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Short Stories, Poetry, NaNo, Ideas & Articles about writing.
Short Stories, Poetry, NaNo, Ideas & Articles about writing. https://elfindragonlisag.blog
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May 18, 2014 at 12:31am
May 18, 2014 at 12:31am
It's been a while since my last blog and the past few days I've been getting reminders to "update your blog." Now it wouldn't be so bad except for the fact life seems to be kicking me fairly hard. Which is where the "Neat & Tidy" comes into play.

I'm currently working for a teacher who is organizing her paper life into computer life (so-to-speak). Now, many people are "going paperless" and shouldn't it be any wonder. Medical facilities have been trying to do it for years and are just now seeing to get the knack of it (but some are still in the dark ages). And many businesses are now swiping credit cards with their phones right from trade shows or swap meets. And don't forget those commercials for the little scan wonder that will scan your entire life into the computer and organize it as well.

But back to the teacher. What many people often forget is that there is a database for most everything EXCEPT those that insist on having things done their way. So, in comes a person like me who can create a database like file by using either Excel or Word to keep track of every file, password, bill, or whatever that needs to be kept track of. It's not hard really, just time consuming. And, what they don't tell you, is paper never really goes away. If you're still like this lovely woman, you still get monthly bills in the mail which still need to be logged, paid, and filed. Especially if you see a lot of physicians, then you really need to keep track of every little detail for tax purposes. Neat & Tidy takes on a whole other aspect with us medical problem folks.

We all have our ways of keeping track of all the necessities in life. And recently (not just by working for the teacher) I found out even I have my particular quirks on how I handle all my little details, which have frustrated my parents to no end. And, of course, I'm also trying to keep things "neat & tidy" here in my port at WDC. It certainly helps my sanity to see things organized rather than strewn all over the place. *Smile*

Here's hoping that we all have our lives a little more organized, or at least a little saner in our little corner of our universe.
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May 5, 2014 at 6:42pm
May 5, 2014 at 6:42pm
DAY 64 - MAY 6, 2014: Do you consider your glass half-full or half-empty?

Many of you know I'm not the "Blog-Prompt" type, at least too often. I'd much rather find my own thing to blog about. But I found this prompt interesting on a day where the roses seemed to have way too much fertilizer today.

I've always considered the phrase of "half-full or half-empty", or "optimism or pessimism" a kind of cop-out. Sure, there are people that always seem more "up-beat" than others. And people who take depression to a whole new kind of level. Shouldn't we always try and look at the glass as full? There are always opportunities out there if we dare take a risk to seize them. Sure, we may fall on our butts trying, but we tried; didn't we?

I will tell you I've had the worst week someone can have. And yet, I don't blame anyone but my own wish to believe in the common good of mankind. Yes, it can be a flaw. But I was still careful enough to the point where I can still go to the police, give them what information I can, and still have some dignity in tact. And I can still go on with my life with no major damage done.

We all learn from mistakes, we all have different kinds of pain. But we learn from them and life continues. Why shouldn't we have an attitude that says the glass is full? It motivates us to go farther, do better, and create things never before seen. Dare to be an adventurer and see differently. See life more fully. See that glass as full.
April 29, 2014 at 3:08pm
April 29, 2014 at 3:08pm
I know many of you might not be spiritual but I'll tell you something; when it rains it pours! And I'm not talking about just the bad things in life, I'm talking about good things as well.
For example....
I've been out of work since around 2009 due to several problems and now I'm forced to pick up the stick (so to speak) and look for work. I know it's a tough job market out there, especially for someone who has medical problems and who hasn't worked for several years. Even if they've got the skills for it. I've been looking off and on for one week.

Yesterday was the beginning of the rain. I was online doing an IM interview with a manager of a pharmecutical company when the internet went down in the middle of the interview. So I texted him and asked if we could continue today. (I wasn't hopeful) But lo and behold he got me back online and we finished the interview and the prospect looks very good. And it's a work at home job, perfect for someone like me. Now I just have to see if it works out.

Then, not 2 hours later an elderly woman calls and asks about a reply I sent to her request for someone to help her with some data entry and scanning work. She's a teacher trying to get all her paperwork scanned into her computer and doesn't know a lot about computers and which programs she needs. It's a temporary job, since when I'm done she'll be moving soon and she knows I'm hoping this other job will work out. But I told her I'd be more than willing to work with her on weekends and some weeknights. Mostly because it sounds like she really needs the help. The poor gal seems to have been bamboozled by a few people already. Hopefully she'll like me and we can get her computer doing what it needs to.

So, you see. Even good things can happen all at once. Faith in God and what he can do for you and following whatever path He sets before you can be rewarding. Now I just have to wait and see which direction He's leading. Hmmm, certainly going to be interesting. *Smile*

Elfin Dragon...Listening to her innermost Soul
April 27, 2014 at 8:20pm
April 27, 2014 at 8:20pm
DAY 56 - April 28, 2014 - Blog City Prompt: If you could post only one more blog entry FOREVER, what would you say?

It may sound corny, but I would say to be true to yourself. Don't worry about what others may say about you because it doesn't matter. You know who you are and what you're about and that's all that matters. You cannot control what others say or do, you can only control your actions and words. I've been learning this the hard way.

Who we are, our self worth, our reputation, anything that makes us unique as a person can be controlled by us; learned by us. We choose the relationships we fit into or discard. Yes, sometimes it's difficult but because we have to relate with others, life is difficult. But we can still hold to our own values and not be swayed by others simply because of peer pressure, no matter how old we are.

And finally, hold onto your dreams for they are certainly worth living and, hopefully, attaining. Even if all we do is try, at least you can say you tried. That in itself is a goal worth achieving.

Well, now that I'm finished being all sappy, I'll say I'm done for this "Last and final blog of my life". *Smile*

Elfin *Dragon*
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April 26, 2014 at 9:55pm
April 26, 2014 at 9:55pm
Some things just resignate with you when you see them. With me it's animals and anything to do with animals. People talk about being "dog" people, "cat" people, or even "bird" people. Me? Well, I'll take them all. Especially the reptiles. I have a special place in my heart for all sorts of reptiles especially snakes, but I love them all. And I can't forget the amphibians. Do you know we can tell how an environment is doing by how well a frog species is doing in any particular environment? Not to mention the lizards.

But I began this by talking about animals in general because I was watching a video made by a friend of mine on Facebook. She was tasked to make a commercial in regards to the tragedy of a particular food item was having to the habitat of Orangutans. It was done so well, I thought I might share it here with you. Why? Because we often forget how our food is actually processed and what's in it. And we forget the impact even one item in our food can have on the environment. I think it's important we do remember and we take pause.


Elfin *Dragon*
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April 26, 2014 at 10:51am
April 26, 2014 at 10:51am
Moving can be a really big problem, as anyone knows. You've got plans to make on if you're going to keep everything in your household, what to pack, (if it's a long trip) what to take with you, what to put in the moving truck, what to put in the car, where you stop on your way to the new place, how much money you'll spend on the way there.... and so many other questions. Especially if you own a home. Then you have other questions to deal with. Mainly how to sell, or rent, the home.

Over the last few months I've been dealing with all of these issues, and throw in lawyers because of divorce. Life usually doesn't throw just one thing at a time at you, no it does it in whole chunks. Thus the meaning of "Grace under fire" begins to have more meaning. Being able to handle many things at once is usually what people think of as time management at work, but I believe that one phrase has far more meaning when life throws all it has at you and you're still standing. You somehow find a way to manage a way to figure out, amid the clutter of items in the house, what to keep and what not to. You gather an army to help you move from one city to the next, a lawyer to help with the divorce, a realtor to help sell the house whether you're there in the city or not, and somehow you manage to find a place to land; if only for a little while. And still you're life seems to be in order, and you've not gotten angry at anyone at your situation. That is "grace under fire".

It's true we all get frustrated or angry at our situation and it's only natural. But we don't have to stay that way, we can do something more constructive with those feelings; get up and move. We are the masters of ourselves, not others. That is the lesson here.

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April 22, 2014 at 5:28pm
April 22, 2014 at 5:28pm
As I sit in my hotel room for the last night before I move into transition housing, I'm watching TV shows on endangered species. That and the inhumanity of man against them. I watched as a conservationist for the Black Rhino was doing well in breeding the rhinos in Khena and their 14th baby rhino had just been born. They had a policy of cutting their rhino's horns down to detour poachers from coming in and killing the rhinos under their care. But the night after this 14th baby was born, poachers got into the compound and killed three adult black rhinos for what was left of their horns. And one of them was this baby's mother.

I'll let you know the little baby rhino did live and was able to go back into the wild. But as a human race, it seems many have forgotten the importance of nature. Many animals are on the endangered species list. Some so endangered, like the black rhino, our children may never see them when they grow up. All because of greed.

We hunted the buffalo on our plains to near extinction because of hides and simple "fun". The California Condor was nearly extinct because we needed better ways to grow our crops. Tigers have been hunted for fur and the thrill of the hunt, and now the largest of them; the Siberian, is also nearly extinct. Several species each year become extinct because of over fishing, hunting, poison waters or fields or simple neglect.

So I ask, what will your contribution be to keep our environment from fading away? Do you believe animals have a right to exist as much as we do? That the environment is important? If you're not sure, look at where you live and the creatures in the area. If they did not exist where would we be? Even the lowly cockroach has a purpose in our large lives. True we don't want to be overrun with them, but we have to admit we need them.

Conservation is not just about being "green". It's about understanding the entire global environment and where we fit in. And understanding each creature also fits in somewhere in that environment as much as we do.
April 21, 2014 at 10:20pm
April 21, 2014 at 10:20pm
Sometimes you just can't win with parents, especially when it's your mother. Believe it or not I went to the bank with her today and had sit down to talk with someone. My mother made a fuss about the information we found out and then when the bank person got up to get the printouts she made a statement about the person thinking I have a crazy mother.

Now, I know my mother can get upset over little things. But just because she may not quickly understand situations doesn't mean everyone thinks she's crazy. However, you cannot tell her that. Sometimes I think somewhere in my life I did something wrong but I know I can't control certain things in my life, especially not other people.

In this moment we do have to remember it's our own lives we have control over and what other people do or say is on them and not us. We all have choices in our lives and try to do what is right at the time, it's all we can do. We should not feel guilty for choices made in the moment later on. Regret serves no one well, nor does holding onto anger for something done in the past.

In truth, we are all creatures of the moment. We think about our choices and hope they are good ones but they are still made predominately, in the moment. So be proud of those moments, don't be afraid of being at least a little impulsive, surprise yourself and love your decisions; no matter where they may take you.
April 19, 2014 at 5:42pm
April 19, 2014 at 5:42pm
You know it's a good day when you start out with writing and cartoons. I have an affinity towards Japanese Anime, well Anime and Spiderman and Justice League. But I can't seem to get enough of Dragonball Z-Kai and Yughio. I think I have some sort of Japanese Anime gene in me which can't get a way from seeing even movies like "The Princess Monokee", "Nassica", "Howelle's Moving Castle" and "Ghost in the Shell." Of course I think one of the strangest Japanese Anime series I've seen is called "Reign the Conquerer", a weird mix between Alexander the Great and Sorcery.

Now I know a lot of people have seen Japanese and Chinese films. I will tell everyone now that if you've never seen Japanese Anime, these films and cartoon series are like Japanese and Chinese films on crack. There's no other way to explain it. Those who have seen Japanese Anime will know what I'm talking about. You cannot watch them without thinking about what you're watching.

Of course, like with all films, I do have my favorite actors with Japanese and Chines films. Chow Yun Fat comes to mind. One of the best films I've seen him do is "Replacement Killers". In this film it's more of what he doesn't say that really works for him. Then, of course, there's Jet Li and Jackie Chan. Two completely different styles of acting and martial arts, but both fun to watch. And you can't talk about favorites without including Bruce Lee, the founder who brought martial arts films to the states.

Perhaps this is part of the reason Japanese Anime and Magnas have become so popular with many of us here in the States, including myself.
April 17, 2014 at 9:58pm
April 17, 2014 at 9:58pm
Have you ever had just one of those days? One of those where you think things are going well then all the sudden the rug gets pulled out from under you? And then you want to scream and yell at the person who did it but they're a part of your family and you know it won't get you anywhere?

That was me today. I'm working on trying to get a place to stay, anywhere really. And when I get one it's my folks who are telling me I can't afford it on my meager budget. They don't seem to trust me alone, on my own. I tell them I've scrimped by before and they look at me like I'm crazy. I suppose that's what I get for having them help me through one of the worst crises I've been through in my life.

I know I'll never stop being their "little girl". But sometimes it gets on the ridiculous side. Ah, for times when things were simpler. I really miss them.

Elfin *Dragon*

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