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by Seffi
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #2010700
For the avoidance of doubt... Yes... I definitely have an opinion...
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Welcome to my Blog!!

         About me:

                   I'm not really a blogger... But I do like to put the world to rights and you can bet I have an opinion on most things.

                   I'm a little Welsh dragon that left the Land of My Fathers far behind me. I've flown far and wide.... and ended up
                    in the land down under

                   This blog is filled with all the stuff that's going on in my life, and in my head, which can be a little cookey on
                   times, so you have been warned!! And let's not forget my opinions and musing - I have a few of those as well.

So pull up a pew, grab a hot, steaming mug of something yummy, and maybe a cake to:
Life is always better with cake don't you think. And read...

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         I just starting blogging with the following groups:

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         I also write a Xmas Blog that kicks off 1st December....
                                                           "Invalid Item
....tag along for elvishness and merriment
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January 28, 2017 at 1:38pm
January 28, 2017 at 1:38pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Creation Saturday! Pick one of the following scenarios and expand on it: 1) An animal you can humanely wear while it's still alive; or 2) A house you can live comfortably in that is made entirely of edible materials.

This sounds like something Disney would do... it's very fairy-tale-esk... but without further ado...

Roll up! Roll up! Welcome to Seffi's Clothing Emporium; the home for unique and exquisite clothes and accessories with a difference. Browse through our shelves and rails.... but be warned some of our clothes will bite back, so handle with care.

This season is all about the rhopalocera, or butterflies to me and you. We have everything you could want, from the pieris brassicae bowtie, with it's striking white colouring, to our unusual 2in1 cocoon dresses, which are created so that the butterflies emerge from their cocoons simultaneously on a date of your choosing; this is a showstopper dress that is extremely popular with brides-to-be, with many choosing the transformation to occur during their first dance.

For our gentlemen customers, try one of our beautiful butterfly bowties. Available in an array of sizes, styles, colours, and designs, we are sure to have one to brighten up your suit and help set hearts a flutter...

In our hat department we have a new range of fetching Siberian fox Cossacks to keep your head warm in those wintery months. If winter chic isn't your thing then perhaps one of our rugged, skunk Davy Cockett hats will be more to your taste.

We also have a selection of boa scarves to match our hat range. You can select from our friendly polecats and ferrets. Their beautiful, soft fur is sure to keep your neck snuggly warm. Please note mink is also available, but they are a bit more choosey and request that new owners be carefully vetted.

If you are after something with a bit more of an edge then perhaps our dapper but deadly range is more your style. How about a genuine snake belt; guaranteed to coil securely around any waist. Or, perhaps I can interest you in a pair of our scorpion cuff links.

If you are after something both dazzling and a little bit risqué, then our bespoke spider silk evening dresses are for you. These delicately weaved creations are designed around your body by a cluster of spiders, ensuring they fit you perfectly, but be warned, the shear fabric will leave little to the imagination, so this is only for the brave. However, for those that are game you will glisten under the lights and in the early mornings, meaning that even if you are out all night you will always look ravishing. The dresses are also self-adorned by their creators, meaning that this dress repairs and maintains itself.

Why not finish this arachnid look with an Australian Coastal Peacock Spider haircomb from our headpiece collection? Perfect for extenuating those up-dos.

For all these and more please come along to our store. Opening in a highstreet near you on the 12th of Never when the clock strikes thirteen.

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January 27, 2017 at 5:53pm
January 27, 2017 at 5:53pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Fun Fact Friday! On this day in 1926 a Scottish inventor named John Baird demonstrated a pictorial transmission machine called the television. Do you remember seeing your first television...the one your parents had when you were a kid? What were some of your favorite shows? Do you still watch any of the old programs you enjoyed as a teenager?

I would just like to say a BIG thank you to John Baird. You have joyfully helped fill me Friday evenings with many a moving picture.

The first TV I remember is my parents black and white one. It had a domed glass front that was surrounded by a faux walnut veneer, and a large dial to tune into the channels. It had a huge aerial on tip as well that we used to twist into weird shapes and positions to try and avoid the static. Of course there were only three to begin with: BBC1, BBC2, and ITV, and the Welsh S4C channel came along a few years later. I remember the noise (which was the visual version on nails on a chalk board) and the "snow" that danced across the screen very well - especially in harsh, windy or rainy weather.

I didn't have a TV in my bedroom until I was about seven. My brother and sister both had small black and one ones, but they are ten and twelve years older than me. My dad eventually brought one home for me, much to my mum's annoyance.

One of my favourites when I was little was Super Ted - I'm not sure if you guys in the US would have ever heard of him. He was a little teddy bear that was thrown out, but ended up have superpowers; he'd unzip his fur (clearly not as disturbing as it sounds) to reveal his red and blue costume - complete with cape. He even had a "side kick" call spotty (I think) who was a complete wimp. But what I remember the most is watching the Welsh version and being fascinated because the voice was different.

Then there was Thundercats - I LOVED Thundercats. I even made my mum get me a Lion-o birthday cake. I had the videos and the movies... I don't think I ever got the action figures. My mum clearly drew the line with them. I have watched them again - in the last five years actually - and still absolutely loved them. Yes, they were dated. Yes, there was a heavy lump of 80's cheese piled into every story, complete with moral. But, I loved them. They brought a smile to my face as soon as the theme tune came on, and I couldn't help singing along... my husband just laughed at me...

I honestly can't remember what I watched as a teenager. I was at boarding school and shared the TV room with about fifty other girls, so generally it was what whoever was at the front wanted to watch. I remember watching X-Files. Hiding under my quilt cover whenever something freaky came on screen (which was quite often). I'm not a huge fan of the rehashed version, and I lost interest in the original once DD left, but it had a good run to begin with.

When I was back at home, in college, and had control over the remote - my mother doesn't like the TV so she would let me put on whatever I wanted - I found my love of Sci-Fi: Blake 7 re-runs (again not sure if you guys in the states would have heard or seen it), Star Trek, and Farscape. It was still pre-satellite or early satellite, so if I wanted to watch a show I had to make sure I was in the house and in front of the telly - ah those were the days. Now a days I can have up to five recording at anyone time.... much to my hubby's frustration.

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January 26, 2017 at 5:55pm
January 26, 2017 at 5:55pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - The Wildcard Round! Plug time! What are some of the WDC events you'll be taking part in during the month of February?

I have so many things that I want to get involved in in February. One of my promises in my "Invalid Item letter was to enter at least one different competition a month, and to participate more. So in February I'm considering "Twisted Tales Contest and "Invalid Item.

I entered "Twisted Tales Contest a few times before I got distracted by IVF, pregnancy, and a baby; so not since 2015, but I did quite well and had A LOT of fun in the process. I loved the challenge of it; trying to come up with a story that incorporated the three prompts within the 24 hrs, with only 500 words. I'd like to enter one a week, but we'll see. At the moment I'd settle for one full stop.

I have seen "Invalid Item highlighted several times and I've always been tempted to have a go. I'll probably be rubbish, but that's half the fun sometimes. Life is too short to try and be perfect at everything, and it just means you end up missing out on the experience - which could be fun. So, I'm definitely going to try something new...

Of course, I'm going to buy some raffle tickets in the "The 30DBC Mega-Raffle Extravaganza!, I have to support my fellow bloggers after all. As the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is on a off month in February I'm going to try and complete the "Welcome To My Reality Forum list of prompts - or as many as possible anyway. I want to blog as frequently as possible in 2017 - I'm actually considering it being my theme for "Give It 100! (again something I have seen before but never had the confidence to try).

My final thing is going to be partake in some more reviewing. I've been pretty lacks at it. I'm a member of the "WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group, all be it a hibernating member. It will be good to participate in some raids.

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January 25, 2017 at 7:25pm
January 25, 2017 at 7:25pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - War Chest Wednesday! Do you believe in miracles? Speculate on your idea of a miracle you'd like to see happen.

First off I would just like to say - I don't want to offend anyone with this post. This is simply my perspective and point of view. I know that many people have a different belief.

Do I believe in miracles? Unfortunately I don't. I wish I did. I really do. But I don't. It's like magic. It would be absolutely amazing if it was real, I would love a magic wand, but it's not. However, I do believe that people see miracles where they want to, and that it forms a strong part of their religious and spiritual beliefs. For many it's a strand of hope; something to wish for when things look bleak. And while, I would never discourage anyone from seeking comfort in that hope and belief, it's not something I can partake or believe in.

I, myself, am a science girl. I believe in cause and effect. I like reason and logic. It makes my brain happy. I'm not even saying that I have to understand everything myself. I am quite happy knowing that someone else understands it; that it makes sense and can be explained. Repeated.

I understand when people say things like "the miracle of life", it's something beautiful and humbling to behold, but there is science, biology behind it. Lightening storms are amazing, but again they can be explained, even predicted to some degree. That's not to say they shouldn't be appreciated for what they are.

Personally, I think miracles are a lot like magic. For years magic was misunderstood. People who practised medicine through plants were considered witches because it was hard to understand how the "potions" worked, that changed with the advances in science, and I think that miracles are a little like that. It would have been hard to explain these events at the time and they probably seemed wondrous; much like magic tricks of the ninetieth century, that coupled with the "Chinese whisper" effect of story telling and legends, allowed these stories to grow into miracles. As I said early, I think people see miracles where they want and need to see them. Perhaps, this is how they started. Stories to give us hope.

My view point makes it hard to think of a miracle I'd like to happen. I mean I'd like the whole world to just grow up and get over itself, and realise we all need to work together rather than fighting between ourselves and retreating to our littles corners, hell bend on isolation... I'd like for us to come together and realise that we can solve the majority of the world problems by doing this. I guess if I had to wish for a miracle it would be for the world to have an epiphany.

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January 24, 2017 at 4:14pm
January 24, 2017 at 4:14pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Talk Tuesday! If you had a "spirit animal" that wasn't an animal, what would yours be? (Pretty sure mine's a burrito in case anyone asks, but no one is and I could be totally wrong *Laugh*). And what would you think some of your fellow bloggers' "spirit animals (that aren't animals)" are?

I think my "spirit object" would be a compass. My mum has always said that I have a good sense of direction, and I've always been able to find my way home literally and figuratively. Maybe it would be a broken compass, like in Pirates of the Caribbean, where it doesn't point North, and instead point to what I really desire. I'm actually considering getting a new tattoo which is a combination of a compass and a dragonfly - since I LOVE dragonflies. I think that would be my spirit animal or totem; I have no idea what that means though.

But what would everyone else "Spirit Object" be? This is just what springs to mind when I think about these people:

*BurstB* Jay O'Toole - a bible (a worn/loved one at that}. God is such a big part of his life and I remember from his time capsule that his bible would be the first thing he put in because to know him is to know that he is Christian.

*BurstB* paddy1 - a magnifying glass (think you guys call them looking glass) because of her amazing attention to detail - it's how she got her eagle eye nickname after all.

*BurstB* Apondia - a warm cup of tea - a pretty china one with a saucer and teaspoon - just because I can't get passed the teapot picture.

*BurstB* AlyCatAuthor HAPPY 4th! - a pair of baby booties because they will be need soon, of course with little kittens on them.

*BurstB* Choconut - a purple handbag...

*BurstB* Prosperous Snow celebrating - a snowflake. I know it's cliché and it's because of the handle name but that's what I picture: a big, clear, unique snowflake.

*BurstB* WakeUpAndLive️~🚬🚭2024 - a fried egg... because I know how much she loves them...

*BurstB* Naveed - a guitar because he was tempted to buy one recently to learn on.

I could be here all evening....but I have a baby that needs feeding and putting to bed...

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January 23, 2017 at 5:28pm
January 23, 2017 at 5:28pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Motivational Monday! Actress Tiffani Thiessen, born on this day in 1974, once said "When you interact with someone you always take something from them." What is something you've been able to take with you from any of your fellow challengers so far this month, and how have you been inspired by each other?

I think I'd have to agree with Tiffani Thiessen, every interaction has an impact on you as a person to some degree, no matter how small. It could be that you learn something new, or perhaps you see something from a different perspective, or it could just be that your belief/opinion is re-affirmed.

One of the great things about the "30-Day Bloggers Group and the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS is that is brings together people from all over the world, and from various walks of life. Each of us interprets the prompts slightly differently and it's great to read everyone's unique experiences and thoughts.

Obviously there are A LOT of guys from the US on here, and being British it is always interesting to see the differences between our two cultures - I think everyone assumes that they're the same, but they're not, they're just similar, while also being poles apart. It's the same with the Aussi contingency as well. I guess the one that stick out in my head is the High School Reunion prompt; they are clearly VERY different in the States compared to over here. It was sad to hear that some many people have bad or difficult experience in high school and that the reunions would only compound that experience - I learnt that I was lucky, or perhaps fortunate is a better word, with mine.

I also learnt that many people have had to endure real pain and hardships during their lives, the likes of things that no one should have to deal with. It's "nice" to be around people who can empathise with you, and of course support you; we all have difficult days and some prompts are more raw than others - this only highlights the community and friendship that this site can cultivate. I only have the utmost respect for the people who have bared their souls through their entries - you are all very brave and you inspire me no end.

Everyone's entries are brilliant. I am in ore nearly everyday and the things we discuss, but I think the two that have stood out to me the month are from Kit and paddy1, both from completely different prompts. I love the honestly and sincerity that they used, and the inner strength and determination that came across in their writing was amazing. I find myself thinking about what they said days afterwards = always a sign of a good blog.

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January 22, 2017 at 6:29pm
January 22, 2017 at 6:29pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS The Sunday News! Seven WDC authors were just promoted to Moderator status! Visit one of their ports and review one of their items...and in your entry here, now would be a good time to tell us what your goals are for being with WDC (whether you're a newbie or someone who's been around the block awhile). Make sure you include your review, using the Invalid Review tag.

First of all, well done and congratulations to all the new moderators. I never seem to have enough time to dedicate to WDC and I'm always in ore of those that can and do. I'd love to be a yellow case one day, but I'm happy plodding along as my own pace; a blue case is beyond me.. and I'm ok with that.

I decided to review River 's blog - Review of "River's Rants and Reflections" . I chose her completely at random for no other reason that her name is the same as one of my favourite sci-fi characters played by Summer Glau, and I picked her blog simply because it seemed apt considering I was reviewing it as part of a blog prompt. You can read what I thought of it at the link above, but I think it's worth popping along to River's port to have a look "in person".

As to what I want to get out of WDC, I'm not entirely sure. I mean I started it just as a place to post the stories that I write - be it I haven't been as prolific as I thought or wanted to be. I loved finding the sense of community that's here and the different perspectives and backgrounds of everyone I've met. It's been a real eye-opener. I think I've grown as a writer and I'd like to grow more, both in skill and confidence.

My ultimate goal is to be published, whether that's through an agency or self-publishing, and I think WDC will help me achieve this. I also think it's a great way to grow my reader base - or you know develop one.... until then I am happy blogging, writing, and reviewing.

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January 21, 2017 at 5:34pm
January 21, 2017 at 5:34pm
"30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS - Creation Saturday! Describe how any personality trait would/could look as a physical characteristic, and create a character who embodies or uses this to his/her advantage.

Well this is just what the doctor ordered - nice afternoon of creating a character....

If I was creating a character based on myself the personality trait would definitely be sarcasm. How would that be depicted? Do I have a physical characteristic that personifies sarcasm? I don't think so. I mean, I have the eye roll, raised eye brow, and sideward smirk down to a T, but they are not characteristics - are they? They are mannerisms. To write a character who physically matches their personality would be like creating a caricature. A cartoon. A MR MAN.... Mr Greedy has a big belly and Mr Nosey and a giant nose... They're great for children stories (or 80's films and TV), but stories with any depth... not so much, at least in my humble opinion.

There are occasions when you see someone and you instantly make an assumption about them. It's actually one of my favourite past-times. Sitting in a coffee shop people watching. Making up stories for the people passing by. Maybe she's wearing too much make-up and closely resemble an umpa lumpa; she's obviously auditioning for Geordie Shore. Maybe he is wearing shorts even though it's only 3 degrees outside; he clearly thinks he's a tough guy - he's over compensating.

They say that we all make spilt-second decisions/assumptions on a person the moment we meet them, and this forms the basis for our relationships. Apparently I come across as cold and distant, maybe slightly stuck up. My brother-in-law even calls me the Ice Queen. Yet I don not have white hair or blue skin. Now I don't think I'm like that at all, but I will admit that I don't give people the benefit of the doubt very often. My friends joke that "normal" people give new people a starting few credits when they first meet them, me not so much, I start everyone at zero. They have to earn my respect and trust. It isn't given away freely. It's a self protection mechanism - that's definitely to my advantage as I've been hurt and let down in the past, both personally and professionally.

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January 20, 2017 at 3:21pm
January 20, 2017 at 3:21pm
"Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt - Has a game ever changed your opinion on something serious? Has a game ever changed how you perceive another person?

At first I was confused by this prompt. I mean why would a video game change my opinion on something or someone? It's just a bit of fun, isn't it? Then I realised that "game" could apply to football games, or board games, or a number of other things, and that made me stop and pause for a moment. It has made me change my opinion on a person. Not the game itself, but the person playing it, or supporting a team.

Sports, in general, are very tribal. It's about a group of people coming together with a common opinion, belief and hope, and it CAN induce a "gang" mentality where people can get very vocal. In the UK there has been bouts of violence linked with football (soccer), and football fans, although this isn't as prevalent as it was in the 80's and early 90's. There has even been racial and homophobic slurs thrown and banded about from the terraces, aimed at the players. It's this type of behaviour that colours my opinion on someone. My level of respect for a person dissolves completely when I hear or see this; I think "Wow, you are not the person I thought you were and I don't want to be associated with you.". I have found occasions, though thankfully very few, where I've distanced myself from people I considered friends because of this. Sad but true. I'm all for diversity and free opinions and speech etc... but I can tolerate abuse of any type.

On to a lesser extreme example. How often have you had friends or family around for board games; perhaps on Boxing Day, and it was descended into anarchy over a bunch of hotels or rent control....? It always made me giggle how cut throat my seven year old nephew was, or the fact that my grandmother used to cheat when she thought no one was watching....

I think you can tell a lot about someone about how they win, and how they lose. If you want to get to see the colour of someone's virtues put them in front Monopoly (though any board game can apply). My husband for example is a bad winner, and loser.... he's a nightmare, bless. But then, I'm not much better... I like my hotels and I'd fight you for Mayfair....

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January 20, 2017 at 2:24pm
January 20, 2017 at 2:24pm
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise Prompt - "I won't kiss you. It might get to be a habit and I can't get rid of habits." ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald. Is there something you avoid because you're afraid once you start you won't be able to stop?

In short - no not really.

There are many things that I've been anxious about, or fearful of, but not because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to stop myself. The closest I come to addiction of any kind is playing computer games or watching a TV show. I'm usually pretty good at giving myself a stern talking to when needed. I found that vital when I gave up smoking. I found it really difficult, but once I knew the "addiction" was psychological and in my head, and not biological (around 48 hrs after my last cigarette), I found it easier to move forward.

There was a moment, just after my father had passed-away, when I thought I was going to be consumed by my grief. It was raw. The tears seemed to be endless and induced that physical pain you sometimes get in your chest where you feel like your lungs and ribcage are being crushed. My heart felt like it was breaking - I never understood what that meant until that moment. BUT, I knew that it wouldn't be forever. That it might take a week, month, or year, but eventually the tears and anguish would still. This wasn't a habit. It was reaction. An understandable one. Could I have fallen into a depression? Yes. I did. I still am. I'm being treated for it at the moment. But again depression isn't a habit - it's a illness; one that can lead to detrimental habits if left untreated and without support.

I also disagree that you can't get rid of habits. Habits are just learnt behaviour and, psychologically, if you can learn a behaviour then you can unlearn or re-train your brain and thought processes; it's the basis of cognitive behavioural therapy.

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