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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1925824
Poetry and Prose about life, family, thoughts & Lesbian concerns of heart
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Come in for a visit. I write about my life as a daughter, mom, grandmother, friend and life partnership with my lesbian wife. You may smile, laugh or cry, either way you'll have learned about life in America since 1938. ANN

And, my friend, I understand because all my silent years I was so deep into my church and Christian activities and feared 'sin' and felt shame when 'sex' was mentioned. Nobody spoke of the "horrible" sin they would not name (the rape of a child); At the same time, I watched ministers and deacons and Sunday School teachers sneaking around committing adultery, while I desired and lived 'without sin' as I knew sin to be as I was taught. I thought and studied the Bible and realized how today's preachers and teachers condemn only what they don't do or what a church leader has said to condemn; I've seen the woman run out of the church but not the man; I saw enough, and I knew the heart of love within me, from all through my life had its focus; it was never about 'having sex'.

...Heck, I didn't know about homosexuality until my college years; then I understood my heart and there was never a sexual thought associated with anyone before my marriage to the man who 'chased' me three years then almost murdered me 16 years later as my children heard the physical fight. After that I stayed single Mom, never dated, just had many friends and my children. Finally after raising my grandson, and knowing my own heart would never ever seek love from a man, I acknowledged that all my life, all of my relationship experiences and feelings clearly showed I had a heart that was drawn romantically with deep love that I could not ever express.

Then I moved to Portland, came out and you know you can read the rest of the story. I know how God created my heart. If I don't believe God created me as I am, how could I live? It has nothing to do with 'doing' anything at all; it is 'being' as my Creator created me.

I retired in Idaho then moved to Oregon to show my pride as a member of the latest hated group across America: I am a lesbian and when I came "Out at Sixty", I came with pride and joy that I no longer had to hold the secret or carry the shame thrown at gay men and lesbians. With that same pride, I accept all persons and their right to be who they are and live with joy, peace, and the pursuit of happiness.

I took a writing course at age 69 and began to write short stories, poems, essays, Op-ed comps and I found Writing.com where I am an Advocacy Writer, writing as an advocate for every person to have Civil and God-given rights each day as they pursue happiness for themselves and their families.

Yes, most of my writing has been about gays and lesbians, however, I believe every person in the world shares the same heart and spirit to live peaceably with all peace loving people; while seeking to change the minds of those who live with anger, hatred, prejudice, racism and such.

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April 6, 2014 at 12:58am
April 6, 2014 at 12:58am
7 Are you a self confident person by nature? Has that changed at any time throughout your life so far?

I am highly confident and have been most of my life.

As a child, I was timid and became a victim by an old uncle who was a pedophile during my tenth year. That led to extreme shyness, lack of self confidence, unable to trust, during my teen years until I was sixteen and began to participate at school and church in activities that required leadership, speaking in front of groups, participating in competition activities; all of those activities brought me positive attention and compliments from other people in my age group. The more I participated, the more my self value and confidence in myself increased. That year I decided I would go to college, was told by my father and recognized I was a lesbian but needed to keep it private until older, and I began to work as store clerk at JCPenney Co. I still continued to be 'too quiet' around older or more important people for twenty more years.

From age sixteen I continually increased my involvement with others, took on leadership roles requiring increasing public participation, and continued to grow through college and into my vocation which began with teaching eighth grade then became a public relations person in every professional position which I held. I could only do all the things I did in community, school/work, church, home, and in my personal life if I had had strong positive self confidence. I could hold my own with anyone in any situation except in "asking for the raise or promotion promised'; otherwise I did well. Working for nonprofit organizations, I changed jobs periodically (because I did such a great job I would exceed all my goals and get bored) and I always knew IF I GOT THE INTERVIEW I WOULD GET THE JOB. That worked perfectly until this woman turned 40 years of age, then it no longer happened! gender/sex discrimination was rampant then; just ask Gloria Steinem!

After I chose to retire, I chose two things: 1.. to come out publicly and proudly as the lesbian I always knew I was....even came out in a very conservative county via an 8 x 10 inch OP Ed column in the newspaper. Still proud of who I am. 2. to take a writing course at age 69 and came to Writing.com; you can tell I have a bundle of self confidence as a writer here at WDC with almost 2,000 items written and/or posted after receiving reviews and reviewing, interacting, participating as a writer here, and have published ten books on Amazon and Kindle as Ann Patterson, Lesbians Rock, plus other books.
Yes, I do believe I have a mound a mile high of self confidence.
April 4, 2014 at 10:51pm
April 4, 2014 at 10:51pm
Prompt: Imperfection~ in things, in people, in places add character to life. Tell us about an imperfection that you cherish.

"Hey, Annie, imperfect things aren't all bad. What's your opinion? What are some things considered imperfect, that you don't mind at all?"

"Maybe I think everything is as perfect as it needs to be. Take freckles, for instance. I'm not a redhead so I don't have as many freckles as most of them do, but I have my share of freckles. I've never thought they were something bad. They've given me something to joke about, with delight and charity. I don't mind them, at least all those sixty years they stayed like freckles, separate little tan dots across my nose. My problem now is that they've moved over to my upper check and have become "those brown spots" of old age. { Do you remember the TV ad where the woman said: "You call 'em brown spots, I call them ugly")At 75, I've got more of those brown spots, all tan, than I want. My paternal grandmother had many of them and I've got 'hers' on my left upper cheek.

On the other hand, my maternal grandmother, my mother and my sister, did not get any 'brown spots" and I'm lucky enough to say there are none of the brown spots on my right cheek. You can figure out which cheek I turn to the camera when one is pointed my way. Even with the ones I've got, people still think I'm no older than sixty; and that's very nice."

"Yes, I agree with them. You've had great skin tone and clarity all your life and lots of women have said they were jealous of your great complexion. Let me ask, however, in all the other places where there's an imperfection, which of those imperfections do you admire, cherish, like?"

"Well, there's a hell of a lot of imperfection in every Republican I know about. And, I do believe their imperfection is in "believing it's good that American government and political law-making is best left in the hands of the top 5% of the American people". Those who are wealthy, the top 5% of America non-taxpayers of course, tell the less-endowed Republicans how to vote. I think it's a terrible imperfection in ordinary people to vote whatever way the top wealthy people such as the Koch Brothers, Mitt Romney, numerous members of the House of Representative, and many ignorant money-hungry other super-super rich people, tell them. I'll never accept that imperfection as good for America; even as I accept that it's wonderful to be wealthy. I just wish the rest of us could share in that wealth. I can't because my piddly little Social Security Retirement Check is so low even though I worked hard all my career years."

"So you think being wealthy is an imperfection?"

"OH NO, I said the ignorance is in voters who vote for everything those wealthy Republicans tell them too. Those voters just don't 'get it', they don't get that the Koch Brothers, Romney and too too many others want power to CONTINUE to shift to them as they get their favorite 'pawns' elected by the working people who are too ignorant to figure that out. Only the Republican 'filthy rich' want America's laws to all be written their way so the 'masses', us working folks, can never have a chance at getting Elected Republicans to make and pass laws that help the working people, the elderly, the disabled, the financial disabled and so many hungry kids. All laws should benefit all Americans equally. That's not an imperfection."

"Annie, what else might be imperfect...name one you 'cherish' that you like. Please."

"That's an easy one. I love wood as furniture and art. The so-called imperfections like in 'barn wood' is wonderful, beautiful, cherished. It makes great furniture, wall panels, floors."

"I agree. Thanks, Ann for sharing your thoughts with your blogger friends."

"Tell them hello."

#Check out Welcome to My Reality: "Invalid Entry

April 3, 2014 at 10:12pm
April 3, 2014 at 10:12pm
502: April 4, 2014 prompt All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking. â%u20AC' Friedrich Nietzsche
What do you think? Does walking or exercise help you write?"

"Hey Annie, do you believe walking makes for a better writer? Nietzsche thinks so. What's your answer?"

"I say, writing makes you a better writer. So does reading. Maybe even knowing how to use a computer. But, walking?"

"Annie, You didn't answer the question. I know you've got an opinion; you've always got an opinion. So, how about it? Does walking or even other exercising like biking or climbing mountains or time at the gym make a person a better writer?"

"I'm thinking Tina Fey has the best idea. In the TV advertisement, she says, "I'm a mother and a writer. Sometimes I have to find a quiet place to hide with my computer and write." While there, she has writer's block and starts crying. To wipe her tears, she reaches for a scented dryer sheet, wipes her eyes and nose. Then suddenly, she has inspiration. "A Monkey as a Lawyer" she yells then starts writing fast. Days later, she goes to the store and buys three boxes of dryer sheets, used to soften clothes and add sweet scent. "My writing tools" she tells the clerk. So, better than walking might be ordinary scented dryer sheets. They're cheap too."

"Annie, there's something fishy in that. What was the TV ad all about. And, I still want your best answer."

"The TV ad was about a credit card! Okay, I think of it this way. Our brain is gray matter filled with little hutches to store all or ideas and memories and from which we pull those ideas and memories to write a story or poem or other item. Now, if the brain isn't healthy with all the vessels and veins pumping fresh blood to keep the brain functioning at its best, then we can't call on those memories and ideas to write a story. Exercise such as walking, jogging, biking, or spending time in the gym do get the blood pumping, taking away the old bad stuff, replacing it with oxygen that comes from breathing faster and faster. To breath deeper and faster is a good thing so that would mean if you walk or exercise in other ways, you're keeping your brain healthy. So, my answer is yes; walking can help you write. But you do need a bit of knowledge, inspiration, enlightenment, and the skill to put what you know into an essay, composition, short story, poetry or however else you choose to use the craft of writing."

"Annie, that's a darn good answer. Since I'm not a writer, I guess I'd better start exercising."

"Don't fool yourself, my friend. If you don't have the ability, don't want to take classes to learn, or know what you need to know to be a writer, you must do more than exercise. I'm sure of that."
April 2, 2014 at 11:04pm
April 2, 2014 at 11:04pm
April 3, 2014by Lyn (57)
PROMPT:Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite sex for a day?
What do you think your life would be life? Harder or easier?

Unfortunately, I'm having to go to message list to get Prompt, but that's okay.

"Annie, you're 75 now and I'm wondering, have you ever wondered what it would be like to have lived all these years as a man?"

"What kind of question is that? I've had a good life, wonderful kids and grandkids and now I'm enjoying eight great grandchildren. I'd rather be a mother and grandmother anytime. So, no, I've never wanted to be a man."

"Come on, Annie, look at how much money you'd have made if you had been a man during your professional career."

"You're right. My fifty-three year old son says it best when guys around him are bragging about getting a car for high school graduation. He totally understands how much he has benefited financially above and beyond his two sisters just because he's male. He knows they have never had the same opportunities he has."

"But, Annie, what does he say about new cars at graduation?"

Annie laughs. "He's a joy and totally understands. He tells the guys, "I would have gotten a new car for graduation if my mother had been a man. She had the education and intelligence but she didn't have that little 'dingy' so she was never paid equal to any man she worked with even when she was far more productive and successful in her career than the dumbo men were. You bet I would have liked to have gotten that car, but women are always discriminated against." That's what my son says."

"He's right, Annie, so don't you wish you had been a man those years?"

"Nope. I've never known a man other than my son who used the brains in his head half as much as his little brain that I won't describe here for benefit of my precious granddaughter." Annie laughed.

"You mean you've never even once wished you were a man?"

"Well, I guess if I were a man, I wouldn't have needed to 'come out' as a lesbian' because my heart would probably have been in love with special women many times. I just wouldn't have wanted to be a gay man because I've loved women the best since third grade and loved many very special ones through these 75 years. I can tell you, I'm glad I'm a woman, glad I'm a lesbian, glad I'm in love with another special woman, so my life is happy as a woman."

"So, Annie, you stand by your womanness."

"You darn right; being a women is beautiful. Women are kind and tender, at least 99.99% of women are. I'm one of them and lead with my heart. Being a woman is wonderful. Besides, we live longer lives than men do." Annie grinned then gave her friend a high-five.

April 1, 2014 at 1:00am
April 1, 2014 at 1:00am
April 1st Prompt F. H. Bradley said, "There are persons who, when they cease to shock us, cease to interest us."
Do we live in a society that needs scandal?

I don't know about scandal, but today I've decided dreams are a way of working through our worst fears.

The nightmare included many persons I knew in my career...the governor, my favorite bosses, my supporters and friends from my long career of working with well-known people I knew or worked with or worked for during my career. In the dream my medical condition, clinical depression, took over and I failed to perform in any correct way while keeping my awareness of the depression a secret held firmly within my mind. It was only after total humiliating failure in my public performance that I tried to explain to some of them how serious the depression was affecting me during my employment performance at the event. Soon I was crying and mumbling my excuses to those who had always respected me as a good person and professional. By then, I had failed so seriously, embarrassing myself my pitiful performance that it was the depression, not my normal way of working. By then, my actions and failures were deemed a total failure by those who had respected me and my work.

I awoke with all the horrible feelings of failure and disappointment such a true failure of experience would have caused me if it had happened in my thirty-five years career of years past.

Now at 75, I can look back and know without doubt just how excellent I was in my career; yet this dream tells me I spent all those years carrying with me a major fear of failure...hence, I performed very well to avoid failing.
This insight is important...too bad I couldn't have learned long ago to not fear failure. It puts a lot of pressure on anyone. Maybe it started in childhood when I tried to 'please' my perfectionist mother; I wonder.

I do not believe scandal 'runs' our society or has become obsessively critical to America or the world. I do believe there are scandalous people living among us at all times who take unfair and illegal advantage of other people and their life situations. Governor Christie is one of them who learned early in life how to use any situation to personal and financial advantage. Whether he is convicted or not, he will continue to manufacture situations to personal benefit, regardless of how scandalous. They are the fools of every culture, all their lives, not just on April Fools Day.

March 13, 2014 at 8:36pm
March 13, 2014 at 8:36pm
DAY 481: MARCH 14TH PROMPT Prompt: "Take note, take note O world. To be direct and honest is not safe." Is this quote true or not? Why?Thanks,

"To be direct and honest" is not always safe. I know from personal experience. All through my life, I have chosen to speak with honesty. And have at times paid a price.

For some reason, i have always been the person to whom others go when they disagree with a situation whether at church, in college dorm, at work, in the family , among friends and even at WDC. After a period of hearing their negative remarks and complaints, i finally reach my saturation point so i decide to publicly voice what i've been hearing.

Most often the response is for a positive change to be considered by "the powers that be" but sometimes, someone chooses to 'blackball me' for being the 'voice' of the negativism. I feel the pain deepest when that response came/comes from someone whom i had respected would see the BROAD PICTURE, not me as an enemy. That happened at church once and here second.

Having lived a very long time in thousands of situations, i've learned that it is better for criticisms to be 'put out there" so all-concerned are aware of the perceptions about a situation. Whispering of criticisms, most often invalid, weakens everything and i hate whispered criticisms, so eventually i give voice to them. sometime i pay a price and even lose a friend; even so, i find the bigger picture does have a positive change.

Because of alcoholism ans sexual assault in my childhood, secrecy reigned. When i became an emotionally-healthy adult, i vowed "no more secrets or hidden opinions/criticism" vowing to speak with honesty with hope lives and situations, etc. would be improved. Sometimes it does 'backfire'.

One day i returnec to my home-state to find my mother hospitalized due to my father's alcoholic behavior...i tried to find the words to tell my father my thoughts,....finally, before i left there, i wrote a note to him: "and, daddy, if that's love, hurting mother so bad, then i can't understand what love is". he responded to my note by leaving mom for months. Her response to me was deep anger and then her silence for more than a year!! Her anger at me wasn't physical, but it hurt my heart. (i had left their state because mom had used me as her sounding board of her anger at daddy too many years.)

March 1, 2014 at 7:00pm
March 1, 2014 at 7:00pm
I'll be going to OKlahoma for a while. I've received word that my aunt, the last of my prior generations of family, died this morning. I'll be gone for a while, Now, I am the oldest living of ALL my generation, both maternal and paternal. That sounds so lonely. ANN

I'll share this about my aunt:

Aunt Ree had a stroke last week at age 91 and passed away about 5 AM. I last talked to her a few weeks ago and she said she was tired and ready to go. She could no longer watch CNN on TV or read the Pauls Valley Daily Democrat. She has long been one of my heros in life. I admired her Strength, Wisdom and Grit. She has told me stories from her life which I shall always remember. She challenged the local bureaucrats in Paoli, Oklahoma. and was proud that one of them called her an AGITATOR because she did not accept his lies. She seemed to GLOW when she talked of the times spent with her Second Husband Vonley "BIG DADDY" Crouch. I was sad that he died after only a few years but thankful that she had the experience of being madly in love with a man who returned the depth and intensity of her love.

When she was about 11 or 12 she was hired to chop cotton. At the end of the day White men were paid $1.00, White women and Black men got .50 and White children and Black women got .25 for the days work. She insisted that they ALL had moved through the Cotton Patch at the same pace and that she deserved the same PAY as the White Men. She held out and got her EQUAL PAY. She was a Feminist and a vociferous Liberal Democrat and she and I often discussed politics.

Aunt Ree, If there is an afterlife I hope you will be reunited with your beloved Big Daddy and your children.
February 28, 2014 at 10:26pm
February 28, 2014 at 10:26pm
Blogging Circle of Friends " Day 467 March 1, 2014 Writing Prompt
Prompt: National Compliment Day What's the best compliment anyone has ever paid you?

writing too slow with broken hand:

the best compliment anyone has ever paid me was at my h.s. 50th class reunion when Agatha, perhaps the most popular among 1800 students said to me, "Ann, you were the smartest student in our class. I still remember many things you said in our Literature class; you always understood the complex things."
I was grateful and stunned for I had never been told such a marvelous thing. In school. i struggled to do well because i wanted to go to college. i did and was the first of generations of my families to have a college degree; my younger brother was second.
Agatha's compliment touched my heart and blessed my spirit.

ANN with one fingered typing. it will be 3 months before i can type with both hands again.

February 21, 2014 at 10:42pm
February 21, 2014 at 10:42pm
Prompt: Today, is International Tongue Twister Day. What tongue twisters do you know? Do you enjoy doing them with your family? Have you ever included them in your writing?
February 13, 2014 at 12:51am
February 13, 2014 at 12:51am
how did you meet your current/most recent romantic partner? if you have never been in a romantic relationship, how would you like to meet "the one?"

Meeting My Partner/Wife

All of my life, the cry of my heart had been, "I want to be me." Coming out was the time in my life that I said; "Now I am me, the person created 60 years ago." The day that I came out began a time of a quiet peace in my heart. Immediately, I felt relief that I had chosen to come out and would no longer feel the need to harbor a secret in the depth of my soul. I could be me.

At that time, my grandson was living in a small town near Portland, Oregon. When I drove to the area to visit him, I stopped in Portland to attend a discussion group at one of the gay bookstores. Following the meeting, I chose to visit the same "gay bar" that the group leader told me was her favorite place to meet friends of Portland's gay community, also called "family."

I am a teetotaler who prefers 'cherry-cokes" and I wanted to be around other gay people that evening. I met some new friends and, contrary to the opinions of straight people, I was not 'hit on' by any woman that evening or any other time I have been in a bar whose primary patrons are gay. Fact is: I was 'hit-on" by a straight guy who was there with his girlfriend.

My visits to interact with Portland's gay community continued for many months until I decided to move to Portland. Often I arrived in Portland and visited with many people of the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Trans (GLBT) community and learned their stories. One was a young man who came out and when he church leaders heard about it, he was demonized in front of the church congregation, then banished by both the church and his parents. His father had beaten another boy who came out as a young teen and another who came out as a young man. There were Lesbians who had to leave home or live their adult life without ever seeing their parents again. I was told about the young man who jumped off the freeway overpass because of the loss of his parents.

Thankfully, not all parents are destructive to their children. While they may be disappointed that their child may not make them grandparents, they love their child enough to accept them as the same child whom they loved the day prior to learning that he or she is gay. Parents, who want to understand, so that they do not feel conflicted, attend Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P.FLAG).

One day I became acquainted with a lesbian who was still grieving for her beloved partner had died of cancer a few months before. They were two people who loved each other so much that they lived as a married couple---in their hearts. While the law does not recognize marriage among same-gender couples, those who have fallen in love, consider themselves married.

Molly and I have been together fifteen years, purchased a house together and share all living costs just as opposite-gender married couples do. We share medical, dental, transportation and other family costs. The best that we share, other than loving each other, are Galileo and Indigo Girl---miniature Chihuahua-poodle doggies. We will not divorce because we are together "until death do us part" and because we could not bear to separate Gali and Indi.

My life is more peaceful and happy now more than ever. I am blessed. I am glad that God made me a lesbian and brought Molly into my heart and life.
February 10, 2014 at 6:32pm
February 10, 2014 at 6:32pm
"Blogging Circle of Friends " DAY 450 February 11, 2014 Writing Prompt Prompt : Are you watching the Olympics? What do you think? Did Russia meet the expectations placed on the host? {Especially with all the hype that was made in the news before the games began} What's your favorite event? Why?

I love the Olympics. I live my young dreams through them every four years. I was always strong and talented in athletics, girls sports, and wished every weekend I could go with the Ski Club. I never got to. My family struggled financially because of my dad's alcoholic need for money to pay for alcohol and gambling too those years. Even though I worked summers and weekly after age sixteen, I could spend not money on frills like skiing. Flying on snow or above snow has to be exhilarating.

The games aren't over yet so I'm not ready to applaud the Russians for security. And I damn sure won't applaud for their anti-gay bigotry, intimidation, arrest, assault. May their gods damn them too.

I loved the opening event with the amazing crowd of performers. The dramatic way they presented the history of their country was mostly technology antics, but the telling of their story was brilliant.

I'm anxious to see the first time event for women: flying...sky jumping....actually, it is flying! Women could always have done that but somebody out there wouldn't let them compete in that beautiful, daring event. This Olympics will allow us to watch the ladies soar*Laugh*

I want to ask all of you something.
Recently, Good Luck Charlie (a show on Disney channel, if you don't know what it is) aired an episode that had a lesbian couple in it. It has been the subject of a few articles online, and a lot of people are showing hate towards it now, saying that it's disgraceful, that they're not going to let their children watch the show any longer, things like that. Keep in mind it's the first time Disney did anything like that. I have a few questions to ask all of you. What do you think of Disney Channel's decision? What do you think of the reactions of hate towards the subject? If you don't support Disney Channel's decision, simply state that you do not and why (if it's not too hateful). I do not wish to see any hateful comments on my newsfeed update when I get back in three or so hours. Thanks for participating.

The same bigots, usually calling themselves 'Christians', blew up over the Coke commercial at Super Bowl because it showed two gay fathers/husbands with their daughter at a restaurant drinking Coke. Thank God Disney Channel has done the correct thing: show that gay and lesbian couples are normal in our society and thousands, yea millions, of children across America eat breakfast with one or two gay parents or, like my children and grandchildren, with their gay or lesbian grandparents. It's about time commercial groups, like Coke and Disney, recognize their gay and lesbian customers. We purchase all the kinds of items as all non-gay, "straights", "breeders", heterosexuals across the country purchase from all commercial entities. Children know about gays and lesbians, and they have no hatred until their parents TEACH them HATRED and bigotry. Just yesterday a potential NFL player came out and proud, pride enough to be who he knows his heart is, as a gay man. We, America's Gays, are everywhere in every store, place of work, restaurant, government office, school as students, schools as teachers, Congress (if the closeted gays were to tell who they are; they will when the bigots shut up) and in churches across the nation. I taught school, Sunday School, was a church member, ate at restaurants, walked down he street, held hands with anyone who reached out to shake my hand (especially on Sunday at church), and lived my life KNOWING my heart was that of a lesbian but fear kept me from saying who my heart was drawn to. I praise Coke and Disney and hope other corporations and the NFL will wisely and purposefully include gay and lesbian customers in their commercials. Americans, we are Americans whose heart was created to romantically be drawn to our own gender....we are not something to be feared. We are American citizens. Ackowledge us. There's no shame in doing so. Ann
February 7, 2014 at 11:19pm
February 7, 2014 at 11:19pm
Prompt: Do you feel Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are helpful organizations for today's children? Do they still meet the needs of our children in this electronic focused world? Were you a girl scout or a boy scouts? If you were share an adventure you had in scouting.

As a kid I was an active member of 4-H Club, for homemaking and farming back before 1950's. I learned many helpful things, especially to sew by hand and sewing machine and won many blue ribbons. I also learned to be a public speaker and won recognition in Oklahoma.

My son and daughter were in Brownies and Cub Scouts before 1970. They had fun, learned about citizenship and living a good life. They were proud of themselves, their scout friends and learned about living with others.

Both the organizations are valuable learning experiences for young people.

Today with so much focus on electronic relationships, these organizations give children a place and way to interact with others (without texting which teaches nothing because it causes children and youth to ignore people around them). It's dreadful that youth today learn to ignore other people and even the rights of other people just to keep their focus on their hands. I wonder what tomorrow's world will be like as a result. Just how empty will relationships be and how unintelligent the masses will become when nobody has to relate in person with anyone else and nobody spells words anymore. Dumb, dumb.

I am apalled that the sexual abuse by Scout leaders led to banning gay men from being Scout leaders. When a child is sexually abused, it is NEVER a homosexual man or woman. It is just the ugliest, most abusive, heinous human beings who are warped in a way they molest, assault, rape, destroy children of all ages and both genders. Such ugly, heinous human beings are everywhere in societies and cultures, homes and organizations around the world and they are NEVER homosexual men and women. The Catholic priests, Baptist ministers, evangelists and others who abuse little boys are NOT homosexual, they are pedophiles who prey on children under their power as priest, pastor, leader.

Actually, the boys and girls in the Scouts, athletic teams, clubs and such would all be better off if only homosexual human beings were their leaders. If that were true, none of the children nor the organizations would ever have to deal with sexual abuse unless a pedophile is hired.

I know what pedophiles do to precious children and many of their victims. The old toothless uncle who assaulted me when I was ten, was for years and years, the leader of the girls group at his lodge; oh yes, he was their man they always chose and I know he left a long line of children, girls 10 -12 in his wake when he finally died. In those days, the laws could not be used to arrest and imprison the abuser if he had done it years earlier....so I never could get him to prison where he wanted.

We need better ways for children to report sexual abuse, especially when it is the father or a relative who is the ugly, demented, heinous abuser of precious children. I think physicians should be required to ask children of every age who come to them "Does anyone ever touch your body on places your swimming suit covers up?" Otherwise, a child can never say "my daddy does and I don't like it".

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open the minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday.Keep up the amazing work!"Joy
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February 6, 2014 at 8:56pm
February 6, 2014 at 8:56pm
446: FEBRUARY 7TH PROMPT Prompt: If you had the choice, would you forget the worst thing that ever happened to you and all of its repercussions?Thanks,

Would I choose to forget the worst thing that ever happened to me? No. No. No. I don't want to forget. What I wanted and have done was to disarm myself from the emotional trauma of the 'worst thing' that ever happened to me.

Would I want to forget the repercussions of the worst thing that happened to me? No. No. No. That would mean I would have to forget all that I have been, my successes as well as my problems. No I am who I am because of EVERY event in my life, good or bad, the events, the things that have happened to me, ARE ME!

Would I wish they had never happened? YES. Would I like to know what/how my life would have been these 65 years since it happened when I was ten? YES

Every event in every life makes the person who the person is each day thereafter. I've had some faults, failings, heartaches, and such because of the worst event. AND, perhaps I've been stronger in many ways and made many personal and vocatonal accomplishments BECAUSE OF the baggage I carried after the worst thing happened. Some of that baggage made me depressed and self-conscious and less trusting of myself and others. At the same time, it gave me a sense of purpose for my life, determination to reach goals, awareness of who I really am as a child of God created within my spirit as a good and honest and self-actualizing person. Had the trauma not have happened, maybe I would have been opposite the good, honest, caring, kind, compassionate, decisive, goalsetting, dreamer, that I have as who I am. I cannot measure all that I am as if the worst event as tramatical as it was, had not happened because I can never know both the good and sad/bad of my life that might or might not have made me who I am today at 75.

I have written about all the bad things that happened to me and I have shown myself as a good, decisive, well adjusted, happy woman at 75 and it happened because of ALL OF MY LIFE EXPERIENCES.

To anyone who has had far worse things happen, I encourage you to get good counseling so the emotional baggage can be put in its place; it never disappears, but the emotional baggage can be put out of your reach, behind you, in its memory bank but without power. When you've done that with the emotional baggage, you can become all that you were intended to become and you can love the spirit within you, that child's spirit, you very best self. When that happens, you are free to become what you dream. I've dreamed of writing a book for sixty years, and this year past, that dream came true. In fact I'm now proofing my tenth book "Annie Oregon Goes West" and it's an excellent book, far better than I had ever dreamed. You see, that worst thing has not prevented me from being all I can be. I'm deeply thankful for the wonderful counselor, Joyce Turnboom of Boise, Idaho, for her help and I wish you to find such a wonderful counselor.

February 6, 2014 at 1:31am
February 6, 2014 at 1:31am
t is opening day of the Olympics OT: It's a good thing, I am not asking you about National Lame Duck Day.
Prompt: After spending 12 hours with out electricity, I am wondering what other people do to preserve things in their homes, stay warm and keep their family members amused. If you live in other places around the world, does this happen often where you live?

Having grown up 1938 to teenage years of the 1950's, I experienced every day with NO electricity or gas heating or fireplace. Today, when the electricity goes off, I have an Aladdin lamp with a wick and globe which provides excellent lighting as it did all my childhood years. I remember those days when we read, did our homework and got along just fine with kerosene lamps in the home and a lantern to use when outside at night. Oh, that reminds me we had no indoor plumbing so the path to the outhouse, a two holer, was very dark. My sister and I would take the lantern and walk without fear to the outhouse at night, then as soon as finished with our business there, we RAN back to the house, the first one seemed to always have the lantern and left the second sister in the dark with that childhood fear "A boogey-man just might catch up with you!!"

No gas or electric heat today... no problem, just use the fireplace. Back in those childhood days, the pot-bellied stove burned coal and was extremely warm in the house both for warming people and pets but to dry the laundered clothing on Saturdays and Sundays until they were nice and dry, no softeners though and lots of ironing to do, even the pillowcases were ironed and all the clothing just to make them smooth and unwrinkled.

No electricity, no television and certainly no computers!! Back then we listened to the radio for news and evening entertainment. The BIG batteries could not be recharged so the radio time was dotted out carefully for only the news and certain programs..........Mom always listened to her daily radio serials like "Just Plain Bill" and "Portia Faces Life" which was every woman's favorite as dear Portia had man problems and other life problems like the mothers doing their ironing. Oh, the ironing was with a blue iron which had a type of gas in it then the woman pumped air in to make it work. The blue/yellow FLAME that heated the iron always scared me while I watched my mother and grandmother iron the clothing. Now I HAVE that iron as a very special item from my childhood.

Nowadays, 2014 when electricity is off, I read or sleep. When the gas is off, I put a fire in the fireplace. When the television and computer have no power, I read. To be warm, I bundle in a blanked as at night, the little dogs sleep at my feet so they keep my feet warm. I have candles if I need them in the dark of the night when electricity is off. Life today is so much easier with electricity and such, but we were happy in those olden days before 1950 when we didn't have television and a light in every room. ann
February 2, 2014 at 6:29pm
February 2, 2014 at 6:29pm

Prompt: What do you think of competitive sport? I know some members of our circle are avid sports fans, but do you think the obssesive following of sport is overrated?

The best part of competitive sports was in the 1950's when I was playing basketball, softball and field hockey. Those were my happiest days. On the basketball court, playing guard sometimes forward at other times while Paoli played Wayne and other schools in front of a cheering crowd of patrons who packed the gymnasium every Friday night to watch our Jr Hi girls game first, then the boys then Senior Girls then Senior Boys. What an evening it was every Friday. I loved the cheering crowd, the successful efforts at getting the ball from the other team. We played hard to win. Sadly, we moved from Oklahoma so my playing in front of a community crowd was over; but it's one of my greatest memories.

I continued to play after school sports and loved every minute of it. I wish I could join a team right now, at 75 I know I can still make the baskets and dribble all the way down the floor to make my favorite shot.

At times, I get involved in watching competitive sports, basketball, baseball and even football. Who in America chooses to miss the Super Bowl and today, it's a wonderful experience again as I hope th SeaHawks win; after my sweet Molly is from Seattle.

I regret that so much money is involved in sports in America for it keeps too many ordinary people from going to the games. As for the Super Bowl, it's ludicrous how expensive the worst seat far up an to the corner costs: $2,000 if you're lucky to even find that. How ridiculous and oh how much it takes away the sportsmanship there should be.
January 31, 2014 at 8:48pm
January 31, 2014 at 8:48pm
Prompt: Tell us how you feel about the freedoms we have. Do you believe we are really a symbol of freedom? There are many people believe that America has lost its ideals, what do you think?

Yes, America keeps changing. In recent decades, some of America's ideals have been challenged by a segment of the Republican Party who touts freedom from government while doing all they can to tie a noose around women's bodies with ghastly laws declaring the government's right to decide what should and should not happen to a woman's body. That minority of Americans within the Republican party tout the Bible as their guide as they endanger the best of what America has stood for more than two hundred years, "the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." If they are allowed to continue to foist their horrible beliefs onto all Americans, the freedom to life, to liberty, to happiness will have been abandoned. There is great hypocrisy in their attitudes and the laws they continue to demand: they misinterpret the teachings of their own Bible to take authority over every woman's body in this great country while spitting in the face of every woman and declaring their right as government to decide the fate of every woman, to force medical tools to be shoved within the bodies of young female Americans, and for the government to demand her womb be used for the government's purposes. The ugliness of their words and actions and the horrible hypocrisy is beyond belief and totally unAmerican.

I still cannot understand why their own women, in the homes of the Tea Partiers, give consent to the attitudes of them men such as F..n' Huckabee who never seem to understand there's a man responsible every time a woman becomes pregnant because the man is unwilling to have a vasectomy to prevent impregnating his wife; instead Huckabee in his ugly words said women get pregnant because they can't control and contain their libido; he never mentioned it's a man whose libido leads him to impregnant a woman and the women seeking an abortion never asked for the man in his runaway libido to impregnant them. There is a simple way to stop abortion if the government has to be involved as the Tea Partiers desire: it's simple, pass a law that every man must get a vasectomy. Do that and there'll be no need for laws against abortion or against the bodies of the nations' women. If every penis could not spew sperm wherever the man wants, no abortion and no need for laws against women's bodies and their health.

While a few Tea Partiers in America keep blotting the image of America as the land of freedom, there are far more who continue to fight to keep America the nation who believes in freedom, in liberty for all and cares for its people. These are the ones who will win the fight in the long run. They will again and again.
January 30, 2014 at 11:43pm
January 30, 2014 at 11:43pm
"Blogging Circle of Friends "
What is your opinion of classic literature (Sophocles to George Orwell and everything between)

Those of us who went to college for a liberal education degree understand the value and importance of classic literature. No person is considered educated unless they have read something considered classic literature. I loved those classes in English Literature, American Literature, and all the other opportunities of learning the thoughts of generations of writers who lived throughout history. The more we learn of the past and the ideas and thoughts of past generations, the better we can understand the present and look with positive feelings toward the future.

Some people like my father who finished high school had no opportunity in 1935 of going to college here in America. Life was extremely hard as the Great Depression ended, especially when there were twelve children in the family and everyone worked to help make ends meet. Even though Dad could not go to college, he spent his forty-seven years of life, so few as an adult, reading and reading. He crammed as much knowledge into his mind as I might have done by the I graduated from Fresno State College in 1960. My brother and I had purchased a set of Americana Encyclopedias and my father read those from A to Z as if they were a novel. He read the literature books I brought home from college and he read the Bible through more than once. He became a learned man, educated on his own and he knew the classic literature of the past was important reading to be a full citizen in the present.

People who haven't read Aristotle and Yeats and Tennyson and Frost and all the others who have written about life and the world's people and how to live in the world, are missing something important. Those who have never checked out a library book live a simple life. I've known them, lived with them, watched them pursue life and they do have something missing. Depending on movies, radio, television is not enough to understand this complicated world, governments, poetry, essays, available to teach more than the advertisements on television. They have a narrow view of the world and they often put down those of us who reference literature, psychology, government, cultures, environment, and all the topics available to us by writers of centuries and the present.

In the 1960's too many teenagers who read one book, only one, SAlinger's Catcher in the Rye, never understood the depth of what Salinger was saying as he wanted his readers to think in a broad sense about mankind and the way they live, and have lived in the past and what might make good changes. Three of those teenagers read 'the surface' skimmed through the good parts and took ideas that led them to kill John Lennon and two other famous assassinations. Had they read Chaucer, Mark Twain, even James Joyce and other great writers' work, they could have had a more rounded view of the world and people. They chose ignorance.

Choosing to see life in simple terms never kills anyone, but an empty mind does't lead very far. Educated people who know the writings of the past and the present, are the ones who keep changing the world for the better.

Look at the Tea Party in America....such ignorance. I wish there was a survey about the Tea Party Religious Right and others in that Party to show the rest of us just how uneducated they are and that is why the socalled members can be lead around by the nose by ignorant ministers in the pulpit and ignorant politicians all around them. They don't understand enough to question what they hear from their 'teachers/leaders' and I find that very sad.

Read to become educated, but read something that builds up the person, the mind, the motives; not junk or just television and movies which offer no benefit.

When a generation again thirsts for education like those who fought and won World War II did, then this nation and this world will be a better place again.

January 30, 2014 at 4:28pm
January 30, 2014 at 4:28pm
Prompt: What is your zodiac sign? (see http://www.psychicguild.com/horoscopes_explained.php) Do you notice any similarities between the description and yourself?

This is one of the worst reading of a Leo that I have ever read. While the first line "ruled by heart" fits me, the rest does not. It says Leos accepts ended relationships: I do not. Right now my friend of forty years no longer contacts me but my love and friendship for her is unbroken and I still call her to have short conversations knowing the reason she dropped me is that she was so fearful when I came out as lesbian that her friends would therefore think she was. I'm sure she's never told anyone why I left Idaho. My friend of sixty years never contacts me but Istill call her preiodically. I never accept that a relationship is over; even when my heart is broken.

This untrue in every way reading says leos cut ties. I never do because every tie I've had was real to me and I hold hope for renewal.

This terrible reading says leos manage to survive life's stormy times with style and humor. Hell no. Leos are humans who suffer in stormy times, tragedies and traumas and holds the pain close as I do for decades before letting go.

This dreadful reading says are clingy and can't bear to be alone. Not me, I have spent years and hours as a single mom and a single woman and have enjoyed my life and time and always found writing or something to do that was important.

That's all I'll say about this horribly wrong reading. Through the years I have read what many psychics, seers, and others with that other worldly wisdom, and they have been accurate but I'd never trust the person who scribbled the reading below. She doesn't even mention the traditional matters that all others do.


Love triumphs over all for this sign, which is ruled by the heart and operates from this dimension too. Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour.

Once a Lion is committed to a relationship, they are totally devoted and faithful. Should their heart or trust be broken they never forgive or forget. When a relationship breaks down (even a long standing one) they can disappear into the sunset without a backward look. Leos can cut ties, and leave others heartbroken, but usually there is a good reason why they have broken a tryst. For a Leo, when a relationship is over, really over, it is over for good.

There are three levels of soul-evolution of the Leos. The highest is represented by the Sphinx; wise beyond their years and great teachers to others. The second is the Lion, King of the Jungle, ruled by ego but always protective and sustaining of those they love. The last is the Lion Cub, immature and undeveloped, frightened by anything new. These Leos cling to others (in the mode of the child not wanting to leave its mother's side).) They can't bear to be alone.

No matter what level they have attained, all Leos are trendsetters, leaders and adventurers. Their weakness is their pride. This is one sign where the saying "flattery will get you everything" applies, but be warned criticism will slam the relationship door right in your face.
Star Sign Compatibility

How compatible is your star sign with another star sign?
your fully- detailed astrology report no ordinary horoscope can provide.
If you were born on the first or last day of a Sun sign, in astrological terms you were born on a cusp. If that's the case, you will probably benefit from reading your own Sun sign and the Sun sign that ends or begins right before or after your date of birth. For example, if your birth date is 22 December, your Sun sign is Capricorn, but you probably have some Sagittarian traits as well

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Mark Twain: "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open the minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday.Keep up the amazing work!"Joy
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** image:1966552-50%} ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open the minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday.Keep up the amazing work!"Joy
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January 28, 2014 at 9:00pm
January 28, 2014 at 9:00pm

Prompt: What do you think of console gaming? Have you ever tried it?

Neither I nor my partner/wife Molly know what console gambling is. We know about online gambling and gambling at the casinos.

I love to play Blackjack and in the early years of playing at the gaming tables, I won a lot; all the time, seldom went home without profits in my wallet.

The I quit winning and tried harder.

Finally I understood I had become addicted to playing, gambling, not wanting to quit playing blackjack.

Now, maybe once a year I will stop at a Casino once a year, for a few minutes, with my twenty dollarbill and leave if I lost it. I know it's an addiction and I no longer choose to throw away my money. It's strange how the addiction slowly slips up and engulf a person who must become wise and stay away or they could lose everything. Online and parler gambling games are addictive and can ruin a person's life and take away their joy.

Be wise when gambling; if it quits being fun, stop.


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open the minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday.Keep up the amazing work!"Joy
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** image:1966552-50%} ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open the minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday.Keep up the amazing work!"Joy
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January 27, 2014 at 1:44pm
January 27, 2014 at 1:44pm
Prompt: What inventions would you improve with your new found skills that will only last for 72 hours?

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