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Rated: XGC · Book · Other · #2020667
blog of a person who seems to be invisible...
ok.. so I'm taking a next step in my life. I'm improving on myself. I'm going down this path i am on, thanks to God. I now attend a church regularly, and I like its small confines in a church building i attended nearly 40 years ago. To me it is surreal.

Do i know whats ahead, or even where I am going? no, not at all. to be honest it scares me, but I need to step out of my fear and take charge of my life, and live it the way I and God want me to be. where ever this path goes, I'm sticking it out to the end. I feel it is a testament to who I am.
I am learning more and more everyday about myself. and improving, also trying to make amends for past mistakes.
But one can only make amends for mistakes where there was mistakes to begin with, if people don't want to listen then that is their fault, and their loss. I wont go where im not wanted and I know I am a good man, if you don't.. well that's too bad so sad for you...
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December 25, 2017 at 6:20pm
December 25, 2017 at 6:20pm
Its been a good day today..butbi have no patience for crazy people who arent really all that smart...so i will be not talking to those who are just crazy enough to call me a friend then act like they are not...im done indefinitely...dont bother to talk..ears arent listening
October 12, 2017 at 10:19am
October 12, 2017 at 10:19am
DAY 1792 October 12, 2017
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.~Robert Collier

Let's talk about your successes this week. Are they the result of small efforts repeated or did you try something totally out of character for you and it worked?

hmmm. let's see... having a discussion about my successes this week? well in order for me to have a discussion like that i think i am required to have a success or two before that. At least on the other hand ive had no failures either... Not quite sure whether that is part of this or not.

So I guess i haven't failed nor have I succeeded either so it could be like Schrodinger's cat, it could be both good and bad at the same time.

let's just say its been a stressful week with work and other things... it is only because of one special person that helped me keep a smile on my face, that made this day any better.

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October 11, 2017 at 5:44am
October 11, 2017 at 5:44am
DAY 1791 October 11, 2017
"Think of life as a terminal illness, because, if you do, you will live it with joy and passion, as it ought to be lived." - Anna Quindlen What are your thoughts?

I strongly believe life should be lived as if it was your last day. Life is far too short for you not to, while myself I am a perfect example of how one should have limits as to what one does. This year has been chock full of stupid and bad choices made by me, some I can fix some, unfortunately,I can't. Some mistakes are, in hind sight a good thing, because one cant really fix a user, or what the street people would call a poser, unless they really want to be fixed, nor, unfortunately can one fix stupid.

I have learned from my serious mistakes and as I work to rebuild my life into the good man, no the better man or maybe even the best man by far, I was before. I know a better world awaits me no matter what rolls my way. I feel sorry for anybody who tries to get in my way from being the superior man I know myself to be.

that is all i have to say about that!
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September 27, 2017 at 4:44pm
September 27, 2017 at 4:44pm
This is a poem to someone special to me... it was written for her... I hope she likes it:

To this dark place I've come, and come again
A shred of light I seek at its end.
A shadow from the past I see in the corner
A memory not so long ago
To face my past I must do to survive
To keep my future stong and alive.

To this dark place I've come, and come again
It holds no future for me in the end
I am moving forward with love and light
Honest and open will make that right

To this dark place I will never go again
It turned out to be the true Hell that I was in.
The deceit and lies I was encouraged to say
To cheating my love I will end this day.

This dark place no longer holds a place for me
My mistakes I will pay for the debit is due
My future I pray to God will be spent with you
August 30, 2017 at 9:03pm
August 30, 2017 at 9:03pm
DAY 1749: August 30, 2017

Prompt: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead
What have you to say? Have you seen a small group working together achieve change?

through out history there has been many times where regular citizens have made a change in society because they think that they can change everything because they think things should be different.

my own personal beliefs dont fit in with what some radical or by another name crazy people think things should be different. for example those bible thumpers, or the like who have some crazy idea that things should be a certain way based on outdated ideals or some book written over 2000 years ago, by people who really dont have a clue as to life today. I have always told people to have open minds, but most really dont have them, but really dont.

have I ever met people like this? yes i have.

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August 29, 2017 at 6:39am
August 29, 2017 at 6:39am
DAY 1744 August 25, 2017
Write about the smallest insect you've ever seen.

I think the smallest insect I have ever seen is an ant,
not a cat , dog, or even an elephant,
I watched him as he carried his food,
over hills and valley's, and through a stream,
I said dude, your doing great to get it there,
what a feat, there is nothing to compare,
I left him live for bit of time,
he had earned it,
he had earned his dime.

I was proud to say I cheered him on,
i let him live and now he's gone,
I walked away with a bit of a smile,
that grin made the whole day worth while.

One day I hope to see him once again,
so I can sit there and admire him.
August 29, 2017 at 6:34am
August 29, 2017 at 6:34am
DAY 1745: August 26, 2017

Prompt: "The function of an ideal is not to be realized but, like that of the North Star, to serve as a guiding point." Edward Abbey
What is your North Star?

I know this is a bit late, but I felt quite strongly about this topic so I thought id do it anyway, just because.

An ideal to me it definitely a guiding point in my life. I find that when I follow those guiding posts I end up in a better position than I did before. However, when I don't follow them I end up worse off than I was before. I somehow get lost in the Forrest in and among the broken and diseased trees with now seeming way out, its then that I look for the light of those guide posts that I truly find the guidance that I truly need and want.

As some of you know, I'm not the best at following those guideposts, and stray off the beaten path, then eventually I wander back to it, a little worse for wear, but none the less I get back on the path.

But as to the question of what is my North star, that answer is so simple its silly... God.

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August 29, 2017 at 6:22am
August 29, 2017 at 6:22am
DAY 1748 August 29, 2017

Write a poem using these words: life, love and law

Life to me is quite simple, see,
it spells hope, and that's enough for me,

well, love is another part, tis true,
its where two people share something that's true blue,
what it means many teachers cannot say,
it just grows more from day to day,
each day it grows into something new,
when two people say I love you.

it seems inevitable that there should be the law,
to keep us in line,
to keep us upright and walking fine,
it shows each of us how to live,
how to love, laugh, and even give.

so to the end of this poem i have reached,
to all of those my trusted have not breached,
I say thank you for being true,
for those who have really earned it,
I truly love you.

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August 23, 2017 at 8:44pm
August 23, 2017 at 8:44pm
I don't talk to you like I used to,
but i should.
You put up with a lot from me,
you put up with me.
it shows your strength, your determination, your courage.
I see it in you,
I was lost and confused when I took my eyes off of you,
pulled away by a fool,
someone who is unworthy of me.
i think of you each and everyday,
i live each and every day to say one thing,

God bless,
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July 21, 2017 at 9:21am
July 21, 2017 at 9:21am
DAY 1709 July 21, 2017

You've only got one chance to make a great impression, what's your opening line and why?

I really believe that the answer to this is in the details, meaning depending on the situation as to what opening line is. I could use cheesy ones like:" hey are you tired? you must be it took a long time for you to fly from heaven."
but in a good job interview the same could be said... the first impression will make or break a good job interview, first date, or even meeting the future in-laws for the first time.

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