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Rated: GC · Book · Biographical · #1940894
Originally efforts for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge in July... now just a blog
The 30 Day Blogging Challenge ..... lets see how far I get... Pretty far it seems!

Winner (1st place) for the July 2013 "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
Second place for the September 2014 "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS
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April 5, 2014 at 4:12pm
April 5, 2014 at 4:12pm
Welcome to my Reality - Week 5, prompt 7: What did you buy today?

Today's were pretty dull:

*Note0* A packet of cigarettes - grr
*Note1* A can of full fat coke - grr
*Note2* Two ice coffee things you can buy at the supermarket
*Note3* A tank of diesel

Maybe this would make a more interesting read if I wrote about yesterday's purchases:

*Note1* I had to take a pair of jeans back to a shop... while I was there I spotted a pair of boots for £7 so I swapped the jeans for them and got some money back. Unfortunately, the boots are for people with much wider calves than me, but they don't need to be tight so look fine... with jeans.

*Note1* I think went to a cheapo (Primark) shop. It's a shop full off lots of cheap clothes, which are not the best quality but are great for people who keep changing sizes (like me!). I bought a load of size 10 clothes (US 6...?). This is exciting because I've been a 14 for about 2 years so it's cool to go back down. The size 10 jeans were slightly premature - I can do them up but they're just a little too tight and my belly hangs over tooo much! *Facepalm* hehe... But now I have a goal *Laugh*. But my new size 10 tops fit well and make me happy!

*Note1* I've been looking for a red handbag, that I actually like, for ages... I don't know why but that's me! I found one yesterday... 30% off, very soft leather with a owl leather tag so I have Christheowl with me all the time now.

When I got home I decided to look under the bed in a box of jeans that I put away because they just didn't fit. I tried on loads, some were still too small but I fit into about 6 pairs. Including my old favourite Superdry jeans that are suitably baggy again! *Bigsmile*

Very happy Fran
April 4, 2014 at 6:11pm
April 4, 2014 at 6:11pm
Welcome to my reality - week 15, prompt 3. What has disappointed you this week?

*Note1* I haven't done my judging duty for the 30 Day Blogging Challenge yet *Facepalm*
*Note1* A piece of flint rock on the side of a driveway made a MASSIVE hole in in car tire!
*Note1* Some teachers that I need to book dates in with have ignored all my emails. I even said I wanted to hear from by them today ... nothing. Schools are now off for two weeks. Sometimes I want to shake these kinds of teachers and shout "this is my job!! You're wasting my time.
*Note1* I made a spelling mistake on my wedding invites, which are now printed and look very pretty... but GAHHH

I think that's all. It's all good really *Smile*
April 4, 2014 at 5:56pm
April 4, 2014 at 5:56pm
Welcome to my Reality - week 15, prompt 7. Are you a self confident person by nature? Has that changed at any time throughout your life so far?

No I don't think I am... actually, let me re-think.

Okay, perhaps naturally I am pretty confident. But I wonder if my impairment makes me less so. I guess because of the way I am sometimes treated/reacted to.
My job requires me to be really confident, or come across as very confident. But I often think that I must be a very good actress.

I would write more on this but my brain can't process this properly at the mo... But it's good to jot this down to think about later.
March 30, 2014 at 5:30pm
March 30, 2014 at 5:30pm
Welcome to My Reality - Week 14, Prompt 5. Do you consider yourself a worrier?

Yes and no. I am odd.

*thinks about how to explain this*

Mostly, I'm pretty care free. Certainly in the way I outwardly act and react to situations, anyway. Also, when giving advice, I go along the lines of "sod it".
However, I do worry sometimes if I feel I may have done or said the wrong thing. I have been known to obsess over somethings and driven myself crazy!

But when other people obsessively worry, I basically tell them to stop being ridiculous! *Laugh*
March 30, 2014 at 4:50pm
March 30, 2014 at 4:50pm
Welcome to my Reality - Week 2, prompt 4: What would make today a better day?

Ahh man, where do I start?
I have a cold! Which wouldn't annoy me if it wasn't the 3rd time I'd been ill in 2 months - the 2nd time in 2 weeks. It is really rude. Plus my head feels like it might EXPLODE!!!

Also, I've had a bit of a stressful afternoon. My mum and brother have been over. The other day I wrote the following story:
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1983441 by Not Available.

Its a true story about the brother who came over today. *sigh* He has now moved out of his house... so, naturally I asked "where are you moving to?"... "I'm not sure..."

Right! He has no job and no where to live.

Who does that?

He's currently sleeping on the floor of my mum's bedsit. That will not last - they'll kill each other. Chris and I are preparing for invasion.
March 28, 2014 at 6:58pm
March 28, 2014 at 6:58pm
Welcome to my Reality - week 3, prompt 5: What did you decide to wear today, and why?

Jeans - I nearly always wear jeans. Most people that do my job wear jogging bottoms - That's too casual for me.

Paralympic GB t-shirt - I was a guest at a school games so knew people would want photos with me and its better if I look like a paralympian

My work fleece - because I was representing my company as well as being a Paralympian. Different photos need different logos - it gets confusing. *Facepalm*

Black Timberland boots - I was going to wear trainers but I realised my jeans were slightly shorter than I like so I wore boots to hide this fact! *Laugh*
March 27, 2014 at 6:50pm
March 27, 2014 at 6:50pm
Welcome to my Reality - week 13, prompt 5. Does WDC increase your writing or do you get distracted by the community aspect of being here?

To be honest it does both, not necessarily in equal measures. *Facepalm* The other week I suddenly realised I'd been on WDC loads but hadn't added to my port, updated my blog OR done any reviews in MONTHS... literally! I am now making an effort to do both!

I love this community but you really must stop distracting me. Otherwise, I suggest changing WDC to DDC ... Distractions.com

ooo... ooo... shiny new email *runs off* ...
March 25, 2014 at 5:53pm
March 25, 2014 at 5:53pm
Welcome to My Reality – Week 6, prompt 6 - What book are you reading? Would you recommend it?


I’m reading “The Thomas Barryman Number” by James Patterson. I believe this is one of his first books. Its only 197 pages long but its dragginggggg. In fact, I migh go and try and finish it, while I cook dinner, before I go on with this…

I’ll be back

Okay, I wanted to finish the book so I could give it a fair trial. However, I didn’t like it. Simple. I have no clue what was going on/what happened. It just didn’t work for me. Mr Patterson has obviously gotten better with age. But don’t we all?

Would I recommend it? To myself? No! But you may enjoy it. Who can say.
March 24, 2014 at 1:36pm
March 24, 2014 at 1:36pm
Welcome to My Reality, Week 14, prompt 4. When you were a child what were your dreams for when you were a grownup?

This will probably sound really sad and depressing, but I cannot recall ever having solid dreams as a child. Yes, I came up with ideas of things I might quite like to do but they never lasted very long. For example, I’m pretty sure I wanted to be a vet at some point (I’m pretty sure every girl says that), perhaps a human doctor too. A dancer may have come up, definitely a waitress. I’ll come back to the waitress thing in a minute.
However, very quickly I realised that all of these goals were unobtainable. I could never be a vet or doctor because, to be honest, I would have done more harm than good. I did ballet for a while – I was even in a few shows – but again, I wasn’t physically able to keep this up.
Therefore, it got to the point that, whenever asked what I wanted to do when I grew up, I would just say, “work with computers” or “help people”. In fact, I think “help people” was actually on my secondary school record. How creative!

So, no, I had no real dreams. I had very little confidence or belief. Thus, I had no dreams.

The waitress thing was a bit of a standing joke. I read Mrs Wobble the Waitress by Allan Ahiberg, a few times with my parents, and we all agree that that book was written about me!
March 23, 2014 at 5:08pm
March 23, 2014 at 5:08pm
Welcome to my reality - Week one, Prompt one: What made you laugh today?

Chris is unwell this week – a bit of Man Flu. He can be quite ditzy sometimes, but even more so when he is poorly. He did a few things in quick succession this afternoon that just made me crease up … sympathetically of course,

Firstly, he went to put a plug charger round his neck so he could carry it easier. However, he smacked himself round the head with it. Then he was separated two pieces of paper that were stapled together. He removed the staple but somehow got it stuck IN his finger! How?

Obviously, I did ask if he was okay but I did so through tears of laugher. And as I type he’s started sulking because he has pulled a button off his jumper. He just needs to go to bed.

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