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Rated: E · Book · Emotional · #1925824
Poetry and Prose about life, family, thoughts & Lesbian concerns of heart
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** Come in for a visit. I write about my life as a daughter, mom, grandmother, friend and life partnership with my lesbian wife. You may smile, laugh or cry, either way you'll have learned about life in America since 1938. ANN

And, my friend, I understand because all my silent years I was so deep into my church and Christian activities and feared 'sin' and felt shame when 'sex' was mentioned. Nobody spoke of the "horrible" sin they would not name (the rape of a child); At the same time, I watched ministers and deacons and Sunday School teachers sneaking around committing adultery, while I desired and lived 'without sin' as I knew sin to be as I was taught. I thought and studied the Bible and realized how today's preachers and teachers condemn only what they don't do or what a church leader has said to condemn; I've seen the woman run out of the church but not the man; I saw enough, and I knew the heart of love within me, from all through my life had its focus; it was never about 'having sex'.

...Heck, I didn't know about homosexuality until my college years; then I understood my heart and there was never a sexual thought associated with anyone before my marriage to the man who 'chased' me three years then almost murdered me 16 years later as my children heard the physical fight. After that I stayed single Mom, never dated, just had many friends and my children. Finally after raising my grandson, and knowing my own heart would never ever seek love from a man, I acknowledged that all my life, all of my relationship experiences and feelings clearly showed I had a heart that was drawn romantically with deep love that I could not ever express.

Then I moved to Portland, came out and you know you can read the rest of the story. I know how God created my heart. If I don't believe God created me as I am, how could I live? It has nothing to do with 'doing' anything at all; it is 'being' as my Creator created me.

I retired in Idaho then moved to Oregon to show my pride as a member of the latest hated group across America: I am a lesbian and when I came "Out at Sixty", I came with pride and joy that I no longer had to hold the secret or carry the shame thrown at gay men and lesbians. With that same pride, I accept all persons and their right to be who they are and live with joy, peace, and the pursuit of happiness.

I took a writing course at age 69 and began to write short stories, poems, essays, Op-ed comps and I found Writing.com where I am an Advocacy Writer, writing as an advocate for every person to have Civil and God-given rights each day as they pursue happiness for themselves and their families.

Yes, most of my writing has been about gays and lesbians, however, I believe every person in the world shares the same heart and spirit to live peaceably with all peace loving people; while seeking to change the minds of those who live with anger, hatred, prejudice, racism and such.

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April 14, 2015 at 11:53pm
April 14, 2015 at 11:53pm
Use this sentence in a poem or story: "On a windy night in.............."

One Windy Night

On a windy night in a setting sun place,
both were tired from the daily pace;
she on a donkey, him by her side
for many days, now both were tired.
Ahead were fires at Bethlehem,
They hurried. The sunlight was dim.
Near the edge of the dark little town,
from the donkey, he lifted her down.
They went inside to seek a place to sleep,
were guided down a hill; it was quite steep,
to find a place in the manger with hay
The babe was born on earth that day.
The stars in the sky began to brighten
causing Shepherds to be frightened.
They saw angels who told them to trod
to a manger to find a child, Son of God.
Their hearts believed, and after a prayer,
they hurried through town, "A baby's there
in the manger at the edge of town."
People expecting to see God's own Son,
Rushed to knell and worship the One,
they believed would change every life
and bring peace instead of the world's strive.
Years passed and some took part
in a crucifixion, breaking God's Heart.
Together in the heaven many still know
the story of Jesus that happened long ago.


"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" day 407 April 15, 2015
Prompt: "I am still a cat when I see a mouse." Jane Austen Jane was referring to her weakness for tea. What is your weakness or cat and mouse moment?

There was a lady named Alice
who wished she lived in a palace;
She was addicted to all good chocolat
Could never ignore it; so it made her fat,
like when a cat sees a little mouse;
it just has to meow and ponce.

April 12, 2015 at 10:29pm
April 12, 2015 at 10:29pm
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 406 April 14, 2015 French philosopher and political activist Simone Weil (1909–1943) said, ““Never react to an evil in such a way as to augment it.”What is your interpretation of her words?

This brings a short story to mind: the little girl runs to her Daddy saying "Brudder hit my hand with his toy truck" Little boy yells, "I did not, Daddy, I did not" then his denial and sharp tone cause her begin to cry "it hurt, Daddy, real bad" and little boy says, "I did't do it; she's lying" then little girls screams, "he's mean Daddy, he hurt me so bad", and little boy yells.............and she keeps escalating the hit, crying louder, grabbing Daddy's leg, "Oh it hurts so bad, Daddy, it's broken, see"............etc.

In this case, the little girl has reacted to 'an evil in such a way as to augment it." That's how I interpret the quotation and the same thing happens with adults even more than the reaction and escalation of children.'


DAY 880 April 14, 2015 Please wait until Neva posts the end of the day.Create what ever you want using these words... grass, hike, growing, thunder storm and party. I can't wait to see what creation you will give me.

I just couldn't write what might be expected:

A party of three drove to the jungle.
One of them hoped three would mingle,
before a thunder storm came their way
so they chose to hike some other day.
One suggested a Friday night hike
on the speedway late by bike
then a growing storm brought rain
so they decided to take the train.
One was late when he fell on his ass
when he slipped on wet green grass.
No party with booze for good cheer
They gave up and went for a beer.

I just couldn't write what might be expected.

#"Invalid Entry
April 10, 2015 at 11:11pm
April 10, 2015 at 11:11pm
Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 875 April 11, 2015

Prompt: Have you ever gotten caught doing something embarrassing? Tell us the story.

Let me tell you about Indigo Girl, our curly blonde little four-pounder. She's gone now; died in Molly's arms while watching the door hoping I would get home before her eyes faded and death came. I didn't make it. She had a wonderful gift and purpose in her fifteen years as our precious Indigo: she gave love daily to everyone.

She never played with toys; she just gave love. Her embarrassing moment was the day she was alone in the room, nobody around, and having fun with her tiny teddy bear. She threw it up, shook it soundly, probably was laughing at it. THEN, I walked in. The playing stopped suddenly; sheepishly she looked with the words coming my way:..."No, Mommy, I wasn't playing with Teddy. See, he's just lying there and I was just sitting here waiting for you," Oh yes, she was embarrassed and never got caught 'playing' again*Smile* We miss her love every day.



"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 403 April 11, 2015 Winter can be too cold and summer can be too hot but spring and autumn are usually the most comfortable temperatures. Which do you prefer? What are some places and things that make you comfortable? Why do they make you feel that way?

I love summer; no matter what the temperature, I'm happy being warm.

Right now my yard is filled with over a thousand bright tulips, they make me feel comfortably with their beauty and brightness after winter's gray. I love the maples and other green leaves flapping in spring showers reminding me of our Creator's masterpieces which I see every day.Sll the beauty brought by Spring gives me comfort for it means warm weather will soon come and I'll be warm while maintaining my flowers, lawn, trees; they keep me busy and that makes me comfortable. Accomplishing each outdoor task gives me joy.


April 10, 2015 at 4:40am
April 10, 2015 at 4:40am
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 402 April 10, 2015 Here in the states, one week in April it is free to visit to National Parks. What do you think you would see at a National Park that you would not see in your local woods? They advertise that the images you see in a National Park you will remember for a lifetime. Do you think this is true or false?

I BELIEVE IT IS TRUE. Nowhere else in the world will you find Half Dome as it is in Yosemite National Park or the mudpots in Yellowstone... Every National Park was set aside because of something totally unique there which deserved protection as the nation continued to become what America is today. Without having been set aside for all Americans to 'own' each of those unique places would have been absorbed into the private land and home owned by a wealthy person who would have had no obligation to allow other people from around the world, to view the amazing features. By setting them aside and caring for them to preserve the uniqueness, the government made absolutely wonderful decisions.

I am thankful for their farsightedness.


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** in the beautiful language of the Cherokee. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday."Joy
April 8, 2015 at 10:41pm
April 8, 2015 at 10:41pm
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 401 April 9, 2015 Prompt: "The Edge Of Tomorrow." What does this mean to you?

The Edge of Tomorrow as a phrase reminds me of 'turning points" when history was bound to change, socially, spiritually, musically, scientifically, technologically, ................

The day the bomb ended the World with Japan in Hiroshima then Nagasaki, the world was 'standing on the edge of tomorrow' for there had never been such a sudden horrific quick ending of a war and never an atom bomb before that day; afterwards, came the Cold War about atomic and nuclear energy, a recognition that nations must find a better way to prevent or deal with wars Thus came united Nations and greater attempts at preventing another "world" war that could lead to such carnage in one blast; Humans keep finding weapons and reasons to wage wars within nations while nations with nuclear possibilities are determined the future will never again use such weapons as atomic and nuclear energy.

The week that Elvis Presley's first records hit the charts and "Rock around the Clock" was a hit, it was at the Edge of tomorrow. Teen music and other types of music have continued to "rock" in sounds and methods that had never been heard before, not even the 1920's which had its own "Edge of Tomorrow" with the Crash of 1929 Stock Market; Nations have found ways to prevent the major losses of that day when millions of people lost their reason to live when their money was suddenly gone although right now the economic and financial world do have Banks that are too big to Survive and when they fail, it will be another 'edge of tomorrow' unless nations put the right markers in place.

When Henry Ford put the first motor car complete built on an assembly line, one right behind the other, car after car rolling out of the factory, it was another Edge of Tomorrow. The world cannot imagine being without 'wheels' on which motorized or electric vehicles can take people anywhere.

When computers were suddenly at a price with major manufacturing that allowed more that a few wealthy organizations or governments have Computers for everyday use then the coming of the Internet are two powerful Edge of Tomorrow events that have forever changed the way of life and the world. My typing this message to be sent around the world in an instant proves the Edge of Tomorrow has happened and will be something more and better as time goes by; why, computers may even make it unnecessary for people to have a mouth or ears but only have thumbs to tap something to send information, thoughts, news, etc.

"the Edge of Tomorrow will come again and again periodically
as human minds find new ways to live on the earth OR
in space, which will be the greatest 'Edge of tomorrow."


"Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 873: April 9, 2015 Prompt: What are you procrastinating right now? Why haven't you done it yet?

Exercise! Exercise! I'm procrastinating EXERCISE! It's too cold outside I tell myself. My muscles are aching from yesterday's exercise. I'll do an extra amount of exercise tomorrow. I......


"30DBCVotMS Main Group"
Unofficial 30DBC Prompt for April 9, 2015 Prompt: We’re being good, polite tourists. (I hope!) Each of you meet someone. Tell us about the encounter. Where are you and did this person tell you a story, perhaps their life history?

She was sitting alone at the end of a bench and smiled as I walked by to view the ships in New York Harbor. All of New York was such a giant city beyond the harbor, such a contrast to the elderly woman sitting alone.

When I walked by toward her, she reminded me of elderlies whom I often saw in their rocking chairs, alone on the front porch of a broken down farmhouse. Life had passed them by as they became old and alone. Perhaps their families were deceased or living faraway. I passed by also.

I decided I didn't want to just smile and resume my quick steps. I stopped. "Hello."

She looked up, smiled again, then said, "Hello, young lady. Are you from here or just visiting for a while?'

I welcomed her graciousness so I sat on the bench beside her. "My name is Ann. I know you have a story to tell." I smiled.

She reached her thin, pale hand and rested it on my shoulder as she looked into my eyes. "Yes, there are many stories in my mind. It has been a long time since I told those stories to my daughter. She was about your age when the cancer took her. As a little girl, she loved hearing my stories. You see, Ann, I was a child when my parents came from Ireland. I remember we had to spend three days at Ellis Island before we were given permission to enter the city. It was small then and the boat that took us to shore seemed large and it was crowded."

"I remember when studying history about the potato famine in Ireland."

"Yes, you studied about it and my family survived it. It was very sad for us to leave my grandparents there but my father wanted a better life for me. He was sure America was a place where he could find land and one day have a farm of his own."

"I hope he did."

"No, it wasn't in God's plan, I guess. Our first months here were difficult but my father began to work in a shoe shop where he could earn enough to provide the food and home which we needed. It was a small apartment but big enough for the three of us. When I was twelve, a very nice neighbor who moved into an apartment at the end of the hall. She taught me to read, and to write. Eventually I began to write poetry and share it with her. She encouraged me."

"How wonderful. Knowing how to read is so very important for everyone. Do you still write poems?"

"No, these hands don't work very well for me now. The lady I still call Teacher liked my poems and one day she took one to the early newspaper here. They printed it in the newspaper and paid me five cents."

"Are you still a writer? Did you write any books?" I was excited as I hoped to hear she was well known as an author.

I thought I saw a tear in her eye as she looked down at her hands.

"No. She died of the influenza, as did my mother. My father was glad I was old enough to keep the house and cook while he continued his work. Eventually, the owner of the shoe store died and left the shop to my father. I stayed home and wrote to pass the time away. I still have the old notebooks of my poems and stories." She looked away. "I suppose they'll be thrown away when I'm gone."

"I know we have just met. But, I would love to read some of them. Would that be possible?" I knew I might be asking too much. I also knew hers was just a story, even so, I hoped..."

"If you wish to walk and take the bus with me, I will gladly show them to you." She stood up and waited for me to join her.

As we walked toward the bus stop, I could feel excitement building up in me. I wondered what this visit might bring."

April 8, 2015 at 12:34am
April 8, 2015 at 12:34am
Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 872: Wednesday, April 8, 2015
DAY 872: Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Prompt: What are ten things that you like or dislike about April

April, now who was she? Oh yeah! she was the b..... plus nine more ugly names here as the wife for a while of my Ex during the years he was mean toward me. April? Well she was a b.....tch of the worst sort who said everything possible to my thirteen year old daughter at every visitation to try to get my daughter to hate me, her dear and wonderful mother................ Outcome, that April, b......h did not succeed; my precious daughter is dear and wonderful and in every way she and I are still best friends; actually she was so proud of being raised by a mature single mom that she waited until my same age of those years, 32, before her first child was born. That ugly April did not win the mind of my precious child. I just spent three days with my daughter and her ten year old daughter who is now a single mom and knows how to be a good one.

OH, the prompt didn't mean that April, it means this beautiful month of Spring, Easter, sunshine, warm days with a few showers and a bit of rain, everything about April is beautiful including more than a thousand colorful Tulips in my front yard which truly beautifies our neighborhood...people stop their cars and pickups to look at them.



"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
Day 400 April 8, 2015

Prompt: It has rained 3 days in a row. After it has stopped raining, you notice a giant sunflower that reaches clear to the sky. There is a rainbow above it. Do you get brave and climb it? What or who is at the top?

At the front of my home are more than a thousand blooming tulips of all colors. When the rain stopped this morning, I was stunned. In the midst of my tulips was a giant sunflower. I couldn't even see the top somewhere up in the clear blue sky. The beautiful rainbow above it seemed to be honoring me as a lesbian, one of millions of gay human beings for which rainbows are symbols.

Quickly I put on my denims and shoes and began to climb, higher and higher. It was easy to climb; never once did I think I would fall. At the top in the center of the sunflower was a house. First, I peeked in through the window and saw a male figure eating his meal, breakfast I suppose. He didn't look fearsome so I knocked on the door.

When he answered the door, I said, "Hi. My name is Ann. I just climbed up this giant Sunflower plant to see what there was to see."

He smiled. "My name is Jack. Are you telling me that my beanstalk has become a Sunflower?"

Finally, I knew what had happened to Jack after he climbed up the Beanstalk so long ago.

April 7, 2015 at 6:00am
April 7, 2015 at 6:00am
"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise"
DAY 399 April 7, 2015 “The blazing fire makes flames and brightness out of everything thrown into it.” Marcus Aurelius, Meditations
What do you think about this quote? Do you keep a blazing fire when it comes to your writing?

Oh, Yes, the fire keeps blazing when it comes to writing. Just yesterday I wrote five complex poems because the fire was blazing all day long. After I get the first sentence, the rest 'comes gently' then a few corrections and word changes, and it's ready. I am amazed most days of how the fire blazes. I don't plan for it; it just happens. Often the poem becomes something I hadn't planned at the beginning so I am surprised at the result..........I have to look around to see who wrote that! I guess I do just 'throw everything into it and the fire blazes as the poem is written.

Writing stories takes 'keeping the head IN the story' or "keeping the fire blazing by continually adding fuel, sticks, coal, oil, even gasoline, for the fuel!

Clever Prompt; well done.


"Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 871 April 7, 2015 You and your friends are blowing bubbles outside. suddenly you become trapped inside a bubble and you float away. Where will you travel in these huge floating bubbles and why. What will your family think when you tell them why you were late for dinner.

After reading Mina's blog today, I realized I couldn't 'top' hers; hers is a fantastic idea as she brought in the right scientist for help..........
April 5, 2015 at 11:34pm
April 5, 2015 at 11:34pm
DAY 870: Monday, April 6, 2015 Please wait until after midnight wdc time to post. There is a crack in everything—that’s how the light gets in. – Leonard Cohen Prompt: Do you agree or disagree? Do you have a crack in your life that lets light in?

I disagree; No way is there a 'crack' in me that I will admit to. I've never heard of such a message that "there is a crack I everything" unless the one who said it was a research scientist who knows that all created things are made up of molecules that are constantly moving; in that case, yes, there's a billion billion 'cracks' in everything.


"Blog City ~ Every Blogger's Paradise" DAY 398 -- April 6, 2015
Prompt: Over-thinking means obsessing about WORRYING or over-analyzing regular experiences and interactions, and reading into them things that aren’t actually there. Are you an over-thinker? How do you think one can overcome over-thinking?

Well, let's see, hmmmm, back in the days before I went to counseling and received anti-depressant medication for the troubles and strife from childhood and divorce after physical abuse, Yes, I was an 'overthinker', a real worrier, feared getting hurt again, wondered about everything bad that might happen and overthinking, over-analyzing, over-'forgivinig', and staying depressed and being fearful of being hurt again. Oh Yes, I used to overthink everything that did or could or might happen.

No Longer. Over-thinkers actually draw those negatives they worry about right into their lives by their 'worrying' 'fearing' 'judging themselves and others' and don't understand it is their own unhealthy, negatives, power of fear that causes overthinking, that enhances every thing they worry 'over-think about.

To overcome 'over-thinking' it is important to SEE and ACKNOWLEDGE their personal, emotional power causing the negatives things they 'over-think' worry about. THEN they must change themselves to LET GO of BELIEVING THEY HAVE CONTROL and acknowledge they have no personal control.

Yes, I believe it requires joining an Anonymous group: Alcoholics Anonymous, Co-Dependency or Adult Child of ______ Group. Far better is to get themselves to a Psychologist or Professional Counselor who can walk them through the mire of 'over thinking' everything they cannot control. Those who deny the role of these two professionals will never quit their 'worry' over-thinking'. Even ministerial pastors do NOT have the knowledge or skills to help. I know this because my ex and I tried 'pastoral counseling' and all that did was make my 'ex' so angry that as soon as he was home, physical fighting started and I ended up being pinned to the floor and being strangled to near death; the third time he did that, I left, divorced, became a single mom, and he is still a big loser.

Quit worry, over-thinking, everything, it just makes all things worse and more negative and less possible for joy and enjoyment and fulfillment of wishes and dreams.

April 4, 2015 at 1:47am
April 4, 2015 at 1:47am

"Blogging Circle of Friends " Day 868 April 4, 2015
Prompt: What is your favorite thing about you? What makes you worth knowing?

Dare I risk being called 'egotistical' by answering these questions, which are wonderful blogging items. Thanks for great blog items.

When I am in a situation where I meet new people, I first learn something about the other person. Based on what they say, I continue the conversation about something I think is interesting. Let's say the person speaks with an accent perhaps in the U.S., they have a "southern accent' because of the way their speech pattern 'drags' out the 'a' sound. I'll smile, showing friendliness, then ask what state they've lived in and, of course, it will be Alabama which is "real slow southern talk' or a mild accent will be Oklahoma or Texas or Arkansas, you know, like Bill and Hillary*Smile* then I'll tell them I'm from Oklahoma. The next thing you know, the other person is telling me about 'home' and I share about something from my days in Oklahoma. We keep sharing and are soon laughing about something and by the time either of us needs to leave the situation, the other person feels like they've always known me. My life experiences like this has given me the privilege of knowing many people instantly and we part as friends with smiles and "it's been wonderful talking with you."

I am worth knowing because I first focus on the other person and I am genuinely interested in other people. They sense this from the beginning of our relationship. My relationships last for years if there is opportunity. My "best friends" have been my best friends for decades and we stay in touch until death happens. One, Rosemary Levi, of Boise, Idaho, and I met back in 1978 when I was a volunteer manager for an institution where she and her friends were among the volunteers; she died in 1990 and I still miss our visits. Another friend I met in 1980 who worked for a newspaper, Pat Tris Wynn Newspaper Religion Editor. We traveled together to many places during our years in the same town, Boise, Idaho, and after I moved to Portland. We still visit on the phone and in person often. Another, Mary Brown, I met at church in 1962; her family and mine moved to Idaho where she lived until her death in 2014. Another in Davis, California, in 1976 until Bonnie moved to PA and she died last year. My sweet Molly and I met, fell in love, and have been wives to each other since 1999; she is the only one of my friends who was/is also a gay woman. We'll be together 'until death' parts us. All of my friends have shared cherished hearts with me and remain dear to my heart. My friends know me as a faithful and good friend who will do anything I possible can for them and for our friendship to last until death saddens one of us.

In loving memory of my friends,

March 27, 2015 at 3:12am
March 27, 2015 at 3:12am
Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 859 March 27, 2015

Prompt: Are bloggers journalists? Why or why not? If they are journalists, should they be held to journalistic standards? Why or why not?

Bloggers are not journalists, they are writers, writing whatever is on their mind at a given moment; no intent to report news or do deep research, or even be truthful for they are just dealing with their on ideas whether they blog in poetic form, essay, short story, fiction, nonfictions, articles, biographical, whatever thought they desire. On the other hand, journalists always report in what is true and newsworthy to their audience as information they have found or know about. Writers write poetic form, essay, short story, fiction, nonfiction, ............oh I'm repeating what I said for bloggers. Bloggers are writers; not all writers are bloggers; blogging should not have some list of rules or standards.........dang it, let's just allow for bloggers to be original, unique, without proper forms and topics. Let 'em just blog what's in their mind at the moment; they are 'free thinkers'.

Am I understood?*Laugh*
March 26, 2015 at 1:17am
March 26, 2015 at 1:17am

March 26, 2015 Prompt: Van Gogh said, "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?

Well, let's see, to make a delicious yellow cake with white fluffy frosting all covered with coconut: I would take certain small amounts of flour, sugar, butter, vanilla, baking powder, eggs and mix them together and bake to have a yellow cake. Then I would take small amounts of sugar, vanilla, and other ingredients, mix over double boiler until in stiff white fluffy frosting, and cover the cake; then I would take a small amount of shredded coconut and drop it on the top and sides.

So, to have something great and wonderful as coconut frosted cake, I have taken "a series of small things and brought them together". YES, I agree with the statement that "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together," as said by the Poet Van Gogh who took small amounts of colored paints, put them together in a creative way and made perfect famous paintings.

The same goes for a great book, story, poem, world war, flight in space,....Name it, and it becomes what is great about it by "taking a series... you know."

March 25, 2015 at 2:11am
March 25, 2015 at 2:11am
I chose Congress Woman Barbara Jordan because her speech in 1976 still rings in my ears; truly the most powerful speech spoken in the Twentieth Century. Soon a TV movie will be out as her Biography and America's most excellent black Actress of today as Jordan.

Barbara C. Jordan, Congressional Leader

The year nineteen-seventy-six, she stood tall
Speaking to the world, a powerful call
Giving the keynote speech heard in all lands
Through the magic of television, taking stands
Against Racism merely by standing there
Before the whole world beyond the convention
As Congressional leader, a woman chosen
Representative of her people, her fights
With courage for all people’s human rights,
Reminding her Party, the nation, the world,
It was time for America’s flag to be unfurled
To protect, defend, respect of every human heart;
Neither race, color, birthplace should tear apart
Any individual or group from the family of humanity.

No woman or man had ever stood taller, with liberty
As heart’s desire for all persons, those of her race
And politics, black and Democrat, loved the pace
Of her walk and followed her seeking Civil Rights,
That her nation take every stance, keep their sights
And commitment, involvement to keep America free.

Barbara Charline Jordan, first African-American to be
Elected in Texas, then the U.S. House in Washington,
To whom the Presidential Medal of Freedom, was given
And was heard around the world one evening in ‘76
Challenging Americans and all the world to decide to fix
The problems and restore rights to people everywhere,
Including women at work, injured employees, get the care
They and all populations within the nations’ borders receive
Deserved help and attention that had already been conceived,
From every level of government without prejudice and rules,
But with compassion and application of all government tools.

Barbara C. Jordan, still remembered for her voice, deep and strong,
As the first woman and first black American to speak to the throng
At a major political party’s national convention in freedom’s land,
When the Democratic Party listened to every word, glad to stand
In the nation’s living rooms, with our families, woman and man,
Praising one of America’s greatest citizens, Barbara C. Jordan.

Barbara Charline Jordan, February 21, 1936 – January 17, 1996

March 23, 2015 at 11:56pm
March 23, 2015 at 11:56pm

Blogging Circle of Friends " DAY 857 March 24, 2015
Prompt: Why do you think history unfolded differently on the different continents?
Just for clarification, I am not asking about racial differences.

What has changed the cultures differently on continents?

This is profound. Of course, the First People on all the continents developed their culture over thousands of years. That cultural development dramatically changed when "the age of exploration" came and white men from Europe invaded lands they had never seen before. As white men, they looked at the different cultures, saw beautiful land created and tended by the First People; then, in with their desire for riches, they took their abased attitudes toward people with differences, began to steal from them, brought other white people to the shores, slaughtered First People to have their lands, then sometimes enslaved them to steal their lands on which white people built homes, farmed, and prospered; all the while moving the First People place to place, in America calling them 'reservations' then even stole back those lands. Sometimes the white men, as in America, slaughtered over enough years to kill off nearly a million of those First People rather than adapting the two cultures. In Australia and other lands, white man allowed the First People to keep their lives but pushed them off the good lands and allowed them few civil rights. As white men and religions developed south and east from Europe, again they murdered to acquire lands they wanted for themselves; those fights continue today even though inter-breeding has changed the complexion of their faces. Look at what has happened in Africa as white men have offered financial bounties for all animals which the First People cared for and killed only for food and shelter instead of trophies which white men desire most. Every place in the world where white explorers went, they put the First People and their rights to survive, at the bottom of their list of what to VALUE. White man's thirst for land and riches invasion of all First People of nations around the world, STILL make lives harsher for remnants of the First People. Sure, the First People who still lived, gradually adopted 'modern ways' from Europe and America and China and the Middle East into their lives, thus every culture which mixed with First People and the variety of explorers' nations, became widely different cultures.

Religions which have survived all the intermixing of cultures has been the second most powerful influence on cultures; second to land and righes. In modern times, the differences are fewer as more people of the world seek to be like England and America while Religion has become the primary leader in who changes how much to be more like England and America, even in the United Nations, a group for which all states may join and participate regardless of culture or religion.

Greed lead the way to change the cultures of all the lands First People; that's a historical tragedy.


** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** in the beautiful language of the Cherokee. ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only ** for showing yourself,not being afraid to do it:You are inspirational.A.J. Lyle:Ann:honoring "OUT IN LOVE". You're helping to open minds against gay's relationships,and supporting those struggling with their sexuality everyday."Joy
March 21, 2015 at 3:19am
March 21, 2015 at 3:19am
what things in life are worth waiting for?

I guess most people thing romantic love is worth waiting for above all other things; some wait all their life, some rush in and get heartbroken, some seek the wrong kind of person, some find true love romantically.

At some point in every life, good health is worth waiting for above all other things; generally the young ones 50 and under, don't worry too much; just take good health for granted; others know from birth it is at the top of their list; after fifty, health tends to be the single precious goal; the gift worth waiting, hoping for.

For me personally at my age and life experiences, the most valuable thing I find important and worth waiting, hoping, for is good brain health for another twenty-five years up to the moment my eyes close for that last time. Good brain health is NOW the most important aspect of my future; if that be so, my health will be good and love will continue to be an important and valued part of my life.

Of course, The Pulitizer Prize in Literature is up there some place and it is worth waiting for*Smile*

March 20, 2015 at 3:10am
March 20, 2015 at 3:10am
Funny Friday! There is something in the air that is making everyone in the vicinity laugh uncontrollably. Write an anecdote, a story or a poem about it.

Every Friday, they say to be funny;
I can't do that and I can't make money.
"To do either would send me to jail
and nobody would ever pay my bail
so I'll write this poem to be silly;
If you don't laugh, you must be like Billy,
a kid I knew long ago in school
who always broke the teacher's rule;
He would giggle in class and fart
all on purpose, the kid had no heart.
Yes, everyone laughed at what he did,
and at recess he ran and hid.
March 20, 2015 at 12:32am
March 20, 2015 at 12:32am
of "Blogging Circle of Friends "
DAY 853 March 20, 2015 Prompt: Would you ever want to be on the front lines, reporting from a conflict? Why or why not?
Remember to wait until after Neva posts stop for today on the forum.

As you've noticed I changed the name on my Blog. I am angry that the item I wrote about the ugliness of the word 'redmen' and the 'rape of a 6 and 3 year old over years" AND wdc changed my blogs to 18+ so I have eliminated those two items and most all others; slow process deleting one at a time as I've kept the entries that have poems. I believe teenagers need to know about ugly things that can happen to them as the rapes or derogatory words like 'redmen' and 'indian' which are applied erroneously to a beautiful culture of America's First People. Teenagers of today have far more knowledge than I could ever have in the 1940's and 50's and they need to know how to report and protect themselves from rape by old ugly men or their fellow students, but I couldn't keep rating 13+ for my blogs. Now, I'll put my Blogging up to 1250 of them into a book at createspace.com then buy the books, autograph them and set them aside for my grand children and great grandchildren to receive after I die within thirty years..............only then will they read what their writer/poet GranMoM's life and thoughts were.

As for being on the frontlines reporting from a conflict...........YES, I would love to have had that privilege of presenting stories of our world to people as I like other reporters, would want to speak the truth, not hushed like the truth tellers were managed during the Viet Nam war. Because the government Lyndon Johnson would not let the truth be told, our warriors, ordinary men suffering through that winless war, were almost banished from their own country when they came back from that war. They gave lives and heart and still have not been honored just because they came back alive. All that was unforgiveable and their pain cannot be healed; they survived and deserved a welcome home; but the truth was never told to the general public; just bloody pictures told the story, not the words needed to show how brave our young men were over there.


March 18, 2015 at 3:24pm
March 18, 2015 at 3:24pm
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Prompt: This is Supreme Sacrifice Day http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/March/supremesacrificeday.htm. The origin of this day, as well as the person who created it is conceal beneath the fog of history. You have a choice of prompts (1) Write a myth about the origin and/or creator of this day. or (2) Write about someone who made the supreme sacrifice.

The "supreme sacrifice" is always about someone who died from Christ on the cross to the soldier in the field of battle or the person who died and gave her eyes, heart and other organs to help other people. My sister, Linda, was the latter. She and I had often talked of doing that, but we never expected to die any day soon. But she did in one quick moment. She was excitedly talking on the phone to tell her brother some good news; then "Larry, I have to hang up; my head hurts so bad" then she fell from her chair so quickly her son who was sitting there too, could not get to her before she was dead. He called for Emergency help. The Emergency Medical Technician who ran to his truck, recognized the address as his parents' home. My nephew believed it was his father, then was shocked to find a brain anyeourism at the upper right of her head had suddenly taken his mother's life. For Jeff, it was unbelievable for she had not been ill; his father was the ill one. I still can't believe Linda's gone. The fourth of our family of seven.

December 15, 2014 at 12:41am
December 15, 2014 at 12:41am
Day 758: Monday, December 15, 2014
Prompt: There are two types of December moods. The first type is the Joy To World mood and the second type is the Bah Hum Bug mood. Write a story, poem, or opinion piece about one or both of those moods. Use whatever point of view you feel most comfortable using. Have fun and be creative.

December comes with glory and joy
Celebrating the birth of a baby Boy
Sent by God with peace to all men
Except those who have mean kin.

When Christmas comes to folks like me,
It's a sad time I wish would never be,
For my memories of days as a child,
Are worse than other months, not mild.

Bad things happened due to alcohol
Making Dad angry. He was really tall,
And drank so much, he created Hell
For us in his family, bad stories to tell.

Now when the season comes in December,
All the bad times, I still remember
With depression fusing my brain so bad,
All thirty days drag by and I'm sad.

Every year, it gets harder to survive
December's short days while I'm alive;
Children deserve joy and fun at Christmastime,
Having fond memories, no depression, no crime.
November 17, 2014 at 12:09am
November 17, 2014 at 12:09am
Day 730: Monday, November 17, 2014
Prompt: What does getting old mean to you? Write a story, write a poem, write a rant; whichever you want..

Some people grow old while very young,
They fall into despair and fear at twenty-one.
Others wait decades to think they're old,
And live each day with courage so bold.

Being "old" is in the mind's set
Thinking a person's too old to pet
like any old dog under a tree,
"sorry for self, as old as can be."

I'm not old though near seventy-seven,
Yes, I'm on my way to God's great Heaven;
Never will think my life's end is near,
I might just go out an have a beer.

Maybe when I'm a hundred or more,
I'll feel like I've hit life's ending score,
But until then I'll keep staying young
Climbing life's ladder, enjoying every rung.

November 15, 2014 at 6:06pm
November 15, 2014 at 6:06pm
Fading Twilight

The finality of the light of day eases beyond the horizon;
The setting sun’s farewell.
From the dawn of creation, the fiery globe sleeps and twilight creeps
Dimly across the land.
Fading light follows sunlight’s beams of bright gold turning brown, then gone
Leaving twilight around.
Moments before darkness spreads its blanket over the sleeping land of earth,
The shrouded glow dies.

Twilight goes away.
Will return another day.

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