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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #1926559
A new book to house this year's (and future years) NationalPoetryMonth's daily poems.
I'm writing once again this year. This book is my special event place for thirty special poems.

Here for National Poetry Month in 2018, I'm participating but life has not been kind in the last 15 months, so I'm not always in writing mode.

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April 11, 2016 at 3:32am
April 11, 2016 at 3:32am
spray-painted for Christmas
the new red front door
the only one in the neighborhood
I was too young to see outlandishness
in a world of pristine white trim
you didn’t care
I found that why much later
but because it was your work
I was proud

you didn't say I'm sorry
wrecking the holidays as you did
only her red lipsticked smile
brought a calm
to the celebration
I would have preferred coal and soot
an understandable reward for bad boys
Santa also had rules I knew by heart
but it wasn’t my fault
was it?

one of many unanswered questions
April 10, 2016 at 4:30am
April 10, 2016 at 4:30am
close enough to heal, to hold
cajole, laughter cures maudlin
gray, sings away moody
blues, but the skies, their swirling
pastels, volatility, change
changeling hearts into melted
chocolate, reason enough to sit
nose stuck to the window
twitching like a cat, excited
by the prospect
of a kill
the poetry in arms contains
the osmosis of waiting, the burning
for that one extraordinary explosion
to become a legend, a moment when blood
tears open tears, time to stand tall
a trophy?
I could not destroy
I fought to keep the owls and hedgehogs
and mice, tamed to soften my gardener's
hands and perhaps my heart
only dogs became gods, their growls
frightened worse than nightmares
and fat green vegetables
a similar gasping for air
rarely freshened by
rose petals, ocean spray
pine cones
spray-painted for Christmas

a few names for happiness
April 9, 2016 at 3:10am
April 9, 2016 at 3:10am
This series will be arranged under the title of "all the little parts of happiness."

what good is dead love?
you cling to unworn clothes in a closet
afraid that maybe ...
imagine those endless alternatives
starring in a fairy tale
where both heroes do not
die as the curtain closes
was that your choice?

there is darkness, inescapable

the locks on sadness have heavy
rusty keys, leeches
for window-gazing
the choice to open them
is dicey: lock breakers
like honeymoon sunsets, all look alike
sometimes the perfect one brings freedom
and takes the U from mourning
the restless heart, that pining
persona non grata
shrinks ounce by ounce
at the thrift-store other homeless
shirts hang together
ready to be worn
close enough to heal

tripped up by memory lanes in parallel worlds


April 8, 2016 at 2:37am
April 8, 2016 at 2:37am
her first-born lived only 43 minutes
this was my first challenge
in a series of strange episodes
mysteries I have yet to understand
         from the remains of an old garage
         I built a mausoleum around
         the old gnarled and withering crabapple
         it was my first dream
         beyond the black spots when I closed my eyes

she lit a votive every day for the rest
of her life, her only poetry
his death was not my fault
I was a useless appendage to her life
she gave me only the right to breathe
what good is dead love?

beyond unrequited


April 7, 2016 at 5:51am
April 7, 2016 at 5:51am
only for a short while
but that was not my vision of things
they were more than childhood
pursuits, discoveries
( with unkind comments like
ridiculous, frivolous, ad nauseum )
not supposed to last
Chopin and Bach
( how could masters not last? )
the ice rink
( sport, OK? )
the desire to kiss a boy
( snark )
wanting to be seen
to be felt
be heard

they wove themselves into a thick second skin

their anchoring glue unstuck a few edges
after five decades
one becomes accustomed to
the mundane
while blustering against
its claws
I have loved with passion
and only known desire’s embrace
heard often the songs of god
inspired beyond myself
felt as high as Everest
while plunging into the deepest crevice
I have seen myself flounder
at the brinks of fame
discovering the daggers of fear
nothing soothed
my inner turmoil
it grew and shrank
according to
mysteries I have yet to understand

but even without gifts I still believed in Santa Claus
April 6, 2016 at 3:06am
April 6, 2016 at 3:06am

no paltry diatribes about aching
bones, dinosaur heritage, in tells
yet undiscovered, museums filled with
dust, idyllic beaches
where lovers find themselves washed
up remains from Fukushima
an eye sore to spoil the atmosphere
of sunset, or sunrise, he was never there
to answer why is the sky blue
is it OK to be afraid of the dark
does it hurt to die?
and yes, ( even though you
never asked ) the scars are still raw
feeling amputated from a third
of my holiness, mother and child
alone without a god
caught without destination
like a whirly-bird in search
of a suitable piece of life
with a paper bag lunch for roots
the china and cutlery plastic
and so quickly discarded
nothing to help us take hold
and keep our bones upright
I think the pain of death
is nothing compared being in hell
that souls separating from flesh
slash huge holes in life
forcing us into zombies
for a few hours, I have befriended
darkness, eternity begins six feet under
but I’m not impatient for the surprise
afterwards, a Chinese fortune
cookie offering no choice
I am not yet sure why the sky is
blue, I see it reflect in my own eyes
and, were I a woman, would desire
to be buried with sapphires, hoping
one day that a compassionate archaeologist
would research how they came to be mine, I am
a collector of things, of stuff, most useless
on a Don Quixote quest to become a man
attached to a life that is mine
only for a short while

the difference between rambling at six and sixty


April 5, 2016 at 3:13am
April 5, 2016 at 3:13am
caught in the ether of laugh lines
inevitable stuff happens and pushes sanity

all fools are self-made men
( or a lecture to my older self before the shit hit the fan )

it could be proverbial, could be messy
depends on if you became an ER surgeon

if you did, flee the Mer and Der role model
remember the chatterbox years, free your heart

best intentions keep bad company in bed
every night and waylay sexy mornings

it’s less about remaining an enigma
— its first and last variations are solitude

even if you hear those bedtime stories
and start repeating them to your bestie —

than short-circuiting your dreams, blow them up
poster size to shine bright in the old folks’ home

remember Aunty and Granny, listless
without libraries and bridge tournaments

think knitting, needlework and book clubs
music, sing your heart out till you burst, literally

become an ace at breaking monotony’s cling
every morning a pot of gold worth a autobiography

not paltry diatribes about aching bones

if you ever want to walk bent in half with a cane
April 4, 2016 at 3:33am
April 4, 2016 at 3:33am
I do not pray each day
to remember the answers
questions are cemetery deep
do you love me? did you?
it is so hard to say
one way or another
helter-skelter takes over
and simple words morph
into a chattering against silence
come let's dance a foxtrot
an irregular throbbing
before all life-flow is high jacked
finally encased in hospice
survival depends on
love — but to talk
about it? why do we shy
away, afraid
of disappearing words
caught in the ether of oldness
it is always too late

in the blink of an eye everything is set right


April 3, 2016 at 10:44am
April 3, 2016 at 10:44am
will you hold me till I die?
beyond the moment of eternal dreams

where the river Styx runs slowly, there is no hurry
I am an elegy

a soft feather twitching away the pain
I have earned the time for patience

until your smile steps once again into my sanctuary
the Seine meandered as I erred

from one tributary to another
until I almost drowned in your twin rivers

I do not know what weakness you saw
I tried to hide all of their angles

since that day my personal geometry
made a complete circle and found you

in its orbit, ready to be convinced of my love
though I hoped you would never sound its depth

as we grew old on the four sunlit banks
I almost forgot the wild muddy waters that darkened

many hours of my dawn as an unexpected eclipse veiled
the contagion of a secret ache for those places

a garden, the red front door, my tearstained
childhood of words never spoken, the hate

restrained, silent and undocumented
you asked no questions and I, haggard

pray each day not to remember the answers

the waters of my innocence
April 2, 2016 at 10:42am
April 2, 2016 at 10:42am
My great aunt always said here's to life
She never dared to say live! dammit live

I hide behind rose-colored glasses, afraid
that someone will grab me
and shake until I belch out all the fear
and believe in love
why shouldn't I swear?

         Tristan's leitmotif is bittersweet
         its hope, engagement
         and smoldering love
         follow the opera for its beautiful hours
         chasing each shadow
         from souls curled too tightly in fear-filled chests

                   tried as I did, the weeds thrived
                   between roses, between daffodils
                   between iris
                   they had one will: to live
                   I taught them fear

                   at that time I did not realize
                   that wildflowers in the fields close
                   to our country cottage
                   were called weeds by city folk
                   I killed their blooms
                   I stole their tomorrows
                   a malevolent God, death
                   followed my hands

                   I begged for a spot
                   in the backyard where everything
                   might remain untamed
                   to grow and prosper
                   I could not understand why
                   only proper things were
                   allowed to thrive
                   and bear beauty
                   I was certain that I too
                   was meant to be stunted

         singers are larger than life
         seen too close their thick gaudy make up
         betrays the need to seem
         natural from far from the lime-lights
         no one sings for an hour to honor
         death's invitation
         a real broken heart moans, breathless
         but Wagner rejuvenates it, insane
         and vibrant with every emotion
         and melody a thread of gold
         every word sculpted into
         a collection of superlatives

         strangled by the pathos I wept for days
         for this God-like love and its
         music celebrating the birth of Atlantis
         it was the first time I felt alive
         and real enough
         to stand up tall and say
         I want my hands to be benevolent

tell me how you will hold me till I die
I am learning to believe in love

the death of two larger-than-life flowers

April 1, 2016 at 3:37am
April 1, 2016 at 3:37am
step away from longing
bypass the age of anxiety
WH Auden's poetry
or Bernstein's piano and orchestra
I bought Auden when I was 12
seduced by the title
it triumphed in solitude for years on
a white pine shelf, sanded fine
certain things need to be set apart
to blossom away from gray days
the monotony of rainfall
at the easel, colors have tales to tell
indulge them with a brush’s caress
they spring alive beyond
the dreams of our eyes
how does a dandelion conquer
a concrete sidewalk?
the colors express what they will
they are not our children
the brush is one of many tools
yes, certain things need to be set apart
hours of retribution or decadence
beer binges and lingering kisses
anticipating their happenings
to destroy clichés by reinventing
every step, one by one
breathe in every essence
and live! goddammit

a single book
April 30, 2015 at 9:07am
April 30, 2015 at 9:07am

Liberate yourself from this long battle. Meditate. In the cosmic order of things details sweat irrelevance. Think: tattoos branded into skin. A cowlick twisting hair away from fate's direction. Relive the victories like pigeons taking wing on a windy day. Smart ups and downs you think you control. Forget the rest. Meditate. You have never truly been the white eagle of your totem. You have grasped a certain wisdom as years fly into future. But it takes skills of business management to set it bouncing farther than your own life. Meditate. Aches and pains prey on your ease and catapult your sleep. Four decades. You stop counting birthday candles. Then five decades. Six too soon. You still think about ending it all before the eighth. When you look closely only solitude shines brighter than the north star. Perhaps in these final years the answer will fill the bottom of a bucket list with things truly possible. Venice one summer. Christmas on Fifth Avenue. A vegetable garden large enough to sell the abundance at the local market. One by one you remove the clogs from life so that the wheels can carry you downhill slowly and evenly. Meditate. Try to avoid that last pothole. But in the end. Only one thing awaits.

Letting life wind down

Prompt: The end of something
April 29, 2015 at 3:48am
April 29, 2015 at 3:48am
Prompt: A judgement.

We all want to hear words
as rare as an answered prayer.
Unmask the grand juries.
Let them see daylight.
Don't delete or slant evidence.
Shout a verdict that white cops
our unarmed children
in racial injustice.
Judge them with the severity
invoked when they judge our boys,
our husbands, our brethren
with bullets in their backs.
Let us hear a loud
"guilty on death row."
Will you worry they don't survive
in black & brown prisons
your prejudice has honed?
Let those cops understand
"treated like human filth."
And when one justice
exists finally
for every man,
then maybe
hope will return.

For now Baltimore must burn
April 28, 2015 at 5:55am
April 28, 2015 at 5:55am
I told her about starlight. What I had missed. My blues that haunted only shadows. Her words have always been fragile structures of origami. Pressed into layers of strangeness I adored but did not always follow. She liked mixing stone paths with slippery moss and rope bridges over crashing waterfalls and sashaying across the rough spots in pink high heels. Her life is a ballroom floor. Elegance. I never matched her for that. Nor all her other techniques for survival, because she did, does and will. I watch her reveal her inner firmament. Shining in places I only imagine.

I celebrate this day with humble words that float like mist. From my heart to hers. After sunset Venus will inspire the night sky for a few hours. She will spin a metaphor between Greek gods and the cycle of life. I will hum a Romanian lullaby learned long ago. We have different reasons not to sleep.

A blue mouse following her perfume
For C.D.M.

Prompt; a star, constellation
April 27, 2015 at 12:23pm
April 27, 2015 at 12:23pm

I should talk about cats. You know? Persians, tree cats, green Dr. Seuss cats, Chihuahua & Poodle cats. Did you know that flees cannot settle upon a rat's tail? And baseball bats. The best are made of ivory covered with a thin layer of plywood. Imagine killing all those elephants for a ball game! Those ivory trinkets we worry about? They all come from Australia. It's a special white plastic. The formula is just as secret as Coca-Cola. Piano keys? No ivory there either. White paint with silver extract covers ordinary wood. And hats? Like the thousands that are supposed to be in Queen Elizabeth's dressing room? Made from papier-mâché. Reusable like paper towels. Heard Elton John say that in a TV interview. He wouldn't be wrong, now would he? No one can have 3000 pairs of sunglasses.

talking though a hat

Prompt: a hat
April 26, 2015 at 11:03am
April 26, 2015 at 11:03am
never seen Scotland
green and raw
wail of pipes
over highlands
and lochs
a sad bluishness, even
when wedding mirth
claims the air
in mist as they call
the dead
to everlasting
so does the land vibrate
she knows
ashes and angels
taking care

to start, to end

Prompt: a musical instrument
April 25, 2015 at 7:01am
April 25, 2015 at 7:01am

A trail of black umbrellas twisting downwards through the park
In solemn worship of the rain
I have no hat and wear no cape
And worry that my bread will not stay dry
Tra-la-la & dippity doo, tra-la-la & dippity dee
In Dowland's madrigal style, listen to the singing Lark
I heed their wisdom to be sane
Its logic I cannot escape
A soggy meal is little means to cry
Tra-la-la & dippity doo, tra-la-la & dippity dee
A trail of black umbrellas twisting downwards through the park
In Dowland's madrigal style, listen to the singing Lark

song for a gloomy morn

Prompt: write a song poem
April 24, 2015 at 1:06pm
April 24, 2015 at 1:06pm
talk to me of the swimming pool, the shiny garden sheers
the new lattice work on the front gate, the muddy shovel still leaning
against the elm tree, the bucket of water waiting on the new azalea
the thick axe that killed the sycamore, the Lebanese cedar bonsai
put up the sun umbrella and serve yourself a glass of lemonade
the sun is hot, how well I know, I'm jealous of the bamboo chairs
in the rose gardens, you should really have anchored me under
the willows where the sun doesn't burn my brass armrests
ah, the sprinklers, thank you, but water is best for the lawn
at moments where the sun is not at its zenith, come back at
sunset with cushions for your back and write rhymes on the full moon

the garden mistress

Prompt: a piece of furniture
April 23, 2015 at 10:28am
April 23, 2015 at 10:28am
fifty shades of green spring
to contrast these blues
fields are toiled
ready to be penetrated
by knowing hands
that drop seeds into troughs
zigzagging a diamond pattern
like a caress
to enhance fertility
machines would bruise and bleed
at night these same hands
softened with scented creams
ready themselves
for more pleasant diversion
their warmth cools slowly
into morning's haze
where from this dream
the day's seeds
now attached firmly
to the moistness within
will swell and blossom
their wives
soon bear good news

the art of toiling

Prompt: one of these things is not like the other
April 22, 2015 at 5:05am
April 22, 2015 at 5:05am
a ménage à trois lives next door
and a little blond boy with glasses
in their tiny living space, I speculate
who sleeps where
reality TV on the same landing
probably the madonna and child
share the single bedroom
the skinny giant who stinks of cigarettes
and the blond with hair extensors
probably sleep on the folding sofa bed
no tawdry sounds cross the walls
separating my life from their fantasy
the little blond boy with glasses
smiles sheepishly when we cross
on the stairs, he trotting down
me returning home, his eyes say
yeah, adults are so strange
I know he’d add a cuss if he said it aloud
every Friday night
he jumps into his fathers arms
who always waits below on the street
they drive away on a motorcycle
for a couple of days in father/son mode

modes of living

Prompt: nothing about you

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