK until something comes along and jolts us back to reality.

I was talking to a client of mine this morning and he mentioned that the City Attorney, who I work with, died. Just like that, "Oh, by the way, JL died this weekend!"

"What? What happened?"
"He had the flu."
"That's all. He had the flu. He contracted an infection somehow, his kidneys stopped working, he went into a coma and died."

The legal actions that we are involved in with him representing the City now seem a little mundane. You know, I really don't care about someone suing the city because a pot-hole bent their axle. Who really cares? The man got the flu and died.

I didn't know JL very well. In fact, I thought he was a marginal lawyer. He was but an acquaintance only. But the suddenness of it has jolted me. Over the Christmas holidays a state representative was on his way to a basketball game. A drunk left his lane and killed everyone in both cars. It's the suddenness of it. It makes you want to just stay at home and not venture out. But, that won't work. Heck, I could fall down the stairs and break my neck. Or be electrocuted by the hair dryer. You can't hide.

The only thing you can do is to periodically slow down and take stock of the things in life that are really important. When you do that, the job isn't so critical. All those Christmas gifts aren't so important. It's the stuff you don't buy and can't buy that really means something--like family and friends. The people that I've met in WDC, make a difference. Somehow you all are important and help set the priorities. Who'd of thought it.
January 3, 2006 at 8:49am
January 3, 2006 at 8:49am
Title: Controlling the Habit
Date: January 3, 2006, Tuesday
Thought: However, to make it work I must establish good habits.

Journal: It's like the first day on a new job. The whole routine is different. Although, they are familiar surroundings, the circumstances are different. This is the first day at work in my new office. I rose early, showered and stuff, got dressed and walked upstairs to my new office. For the last few months my friends at WDC have watched me groan and fret over moving my office to my house. Well, I've done it. I suppose I could have photographs, but they would not be half as interesting as Nada's were when she was remodeling her house. Anyways, the deed is done.

I will now try to establish a new routine that will be both rewarding and productive. You realize that a routine is nothing but an established habit. The challenge before me is to establish good habits related to my new space. The first will be to rise early and get groomed and dressed. I refuse to allow you to have the image of me with pajamas, ruffled hair, and whiskers pounding away on my computer until noon. That will not happen.

Since I can dispense with the drive time and normal office morning visits, I will use that time to check in at WDC and perhaps write my morning entry. After all, who's gonna fire me? I can then work until noon on my projects. I think I'll take Max for a walk around noon, after eating--gotta get rid of those Christmas pounds. Then I can finish the day with work. When that day ends is the question. You see, I don't have to stop at 5:00 pm. I can work into the evening if need be. Yes, I'm looking forward to this.

However, to make it work I must establish good habits. You see, it is all too easy for me to extend my WDC time well past the brief morning entry. And my walks with Max can also be extended. So, I plan on breaking out a little discipline. They say it takes repetition for 21 days for an action to become a habit. If you do it poorly for 21 days, you develop a bad habit. If you do it well, it becomes a good habit. By the end of the calendar on this page, I will have developed habits. We shall find out if they are good or poor.
January 2, 2006 at 9:36am
January 2, 2006 at 9:36am
Title: A View From Both Sides
Date: January 2, 2006, Monday
Thought: Instead of plunging into someone's work, as many do ripping and tearing, she had the consideration to ask.

Journal: Well, today is still a holiday. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, we give the next day off. So it appears that I don't have to go into the office today. Wait a minute! I am at the office! I live here! This is going to take some getting used to!

Anyway, with my extended holiday, I determined that I would spend the early morning in WDC. It is always a pleasant surprise to find an email waiting for you. Today's was special. Our new friend, Jillian Red , who Forever introduced us to, has been reading my book "Book- Across the River. What a pleasant surprise. As part of her review she asked about the review/editing etiquette in WDC. I thought that was very thoughtful of her. Instead of plunging into someone's work, as many do ripping and tearing, she had the consideration to ask. Well, needless to say I was on the receiving end of a very gracious review.

Following that experience, I wandered over to Tor's port and clicked open "Invalid Item to take a look at the ending of his novella. I found myself on the other end of the review. We do that all the time at WDC; it's nothing new. However, every time I do this I must be mindful of the unwritten rules for reviewing: be courteous and be supportive.

Perhaps we should have a feature on WDC in the header of each item that describes our expectations from the review. How in-depth do we want? Do we want all the spelling errors and typos? Do we want all the grammar comments? Do we want only form and style input? You know, there is a difference between a review and an edit. I sometimes think some of the reviewers get that confused.

I guess, being on both ends of the review today, I can confirm that the Golden Rule should be observed, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
December 28, 2005 at 9:44pm
December 28, 2005 at 9:44pm
Title: "Draggin'", It's a Good Texas Word
Date: December 28, 2005, Wednesday
Thought: Sometimes that's just the way it is. I guess this is just one of those times.

Journal: "Draggin'" is a good Texas word; so's tarred. "Tarred" is what you are at the end of a grueling day: as, "I'm so tarred I could go to sleep standin' straight up." And, "draggin'" as: "Man my arse is draggin' so low my door-step feels like a speed-bump."

I knew I had a lot of stuff in that office, but it seems like it is a never-ending chore. We pack the boxes and then we unpack the boxes and then we pack the darn things again. We worked on the library today. All day long Barry (my other professional employee...I'm down to one since I terminated the other one last week) and I shuffled through the books and reports. We kept some and we threw some away. We divided the books and reports as to which one of us would put them in their library. And we carried dozens of boxes of books to the trash (mostly outdated technical reports).

I got home and unloaded more boxes. Then I went up to my office, since it is in my house now. However, instead of getting on the computer and working on a project, I spent some time in my stock investment sites, spent about $7,000 on a little stock that has turned up and should fare well. If I can't bill any time to my clients I might as well try to make some money in the stock market. I then wandered into WDC and looked at a host of newsletters. You gotta check out the Spiritual Newsletter; our Wind has done a rather fine job again. I then decided to write this entry before I checked out the other blog pages. After Tor chewed my tail for not posting, I'm a little sensitive in the butt-end region and didn't want another arse-chewin'.

So there it is. The entry is a little thin on substance but thick on bull. Sometimes that's just the way it is. I guess this is just one of those times.
December 21, 2005 at 11:39pm
December 21, 2005 at 11:39pm
Title: Hey! Here I am.
Date: December 21, 2005, Wednesday
Thought: By the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS. God bless you all.

Journal: Well, I stand duly chastised. Both Tor and Wind have emailed me asking me if I was still live and kickin'. I am. I just got of the phone with Tor. He said somethin' similar to, "Hey, Bud! What's the deal? How come you haven't been around?" All I can say is, "Sorry."

Life has been particularly hectic recently. I am covered up with work from the office. I'm traveling to at least two evening meetings per week. And then I have some other duties that take me to others. In between I've been trying to get some rest and do some work. It's probably a poor excuse, but it's the only one that I've got.

Both of my offices are messed up. That's the problem with moving. They turn our phones off tomorrow and change them over. It's getting closer every day. This weekend we will be moving all of my stuff to the house. I'll move our employees next week. God, I've got a lot of stuff. What in the world am I gonna do with all of it?

I'm gonna have to get Max a dog-house. Seems as if I ate all the good pieces out of a box of candy that one of our clients gave to Linda. I don't understand why she is so mad about that? I told her she didn't need it. It would make her fat. That went over like a brick balloon. So, I then blamed it on Max. Told her that Max did it while I was working hard for her. She didn't buy that either. So, I need to buy Max a dog-house so that I can move in.

By the way, I intended to let you all know that my devotion, the one that has been published, was in the magazine for today. They have a web-page with the devotion on it. I'll try to attach the link:


Hope that link works. It was suppose to be posted today. If you access it on the 22nd it will probably have the devotional by someone else. You just need to go down to the link and hit previous. That is if you are interested.

Anyway, that's what has been happening in my life. Hopefully, as soon as I get through this hectic time in my life, I will get somewhat regular. By the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS. God bless you all.
December 13, 2005 at 10:27pm
December 13, 2005 at 10:27pm
Title: You Just Never Know
Date: December 13, 2005, Tuesday
Thought: So, you need to do your very best to make every post the best it could be.

Journal: Well, I've made it a whole day without visiting with either the police or the fire department. I am so glad. It seems as if some sort of flashing light has been sitting outside my office since Saturday. Hopefully that is all behind me.

I logged onto WDC this morning and received a pleasant surprise. A stranger was waiting there to ask me if they could use one of my pieces ("Invalid Item). It is amusing that they were interested enough in finding out who wrote the piece that they joined WDC so they could access me by email.

Here is some of what they said:

"I am the artistic director at Gateway Playhouse a 50+ year old professional theater on Long Island, in new york. This Christmas we are again, as in 2003, presenting a production of A Century of Christmas, that I wrote. In researching (googling) the title of this show on line, I came across your article. It seemed that I wrote the show just for you. It seemed that way when I read your lovely piece.

In designing this year's playbill, I thought it would be a great thing to print a copy of your article... in that it is a great example of a like minded individual who has shared memories...and also as an indicator of the audience that we so anxiously hope to please with our show."

They went on to offer me to be their guest at the show. Unfortunately Fort Worth, Texas is a little far to be going just for a show. However, I would very much like to go. If any of you live in that area, give it a visit, and pick up a copy of the playbill with my article in it. I think it would be great fun. They left the address to their web-page:


Do any of you know anything about it? Have you ever been there?

Oh well, I gave them permission to use the article as long as they noted my copyright. As for payment, all I want is for them to send me a copy of the printed article. Isn't that neat? I wonder, does this little article qualify as being published?

Now the distressing thing. She said she found my article by "googling." That made me a little curious. So I went and googled a couple of my articles in WDC. You need to go to the "advanced search" feature and enter the "exact phrase." Sure enough, each of my stories popped up on the screen. Geeze, I did not know that they were that accessible. Even my book, Across the River, popped up; of course, it was displayed as a 'private item.'

Any case, I was very excited about how my little article was discovered outside the bounds of WDC. I guess you just never know. So, you need to do your very best to make every post the best it could be. There is no telling who is reading the things.
December 10, 2005 at 9:50am
December 10, 2005 at 9:50am
Title: Good Things and Good Folk
Date: December 10, 2005
Thought: I feel blessed with the relationships that I've nurtured here in WDC.

Journal: There is a lot of stuff happening this Christmas season. Work stacks up and so do bills. With as much stress that we are experiencing--all of us--it is no wonder that Christmas is such a dreaded time of year. It really is strange, we love the idea and meaning of Christmas. We surround ourselves with the trappings and music. It is as if we are going to have a Merry Christmas no matter what--even if I gotta kill ya!

But then there are moments and relationships that pop up during that time that confirm that this really is a great time of year. I received a letter from the Upper Room publication. Seems as if they want to publish another of my devotionals. I am pleased; this makes two.

It seems that folks also smile more the closer to Christmas that we get. People up and do nice stuff for no reason at all. Like that snow-globe that sultry gave me. What a generous and warm thought. And not only did she make the thing; she also worked with me (the dufus) to get it posted in my port and on this page. Now, that was a nice thing.

And it doesn't stop there, I think about all the writers who patiently and faithfully read my book, Across the River. Amazing thing is that most of them would prefer not to read Westerns. But they read mine, and I appreciate it. I feel blessed with the relationships that I've nurtured here in WDC. It certainly has become more than "that writing page that I visit."

So, I may be a little early, but I wish you all a very merry Christmas. I will likely do it again before Christmas day but that's what Christmas is about--giving the gift over and over again.
December 4, 2005 at 12:29pm
December 4, 2005 at 12:29pm
Title: A Little Bit Selfish
Date: December 4, 2005, Sunday

Journal: I was in a weird mood late last night. And so I just began to write. The mood carried over into this morning as I got up very early. I found myself writing a new short story. It's been a long spell since I've written anything new. But the Christmas season and some of the blog entries have caused me to write a Christmas story.

Now here is the selfish part. I'd like for someone to read it and tell me what they think. It's brand new and no doubt needs a little attention. But, here it is just the same.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1041713 by Not Available.

December 2, 2005 at 7:43pm
December 2, 2005 at 7:43pm
Title:: The Place of Money
Date: December 2, 2005, Friday
Thought: We are not wealthy; although wealthy is a relative concept.

Journal: Ok, this is the fourth time that I have started this entry. What place does money play in your life? I began my earlier entries by saying how unimportant money is. Midway through each of them I concluded that the stuff may not be that important but it was critical to have--at least the ability to accumulate the stuff was.

So, I don't know what the place of money is. I don't love the stuff. I love my God, my wife and family, and my country. I don't love money, but unfortunately, I need to have the stuff.

I have come to the conclusion that there is a wide range of social strata here in WDC. Some of us have the ability to make money, some have the ability to make lots of money, and some of us try as we may, can't seem to accumulate the stuff no matter how hard we try. I am fortunate; some would say I'm lucky. I have the ability to make a significant amount of money each year. We are not wealthy; although wealthy is a relative concept.

But the amount of money each of us makes does not matter when I read the material contained in the different ports. All I see is a writer...a person. We are all wealthy in that sense. For in WDC, I see people of different social strata interacting and enjoying each other because of what we say and write, not because of what we have accumulated.

Money will continue to have a place in my life. However, I intend to use it and not let it use me. In five years I want to retire. Between now and then I intend to work on my modest accumulation so that its value will provide me with a secure retirement. I will invest and save what I have so that it can work for me. I've worked for it all my life. It's about time that I wise up now and let it do some of the work.

So, what do you think? What is the place of money? How much is enough? Can you get enough? I once heard a man say, "I don't want much money; I just want more!" I wonder how much more we need? When do our wants and our needs come into agreement? Hey, I'm still working on it.
November 28, 2005 at 8:19am
November 28, 2005 at 8:19am
Title: Selective Hearing
Date: November 28, 2005, Monday
Thought: Selective hearing is practiced right here in WDC. I regret that I do it.

Journal: I know the first word that you associate with my title is ‘husbands!’ Yeah, I know of the reputation that has been tagged on us guys. But hearing selectively is not always a bad thing. I’ve seen you moms diligently work on some detailed project with utmost concentration while a five-year old and a three-year old do battle over a cookie. It’s as if the noise did not exist—you are able to just tune it out and at the same time work constructively. Similarly, I’ve also known my first wife, Linda, to wake from a deep sleep at 3:00 am at the slightest sniffle from our sleeping boys. How does she hear that? And as for us guys, I must agree that I can tune out a detailed accounting of her shopping excursion and still watch the football game. We must set our priorities.

I am only jarred back to attention when I hear the words, “Did you hear me?”

“Uh-huh,” I respond, “shopping.”

To this I get the expected eye-roll and ‘the look.’

Selective hearing is present with all children—until they reach the age of 25. Out of the blue their eyes brighten and they stop mid-thought and utter, “Hey Dad, I think you’re right.” It is an amazing phenomenon that I think has been over-looked by the medical community. Surely this instantaneous return of the hearing function to perfectly good ears is worthy of an entry in the Journal of Medicine.

Black labs have this malady. When standing before them with a juicy treat and their eyes watching you intently, I say, “Sit Max!” Immediately his furry butt plops to the floor. He gets the treat. But when I’m on our walk and he sees a cat six miles up the road and hits the end of the leash, I say “Sit Max!”-- all I get is a look at his furry butt as he strains at the leash choking himself and dislocating my shoulder.

Selective hearing is rampant in the US Congress. We pat our representatives on the head with our votes and send them to congress to voice our desires. All I can say is that it is selective hearing at its best. Only, I’m not sure if I heard him correctly when he promised all that stuff before the election or if he is ignoring me after the election. If only there was some juicy morsel that I could dangle in front of them to get them to flop their furry butts into place—lost cause.

Selective hearing is practiced right here in WDC. I regret that I do it. Now, I’ve heard that annoying request to “Update your blog!” If they’d stop calling it a blog I’d come much closer to hearing them. It’s a journal, damn it! But, I must apologize to all my friends who have been popping into my vacant ‘journal’ site. Please, know that I feel badly about not being in here. You have not been tuned-out. I suppose I’ve just turned the volume down a bit to attend to other things—sorry.
November 11, 2005 at 9:52pm
November 11, 2005 at 9:52pm
Title: The Joy of Elevated Decibels
Date: November 11, 2005, Friday
Thought: We are trying to make our home a very special place.

Journal: Shall I say that I am enjoying the fruit of my labor? Well, I am. I'm not talking about the position that I have obtained in my profession or the luxuries that it has afforded me. Those things are surely there, but that is not what I'm talking about. Nope, I'm referring to thirty-eight years of marriage to my first wife--Linda. More particularly, I'm referring to the elevated level of decibels present in my house tonight.

Resonating downstairs are the mixed voices of Ryan, Lauren, and Zack. Have you noticed that children do not wait for each other to complete sentences--rather they begin their statement overlapping their sibling, elevating their voice to be distinguished above the other. This cacophony gradually builds until grandpa or grandma state emphatically, "Enough!" Then we smile. They realize that they must lower their voices so that they can once again begin the rising crescendo. I am so fortunate to be able to witness this phenomenon. I also realize that in a few short years they will grow out of this. My only hope is that they still make their way to grandpa's and grandma's. We are trying to make our home a very special place.

I am sad to think that these children never knew my mom and dad. Yesterday and today are very special days. At least they were to my father. Yesterday was the birthday of the US Marine Corp. And today is Veteran's Day. I thought about my dad today. Sixty years ago as a young man he stormed ashore on the beaches of Okinawa. It was a decisive moment in the history of the War in the Pacific. The sacrifice he and his buddies made on that day are why I have been able to enjoy this day today. I thank him and Tor and every other veteran who experienced things that a young man should not have to experience. As I listen to the decibels rise again in my home, I thank the soldiers of our nation for their service. We will never be able to thank them enough. God bless you all.
November 2, 2005 at 9:56am
November 2, 2005 at 9:56am
Title: I'm Feeling Blue Today
Date: November 1, 2005, Tuesday
Thought: I will be able to hit in here for brief moments, but unfortunately, I can't see much leisure time spent wandering through the ports.

Journal: Good grief, it's the first of November. I've got tons of stuff to do and here I am writing in the journal page. Faced with a dozen deadlines, I came in here just to check the page. And there it was--that calendar. Now, I make no promises regarding keeping the dang thing blue. The likelihood it will be spotted is almost a certainty. But, I'll be danged if I'm gonna start with missing the first day. I wonder how many others logged on and saw the challenge before them?

Life is adjusting with Max (our new dog). We determined that he was going to be an outside dog. He comes in as soon as we get home. We insisted that he would not sleep in the house. His bed is now beside the fireplace. I confirmed that we would not alter our schedule because of his presence here. Promptly at 5:30am (decidedly an ungodly hour) Max noses me in the face and I find myself putting on jeans and sweatshirt so he can take me for a walk--every damn day. I guess we showed him! I'm definitely not going to make any changes in MY schedule--right!

Well, the move to the house (my office and all my employees are moving to home-offices) is looming rapidly upon me. I've got to decide how and where all my stuff in the office is going to go. I've got to contact the owners of my current space and notify them that we will be out of here by the first of January. In the meantime, I've got loads of work to do. The pressure has affected my participation at WDC. I will be able to hit in here for brief moments, but unfortunately, I can't see much leisure time spent wandering through the ports. Perhaps after I get settle into the home-office, if Max will let me
October 13, 2005 at 10:01pm
October 13, 2005 at 10:01pm
Title: Is There an Honest Person in the House?
Date: October 13, 2005, Thursday
Thought: I'd like to go to a mountain cabin with just Linda, my computer, and a free week.

Journal: I worked hard today. Well perhaps I did not work hard, but it has definitely been a difficult day. I arose at 5:00am this morning to work for about an hour at the house. My IT guy has configured my computer so that I can access my server at the office. This means I can work on any of our projects from the house--the first step to moving my office.

I cruised along at the house until about 6:30am, when I jumped in the shower and then got ready for work. I buzzed down to the office for about 30 minutes, which was enough to give one of my early arriving employees an assignment. Then I zipped back the the house for a quick breakfast. After breakfast I made my way to the district court of Johnson County, where I spent the rest of the day serving on the Grand Jury.

Again, I was amazed with what I experienced. I'm amazed at the amount of illegal drug activity, sexual abuse, theft, financial fraud, and domestic violence that is present in the homes around me. Over one-hundred persons were indicted today. We do this every month. It does not seem to slow.

And, I am amazed at how unbelievably resourceful people can be when it comes to breaking the law. The only thing more amazing is how unbelievably stupid they can also be. I spent most of the day shaking my head in dissbelief. If these people would spend as much time improving themselves as they do thinking up dumb stuff to do, we would not have a crime problem. But, unfortunately, that is not the case.

I need a vacation from all this stupidity. I'd like to go to a mountain cabin with just Linda, my computer, and a free week. It would be heaven, if I could only bring myself to leave the office behind. But after the day that I had today, I'm afraid some dirt-bag would try to steal it, if I did leave it behind. Geeze.

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