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Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #1962252
A running blog on a real newbies adventures with the WDC website
         I became a newbie writer just starting to learn the tools of the trade.  Silly me thinking, I could just jump right in, and start swimming, with what I remember of my six grade English.  After all what use did a professional computer repair person need of grammar, to fill in blanks, dot “I’s”, or cross his “T’s” with.  I was forced into early retirement.  Because of Agent Orange encounters from Vietnam, and a bad hernia repair.

         You cannot learn anything being a mugwump. What is a mugwump you say? It is a person sitting on a fence; with their mug on one side of the fence, and their wump on the other side. One day I received this interesting email from the Newbie Academy Group. They recommend I engage in contest activities.  I thought to myself why not!  I went to the contest list and found the writer’s cramp contest. At the prompt: here's a new restaurant in town with an interesting theme. What's the theme, how is it expressed, and how's the food?

         I read this and get all excited.  I started thinking of all the Chief Gordon Ramsey shows I had watch with my wife.  Out of nowhere pops a memory of a silly menu I had in my funny joke collection.  It was a road kill menu for Uncle Roberts fine cuisine dinning.  I decided to use my hillbilly name.  I and my wife had a moment in our newly married life, when we were teasing a neighbor friend.  We started calling our redneck friend Deny-Bob.  He called us JoVonna-Bob and Brett-Bob.

         I decided to call my contest entry “Brett-Bob’s Road Kill Express” to me the whole idea was a joke and after all what a great thing to write about.  To me the trick was to keep it rated ‘E’ as this was a requirement of the contest.  I had in my mind decided to keep it as a fake road kill diner they would serve real food as fake road kill using the out of season as the excuse to use their specialty dishes for them.

         When I wrote it as with all my writing I am becoming world famous for run-ons and miss spelling.  Part of the problem is MSoffice I blame its terrible spell checker, and the horrible grammar checker, since it cannot even do second grade error correction.  Like I told one of the Newbie Academy Ladies I’m a senior citizen writing as a first grader.  And even a first grader has trouble reading my work let alone the poor teacher. Beside whom else can I blame?  None of us want to point that finger at ourselves.  We might get ashamed and do something about it.

         One of the funnier parts to my story is I didn’t read it had a thousand word limit.  I just assumed that they wanted whatever you could produce in a short time. Just like Nanowrimo.  It had a twenty four hour dead line.  I figured you didn’t need to worry, if it was a rough draft, or a finished work.  This was probably my misreading of the contest rules.  I’m betting the judge expects to judge finished works by more experienced authors other than newbies.

         Basically I’m trying to say, I set myself up for failure.  But the best part of the story, and funniest is the judge’s comment: “You met that goal with an interesting piece. However, since I'm a vegetarian, it was unhappily a bit unappetizing in both humor and description. Sigh.”

         I know I thrive on rejection.  But my very first contest. When I am trying to fit in, and receive that comment.  It was about the funniest thing to happen to me.  Being a new writer I understand not everything I write is golden or is going to make me incredibly rich either.  I did install the sense of shame.  I went visiting my email and asked the kind judge for help with run-ons.  She took pity on me and provided a link to myenglishteacher.net.  She also recommended a class from WDC’s own recommended school.  She also recommended asking for help in my groups forums.

         The truth is I really don’t see even the kindest writer here, having the time to teach me sixth grade again.  Then I realized I don’t need the whole lessen.  I just need to learn to recognize what I do in my writing, and fix that issue.  As I write I can auto correct instead or totally relearning English.  So I went to some of the forums in the Newbie Academy Group. 
Since I have no life anymore I sometimes expect the same of everyone else.  But the sad truth is it’s the week end, and all the nice people are out being nice people.  I am going to have to wait until Monday to get my help.

         My contest entry received eight reviews; of the eight, two actually showed me areas to improve it, and of course one judge’s review.  I think the poor lady felt sorry for me and I got the newbie prize of 250 gp with the review or it won third place.  I in my vanity like the third place idea; the truth is I’m just guessing.

         I hope I haven’t offended any one with this story. It is another attempt at a funny story.  I don’t have any hard feelings with the judge she was honest, truthful, and even extremely helpful.  Some points of interest; only one person didn’t find it funny, the judge. Only the judge and one retired teacher gave me a link. They both gave me really helpful reviews with writing style help.  I am still holding on to three reviews of the eight.  I still get a laugh every time I read the third email.  I just love her closing line: This story is fun, and I still have a silly smirk on my face.

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I'm building at "Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise Great place to read.

I'm docked at "Blog Harbor from The Talent Pond, a safe port for bloggers to connect.
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February 23, 2014 at 1:47pm
February 23, 2014 at 1:47pm
         A great week for me I finally started shaking off the effects of my illness I was able to keep my goals to SMs. I have been looking into getting a prime account here so I can play with the shops and such. But truth be told I want my dragon suitcase sniff, sniff! Silly thing to spend my wife's money on but hey she has been spending all my money all of the years I worked. I think it is time I return the favor. Anyway just some thoughts on upgrading.

         I made a commitment to Ellie with Roots and Wings if she can raise 250k gps I'll match it and help her get the Roots and Wings custom merit badge. I so want one lol. I made a few gp this month I decided to help out Marci get her premium account and give all the lovely ladies on the site with custom heart sigs from Marci. She is so awesome with graphics.it It is so funny I cannot get gimp or paint to do a dang thing for me. But I can get Three Dee Max to do full blown game character animation, make dragons fly, or put a rider on one.

         I won third place in the Heroes and Villains February contest. With
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#1976274 by Not Available.
I had a hard time writing this for once. It still may have punctuation issues but it was judged on content and story ideas as well as I used both a super villain and a super hero. I felt sorry for the three towns in Idaho I ruined. What can I say my super villain was a real bad guy.

         I did go support some fund raisers by bidding on some stuff. The Blog City Fair ran out of food so I bid on the tent they served it out of since they ran out. I donated 14k to get that tent lol. Maybe they can buy some more food to sell. I'm too scared to go get smooched by the P.E.N.C.I.L. Kissing Booth, if my wife caught me there with all the beautiful babes and those handsome men who knows what she might think. I think it best to just stay away. Well the thought of kissing Charlie much as I like him, I'm not into guys. And with the pretty ladies well you all know once you start smooching you never want to stop! Besides they all have big beefy boy friends or husbands so nope best to stay away from that kind of trouble. I really do admit the idea is cute and very creatively done. May next year I'll work on over coming my fears.

         Did you get to see the Lenny the lucky Leprechaun? Could you imagine some lady smooching him? Well okay maybe a lady leprechaun. He is probably a handsome devil to his female leprechaun friends.

         Oh yes The Newbie Academy has two contests they are running a raffles I donated 11k to help them reach their goal. The other contest is a reviewing the reviewer contest. I have only submitted one review to them for judging maybe Monday I'll crank out the last two entries for them. I don't use my P.E.N.C.I.L. reviews because those are private to the book author unless they don't set them to private only. But still who really wants to read a 5,000 char in depth review on a chapter anyway, other than the author it was intended for.

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February 17, 2014 at 1:22am
February 17, 2014 at 1:22am
         You know some days just get you. I have been ill all week. Every time I start a project i fall asleep. Nothing gets done until I awake. I have done four reviews for Pencil now. I like the author he is interesting and I enjoy the communication we have as I work on his reviews.

         Since I am spending all my time sleeping it's very hard to get any real reviewing done. I was working on a review when I fell asleep and the computer rebooted. What a pain that was. I learned you need to save it as a draft before sleeping again.

         I don't know about you but I hate loosing the work as well as the item name and number so going back and finding it was next to impossible with my brain being fried.

         I started doing the new poetry class home work boy did I bite of a bone too hard to chew. I did the lessons as asked but I think I blew it. I read it I follow it pretty much. What I understand they want but interesting enough I still am not getting it right. So I'm not understanding what they want. Now I'm beginning to understand why I really hate poetry.
February 10, 2014 at 9:51am
February 10, 2014 at 9:51am
         Man this was a busy week I think I got writers block on my revamp of chapter 1 and stuck on my Heroes Versus Villains story "Once Upon a Bank." I managed to kick out one in depth review for pencil on a book I challenged my self to work on. I was having trouble finding a spot to begin with until my wife suggested I go with what i know and see what happens sure enough it all started falling in place and soon I was done with it. I wrote over 1334 words on my Once Upon a Bank story. and finished my Chapter one revamp. I even managed to kick out another review for a newbie they had asked for.

         I managed to win three badges and one ribbon this weekend. One from Fearless Leader, one from Patrick, and one from the Story Mistress. I won the ribbon from Sisco for my blog. He liked my last weeks blog update. This week I managed to do 22 reviews. I ran into something a bit strange with a new friend. He was telling me why he doesn't review newbies any more. It seems they attack him by going to his port if they don't like his review and just reviewing something of his and giving it a 2.5 with no explanation. I had him review one of my pieces just to see what his reviewing style was. When I used to work in Sony's call center on their computers.This one tech always had bad calls not just one or two but every call. I listened in on his calls one day and found out it was him he had a bad attitude and he was causing the bad calls. I did learn something from it to add to my people skills. If you allow your bad day into your voice or into you feelings as you work you just rained on everyone's day not just your own.

         I read his reviews and pull up a few from the public review forum. I didn't find any attitude so I really didn't know why those others were attacking him. But I can understand more now why a lot of reviewers switch from newbies to older authors on the site to review. If I had those kind of attacks I never noticed them to be honest. When your a newbie you really don't now the difference between some one being mean on the ratings because my work was so bad and I knew it. It was why I came here for help. I got help and lots of encouragement from great people. I keep working on reviewing as that is what makes my new world go round. But I don't seem to have a problem reviewing newbies. I actually get a lot of them to answer back on the reviews. I do get a lot e-mail on my reviews which is good. I hope what ever I am doing that is right I keep on doing it.

I have been challenged by the Kiwis to try out for all the places lol. They will probably just laugh at my poetry reviewing but hey if nothing else it will be good practice.

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February 2, 2014 at 9:55pm
February 2, 2014 at 9:55pm
         A week in the life of a WDC reviewer, we got a challenge to pick three reviewers and ask them to review our work I picked out three paid my 1k gps and waited. I got one response I hired a new friend to do the same thing for 5k gp I got his yesterday. One person answered the review request of the three I picked. I got my gps back from the other two. As a learning lesson I found that the review tool is not forgiving of newbies. If you don’t know what you’re doing it is easy to see now why I got my gp’s back.

         What you do is click on a name and it should bring up a bio on the reviewer. Now you read what the likes and dislikes are, next you see what they review for. Now with all that done you can see if they meet your qualifications. They will tell you what genre they review. They will tell you what they review for as well. You have to match reviewer to what you are looking for. I learned this tidbit the hard way.

         Now all this week last week in January I noticed I was # two in Most Credited Reviewers. On Jan 31 I looked and I was # one. I looked in Most Active Reviewers I normally sit around # 25. I started out at # 27 I’m now at # thirteen with 68 reviews. Now for Most Active Raters I’m at #17 with 68 ratings. Interesting is the group ranking that I review for “The Newbie Academy Group” at #6 with 159, “Paper Doll Gang Rockin’ Reviewer’s Group” at #7 with 156, and “The Talent Pond” at #9 with 122.

         I decided to see what was going on with pencil. It was at #14 I decided I could take a writing break and join them. I really need to learn how to do a whole book review as well chapters. How better to start out help the main reviewers as their gofer. I can do chapter spell checks as well as grammar checks, word counts, weak voice etc… Well it is good to be needed for once. I don’t plan on increasing my reviewing I just plan on learning and doing!

         Now I took the time to have custom sigs made for Pencil and The Talent Pond. I found Marci does really great work and I like being able to donate to her for her account renewal. Well time to go work on a reviewing challenge I found.
January 26, 2014 at 2:19am
January 26, 2014 at 2:19am
         Well I am amazed that I have done all I set out to due this week. I got my fifteen reviews done. I even managed to get one poetry done. I have been getting a lot of feed back from the reviews. This is not normal most of the time I only hear back from two or three.

         I was able to write three stories this week one on my hard drive the other two are
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#1973254 by Not Available.
the other is a Roots and Wings entry I'm still working on. It gave me the idea that I let Hanna talk me into doing a contest it is
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#1973531 by Not Available.
as you can see. I plan on having a lot of fun with this.

         I won two awards this week one from the Dolls (Paper Dolls Gang) for reviewing. The other one was for helping out a newbie. This poor guy found the old 36 hour review reviewers prompt and did 30 reviewers. I couldn't burst his bubble so I wrote to the story mistress about this guy and offered to reimburse her for any gp she spent if she would help him out. I got back a quick reply thanking me for the heads up and she would take care of everything. What wonderful people we have running this site. I find a piece of his writing in the read a newbie and review it and i tell him I'm willing to help him out any time. So we get to talking and I help him with showing how to use the editor and how to format his stories,

         I explain why some people have to be the way they are. and that "Yea tho I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil or bad reviews because I'm the meanest mother in the valley." The unofficial Marine crops motto right after "Semper Fi" the official one. After he got through laughing with me on the the most famous move the Army invented you all know it as the one hundred yard advance to the rear.Then there is the Air Forces' most famous one they send all the officers out to fight and leave all the enlisted men at home. Last but not least the one about the large air craft carriers where when they drop anchors they really drop them and spend weeks fishing for them.
January 19, 2014 at 10:29pm
January 19, 2014 at 10:29pm
         What a week! I got started in the PDG's reviewing course. It started out ok. Have you ever ran across one of those reviews that feels like a work of art. It goes into such great depth and gives such detail that you feel envious of it? So far I have only found two that I felt that way about. They covered things like character build up. The beginning plot the middle and the ending plot as well as more show less tell with examples and done is such a manner that left you feeling like you wanted to be the proud owner of that review.

         My hopes and goals is to learn what they are trying to teach me so that in the end I can produce such a work of art myself. The Art of Criticism came out with great articles on doing show verses tell. in a great way. I'm busy trying to edit my first book chapter of my first book to do show as it is the better writing style.

         I decided to help out Marci's sig shop I get Valentine sigs for all the dolls I paid 20k gp to be donated to The Newbie Academy and reward some of my good friends for all the help and support. The link is "Invalid Item"   by A Guest Visitor

January 13, 2014 at 9:45am
January 13, 2014 at 9:45am
First I get a reviewing sig from Hanna then I get this:

In response to your review of "Mystery Woman" , The Star Spangled Mrs. (1) says:

First of all, I cannot thank you enough for the encouraging review. My writing is purely for fun, and I honestly wasn't expecting to be reviewed at all on here. I just wanted somewhere to keep what I wrote. This site is a little intimidating to me, and so are the reviews that followed yours. But your review helped me look back after reading the other reviews and reminded me not to be intimidated because I'm here to write my stories how 'I' want to write them and not how anyone else thinks I should write them. *Tight Hug* Thank you so much.

Second, you saw exactly what I am doing with this story and I appreciate that even more. This started as quick background for a custom character I created for Role Playing and the rest of her story came from actual role plays between her and other characters. Since you were able to read the short as I intended it to be read, you were able to provide a proper review. I appreciate your review, thank you so much!

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January 12, 2014 at 2:45pm
January 12, 2014 at 2:45pm
         You know I did two reviews today for our "Rockin Review Academy" as part of the first lessons. I picked two brand new to the site first chapters to review. I as a older newbie always look at the date the new writer joined the site if it is under a month I start in with a welcome to the site. The reason I do this is as a newbie reviewer for The Newbie Academy we are supposed to welcome new people to the site. The other reason is because I didn't get one welcome to the site during my first month. I finally got one a month and day late. lol. I found it pretty funny but I didn't say one word to that reviewer.

         I wanted him to continue on doing it for those who wouldn't get one ever. In reviewing newbies for the last couple of months I made it a point to welcome them on every review I do. I check for their start date first. I will always add "Welcome to WDC. As you explore the site you will find a lot nice people who are always happy to help. If I can help please feel free to ask."

         The real reason this does happen is we really don't have the people to review newbies as fast as they join the site and begin post all ten static items they are allowed. There is so much more poetry than stories as well. I love to do the new stories and first chapters.

         But the truth is I suck at poetry. I have only done five poetry reviews on the site so far. The main reason is I am not what I consider a poet. I even made a Blue case upset with me because I found a very moving poem and it stirred up a lot of my past which I told the writer of the poem about. My count on the review was over 2000 that was what upset him/her. They said the problem was not the poem since it was 20 lines. I was just following some of the guide lines given to me to follow. I told the author how his work had effected me. I still don't see anything wrong with that but the truth is it did bring some past that I am able to deal with now so it actually helped me as well as tell the author the effect it had.

         Now you can see why I don't do well with poetry yet. you know they had in issue with 2000 count not with the contents itself strange that. Oh well. The way I look at it was I'm out there doing something even if it is wrong. I am here to learn.

         My main point is there are not enough people to do every article submitted for review a newbie. So like me a lot will go without being welcomed by members to the site. It really is no ones fault, that is one of the reasons I try and add to the people reviewing newbies. I remember I also know they at the Newbie Academy start you out slow. This site can be daunting with all the stuff going on. I feel the Newbie Academy did a great Job getting me into reviewing and into activities. The SMs do the same thing as well with the automated system. They really try to help our new people out. I think they do a great job and we also should help and support them as well.
January 11, 2014 at 10:12am
January 11, 2014 at 10:12am
         Wow what a week Last week I drained my Gift Points down to 44k I paid Pencil to do a review on my First book I wrote as a first time ever writer and it is bad I mean really bad but it was a get off your can and do something once in a life time life changing event. In order not create something like that again I vowed to use pencil and all the things i have learned here reviewing to straighten it out I'm looking forward to seeing the reviews from Pencil on it. I am trying so hard not to pester the Blue Witch on it but I'm like a child at Christmas *Bigsmile* She is being so nice about it as well. I decided I want the review more than anything, I quit pestering her and started working on other stuff until they contact me. My second book is almost off the cooling off period.

         Some of this weeks highlights are I managed to earn three merit badges one from The Story Mistress and one From Patrick and one From Hanna. I went fron 44 to 89k gp this week. It is interesting how things work out here if your doing things. I put below the goals i set this week with the Story Mistress. I was working my goals when up pops the 36 hour review the reviewers challenge. I started in working on it and wow all this gp came pouring in. In less then 24 hour my meager sum was heading for 60k Wow almost enough to have Pencil review the second book.

         I kept on doing my goals for the week and up pops the second 36 hour review challenge, I had just finished my daily three reviews. Talk about great timing I could just grab the three I had just finished from my score card and paste. How awesome is that?

         In the process of doing all these activities I found a Newbie review group since I only review newbies because I am a newbies myself. I belong to three reviewing groups as it is I love working with PDG and Patrick with Art of Criticism and with Jeff with The Talent Pond and with The Newbie Academy. The PDG are doing some training on poetry, short stories, and reviewing. it costs 30k gp From what I have seen and read from all the old lessons it will be worth the time and effort to complete. I like the idea I get my gp back as I complete each lesson and finish assignments in the time frame given.

         I made a promise to double my gp output on the next 36 hour challenge for reviewing the reviewers. I learned some tricks about reviewing for these three organizations. they are The Newbie Academy only requires you do a 250 review The PDG requires a min of 1500 and the The Talent Pond doesn't have set rules on reviewing they are more into helping you with writing with their flash fiction contests as well as blogging. Now if you look at these requirements I have a broad range if reviewing I can do or play with. I promised myself and my leaders I would never resort to a cookie cutter review. I always tailor a review to the article I am reviewing. With three different criteria to choose from I can really fit my reviews to the article now.

         I ran into a poem that effected me deeply I think I did an emotional story telling review on a 20 line poem that was over 2000 I was trying to tell that author how deeply his work effected me and some blue took offense that I would write a 2000 word review on twenty lines. He reviewed it as well to see why I was so carried away on it and I saw his wasn't a small review on it either. My point was we as reviewers are supposed to tell the authors how deeply their work hits us. If it helps us as well as the author why should anyone really care what the review size is? Another interesting point is if your out there doing things stuff is going to happen. All you can do is apologize and move on.

         Now lets face it some work there really isn't a lot to say that was why I like the three different criteria in the reviewing groups I'm in. This way I am not forced to invent things to meet a 1500 criteria. When I'm doing good to say 250 I have The Newbie Academy.. Also when there really isn't a lot to say but it' just under 1500 I have The Talent Pond. This way gives me the freedom to do it and I can pick organization as well as item and mix and match so I never cheat the system I give a good honest review and I feel good about each review I gave.

         I thought in case any of you were curious about the goals and my score card. I would include it to save you look up time. It is listed below.

         I will spend each day Monday - Friday Writing 2,500 words or more on “A Tale of Worlds, The Mage Clans.”

         I will on Sunday up date my blog I started with my adventures for the week on this site and will always keep it positive. See entry Sunday 01-05-2014 at
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#1962252 by Not Available.

         I will do at least one review a day, per reviewing group I belong to. I will do a total of 15 per week, and if I miss a few to catch up on the weekend.

         I am taking online lessons on grammar so I can quit being the run-on king.

         I will do one poetry review a week.

Daily Reviews: starting Jan-06-2014

Paper Dragon Gang:
(6)Monday: Review of "Hi MOM I love you"
(7)Tuesday: Review of "The Ignorance That Opens Bliss(CH1)"
(8)Wednesday: Review of "A Courageous Emptiness"
(9)Thursday: Review of "A sharp lesson"
(10)Friday: Review of "Out For Revenge: Who? (Part One)"
1 poetry review:

The Newbie Academy:
(6)Monday: Invalid Review
(7)Tuesday: Invalid Review
(8)Wednesday: Review of "Finding Luna"
(9)Thursday: Invalid Review Review of "Treasure of Gold"
(10)Friday: Invalid Review
1 poetry review: Invalid Review done on (1-6-14)

The Talent Pond:
(6)Monday: Invalid Review
(7)Tuesday: Review of "A Dragon Named Meryln"
(8)Wednesday: Review of "Take a Bite: Introduction"
(9)Thursday: Review of "Its Back..."
(10)Friday: Review of "Happy Birthday"
1 poetry review: Invalid Review

Roots and Wings:
1 poetry review:

Chapters Written:

(06) Chapter 13 A Time For Hope (word count: 2,530 )
(07) Chapter 14 The Great Library of Karth (word count: 3,158 )
(08) Chapter 15 The Home of Targgarth (word count: 2,634 )
(09) Chapter 16 The Ancient Library of Creation (word count: 524 )
January 5, 2014 at 3:13pm
January 5, 2014 at 3:13pm
         My how time does fly. Already it is the first Sunday of a new year time to reflect on goals the wins the losses and what my high lights were. For me my old year really started when I joined this website. I had hopes of getting my books published and becoming famous. As you all know it is a good goal and this website can help you attain it.

         I started in reviewing, The Newbie Academy adopted me, and started to help me out by telling me point blank. If I wanted to improve my writing I had to learn how to review. I knew the key to getting my books in a book store was to be able to edit them a lot better than I was doing now. I took up their challenge to learn to review. I also did a couple of challenges and was sadly disappointed not only did I not get a review. But they wouldn't even send an e-mail telling me the contest was over.

         Then I found the really cute picture of a raccoon hiding in a book shelf. the daily prompt was write about a new restaurant and the food it had. Thus I wrote a really funny story about a road kill cafe I called it "Brett-Bob's Road Kill Express" I had more fun writing that piece that anything I had written to date. I have no idea why I felt it might actually have a chance to win. It didn't not even an honorable mention but is sure did get a ton of reviews. I still now and then get a review on it. It taught me a few things. I found I really hated fluffy reviews. I have no intentions of stopping my writing now in my golden years of life. I gave those people the doubt on them always wishing me to write on. How would they know my intentions anyway. But I did get some spelling and grammar errors that I could correct plus some incite on what could make the story more amusing and even more fun to read.

         I treasured those reviews. You know as a new author when a judge tells you they found your story repulsive and not funny it does hurt. But when you have thirteen other reviewers telling you they loved it. You can take the judges verdict in stride. In fact I found extremely funny. I went on and got serious about reviewing I had thirteen different examples of it. These examples showed me what I knew I needed to do and not do to people in my reviewing. There was three I wanted to use as examples of how I review other authors work. I also noticed how some people would review anything even the folders it started to be really amusing. i decided to only review newbies since i am one. I also would review by what I do best I read a lot. So I would review as a reader. I was now challenged to use The newbie academy sigs and the text line in my reviews they had me stick them up front as my first lines. Hey I'm a newbie I just do as instructed by my betters. As soon as I started using a three item form and color in my reviewing The Art of Criticism and the Paper Doll Gang adopted me.

         I found a good friend in Patrick and The Dolls put me through their site navigation. After finishing their courses I upped to spend 30k of gp on taking the review classes as well as the short story and poetry. I really need the help especially poetry My review jingle is the best I have ever done and it is great just cute and funny is all it has going for it.

         I decided this December I had sat on my books long enough. I challenged my sel in the weekly goals section to edit a chapter a day by setting a word count of 2,500 a day lol. All my chapters are over 2,500 word of great run-on and wrong wording. Because like it or not I'm still smarter than the grammar checker, and I continue to out smart it with wrong word choices.

         I got off my rear end and review my chapters I fixed a lot of run on I relived my story again. I added a few pieces and got rid of a lot of nonsense that wasn't going to work. I started a book in my portfolio and started putting the chapters in it. About this time my December reviewing paid off I won 15k gps from some contest the Doll has paid a ticket for me. and all the three day reviewing and the extra form both the Story Master and the Story Mistress plus from the Dolls, The Newbie Academy, and Patrick. I had the much needed 100k to use to entice Pencil to review my book.

         Now the real pressure was on to get the whole thing edited and uploaded to the site. This was where all the reviewing and reading other works paid off I now had fixed the majority of the run-on I had found a lot of the miss spelled words. I had my sentences flowing, my plot and twists were in place and I felt a lot better about it. I was ready to attempt a real review to get an idea on how much more I needed to improve it. Today out of the blue my wife actually read the first chapter. She told me it was far too much description that maybe if I had Ninja the family cat talk to me like using "og" (old guy) to give it more of a story instead of just description. You know she is right and I think I will do that as soon as I finish up here for this Sunday blog update.

         I feel I really need to keep on reviewing even more doing poetry as well. Because in fantasy I will need it to write prophecy or off color song verses as well as other things people use to enhance a story line and make it interesting. The next endeavor is to finish up my other books I am working on and to give me more of a taste for my newly created universe as far as story ideas as well as new books to write in it. If I can ever get out of the newbie writing stage. It seems I still have a lot to learn about grammar and such.

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