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by Chanon
Rated: ASR · Book · Spiritual · #1645015
The Light Worker’s Manual – An Unpublished manuscript

I had the privilege of being best friends with a psychic channel for a period of twelve years when I was much younger. The entity who spoke through her was named Alexander. Alexander and I were friends from another lifetime. When he spoke directly to me through my friend he told me many things and asked me to write everything down. At the end of twelve years my friend moved to another city and we lost touch. I began seriously to write down and arrange everything Alexander had said. The result was this manuscript.

Much of what I have written has already come to pass, and as humanity continues to evolve into the fifth dimension, I find the words spoken by Alexander are indeed the truth.

Perhaps one day this manuscript will be published and will become a Light worker’s Manual.

Live Love, because Love is all there is.

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November 19, 2010 at 12:05am
November 19, 2010 at 12:05am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

As we now know, the evolution of creation is a slow and harmonious flow of events leading to a conclusion. The times recorded in our book of history, we call the bible; tend to give the impression that the world was created in one week according to our current calendar. Each day referred to in the recorded story of creation was in fact approximately one thousand five hundred years according to our present day calendar.

The recording of time has changed to meet humanity’s requirements over the centuries since creation was recorded by the written word, therefore, times used in one record is quite different than times used in another written record. This causes some confusion in the mind of the reader today. Any recording of time, which used the cycles of nature and the heavenly bodies, is a more accurate timetable of recorded events.

We are all anxious to see the future promises fulfilled and want to experience the wonders of peace, end of corporate greed and corrupt political leaders who are in positions of power for the sake of wealth only. I have been both rich and poor. When I was rich, I had just as many problems as I do now when I am not rich. The problems were different but nonetheless, just as encompassing.

Change is happening. Knowledge is exponentially spreading with the use of technology. Each generation brings with it more profound wisdom and experience.

More changes from the same link – messages from the Blue Ray Goddess.

• Feeling cut off from God and your guides. The way in which you received divine guidance and inner knowing has shifted. You are actually at a master level. Know you are in a readjustment period where your connection will become even stronger.

• Faster manifestations with periods of breaks that seem to keep you in a holding pattern then mysteriously the energy shifts.

• Strange body shifts and occurrences as you receive new insight and higher vision; this may occur with head pressure. Feeling your head is in an energetic vise and then suddenly its release will alert you that your implants of the veil are being removed.

• Waking up tired. Your higher self and guides are working on you being extra kind to yourself that day.

Personally, I feel pressure in my head and ears and then it releases with a pop. I thought this was due to my deafness but perhaps not.

November 15, 2010 at 12:03am
November 15, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Fears are the bases of most of the anxieties that we experience and most of our illnesses. Our fears show up when we use comparisons to judge ourselves. When we compare ourselves to others and we determine that we do not measure up to the standards others have set, we let fear determine the outcome. When too many fears are allowed to restrict our personality that is when illness and physical restrictions begin to compromise our bodies.

I know I have used a similar paragraph before but not this one. This is how it works for me. On the day before I blog, I ask for a word. During the day, a word randomly pops into my head. I open my manuscript file and use the ‘find’ thingie and that’s the paragraph I use.

I am experiencing some fears that are quite apart from my own life but affect me nonetheless. My sister lives in Niagara Falls, Ontario. I went to visit her in August. She sat with us, seven members of our family, and occasionally repeated the same question. The question was never related to our conversation. She suffers from a form of dementia and like others with that condition, the onset is usually slow but increases with time. She was quite advanced in August.

She came in spirit to visit me twice this last week. She stood behind my chair as I sat at my computer and watched and criticized what I was doing. That’s my sister.

Our spirit often travels when we are nearing our passing to the other side and I take her visits as a sign. I fear not for myself but for her children who have a lifetime fear of Hell.

Here are few more changes that are happening to our planet and humanity.

Again, these are not my thoughts and I have to give credit to the author’s website. http://www.shekinaspeaks.com/List_of_Changes.html

• You will not feel comfortable in the old energies, bodies and situations; you will no longer be able to tolerate lower vibrating energies. The universe in many instances will take care of this for you. If you force your will, your body and health will suffer.

• Your body and being now run on a higher frequency resonance so what you did in the past may no longer work now. You will find new ways to support your highly tuned sacred vehicle which will continue to shift and change.

• Dietary changes to assist the increase of light for your body and being.

• New ways and guides to assist in connecting with your spirit; these are part of your soul's lineage that will empower and expand you.

I think these things listed above will happen, or have happened automatically and unless you are very aware, you may not notice them. The last two are very evident to me but the others not so much.

November 12, 2010 at 12:03am
November 12, 2010 at 12:03am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our experience in the last one hundred years or even within our memory shows us that forward movement is proceeding increasingly quickly. Like the athlete who strives to break the record set in the past, the energy in place that set the record is there now to be broken and surpassed. Like the energy of evolution, once we as a society have reached a certain level of evolution that record is there to be mastered and passed. The more evolved we become; the more energy is available for us to achieve even higher and higher standards.

I am just passing on this information from the site I listed before at –


The List of Changes Leading Up to 2012

• Sudden awakenings, beings (people) that have not been on the path will awaken to their star lineage.

• Changes in your spiritual work, you will refine your skills and new ones of your core essence will surface and take precedent. Many healers of the blue ray will retire and be drawn to a new way.

• Change of jobs, careers and long-term relationships will end or shift dramatically, and new ones will begin.

• Feeling sick and exhausted especially during influx of energies around solar and lunar eclipses and cosmic alignments as your body will go through frequency refinement.

There are more that I will list in later blogs but I don’t want to overload the reader. It’s powerful stuff and you might feel tired just reading it.

I had a past life revealed to me this week. It was the third that I know of in England. Apparently, I worked in a royal farm barn in Northern England. I think it is the closest I have come to royalty, the King’s horse. *StarStruck* It was during the 1700’s and while I read it I could ‘see’ barn dirt on my shoes and the hem of my ankle length garment.

I was a lesbian and my lover and I had our rendezvous in the horse barn.

Naughty, naughty.*Bigsmile*

November 7, 2010 at 11:10pm
November 7, 2010 at 11:10pm

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

It is difficult for our minds at the present level of knowing to understand the magnificence of universal love. At best, we can hardly imagine the wondrous effect universal love will have on the population. The effect will be like continuous miracles happening all at once all over the world. What we think of as miracles now will be commonplace every minute of every day. Our minds cannot yet expand to realize the wonder of universal love.

Penny, an acquaintance of mine, is a defense lawyer. She told me this story.

She was working on a very difficult case and was stumped about how she should proceed. Some friends of hers, all female lawyers, invited her to a spa for the weekend. She accepted, thinking this was just what she needed to perhaps find an angle she had overlooked.

She made an appointment for a massage. She hoped to relax her body, mind and soul before going to court the following Monday. The therapist noticed that Penny was very tense and my friend told her about her court case. The woman then told Penny exactly how she should go about presenting the case and told her she would win.

Sure enough, Monday Penny did exactly what she had been told and she won the case. That evening, she called the spa manager, asked for the massage therapist by name. The manager said, “Sorry, we don't have a massage therapist by that name and never have had.”

The entire group of lawyers confirmed and agreed a therapist with that name worked that weekend and more than one received a massage from her.

Was this an illusion or miracle? Or maybe it was an angel working in a different dimension, made manifest in a human body to bring a certain message to a certain group. Maybe she was invisible to all others, including the manager. In that case, it was both an illusion and a miracle in my opinion.

November 5, 2010 at 12:39am
November 5, 2010 at 12:39am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Even the souls who have returned to enlightenment and to God, and are now spiritual beings that are not required to return to physical embodiment continue to evolve. Any spiritual being can at any time choose to enter the physical world if their work would be better executed in the physical form.

We hear of spiritual beings that are so highly evolved that they are no longer accessible to human channels; they reside in the higher dimensions. Our world teachers, one of whom was known as Jesus, continue to evolve and resides in the higher dimensions but because He is a world leader and teacher He is still accessible to humans whenever we wish to call on Him. This is His promise.

When my Indigo grandson came to live with me he brought with him a host of these highly evolved spiritual beings. One whose name is Joseph was the closest to Robert, he had/has the most wonderful sense of humour.

One day when we were driving home from a nearby town, Robert was looking out the passenger side window and started to laugh. He often assumed that I could ‘see’ what he saw. This was not the case, so he explained to me that Joseph was riding a tricycle along side us, sweat flying off his face but keeping up with us at the speed of about seventy kilometers per hour. We came to an intersection and poor ol’ Joseph smashed face-first into the stop sign and disappeared. Robert cracked up with hoots of laughter.

Another time we were again driving along a suburban street on a quiet Sunday afternoon. Robert suddenly covered his ears and scrunched his eyes shut. I thought he was sick or had developed a pain somewhere. When I asked, he said, “No, It’s the noise. “ “What noise?” I asked.

“Can’t you hear it? Every car in every driveway has their radio turned up full blast.”

I looked back and didn’t see a single car – all the driveways were empty. He turned when I told him this and magically, every car was gone and every radio quiet.

So which was the illusion, his or mine?

We’ll never know.

November 1, 2010 at 12:03am
November 1, 2010 at 12:03am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There are millions of spiritual beings that have volunteered to assist us who are in the physical body, in the process of gaining enlightenment. We call them Guardian Angels or Spiritual Guides. They are seldom visible but are always accessible through our higher self, although more and more individuals in successive generations are born with the ability to see and communicate with beings in the spiritual realm.

Eventually all children born on earth will have this ability. At that time crime protection and the legal system will no longer be required because we will all ‘see’ and ‘know’ each other’s thoughts intimately and no one would be so bold as to commit crimes against another person. Detection will be immediate; everyone they meet will shun the criminal. The punishment will be too difficult to endure and crime will be unheard of. In time, even traffic lights will be unnecessary since harmony and cooperation will be the way of life. Imagine the stress-free existence we will then enjoy.

Perhaps you have heard of Indigo/Crystal/Blue children. They are so named because of their Indigo aura. Indigo represents the third eye, intuition, sensitivity and deep feelings. The first wave of Indigo/Crystal/Blue children was born after the First World War. That was a time of great technological inventions. We had the airplane, automobile, improved ships and, unfortunately improved war machinery.

The next noticeable wave of Indigo children came in the seventies and they have continued to be born in increasing numbers ever since. I bought my first computer in 1979 and was thrilled to play ping-pong or programme the bouncing beach ball to move across the tiny screen. Then came tape players, CD’s, micro chips and now we can store hundreds of books on a machine the same size as my first computer. All these inventions come with the children born in the last thirty years.

These advanced children are not necessarily the inventors but they spread their blue energy over the world and cause technology to flourish in all fields from medicine to prison labour.

Indagos have a higher knowledge than those much older then they are. They know teachers and textbooks are wrong but in order to pass, they have to give ‘wrong’ answers in their tests so they get it ‘right’. How frustrating for them because they have been diagnosed as slow learners, mentally handicapped, Attention Deficit Disorder and have been filled with pills and medication to make them ‘normal’.

Indigos have a fierce passion to destroy that that is wrong, including governments, educational systems, corporations and everything that is holding humanity back from evolving. They have a strong sense of entitlement and kingship. Some lack remorse and are able to manipulate others without conscious. This is their role, to crush and to destroy. Some of these children are born with blue birthmarks or blue moles.

Crystal children came next. These were Indigos with streaks of crystal running through their Indigo aura. (Aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body, seen by those with the gift of sight). These children are less aggressive but still have predominantly Indigo auras.

Some were slow in learning to speak, not because they could not speak, but because they were used to telepathic communication. Again, our physicians wrongly diagnosed some as Autistic.

All crystal/blue children are cool, calm, caring, loving, love to help others, sensitive and intuitive.

And, isn’t it interesting, one of the newer inventions in sound technology is called Blue-Ray?

The Goddess of the Blue Ray is Ascended Master Mary Magdalene or Shekina, married to Jesus and Goddess of our planet Gaia or Earth. She was the first Pope of the Roman Christian church.

To learn more about Indigo/Crystal/Blue children and adults go to --


To learn more about the changes we are experiencing leading us to enlightenment and the year 2012 go to --


Scroll down to ‘Changes’ if you want to read only the changes that are happening now.

Many of the things on that list have been happening to me recently. Twice in the last month, I have woken up with sore throat and all the symptoms of a severe cold. By the end of the day, all symptoms were gone. Headaches, pressure and dizziness that last for just a few seconds and then they are gone, happen many times a day. If you have noticed these changes happening to you, you will understand you are going through a transition.

Happy travels my friends.

October 29, 2010 at 12:02am
October 29, 2010 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

There seems to be a very little knowledge today as to how the cells communicate with each other in their ongoing effort to keep the organs, cells and particles working in such smooth harmony. Without this communication our bodies would soon begin to dysfunction, in fact no organ could operate without the knowledge that all other organs and systems in the human body are operating in their own way at their own pace to keep harmony and service going. If one or more organs are not operating at their full capacity, other systems and organs, take a greater load on them to help each other out and keep the body going, as best they can under the circumstances.

Here’s an experiment to show how our cells, organs and other bits are dedicated to truth. It never fails and is an accurate measure of truth.

You will need a partner.

Ask them to stand in front of you and extend one arm to the side.

Ask them to say their name. (First name will do)

Then tell them you are going to push down on their arm as hard as you can and they are to resist the pressure and not let you move their arm down.

You cannot push their arm down, no matter how hard you try (well, don’t kill them but push hard)


This time ask them to say a name that is not their own. In other words a lie.

Repeat trying to push down their arm, this time using only two fingers – push gently, the arm will go down without any resistance.

This works with any truth or lie.

Can you explain it?

October 25, 2010 at 12:02am
October 25, 2010 at 12:02am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

Our religious organizations have also lost tack of their original purpose. Although they are leading many in the right direction, there is so much more that they could do to fulfill the dream. If competition in religion were eliminated, there would be less definition in their title. Basically there is a universal belief that there is one God, therefore there could be a coming together of all separate faiths and focus on the true meaning of their existence. God did not create religion; religion is fabricated, God created perfection in love, not division and competition.

I’ve had this bit on my notes page for a few weeks but there was never an appropriate time to use it – until today.

I’ve been busy reviewing other’s work, trying to earn my next upgrade. Usually I just review work that I like or if I am asked for an opinion. Yesterday I read some poetry that I really liked, it was religious and the author and I exchanged a few emails.

He claims that his love and compassion for humanity is equal to the love God has for humanity. I said it was impossible because we don’t even understand pure love. He said he was saddened by my beliefs.

In return, I said his sadness proves that he does not understand pure love or compassion. If he is saddened by what I believe it indicates to me that he believes his ways are better, stronger, higher than mine. To me, that is division, competition and a superior attitude, not love or compassion.

He simply did not understand what I was talking about so in return he said he had prayed for me and if God directs him, he will continue to pray for me.

Well, I can use all the prayers I can get so I thanked him.

We, in the Christian world are brainwashed from the time of our birth/christening/baptism and this continues for all our time on earth. Yet, to mention brainwashing to someone who follows organized religion is tantamount to blasphemy.

I am neither right nor am I wrong. He is neither right nor is he wrong but when we introduce competition into the mix then one of us has to be right and the other wrong. I just cannot accept pure love is about competition and division. The Ascended Masters have made that clear.

Just a note: about three months ago I understood the one who speaks to me very clearly. He sang to me “buy Lottario and you will win”. He repeated that line about twenty times. So I did. It’s a provincial lottery that costs one dollar a week so I have bought one ticket each week since he told me. Saturday evening I won $1027.56.

My credit card company will be very happy.

October 22, 2010 at 12:04am
October 22, 2010 at 12:04am
The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

The evolution of technology has kept pace along with the evolution of humanity. We have seen the inventions of humanity and the practicability of those inventions increase dramatically over the last one hundred years. We no longer have to invent the automobile, but we can spend our time and energy improving it and inventing other means of transportation.

In the case of improvements here, we have a classic case of how greed and wealth have been placed ahead of taking care of our world. Not to say the wealth generated by fossil fuels has not helped the people of the world; it has indeed but the trade off is very detrimental to our earth.

It is to the benefit of the oil producing companies to delay the production of automobiles that will perform better and cheaper with the use of fuels that do not harm the earth and its atmosphere. It will not be easy to change the thinking of large corporations but with the forward movement of evolution, this too will change.

At the time of Atlantis and Lemuria, personal transportation was by a pack carried on the back and controlled by thought waves. This is the same energy used in the flight of space ships now. A simple thought can change the direction and speed required to move space ships wherever they want to go. No control panel required.

This will again be our mode of transportation in the future when oil corporations will be eliminated.

I may have told this story before but no harm in repeating it.

When my grandson came to live with me, he brought with him his unique energy and sight – such as I had never witnessed before.

It was raining one day and we were passing a hospital in the city. The rain suddenly stopped for a brief minute or so and then started again. He looked up and said we had just passed under a hospital space ship. It was parked directly over our physical hospital and was so large it extended over the four-lane street we were driving on. It took us about a minute to pass under the ship – that’s how wide and large it was. It was roughly a quarter mile wide and equally as long.

This reinforces our knowledge that we are never alone. It also shows us that things that are not seen by ordinary eyes have substance (as in holding off the rain while we were under it).

October 18, 2010 at 12:01am
October 18, 2010 at 12:01am

The words of the Ascended Masters are highlighted in blue

We are again on the edge of the same technology and genetic engineering as was used in ancient civilizations. Our scientists should be very aware of the dangers of cell manipulation to avoid the mistakes that brought about the downfall of previous civilizations. We must insist that our researchers have only the highest of intentions and ethics in mind when subjecting our civilization to cloning and genetic changes. The soul can never be cloned and a human being cannot live fully without a soul. Only God can create the spark of life that we call the soul. Only life with a soul has eternal existence, this is the distinguishing factor when cloning is introduced.

So poor ol’ Pegasus, Centaur and Unicorns didn’t have a soul, they could not reproduce and they were ultimately reduced to myths.

The Ascended Masters here say we are again on the edge of this technology. I received these words about eight years ago and we know what happened when we (humankind) introduced bioengineered food to cows – we got Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and thousands upon thousands of cows had to be killed.

Huge corporations like Monsanto who specialize in bioengineering are large enough to overcome these setbacks and greed compels them to go on with more cell manipulation between plant and other species. Elsewhere we are told these large corporations can and will be brought down.

This gives us an understanding why evolution is slowed – greed and the unhealthy attachment to money might once again take us to the brink of destruction.

I‘ll continue with this chapter next time.

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