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by Autumn
Rated: E · Book · Personal · #2073612
Bits and pieces
         As I do not have internet at home, I only get to write in snippets; in between work tasks; as I sit at my shift from 15:30 to 04:00. I live a bit out of the way, and they want too much for the hook up. Perhaps, in time, I will put out the expense, but not at this moment. So....if anyone goes to read any of my work...especially my "Novella"....please understand that one chapter is not complete until you see an entry for the beginning of the next. If you begin to read a chapter, and there is no further entry below it, it is still a work in progress. That is, until the final chapter, of course. That entry will be finished when I add the word final to the entry title. I hope someone gets interested in my musings at some point.
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February 23, 2016 at 4:59am
February 23, 2016 at 4:59am
         You sit, alone, watching something on the screen in front of you. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it has meaning to you. As long as it touches you in a way that either intrigues your mind, tugs at your heart, or chases away your blues, it's something worth watching. Yet, as you watch this phenomena, you hear a sound; as of the pounding of hooves that belong to an entire herd of wild horses running across your roof; and it draws you to look out the window. There you witness the wonder of rain so hard it appears as if a waterfall has blossomed atop your shelter.
         The awe brought on, by this force of nature, fails to detract from your mood. Rather, it deepens your melancholy and draws a sense of peace. Then, as it slows to a light drizzle, and the wind dies down. You step out onto your porch, breathe in the air, and sigh as your core finds its balance.
         THIS is the power of He above.
February 14, 2016 at 3:48am
February 14, 2016 at 3:48am
"Fearless leaders can not show fear!" he said, banging his fist violently on the table.

         This is a writing prompt?

         If you are fearless, you have no fear to be shown. Therefore, this redundant statement becomes obsolete in its ignorance.

         How's that for feeling prompted?

         Just a bad day, in the mood swing cycle, and thinking that updating my blog is the last thing I should be worrying about....but....an e-mail gets wasted on it just the same.
February 12, 2016 at 3:24pm
February 12, 2016 at 3:24pm
         The time has come for me to admit that I am good at doing, oh, so many things. I've known this for a long time, but my own, personal, insecurities keep me from being able to keep up that frame of mind.
         I'm a quick study. I do well with my tasks. I, even, come up with other things that I can do to make my job, and the jobs of other people I work with, easier. Yet, I still get anxious about the tiniest error.
         I can accept, and allow for, the fact that others make mistakes. I am understanding of this part of the human condition. However, no matter how logical the reasoning is, in the matter of my own humanness, I expect perfection, and I am harder on myself than anyone else.
February 8, 2016 at 12:25am
February 8, 2016 at 12:25am
February 7, 2016 at 3:49am
February 7, 2016 at 3:49am
         I try, so hard, to be the kind of person I know God wants me to be. I control so many instinctive reactions, and I bite my tongue. I make every attempt to not offend anyone.

         I hate it when people spread s*** about me that isn't true.
February 6, 2016 at 6:52pm
February 6, 2016 at 6:52pm
         I have driven truck for the past 10 1/2 years. I have been a company driver, an owner/operator, a local driver, and a day-cab driver. I have crossed many miles and seen many things.
         Only recently, I have finally gotten the opportunity to get off the road and work in an office. I, now, watch a board that monitors 34 trucks and 39 drivers (some team trucks). I am, however, listed as a casual driver for the company for which I work, and it had been 3 months since I had been behind the wheel of a semi.
         This week was the week in which I only worked 3 days, and I had 4 days off. By the end of day 3 of not working, I was beginning to feel like a bit of a sloth. Ten years of being, constantly, on the go tends to give you itchy feet. Therefore, I decided I would do a quick run for the account and make a little extra money on my short week. My muscles, in my clutch leg, are letting me know how unhappy they are with that decision.
         Thank God for Aleve.
February 2, 2016 at 12:05am
February 2, 2016 at 12:05am
         Well, this is the last night (of 4) of my 13 hr. shifts. Work 4, off 4, work 3, off 3. It's been a beautiful weekend, here in the DFW area. Temperatures in the 60's, and breezes through the night. Not hard breezes, but just enough to keep the air moving, lift your hair, and maintain a feel of freshness. Tonight, even, a light sprinkling rain has started, and the air smells clean and wonderful. I can't wait to catch up on a little sleep in the morning, with my windows slightly open, and the smell wafting in.
February 1, 2016 at 12:26am
February 1, 2016 at 12:26am
         I don't do well with witty quips. I am not one to toot my own horn. I want people to like what I have to write, but I do not advertise that I do such writing; not to anyone I talk to, at least.
         I am on writing.com because it is a way to save what I write at work. I have no access, to insert a thumb drive, into the computer I use in order to save my work, and I have already lost some work that was saved on another computer that crashed. So, I restarted my account on here. At least on here, I know I can find my works in progress whenever I need to.

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